2012-10-25 08:30:01 CEST

2012-10-25 08:30:09 CEST


Finska Engelska
QPR Software - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)






January - September 2012

  -- Net sales EUR 6,628 thousand (January - September 2011: 5,324), growth
  -- Net sales growth was achieved through strong organic business growth
     (14.0%) and the consolidation of Nobultec Ltd.
  -- Recurring revenue (software rentals and maintenance services) grew 18.3%.
  -- Operating profit EUR 594 thousand (488), growth 21.7%.
  -- Operating margin 9.0% (9.2). 
  -- Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 1,862 thousand (1,046), growth
  -- Profit before taxes EUR 562 thousand (462), growth 21.6%.
  -- Profit for the period EUR 425 thousand (360), growth 18.1%.
  -- Earnings per share EUR 0.03 (0.03).

  July - September 2012

  -- Net sales EUR 2,011 thousand (July - September 2011: 1,772), growth 13.5%. 
  -- Net sales growth was achieved mainly through organic business growth, which
     was 10.6%.
  -- Recurring revenue (software rentals and maintenance services) grew 23.7%.
  -- Operating profit EUR 165 thousand (152), growth 8.6%.
  -- Operating margin 8.2% (8.6). 
  -- Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 230 thousand (64), increase
  -- Profit before taxes EUR 169 thousand (150), growth 12.7%.
  -- Profit for the period EUR 152 thousand (113), growth 34.5%.
  -- Earnings per share EUR 0.01 (0.01).

Outlook 2012

In July, based on good first half of the year, QPR Software upgraded its
estimate for 2012. Now the Company keeps this estimate intact and forecasts its
net sales to grow approximately 18 - 24% in 2012. Software license net sales in
the current quarter will determine the exact growth inside the given forecast
range. QPR's software rental and professional service net sales are estimated
to show continued strong growth, especially in enterprise architecture
services. The Company estimates its operating profit in euros to improve
slightly from the previous year (2011: EUR 755 thousand), despite increasing
outlays in its growth businesses. 

In 2012, QPR aims to make significant investments in the development of its new
software products QPR ProcessAnalyzer and QPR EnterpriseArchitect, as well as
related services. This will, in the short term, have a negative impact on
profitability. The Company believes that these outlays are well justified,
since these businesses have good growth prospects. 


(EUR 1,000)         July -     July -  Change     Jan -     Jan -  Change  Jan -
                     Sept,      Sept,     , %     Sept,     Sept,     , %   Dec,
                      2012       2011              2012      2011           2011
Net sales            2,011      1,772    13.5     6,628     5,324    24.5  7,539
Operating              165        152     8.6       594       488    21.7    755
% of net sales         8.2        8.6               9.0       9.2           10.0
Profit before          169        150    12.7       562       462    21.6    705
Profit for the         152        113    34.5       425       360    18.1    521
% of net sales         7.6        6.4               6.4       6.8            6.9
Earnings per                                       0.03      0.03     0.0   0.04
 share, EUR                                                                     
EPS (diluted),                                     0.03      0.03     0.0   0.04
Equity per                                         0.23      0.22     4.5   0.24
 share, EUR                                                                     
Cash flow from                                    1,862     1,046    78.0  1,261
Cash and cash                                     1,797       913    96.8  1,020
Free cash flow                                    1,464      -124            570
Net liabilities                                  -1,457      -347   319.9   -454
Gearing, %                                        -51.2     -12.4          -15.3
Equity ratio, %                                    53.9      52.7           44.2
Return on                                          19.5      17.5           18.4
 equity, %                                                                      
Return on                                          23.5      19.0           21.5
 investment, %                                                                  


This interim report complies with requirements of IAS 34 ”Interim Financial
Reporting”.  Starting from the beginning of the reporting period, the Group has
applied certain new or revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations as
described in the Consolidated Financial Statements 2011. The implementation of
these new and revised requirements have not materially impacted the reported
figures. For all other parts, the accounting and valuation principles are the
same as they were in the 2011 financial statements. This interim report is

QPR Software's business operations consist of software sales and professional
services sales. The Company reports income for products and services as
follows: software license sales, software maintenance services, software
rentals and professional services. 

