2008-01-03 10:44:10 CET

2008-01-03 10:44:10 CET


English Islandic
Rekstrarfélag Kaupþings banka hf. - Company Announcement

- ICEQ - New market making agreement with Glitnir Bank

ICEQ (Exchange traded fund) has entered a market-making agreement with Glitnir
Bank for the fund issued shares for own account. 

The purpose of market making is to facilitate trading in the funds shares on
the OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland. 

Glitnir Bank hf. is committed to make daily bid and ask offers on the OMX
Nordic Exchange in Iceland in ICEQ  for a minimum of ISK 35.000.000 at market
value at a price which Glitnir Bank hf. determines at all times. Glitnir bank
hf. will endeavour to keep the spread between bids and the redemption value of
ICEQ (ENAV15 index) as small as possible at any given time and never more than
0.3%. The bid/offer spread may not be more than 130% of the weighted average
spread of underlying companies forming the OMX Iceland-15 cap index. Glitnir
bank hf. also undertakes to renew bids in ICEQ within three minutes if
outstanding bids are accepted. The maximum total trades per day that Glitnir
Bank hf. is committed to buy or sell is ISK 250,000,000 at market value. 

For further information, please contact: 
Sigþór Jónsson,

Valgarð Már Valgarðsson,
+354-440 2500