2008-03-06 16:09:28 CET

2008-03-06 16:10:28 CET


Finnish English
F-Secure Oyj - Notice to general meeting

Invitation to the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting

The shareholders of F-Secure Corporation are invited to the Annual General      
Shareholders' Meeting (AGM) to be held on Wednesday March 26, 2008, starting at 
15.00 Finnish time at High Tech Center, Ruoholahti, Tammasaarenkatu 3,          
00180,Helsinki, Finland. Participants are kindly requested to arrive by 14.45   
The proposals of the Board to the Annual General Meeting         
1) The matters designated to the AGM in Article 10 of the Articles of           
2) The authorization of Board of Directors to decide on a directed share issue 
The Board proposes to the General Annual meeting to authorize the Board to      
decide on one or more directed share issues and their terms. The maximum        
cumulative number of issued new shares is 40,000,000. The authorization is valid
for one (1) year.    
3) Recording of the subscription price for shares issued based on stock options 
in company's distributable equity                                               
The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting resolve that the total amount
of the subscription prices paid for new shares issued after the date of the     
Annual General Meeting, based on stock options under the F-Secure Stock Option  
Plans 2002 and 2005, be recorded in company's distributable equity.  
4) Proposal to Authorize the Board of Directors to Purchase the Company's Own   
The Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors may pass a          
resolution to purchase a maximum of 15.513.111 shares of the Company The        
proposed amount represents approximately 10% of all the shares issued by the    
Company. The authorization would be valid one year. The authorization covers the
purchase of shares through public trading on the OMX Nordic Exchange (Helsinki) 
in accordance with its rules or through a public tender offer made to the       
shareholders of the Company. The consideration payable for the shares shall be  
based on the market price. In purchasing of the Company's own shares derivative,
share lending and other contracts customary to the capital markets may be       
concluded pursuant to law and applicable legal provisions.     
The authorization entitles the Board of Directors to pass a resolution to       
purchase the shares by deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights      
(directed purchase) subject to the provisions of the applicable law. The own    
shares will be purchased to be used for making acquisitions or implementing     
other arrangements related to the Company's business, to improve the Company's  
financial structure, to be used as part of the incentive compensation plan or   
for the purpose of otherwise assigning or cancelling the shares. The Board of   
Directors shall have the right to decide on other matters related to the        
purchase of the Company's own shares.  
5) Authorization to the Board of Directors to decide on a transfer of own shares
of the Company
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorizes the  
Board of Directors to decide on a transfer of a maximum of 15.513.111 own shares
of the Company either against consideration or without payment. The             
authorization would be valid one year. The Board of Directors is authorized to  
transfer the shares in deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights      
(directed transfer) subject to the provisions of the applicable law.    
The shares may be transferred as a consideration to finance acquisitions or in  
other arrangements and used as part of the equity-based incentive plans of the  
Company as decided by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall also 
have the right to sell the shares through public trading on the OMX Nordic      
Exchange (Helsinki).The Board of Directors shall have the right to decide on    
other matters related to a transfer of own shares.     
6) Dividend proposal  
The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 0.07 per
share would be paid to those shareholders that on the record date of March 31,  
2008 are registered in the Register of Shareholders held by the Finnish Central 
Securities Depository Ltd. The dividend will be paid on April 8, 2008.
7) Candidates for the Board of Directors and for an Auditor  
The Executive Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the number  
of board members would remain at six (6) and following members would continue as
board members: Mr. Marko Ahtisaari, Ms. Sari Baldauf, Mr. Pertti Ervi, Mr. Risto
Siilasmaa and Mr. Alexis Sozonoff.  As Mr. Ari Hyppönen, who has been over 10   
years as a member and a deputy member in the Board, has informed the Committee  
that he will not stand for re-election to the Board of Directors at the Annual  
General Meeting 2008, the committee proposes Mr. Juho Malmberg, Member of the   
Executive Board of KONE Corporation, to be nominated as the member of the board 
of F-Secure Corporation. Mr. Malmberg has previously served as Managing Director
of Accenture Finland 2002-2005, Director, Nordic Outsourcing of Accenture 2005, 
Deputy Managing Director 1999-2002 and Technology Director 1992-1999. The Audit 
Committee proposes that Ernst & Young Oy would be re-elected as Auditor.
The Executive Committee proposes to the Annual General Meeting that annual      
remuneration of the Board members would be the following: Chairman EUR 55,000,  
Chairman of committees EUR 40,000 and other members EUR 30,000. Approximately   
40% of the annual remuneration would be paid as company shares. The Audit       
Committee proposes that auditors fee would be be paid against approved invoice. 

The documents are available to the public latest from March 19, 2008, on the    
Company homepage www.f-secure.com/investor_relations. Copies of the documents   
will be mailed to shareholders upon request. The request may be forwarded       
through the contact information below. 
Right to participation 
A shareholder who, no later than March 14, 2008, has been noted as a shareholder
in the list of shareholders maintained by Finnish Central Securities Depository 
Ltd, is entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting unless otherwise  
decreed by law.  
To be permitted to participate in the shareholders' meeting, a shareholder must 
register for it no later than March 17, 2008, at 16.00 Finnish Time.            
Registration may take place by e-mail to ilmoittautumiset@entre.com, by phone   
+358 (0) +358 50 396 7579, by mail F-Secure Corporation/ Ulla Toivanen, PL 24,  
00181 Helsinki, or at the Company's headquarters, Tammasaarenkatu 7             
(Ruoholahti), Helsinki, Finland. The registration must be on hand at the        
addresses above before the end of the registration period. A Power of Attorney  
is requested at the time of registration.   
Helsinki, February 13, 2008    
F-Secure Corporation                                                            
Board of Directors                                                              

Additional information:                                                         
F-Secure Corporation                                                            
Kimmo Alkio, President and CEO 		tel.+ 358 9 2520 5550                          
Taneli Virtanen, CFO 			tel.+ 358 9 2520 5655                                  
Jukka Kotovirta, Investor Relations    	tel.+ 358 405 883 933