QPR reports the following business segments: Software Sales International
(software license and rental sales, maintenance and professional services sales
outside of Finland) and Business Operations Finland (software license and
rental sales, maintenance and professional services sales in Finland). 


QPR Software's consolidated net sales in July - September were EUR 2,011
thousand (1,772) and grew 13.5% compared to the equivalent period in the
previous year. Organic net sales growth was 10.6%. Net sales growth was
accelerated especially by software rentals offered by QPR (+99.4%) and
professional services (+25.8%). New software sales are increasingly made
through software rentals rather than perpetual license sales, which in
July-September was reflected as clear decline in software license sales.
Business operations in Finland represented 60.0% and international operations
40.0% of net sales. 

Consolidated net sales in January - September were EUR 6,628 thousand (5,324),
and grew 24.5%. Organic business growth was 14.0%, and in addition the growth
was accelerated by the consolidation of Nobultec Ltd. Business operations in
Finland represented 58.1% and international operations 41.9% of net sales. 

Net sales by business segments

Consolidated net sales by business segments (EUR 1,000):

                 July -     July -  Change     Jan -     Jan -  Change     Jan -
                  Sept,      Sept,     , %     Sept,     Sept,     , %      Dec,
                   2012       2011              2012      2011              2011
Software            804        845    -4.9     2,778     2,761     0.6     3,836
Business          1,207        927    30.2     3,850     2,563    50.2     3,703
Total             2,011      1,772    13.5     6,628     5,324    24.5     7,539

QPR Software's net sales in Finland rose 30.2% in July - September. Growth was
mainly due to organic growth, which was 26.0%. Net sales were strong especially
in software aimed at process and enterprise architecture development and in
related professional services. QPR continued to strengthen its personnel
resources in these businesses during the reporting period. 

In January - September, net sales in Finland rose 50.2% compared to the
equivalent period in the previous year. Strong growth was due to organic
business growth in QPR's software and professional services net sales and the
consolidation of Nobultec Ltd as of August 2011. Fastest sales growth was
achieved in software aimed at process and enterprise architecture development
and in related professional services. 

International net sales decreased in July -  September by 4.9% from the
previous year, which was mainly due to decrease in software license net sales
in international channel sales. The number of new license deals through channel
partners was on the same level as last year, but the average deal size was

In January - September, international net sales increased by 0.6%. Business did
not develop in the same way in different markets. Net sales grew significantly
in many markets, such as Germany and Far Eastern countries, but developed
unfavorably in Southern Europe and Russia. 

Net sales by product groups

Consolidated net sales by product groups (EUR 1,000):

                 July -     July -  Change     Jan -     Jan -  Change     Jan -
                  Sept,      Sept,     , %     Sept,     Sept,     , %      Dec,
                   2012       2011              2012      2011              2011
Software            247        354   -30.2     1,241     1,257    -1.3     1,822
Software            844        779     8.3     2,447     2,371     3.2     3,181
Software            315        158    99.4       866       429   101.9       606
Professional        605        481    25.8     2,074     1,267    63.7     1,930
Total             2,011      1,772    13.5     6,628     5,324    24.5     7,539

Software license net sales showed a clear decline in July - September (-30.2%),
but on the other hand software rental net sales increased rapidly (+99.4%). New
software sales are increasingly made through subscription based rentals, rather
than perpetual license sales. Furthermore, software license sales were
negatively affected by the weak new sales development in Southern Europe. 

Recurring revenue (including net sales from software maintenance services and
software rentals) in July-September grew 23.7%. New software subscriptions
received by QPR showed strong increase compared to the equivalent period last
year. Professional service net sales increased by 25.8%. The growth in
professional service net sales was due to good success in enterprise
architecture service sales. 

