2017-11-20 11:53:24 CET

2017-11-20 11:53:50 CET


Islandic English
Landsbankinn hf. - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Landsbankinn hf.: Tender offer

Today,   Landsbankinn  hf.  announced  an  invitation  to  holders  of  its  EUR
300,000,000 3.00 per  cent. notes due 2018 (ISIN:  XS1308312658) to tender their
notes  for purchase  by the  bank against  a cash  payment. The  tender offer is
subject  to the  terms and  conditions outlined  in the  tender offer memorandum
dated  20 November  2017, including  the  outcome  of  the  bank's  intended new

Further  information on the  tender offer is  available in the announcement made
public  on the  Irish Stock  Exchange (www.ise.ie)  where the  bonds are listed.
Subject  to certain distribution restrictions, a  tender offer memorandum can be
obtained    from    the   tender   agent:   Citi   Agency   &   Trust   (e-mail:
citiexchanges@citi.com, tel: +44 (0) 20 7508 3867).
