2022-04-07 18:11:10 CEST

2022-04-07 18:11:10 CEST


English Lithuanian
AUGA group - General meeting of shareholders

Notice on Convocation of the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AUGA group, AB on 29 April 2022

Notice on Convocation of the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AUGA group, AB on 29 April 2022

At the initiative and by the decision of the Board of AUGA group, AB (code 126264360, address Konstitucijos ave. 21C, Vilnius, Company) the ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company is being convened on 29 April 2022, at 10.00 a.m.

The meeting will be held in the conference room at the business center Quadrum North, address Konstitucijos ave. 21C, Vilnius, but with the continued COVID-19 pandemic the Company gives recommendations to the shareholders to vote by filling in the general ballot paper and providing it in advance to the Company.

The registration of the shareholders begins at 9:30 a.m.

The record date of the meeting shall be 22 April 2022.

Agenda of the Meeting:

  1. Consolidated annual report of the Company for the year 2021 and Auditor’s report
  2. Approval of consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the year 2021
  3. Approval of the profit (loss) allocation of the Company for the year 2021
  4. Appointment of the auditor to audit consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year 2022 and approval of auditor’s remuneration
  5. Increase of the authorized capital of the Company under the Employee Share Option Programme
  6. Approval of the new wording of the Articles of Association of the Company
  7. Approval of the new wording of the remuneration for elected members of the Board
  8. Provision of the implementation of the Strategy of the Company

Drafts of decisions on questions 1-4 and 8 together with related documentation and further information shall be published separately by supplementing this notice.

Draft decisions of the ordinary shareholders meeting of the Company regarding questions 5-7 of the Agenda of the Meeting are the following:

5. Increase of the authorized capital of the Company under the Employee Share Option Programme

5.1 In accordance with provisions of the Company’s Share Allocation Rules to increase the authorized share capital of the Company from EUR 65,950,713.08 to EUR 66,660,290.88, by issuing 2,446,820 ordinary registered shares with the nominal value of EUR 0.29 to granting shares of the Company  free of charge to the employees and/or subsidiaries corporate body members in accordance with the procedure established in Article 471 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania (the New Shares). Following the issuance of the New Shares, the authorized share capital of the Company will be divided into 229,863,072 ordinary registered shares.

5.2 Establish that the total issue price of all New Shares equals to their nominal value – EUR 709,577.80. The New Shares are granted free of charge, and they are paid by the Company from the reserve for granting of shares.

5.3 Establish that right to subscribe and acquire the New Shares free of charge shall be granted to the employees and/or subsidiaries corporate body members who have concluded the Share Option Agreement of the Company in 2019 and accordingly in 2022 have submitted notice to the Company regarding the use of the option.

5.4 Considering that the Company grants shares of the Company to employees and/or subsidiaries corporate body members in accordance with the procedure established in Article 471 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, to revoke the pre-emption right of all shareholders of the Company to acquire the New Shares.

5.5 Establish that the option holders shall have a right to subscribe to a number of the New Shares provided in the shares option agreements by concluding a share subscription agreement with the Company within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the resolution being adopted by the Meeting.

5.6 If during the period for the subscription of the New Shares not all the New Shares are subscribed, the authorized share capital of the Company may be increased by the amount of the nominal values of the New Shares that have been subscribed by the separate decision of the Board of the Company.

6. Approval of new wording of the Articles of Association of the Company

To amend Articles of Association of the Company by:

  1. To amend and approve Item 3.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company and to set it out in the following (new) wording: ”3.1. The authorised capital of the Company shall be EUR 66,660,290.88 65,950,713.08 (sixty-six million six hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and ninety euros and 88 cents)”.
  2. To amend and approve Item 3.2 of the Articles of Association of the Company and to set it out in the following (new) wording: “3.2 The authorised capital shall be divided into 229,863,072 (two hundred and twenty-nine million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand and seventy-two)) ordinary registered shares. The par value of each share shall be EUR 0.29 (twenty-nine euro cents).”
  3. To amend and approve Item 7.18 of the Articles of Association of the Company and to set it out in the following (new) wording: “7.18 The Board shall be liable for the timely convention and organisation of general meetings of shareholders. In case of unpredictable circumstances, the Board has the right to change the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders initiated and convened by the Board or cancel the General Meeting of Shareholders initiated and convened by the Board”.

To Authorize the general manager or another person authorised by him to sign the amended Articles of Association and to perform all actions necessary for the implementation of this resolution.

To establish that if during the period for the subscription of the New Shares not all the New Shares are subscribed, Items 3.1 and 3.2 of the Company's Articles of Association may be amended by the amount of the nominal values of the New Shares that have been subscribed, by the separate decision of the Board of the Company. According to this decision, the Board of the Company has the right to change the amount of the authorized capital and the number of shares of the Company in the Articles of Association and to submit the amended Articles of Association to the Register of Legal Entities.