Software license net sales decreased slightly (-1.3%) in January - September,
but the other product groups showed increase in net sales. Software rental net
sales (+101.9%) and professional service net sales (+63.7%) grew fastest. The
consolidation of Nobultec accelerated professional service net sales growth.
Recurring revenue (including net sales from software maintenance services and
software rentals) grew 18.3%. 

In Finland the Group delivered software and professional services in the
reporting period, among others, to Cargotec, Certia, City of Turku, DNA,
Finland´s Environmental Administration, The Finnish Communication Regulatory
Authority, The Finnish Defence Forces, The Finnish Tax Administration, The
Finnish National Board of Education, HK Ruokatalo, Kemira, Lassila & Tikanoja
Group, Metso Paper, The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, The Ministry of
Education, The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Nordic Investment Bank,
Onninen Group, Outotec Group, Public Sector ICT Unit at The Ministry of
Finance, Rautaruukki Corporation, Tuko Logistics Cooperative and Vaisala

In international markets the Group delivered software, among others, to Alfa
Bank and Russian Ventures Company in Russia, Diehl AKO and Robert Bosch GmbH in
Germany, Purac Petrochem in Belgium, Highland Council in the UK, Istanbul CPA
in Turkey, Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit,
Mine Health and Safety Council and North West Corporation in South Africa, 
City of Pessac and Pouey International in France, Pädagogische Hochschule
PHBern and SVA Aargau Sozialversicherung AG in Switzerland, Redecard S.A. in
Brazil, and United Chemical Company in Kazakhstan. 


Operating profit by segment (EUR 1,000):

                 July -     July -  Change     Jan -     Jan -  Change     Jan -
                  Sept,      Sept,     , %     Sept,     Sept,     , %      Dec,
                   2012       2011              2012      2011              2011
Software            103         67    53.7       324       309     4.9       472
Business            147        180   -18.3       557       445    25.2       646
Not allocated       -85        -95    10.5      -287      -266    -7.9      -363
Total               165        152     8.6       594       488    21.7       755


QPR Software's consolidated operating profit in the third quarter grew 8.6%,
due to growth in net sales, and was EUR 165 thousand (152). 

QPR has, in line with its strategy, increased outlays into its new software
products and growth businesses, which led to a 14.6% increase in the Group's
expenses. Majority of the increase is personnel expenses. The Company has
recruited new personnel especially into its Finnish service business, product
development and QPR ProcessAnalyzer business development. 

Operating profit in Finland decreased slightly, which was due to outlays
according to the Company's strategy. Operating profit in the international
business grew from last year, thanks to lower level of expenses. 

Depreciation and amortization grew to EUR 174 thousand (157), which was mainly
due to the consolidation of Nobultec Ltd and increase in the amortization of
capitalized product development expenses. 38.5% of the Group's depreciation and
amortization arise from corporate and business acquisitions made in 2008 -

January - September

Group operating profit increased to EUR 594 thousand (488). Operating profit in
Business Operations Finland was higher than in the previous year, and was on a
very high level especially at the beginning of the reporting period. Personnel
recruitments made in the spring and in the summer have increased the level of
expenses in Finland as planned. Operating profit in QPR's international
business was negatively impacted by EUR 202 thousand (87) of credit losses.
Despite this, operating profit in the international operations increased
slightly, thanks to successful cost control. 

Depreciation and amortization grew to EUR 510 thousand (421). This was due to
same reasons as in July - September. The Group's expenses increased by 24.9%,
mainly due to the consolidation of Nobultec and outlays in growth businesses. 

Net financial expenses in January - September were EUR 32 thousand (26), of
which net interests costs were EUR 11 thousand (19). Currency losses of EUR 21
thousand were the main reason for increased net financial expenses. Profit
before taxes was EUR 562 thousand (462). 

