2011-09-21 17:51:42 CEST

2011-09-21 17:52:43 CEST


BankNordik P/F - Fyrirtækjafréttir

Moody´s has concluded its review of BankNordik's ratings following the ac-quisition of the healthy parts of Danish bank Amagerbanken

Moody's Investor Service has today announced that the review of BankNordik's
rating has been concluded. Moody's downgrades BankNordik's long- and short-term
deposit ratings to Baa3/Prime -3 from Baa2/Prime -2, but confirms the
stand-alone bank financial strength rating (BFSR) at D+. The outlook for all
ratings is categorised as negative. 

These rating actions do not affect BankNordik's funding situation, and Moody's
acknowledge that BankNordik's funding remains strong. BankNordik has a
deposit/loan ratio on 1.05 and has therefore no need of external funding to
meet the regulatory requirements. 

For further details on Moody's Investors Service' rating action please read the
enclosed announcements released by Moody's Investors Service today. 

Further information:

Janus Petersen, CEO, tel. (+298) 330 330.

BankNordik PR.pdf