7. Approval of the new wording of the remuneration for elected members of the Board

To approve the following remuneration procedure for the members of the Board of the Company for the remaining term of office:

  1. to set a monthly remuneration of EUR 1,900 (before taxes) for a member of the Board and EUR 2,500 (before taxes) for the Chairman of the Board, irrespective of the annual number of the Board meetings.
  2. For board members living abroad – compensation of travel and accommodation costs for/during attendance of the board meeting – not exceeding EUR 500 + VAT (Lithuanian tariff) in respect to one board meeting in which he/she participated; if the board member participates in a meeting via communication/IT measures (not physically traveling to Lithuania), travel costs compensation shall not be paid for such participation.

Shareholders of the Company shall have a right to participate and vote at the general meeting of shareholders personally or by power of attorney or represented by the person with whom an agreement on the transfer of voting rights is concluded.

The total number of the Company’s shares of EUR 0.29 par value each and the number of shares granting voting rights during the general meeting of shareholders is the same and amounts to 227,416,252.

ISIN code of the Company’s shares is LT0000127466.

A person attending the general meeting of shareholders and having a voting right must provide a person’s identification document. A person who is not a shareholder must additionally provide a document confirming his/her right to vote at the general meeting of shareholders.

Each shareholder shall have a right in the manner established by the laws to authorise other (natural or legal) person to attend and vote at the general meeting of shareholders on his/her behalf. At the general meeting of shareholders an authorised person shall have the same rights as would be held by the shareholder represented by him/her, unless the authorized person’s rights are limited by the power of attorney or by laws. The authorized person must provide a power of attorney certified in the manner established by laws. A power of attorney issued in a foreign state must be translated into Lithuanian and legalised in the manner established by laws.

The Company does not establish special form of power of attorney.

Shareholder shall have the right to authorize through electronic communication channels another person (natural or legal) to participate and vote in the meeting on shareholder’s behalf. Such authorization shall not be approved by the notary public. The power of attorney issued through electronic communication channels must be confirmed by the shareholder with a safe electronic signature developed by safe signature equipment and approved by a qualified certificate effective in the Republic of Lithuania. The shareholder shall inform the Company on the power of attorney issued through electronic communication channels by e-mail info@auga.lt no later than until the last business day before the meeting at 24:00. The power of attorney and notification shall be issued in writing. The power of attorney and notification to the Company shall be signed with the electronic signature but not the letter sent via e-mail. By submitting the notification to the Company, the shareholder shall include the internet address from which it would be possible to download free of charge software to verify an electronic signature of the shareholder.

A shareholder or a person authorised by him/her shall have a right to vote in writing in advance by filling in the general ballot paper. Form of the general ballot paper to vote in this meeting shall be provided together with publishing the last update to the notice not later than by 10 days prior to the general meeting date. Upon a shareholder’s request, the Company, not later than 10 days before the general meeting, shall send the general ballot paper by registered mail free of charge. The general ballot paper shall also be provided on the Company’s website at www.auga.lt not later than by 10 days prior to the general meeting date The filled-in general ballot paper and the document confirming the voting right (if any) must be submitted to the Company sending by registered mail or providing them against signature at the address of the registered office of the Company indicated in the notice and received by the Company not later than on the last business day until the meeting.

The Company is not providing the possibility to attend and vote at the general meeting of shareholders through electronic means of communication.

The shareholders holding shares that grant at least 1/20 of all votes shall have the right of proposing to supplement the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders. Draft decisions on the proposed issues shall be submitted together with the proposal or, if the decisions do not need to be approved, explanations on each proposed issue of the general meeting of shareholders shall be presented. Proposal to supplement the agenda must be presented to the Company sending them by registered mail or providing it against signature at the address of the registered office of the Company indicated in the notice. The agenda will be supplemented, if the proposal is received not later than 14 days before the general meeting of shareholders.

Each shareholder holding shares that grant at least 1/20 of all votes at any time before the general meeting of shareholders or during the meeting shall have the right of proposing draft resolutions on the issues already included or to be included in the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders. The proposed draft decisions must be presented in writing sending them by registered mail or providing them against signature at the address of the registered office of the Company indicated in the notice.

The shareholders shall have the right to present questions related to the agenda issues of the general meeting of shareholders to the Company in advance in writing, by providing the shareholder’s personal identification number and consent to process personal data – personal identification number in the letter which should be sent to the Company by registered mail or delivered against signature. The Company undertakes to respond if the questions are received not later than 3 business days before the general meeting of shareholders. Responses of a general character shall be posted on the Company’s website www.auga.lt. The Company will not respond personally to the shareholder, if the respective information is posted on the Company’s website.

The shareholders could get familiarised with the documents possessed by the Company related to the agenda of the meeting, including notification on convocation of the meeting, information about the total number of the Company’s shares and the number of shares granting voting rights during the general meeting of shareholders, draft resolutions, and other documents to be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders as well as to get information regarding execution of the shareholders’ rights at AUGA group, AB, at the address Konstitucijos ave. 21C, Vilnius, or on the Company’s website at www.auga.lt.


  1. New wording of the Articles of Association of the Company

Kęstutis Juščius
+370 5 233 5340