Income taxes were EUR 137 thousand (102). Profit for the period was EUR 425
thousand (360) and earnings per share were EUR 0.03 (0.03). 


Cash flow from operating activities developed very favorably in the reporting
period January - September and was EUR 1,862 thousand (1,046). Strong growth
was due to accelerated turnover of receivables, good development in software
subscription sales (software rentals) and improved financial results. 

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period were EUR 1,797
thousand (913). 

The Group's investments in the reporting period January - September totaled EUR
398 thousand (1,170). The majority of the investments were made in product

Interest-bearing liabilities decreased and were EUR 340 thousand (566) at the
end of the reporting period. The gearing ratio was -51.2% (-12.4). Current
liabilities include deferred revenue in total of EUR 1,536 thousand (1,306).
Return on investment rose to 23.5% (19.0). 

Equity ratio improved from last year and was 53.9% (52.7). At the end of the
reporting period, the consolidated shareholders' equity stood at EUR 2,854
thousand (2,793).  Return on equity was 19.5% (17.5). 

The Annual General Meeting on 22 March, 2012 authorized the Board of Directors
to decide on issuing a maximum of 4,000,000 million new share shares, to decide
on conveyance of a maximum of 500,000 own shares held by the Company and to
decide on acquiring a maximum of 250,000 own shares. The authorizations are in
force until the next Annual General Meeting. On March 22, 2012, the Company
issued a stock exchange release on the Board of Directors' decision to start
acquiring own shares through public trading in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. 


Product development expenses in the reporting period January - September were
EUR 1,217 thousand (1,011), representing 18.4% (19.0) of consolidated net
sales.  Product development expenses do not include amortization of capitalized
product development expenses. 

In the reporting period, product development expenses have been capitalized for
a total amount of EUR 296 thousand (250).  The amortization period for
capitalized product development expenses is four years. The amortization of
capitalized product development expenses in the reporting period was EUR 207
thousand (149). 

Product development employed 26 persons at the end of the reporting period,
which corresponds to 32.5% of the total personnel (20.5). 

In the reporting period, product development activities focused on the
development of a new version of the QPR product family, released in October
2012. Product development activities are especially focused on the QPR
ProcessAnalyzer and QPR EnterpriseArchitect products. 

In its new process analysis business, the Company has adopted a more active IPR
strategy than previously. As a result of this, QPR filed patent applications in
respect of five separate inventions in Finland and the USA in the first
quarter. The inventions relate to automated business process discovery based on
processing event data. 

The Company aims to significantly increase its personnel resources for service
offering development in 2012. Through service offering development the Company
aims to grow its local business in Finland,  and to accelerate its
international software sales by offering complementary service concepts and
solutions to its channel partners. 


At the end of the reporting period January - September, the Group employed a
total of 80 persons (78). Average number of personnel in the reporting period
was 78 (71). Employee benefit expenses totaled EUR 3,865 thousand (3,233). 

The average age of employees is 35.7 years (34.3). Of the employees, 72%
percent have a Master's or Bachelor's degree. 15% (22) of the employees are
women and 85% (78) are men. For incentive purposes, the Company has a bonus
program that covers all employees. 

Short-term remuneration of the top management (executive management team of the
Company) consists of salary, fringe benefits and a possible annual bonus based
on net sales and operating profit performance. The maximum annual bonus of
executive management team, including the CEO, is 40%. Long-term remuneration of
the executive management team consists of a share-based incentive plan. In
2011, the Board of Directors of QPR Software resolved on a new share-based
incentive plan for management in years 2011 - 2013. The plan aims to align the
objectives of shareholders and key employees to increase shareholder value, to
commit key employees to the Company and to offer them a competitive reward plan
based on ownership of shares in the Company. Information on share-based
incentive plan was published in a stock exchange release on 25 March, 2011. 


