2008-03-06 18:22:10 CET

2008-03-06 18:23:10 CET


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English Islandic
Icelandair Group hf. - Decisions of general meeting

- Nominations to the Board of Directors

The following individuals are the candidates for the Board of Directors of
Icelandair Group hf. in the elections taking place in the Company's Annual
General Meeting on March 11 2008. 

Board Members:

Ásgeir Baldurs, kt.171172-5439, Lómasölum 13, Kópavogi
Einar Sveinsson, kt. 030448-2789, Bakkaflöt 10, Garðabæ.
Finnur Reyr Stefánsson, kt: 141069-3659, Brekkuási 11,  Garðabæ
Gunnlaugur M. Sigmundsson, kt. 300648-3719, Þverárseli 20, Reykjavík.
Ómar Benediktsson, kt. 221059-4689, Ægisíðu 58, Reykjavík.

Alternate Board Members:

Martha Eiríksdóttir, kt. 251257-5159, Vesturbrún 33, Reykjavík.
Jón Benediktsson, kt. 161064-3359, Hæðarbyggð 23, Garðabæ
Sigurður Atli Jónsson, kt.040268-5299, Ystaseli 19, Reykjavík

Further information on the candidates for the Board of Directors will be
available at Icelandair Group's headquarters at Reykjavíkurflugvöllur.
According to the Articles of Association of the Company, five board members
shall be elected and three alternate board members. Accordingly it is evident
that the aforementioned board members and alternate members will be chosen to
the Board.