2015-11-04 08:00:00 CET

2015-11-04 08:00:05 CET


Finnish English
Ramirent - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Ramirent's Interim Report January-September 2015: Sales up in mixed market conditions, continued pressure on margins

Ramirent Plc  Interim Report  4 November 2015 at 9:00 a.m.

Vantaa, Finland, 2015-11-04 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Note! Figures in brackets, unless otherwise indicated, refer to the
corresponding period a year earlier. 

• Net sales EUR 165.1 (163.6) million, up by 1.0% or 3.7% at comparable
exchange rates 
• EBITDA EUR 49.7 (53.9) million or 30.1% (33.0%) of net sales
• EBITA EUR 24.8 (28.0) million or 15.0% (17.1%) of net sales
• EBITA excl. non-recurring items EUR 25.31) (29.92)) million or 15.3%1)
(18.3%2)) of net sales 
• Cash flow after investments EUR 9.7 (13.7) million
• Result for the period EUR 14.4 (18.4) million and EPS EUR 0.13 (0.17)
1) Non-recurring items included a 0.5 MEUR restructuring provision booked in
the third quarter of 2015 in Denmark 
2) Non-recurring items included 1.9 MEUR restructuring costs booked in the
third quarter of 2014 in Norway 

• Net sales EUR 465.2 (452.9) million, up by 2.7% or 5.3% at comparable
exchange rates 
• EBITDA EUR 124.3 (127.8) million or 26.7% (28.2%) of net sales
• EBITA EUR 50.0 (51.3) million or 10.7% (11.3%) of net sales
• EBITA excl. non-recurring items EUR 46.6 (53.2) million or 10.0% (11.7%) of
net sales 
• Result for the period EUR 27.5 (28.1) million and EPS EUR 0.26 (0.26)
• Return on invested capital* (ROI) 11.7% (12.3%)
• Return on equity* (ROE) 9.9% (12.0%)
• Gross capital expenditure EUR 97.2 (125.6) million
• Cash flow after investments EUR −11.7 (−10.7) million
• Net debt EUR 286.4 (259.7) million and net debt to EBITDA* 1.7x (1.5x)
*Rolling 12 months basis

Ramirent expects the market picture for 2015 to remain mixed, with challenging
market conditions especially in Finland and Norway. We expect full-year 2015
net sales and EBITA margin to be similar to the level of 2014 when measured in
local currencies. 


Net sales                      165.1  163.6    1.0%  465.2  452.9    2.7%  613.5
EBITDA                          49.7   53.9   −7.8%  124.3  127.8   −2.8%  167.9
% of net sales                 30.1%  33.0%          26.7%  28.2%          27.4%
EBITA excluding non-recurring   25.3   29.9  −15.5%   46.6   53.2  −12.4%   71.5
% of net sales                 15.3%  18.3%          10.0%  11.7%          11.7%
EBITA                           24.8   28.0  −11.5%   50.0   51.3   −2.6%   65.8
% of net sales                 15.0%  17.1%          10.7%  11.3%          10.7%
EBIT                            22.6   26.0  −13.0%   43.4   45.6   −4.9%   58.1
% of net sales                 13.7%  15.9%           9.3%  10.1%           9.5%
EBT                             17.7   23.7  −25.2%   34.1   36.0   −5.3%   42.5
% of net sales                 10.7%  14.5%           7.3%   8.0%           6.9%
Result for the period           14.4   18.4  −22.1%   27.5   28.1   −2.3%   32.6
 attributable to the owners                                                     
 of the parent company                                                          
Earnings per share (EPS),       0.13   0.17  −22.1%   0.26   0.26   −2.3%   0.30
 (basic and diluted), EUR                                                       
Gross capital expenditure on    32.2   23.8   35.3%   97.2  125.6  −22.6%  144.6
 non-current assets                                                             
Gross capital expenditure, %   19.5%  14.6%          20.9%  27.7%          23.6%
 of net sales                                                                   
Cash flow after investments      9.7   13.7   −29.2  −11.7  −10.7   −8.6%   21.8
Invested capital at the end                          595.5  605.2   −1.6%  555.2
 of period                                                                      
Return on invested capital                           11.7%  12.3%          12.2%
Return on equity (ROE),%1)                            9.9%  12.0%           9.4%
Net debt                                             286.4  259.7   10.3%  227.1
Net debt to EBITDA ratio1)                            1.7x   1.5x   16.8%   1.4x
Gearing,%                                            93.6%  75.9%          69.9%
Equity ratio,%                                       39.5%  42.8%          43.7%
Personnel at end of period                           2,658  2,621    1.4%  2,576

1) Rolling 12 months

“The positive top line development that was observed at the end of the second
quarter did not fully materialise in the third quarter, with weaker than
expected performance in both Sweden and Norway. Combined with higher material
and services costs and slower than expected realisation of the efficiency
programme, our third-quarter EBITA was EUR 24.8 (28.0) million or 15.0% (17.1%)
of net sales. Return on equity amounted to 9.9% (12.0%) measured over the last
twelve months. Profitability was impaired by a higher share of service sales
compared to the previous year, price pressure and internal reorganisations. We
maintained good control over fixed costs, where rolling 12 months fixed costs
decreased to EUR 235.6 (239.0) million or 37.6% (38.5%) of net sales. 