Trading of shares                       Jan - Sept,    Jan - Sept,    Jan - Dec,
                                               2012           2011          2011
Shares traded, pcs                          432,002        573,241     1,122,981
Volume, EUR                                 375,094        478,494       953,083
% of shares                                     3.5            4.6           9.0
Shares and market capitalization        Jan - Sept,    Jan - Sept,    Jan - Dec,
                                               2012           2011          2011
Total number of shares, pcs              12,444,863     12,444,863    12,444,863
Treasury shares, pcs                        274,875        149,429       179,405
Book counter value, EUR                        0.11           0.11          0.11
Outstanding shares, pcs                  12,169,988     12,295,434    12,265,458
Number of shareholders                          593            591           588
Closing price, EUR                             0.88           0.78          0.88
Market capitalization, EUR               10,709,589      9,590,439    10,793,603
Acquired treasury shares in                  95,470         76,238       132,591
 reporting period, pcs                                                          
Disposed treasury shares in                       0       -249,021      -249,021
 reporting period, pcs                                                          
Book counter value of treasury               30,236         16,437        19,735
 shares, EUR                                                                    
Total purchase value of treasury            251,083        132,914        16,484
 shares, EUR                                                                    
Treasury shares % of all shares                 2.2            1.2           1.4

The Annual General Meeting held on 22 March, 2012 approved the Board's proposal
that a per-share dividend of EUR 0.03 (0.03), a total of EUR 367,314 (362,876),
is paid for the financial year 2011. The dividend was paid to shareholders
entered in the Company's shareholder register, maintained by Euroclear Finland
Oy, on the record date of 27 March, 2012. The dividend payment date was 3
April, 2012. 


In the beginning of the reporting period, QPR started the integration of
Nobultec Ltd's business into its Finnish business operations. In connection
with the integration, the Group's service offering, consulting and sales
resources have been strengthened and a process driven operating model, suitable
for the requirements of growing business, has been  adopted. The integration
advanced as planned and was finalized in the second quarter. 

In June, Jaakko Riihinen was appointed Senior Vice President, Products &
Technology and member of the executive management team. Mr Riihinen began his
work on 13 August, 2012. He moved to QPR from Nokia Siemens Networks, where he
since 2008 worked as Head of Research & Development at OSS Business Line as
well as in the company's restructuring program. Prior to this, in 2001-2008, he
worked as Director, Enterprise Architecture in Nokia and Nokia Siemens

Jaakko Salminen started in August as acting VP and member of the executive
management team, responsible for international resellers and Russian business.
Jaakko Salminen has previously worked as CEO of Finnish Software Entrepreneurs,
Managing Director of Ravensoft and in several other management positions in
technology companies. 


In the beginning of October, Mr. Pauli Leppänen was appointed Chief Financial
Officer at QPR Software Plc as of 7 January, 2013. He moves to QPR from
Sagacitas Finance Partners Oy, where he has worked as a Partner.  In addition,
he has worked as SVP, Head of Corporate Control and acting CFO at TeliaSonera
AB (2003-2010), and in financial management and leadership positions in Sonera
Corporation (1998-2002) and Outokumpu Oyj (1994-1997). The current CFO, Mrs.
Päivi Martti, will continue in her position until 7 January, 2013. After this,
from her own initiative, she takes up new tasks at QPR. 

QPR Software and ProcessGold, a German pioneer in process mining, announced on
17 October that the two companies have signed a strategic partnership
agreement. The goal of the co-operation is to pave way for Automated Business
Process Discovery (ABPD) by using QPR ProcessAnalyzer software product. The
partnership involves resale rights of QPR ProcessAnalyzer for ProcessGold,
sharing of best practices and other co-operation initiatives. Combined, both
companies have over 200 commercial process analysis projects under their belt
making them the ultimate ABPD pioneers. 


