2010-08-17 08:58:52 CEST

2010-08-17 08:59:49 CEST


SEB Bankas AB - Total number of voting rights and capital

Regarding registration of non-equities

On August 17, 2010 Central Securities Depository of Lithuania opened a general 
securities account for one SEB Bank AB issue:

ISIN code - LT0000410276

Type of securities                 Non-equities
Units                              25,438
Bond nominal value                 LTL 100 (EUR 28.96)
Total nominal value                LTL 2,543,800 (EUR 736,735.40)
Annual interest rate               2.10%
Redemption price                   LTL 100 (EUR 28.96)
Bond start date                    13-08-2010   
Redemption date                    23-08-2011
Maturity                           375 days
Currency                           LTL
Credit risk                        Issuer's risk, without extra insurance
Listing                            Listing is not foreseen; however, at any
point between the issue date and the maturity, the Bank shall have a right to
apply to the regulated market operator for the bond issue to be listed on the
trading list 
Bond issue prospectus              Published

Evaldas Čepulis
Deputy Director 
Trading and Capital Markets
(+370) 5 268 2375