In the third quarter, it was particularly satisfying that despite challenging
market conditions in the Finnish equipment rental market, our sales grew and
profitability improved in Finland. Profitability strengthened clearly in
Denmark where our restructuring measures combined with the improving underlying
demand are producing better results. In Europe Central, our profitability
continued to improve supported by successful implementation of efficiency
actions, internal reorganisation and higher rental prices compared to the
previous year. In Baltics, demand for equipment rental was stable. 

In Sweden, the net sales growth was slightly lower than expected despite a
strong market, with profitability being below previous year due to a higher
share of service sales and internal restructuring. In Norway, slow underlying
demand in the building construction sector and uncertainty in the oil and gas
sector, resulted in lower sales and profitability. Corrective actions have been
taken to improve profitability both in Sweden and Norway. 

In the third quarter we signed an exclusive project agreement with NCC for the
delivery of a Total Solution combining machines and planning with high focus on
safety, for the expansion of Södra Cell Värö pulp mill in Sweden. The value of
the order is approximately EUR 10 million with the project extending to autumn
2016. After the end of the review period, we signed a Letter of Intent with
Hartela for outsourcing of equipment, machinery operations and personnel to
Ramirent in Finland. 

We continue to implement our efficiency programme to improve profitability and
operational excellence, although realisation has been slower than expected.
While the efficiency programme has been successful in lowering the fixed cost
base, the expected margin improvement has not materialised due to less
favourable market conditions and price pressure, primarily in Finland and
Norway, and slower than planned adoption of the efficiency measures. 

Based on our cash generation and continued solid financial position, we will
continue to invest in sustainable profitable growth and to capture market share
by strengthening the customer offering and widening the customer portfolio. We
will also continue to pursue outsourcing deals, acquisitions and joint venture

Ramirent expects market conditions for equipment rental to remain challenging
in Finland in the fourth quarter of 2015. According to a forecast published by
European Rental Association (ERA) in October 2015, the Finnish equipment rental
market is expected to increase by 1.7% this year. According to a forecast
published by Finnish Construction Industries (RT) in October 2015, the Finnish
construction market is expected to decline by 1% in 2015. Demand for renovation
is estimated to increase due to ageing residential stock and government
assistance for renovation projects. The total value of renovation is estimated
to exceed the value of new construction in 2015. Weak market conditions are
expected to continue in the new residential construction sector especially
outside the capital city region. Demand for equipment rental in non-residential
construction is supported by start-ups of certain large commercial and
industrial building projects. Infrastructure construction is expected to
decrease in 2015 due to the completion of large projects and a low level of new
investments. The Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) expects full-year
industrial investments in the general manufacturing sector as well as in the
energy sector to increase in 2015. 

Ramirent expects the demand for equipment rental to remain favourable in Sweden
in the fourth quarter of 2015 mainly due to the high activity in all
construction sectors. According to a forecast published by European Rental
Association (ERA) in October 2015, the Swedish equipment rental market is
expected to grow by 1.0% in 2015. According to a forecast published by Swedish
Construction Federation (BI) in October 2015, construction investments are
expected to grow by 8% in 2015. Market conditions are strong especially in many
of Sweden's major cities. New residential start-ups will remain at a high level
due to a chronic housing shortage in the market. Non-residential construction
is expected to increase supported by growth in office and commercial building
projects. The government's transport infrastructure plan, approved in 2014,
will fuel activity within infrastructure construction especially in the
Stockholm and Gothenburg areas also in the fourth quarter of the year. Due to a
continuously expanding and ageing building stock, renovation is expected to
grow in 2015. Demand for equipment rental in the industrial sector is
anticipated to remain fairly stable in Sweden. 

Ramirent expects market conditions for equipment rental to remain challenging
in Norway in the fourth quarter of 2015 due to macroeconomic uncertainty
connected to the low oil price. According to a forecast published by European
Rental Association (ERA) in October 2015, the Norwegian equipment rental market
is expected to decline by 1.5% this year. According to a forecast published by
Prognosesenteret in October 2015, the Norwegian construction market is expected
to grow by 1.9% in 2015. Infrastructure construction supported by government
stimulus measures will be the main growth driver fuelled by several road,
railway and metro projects. Residential construction is estimated to remain at
the previous year's level in 2015. Non-residential construction sector is
expected to increase supported by several public sector projects. Renovation
construction is expected to increase in 2015. According to an estimate by
Statistics Norway, investments in the oil and gas sector are estimated to
decline by 15.1% in 2015. 