The Annual General Meeting on 22 March, 2012 resolved that the Board of
Directors consists of four (4) ordinary members. The Annual General Meeting
elected the following members to the Board of Directors: Kirsi Eräkangas, Jyrki
Kontio, Vesa-Pekka Leskinen and Topi Piela. In its first meeting immediately
following the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors elected Vesa-Pekka
Leskinen as Chairman of the Board. 

KPMG Oy Ab, Authorized Public Accountants, continues as QPR Software Plc's

The conditions of all authorizations of the Board and other decisions made by
the Annual General Meeting are available in their entirety on the stock
exchange release published by the Company on March 22, 2012 and available on
the investors section of the Company's web site, www.qpr.com. 


Internal control and risk management in QPR Software Plc aims to ensure that
the Company operates efficiently and effectively, distributes reliable
information, complies with regulations and operational principles, reaches its
strategic goals, and ensures the continuity of its business. 

QPR has identified the following four groups of risks related to its
operations: risks related to business operations (country, customer, service
delivery, personnel, legal and financial risks as well as risks related to the
Company's resellers), risks related to information and products (QPR products,
IPR, data security), risks related to financing (foreign currency, bad debt),
and risks related to new businesses (growth of new business, product
development investments in new business). The Company has an insurance policy
for property, operational and liability risks. The Company monitors country,
customer, personnel and finance risks also in the Russian subsidiary OOO QPR

QPR has not paid the remaining purchase price of EUR 99 thousand, recognized in
its balance sheet, for the business operations of Trodos Consulting and United
Project and Services Group to their sellers. In QPR's opinion, the sellers have
not fulfilled the terms set in defining the purchase price. The Company has
previously paid a consideration of EUR 165 thousand to the sellers. QPR and the
sellers have differing opinions on the purchase price and the employment
relationships between the sellers and QPR. QPR seeks to find a solution on the
matter primarily through negotiations, and secondarily through arbitration in
accordance with the Rules for Expedited Arbitration of the Arbitration
Institute of the Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland in Helsinki by a sole
arbitrator, as agreed in the Co-operation Agreement signed by QPR and the

Financial risks include reasonable credit risk concerning individual business
partners, which is characteristic to any international business. QPR seeks to
limit this credit risk by continuous monitoring of standard payment terms,
receivables and credit limits. The escalated economic crisis in the euro area
has, according to management's estimate, to some extent increased the credit
risk that has remained on a moderate level in recent years. In the reporting
period January - September, EUR 202 thousand (87) of credit losses were
recorded. After this, the amount of trade receivables over 60 days past due is
on a low level and was at the end of the reporting period 11.1% (26.1) of total
trade receivables. 

70% of Group's trade receivables are in euro. At the end of the reporting
period, the Company had not hedged its foreign currency (non-Euro) trade

No other significant changes have taken place in QPR's short-term risks and
uncertainties during the reporting period. Risks related to the Company's
business are further described in the Annual Report 2011, page 16 onwards


Recent forecasts published by market research firms estimate that the value of
global software sales will increase approximately 6% and global professional
services sales will increase almost 5% in 2012 compared to 2011. In 2013, the
value of global software sales is estimated to grow approximately 7% and global
professional services sales to grow close to 6%. 

In July, based on good first half of the year, QPR Software upgraded its
estimate for 2012. Now the Company keeps this estimate intact and estimates its
net sales to grow approximately 18 - 24% in 2012. Software license net sales in
the current quarter will determine the exact growth inside the given forecast
range. QPR's software rental and professional service net sales are estimated
to show continued strong growth, especially in enterprise architecture
services. The Company estimates its operating profit in euros to improve
slightly from the previous year (2011: EUR 755 thousand), despite increasing
outlays in its growth businesses. 

In 2012, QPR aims to make significant investments in the development of its new
software products QPR ProcessAnalyzer and QPR EnterpriseArchitect, as well as
related services. This will, in the short term, have a negative impact on
profitability. The Company believes that these outlays are well justified,
since these businesses have good growth prospects. 

