2012-07-16 15:15:00 CEST

2012-07-16 15:15:03 CEST


Lithuanian English
DNB Bankas AB - Notification on material event

Regarding Statement of Objections by the Competition Council

 AB DNB Bankas,  company code 112029270, VAT payer's code LT120292716,
registered office at J. Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, the data is collected
and stored at the Register of Legal Entities.  hereby notifies that on 16 July
2012 the Bank received a Statement of Objections by the Competition Council of
the Republic of Lithuania regarding the investigation performed of the actions
of AB DNB Bankas and other legal entities in compliance with the requirements
of the Law on Competition of the Republic of Lithuania and Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union. 

To the oppinion of the evaluators,  the actions of AB DNB Bankas could have
limited competition in the cash collection and handling market. The Statement
of Objections does not mean it has been estblished that AB DNB Bankas and/or
other legal entities have comitted the infringement. 

The Competition Council shall take the final decision after completing all
procedures related  to the investigation. AB DNB Bankas stands by oppinion it
has not violated legal acts on competition and shall provide to the Competition
Council its arguments to ground the position according to the established

The Laws of the Republic of Lithuania provide that in case the Competition
Council acknowledges the evidence of the infringement to be sufficient, it may
request to cease the infringement and impose the fine on a legal entity that
equals up to 10 percent of the total annual revenue of the last financial year. 

Ramūnas Abazorius,
Executive vice president and member of the Management Board of AB DNB bankas

         AB DNB Bankas' press officer Andrius Vilkancas is authorised by the
Issuer to provide additional information on the material event, tel. +370 5 
239 3413