Ramirent expects market conditions for equipment rental to be balanced in
Denmark in the fourth quarter of 2015. According to a forecast published by
European Rental Association (ERA) in October 2015, the Danish equipment rental
market is expected to grow by 1.4% this year. According to a forecast published
by Danish Construction Industry (DB) in October 2015, the Danish construction
market is expected to increase by 3.5% in 2015. Demand in the renovation market
is expected to soften while new residential construction is estimated to
increase backed by a healthy underlying demand in the major cities. In 2015,
public investments are expected to fuel infrastructure construction and
building activity especially in the health and education sector. Activity in
the industrial sector is expected to support the demand for equipment rental
also in the fourth quarter of 2015. 

Ramirent expects the overall demand in the Baltic equipment rental market to
remain balanced in the fourth quarter of 2015. According to a forecast
published by Euroconstruct in June 2015, the total construction market in the
Baltics is expected to decrease by 2.5% in 2015. In Estonia the construction
market is expected to decline by 4% in 2015. The main construction projects
will be located in the capital city region and southern parts of Estonia. The
Latvian construction market is estimated to decline by 6% in 2015. Residential
construction is expected to remain stable, but construction activity in the
non-residential sector will slow down due to the continued economic uncertainty
caused by the Ukrainian crisis. In Lithuania the construction market is
expected to grow by 1% in 2015. Increasing residential construction and high
activity in renovation will be the main growth drivers in the Lithuanian
market. EU funded projects are expected to start mainly in 2016, supporting
especially infrastructure construction and renovation in 2016. 

Ramirent expects the overall demand in Europe Central equipment rental markets
to remain favourable in the fourth quarter of 2015. According to a forecast
published by European Rental Association (ERA) in October 2015, the Polish
equipment rental market is expected to grow by 2.6% this year. According to a
forecast published by Euroconstruct in June 2015, the Polish construction
market is estimated to grow by 9.7% in 2015. Infrastructure construction
projects, funded largely by EU, will be the primary driver of growth in the
construction sector. Market conditions are expected to be favourable in
residential construction as new start-ups are forecast to increase clearly.
Construction activity is expected to continue to pick up in the non-residential
sector supported especially by construction of industrial buildings. Increasing
renovation as well as high project activity in the power plant and wind power
sector is estimated to support the equipment rental market. In the Czech
Republic and Slovakia, the construction market is expected to grow by 4.3% and
by 2.1% respectively in 2015. Demand for equipment rental is expected to remain
strong especially in the construction sector. 

A briefing for investment analysts and the press will be arranged 4 November,
2015 at 11:00 a.m. Finnish time at Ramirent Group headquarters, (visiting
address: Äyritie 16, 01510 Vantaa). 

You can participate in the analyst briefing on Wednesday 4 November 2015 at
11:00 a.m. Finnish time (EET) through a live webcast at www.ramirent.com and
conference call. Dial−in numbers are: +358 9 8171 0495 (FI), +46 8 5664 2702
(SE), +44 203 194 0552 (UK) and +1 8 557 161 597 (US). Recording of the webcast
will be available at www.ramirent.com later the same day. 

Ramirent observes a silent period during 21 days prior to the publication of
annual and interim 
financial results.

Capital Markets Day 2015 in Stockholm
1 December 2015 CET 9:00 a.m. -2.45 p.m.

Financial statements 2015
11 February 2016 at EET 9:00 a.m.

Interim report January-March 2016
4 May 2016 at EET 9:00 a.m.

Interim report January-June 2016
4 August 2016 at EET 9:00 a.m.

Interim report January-September 2016
4 November 2016 at EET 9:00 a.m.

The financial information in this stock exchange release has not been audited.

Vantaa, 4 November 2015

Board of Directors

CEO Magnus Rosén
tel. +358 20750 2845, magnus.rosen@ramirent.com

CFO and EVP, Corporate Functions Jonas Söderkvist
tel. +358 20 750 3248, jonas.soderkvist@ramirent.com

SVP, Marketing, Communications and IR Franciska Janzon
tel. +358 20 750 2859, franciska.janzon@ramirent.com

Main news media

Ramirent is a leading rental equipment group combining the best equipment,
services and know-how into rental solutions that simplify customer's business.
Ramirent serves a broad range of customer sectors including construction,
industry, services, the public sector and households. Ramirent focuses on the
Baltic Rim with operations in the Nordic countries and in Central and Eastern
Europe. In 2014, Ramirent Group sales totalled EUR 614 million. The Group has
2,658 employees in 295 customer centres in 10 countries. Ramirent is listed on
the NASDAQ Helsinki (RMR1V). Ramirent - More Than Machines™.