The Company focuses on recruiting new channel partners especially for its QPR
ProcessAnalyzer and QPR EnterpriseArchitect software products. In the beginning
of September, the Company established a Global OEM Business team to speed up
the international growth for QPR ProcessAnalyzer and to search for OEM partners
who will include QPR's products as part of their software or services. 

The Company also increases significantly its personnel for service offering
development in 2012. Through service offering development the Company aims to
grow its local business in Finland, and to accelerate its international
software sales by offering complementary service concepts and solutions to its
channel partners. 


Further information:
Jari Jaakkola, CEO
Tel. +358 (0) 40 5026 39

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Main Media

Neither this press release nor any copy of it may be taken, transmitted into or
distributed in the United States of America or its territories or possessions. 

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
(EUR 1,000)         July -    July -  Change     Jan -    Jan -  Change    Jan -
                     Sept,     Sept,     , %     Sept,    Sept,     , %     Dec,
                      2012      2011              2012     2011             2011
Net sales            2,011     1,772    13.5     6,628    5,324    24.5    7,539
Other operating         18        12    50.0        54       50     8.0       79
Materials and          100        78    28.2       302      184    64.1      250
Employee benefit     1,211     1,058    14.5     3,865    3,233    19.5    4,594
Other operating        379       339    11.8     1,411    1,048    34.6    1,448
EBITDA                 339       309     9.7     1,104      909    21.5    1,326
Depreciation and       174       157    10.8       510      421    21.1      572
Operating profit       165       152     8.6       594      488    21.7      755
Financial income         4        -2   300.0       -32      -26   -23.1      -50
 and expenses                                                                   
Profit before          169       150    12.7       562      462    21.6      705
Income taxes           -17       -36    52.8      -137     -102    34.3     -184
Profit for the         152       113    34.5       425      360    18.1      521
Profit for the                                                                  
Shareholder of         140       116               459      368              530
parent company                                                                  
Non-controlling         12        -3               -34       -8               -9
                       152       113               425      360              521
Earnings per          0.01      0.01              0.03     0.03             0.04
 (diluted), EUR                                                                 
Earnings per          0.01      0.01              0.03     0.03             0.04
 share, EUR                                                                     
Consolidated statement of                                                       
 comprehensive income:                                                          
Profit for the         152       113               425      360              521
Exchange rate            1       -26               -84      -41                4
from translating                                                                
Income tax               -         -                 -        -                -
 relating to                                                                    
components of                                                                   
Total                  153        87               341      319              525
Total comprehensive income                                                      
 attributable to:                                                               
Shareholder of         141        90               375      327              534
 the parent                                                                     
Non-controlling         12        -3               -34       -8               -9
                       153        87               341      319              525

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
(EUR 1,000)                                    Sept 30,     Dec 31,     Sept 30,
                                                   2012        2011         2011
Non-current assets                                                              
Intangible assets                                 1,629       1,760        1,760
Goodwill                                            513         513          513
Tangible assets                                     128         118          115
Other non-current assets                            129         102          199
Total non-current assets                          2,399       2,493        2,587
Current assets                                                                  
Trade and other receivables                       2,644       4,248        3,096
Cash and cash equivalents                         1,797       1,020          913
Total current assets                              4,441       5,268        4,009
Total assets                                      6,840       7,761        6,596
Equity and liabilities                         Sept 30,     Dec 31,     Sept 30,
                                                   2012        2011         2011
Share capital                                     1,359       1,359        1,359
Other funds                                          21          21           21
Treasury shares                                    -251        -158         -133
Translation differences                            -150         -66         -112
Invested non-restricted equity fund                   5           5            5
Retained earnings                                 1,912       1,820        1,660
Equity attributable to shareholders of the        2,896       2,981        2,800
 parent company                                                                 
Non-controlling interests                           -42          -8           -7
Total equity                                      2,854       2,973        2,793
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Interest-bearing liabilities                        113         340          340
Non-interest-bearing liabilities                      0         146           56
Total non-current liabilities                       113         486          396
Current liabilities                                                             
Trade and other payables                          3,647       4,076        3,181
Interest-bearing liabilities                        226         226          226
Total current liabilities                         3,873       4,302        3,407
Total liabilities                                 3,986       4,788        3,803
Total equity and liabilities                      6,840       7,761        6,596

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
(EUR 1,000)                                Jan -Sept,   Jan - Sept,   Jan - Dec,
                                                 2012          2011         2011
Cash flow from operating activities                                             
Profit for the period                             425           360          521
Adjustments for the profit                        423           488          718
Working capital changes                         1,137           196           28
Interest and other financial expenses             -31           -16          -23
Interest and other financial income                 6            18           27
Income taxes paid                                 -98             0          -10
Net cash from operating activities              1,862         1,046        1,261
Cash flow from investing activities                                             
Acquired subsidiaries                               0          -565         -565
Purchases of tangible and intangible             -398          -605         -691
Net cash used in investing activities            -398        -1,170       -1,256
Cash flow from financing activities                                             
Repayments of long-term borrowings               -226          -226         -226
Repurchase of shares                              -93           -75         -100
Dividends paid                                   -367          -362         -362
Net cash used in financing activities            -686          -663         -688
Net change in cash and cash equivalents           778          -787         -683
Cash and cash equivalents at the                1,020         1,702        1,702
 beginning of the period                                                        
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash           -1            -2            1
 and cash equivalents                                                           
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of         1,797           913        1,020
 the  period                                                                    

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
JANUARY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2012                                                  
(EUR       Share   Other  Translat  Treasu     Invested  Retain  Non-cont  Total
 1,000)   capita   funds       ion      ry  non-restric      ed   rolling       
               l          differen  shares   ted equity  earnin  interest       
                               ces                 fund      gs         s       
Equity     1,359      21       -66    -158            5   1,820        -8  2,973
 Jan 1,                                                                         
Dividend                                                   -367             -367
s paid                                                                          
Repurcha                               -93                                   -93
se of                                                                           
Comprehe                       -84                          459       -34    341
Change         0       0       -84     -93            0      92       -34   -119
Equity     1,359      21      -150    -251            5   1,912       -42  2,854
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
JANUARY 1 - DECEMBER 31, 2011                                                   
(EUR       Share   Other  Translat  Treasu     Invested  Retain  Non-cont  Total
 1,000)   capita   funds       ion      ry  non-restric      ed   rolling       
               l          differen  shares   ted equity  earnin  interest       
                               ces                 fund      gs         s       
Equity     1,359      21       -70    -275            5   1,653         1  2,694
 Jan 1,                                                                         
Dividend                                                   -362             -362
s paid                                                                          
Repurcha                              -100                                  -100
se of                                                                           
Disposal                               217                                   217
y shares                                                                        
Comprehe                         4                          529        -9    524
Change         0       0         4     117            0     167        -9    279
Equity     1,359      21       -66    -158            5   1,820        -8  2,973
 Dec 31,                                                                        
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
JANUARY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2011                                                  
(EUR       Share   Other  Translat  Treasu     Invested  Retain  Non-cont  Total
 1,000)   capita   funds       ion      ry  non-restric      ed   rolling       
               l          differen  shares   ted equity  earnin  interest       
                               ces                 fund      gs         s       
Equity     1,359      21       -70    -275            5   1,653         1  2,694
 Jan 1,                                                                         
Dividend                                                   -362             -362
s paid                                                                          
Repurcha                               -75                                   -75
se of                                                                           
Disposal                               217                                   217
y shares                                                                        
Comprehe                       -42                          369        -8    319
Change         0       0       -42     142            0       7        -8     99
Equity     1,359      21      -112    -133            5   1,660        -7  2,793



This interim report complies with requirements of IAS 34 ”Interim Financial
Reporting”.  Starting from the beginning of the reporting period, the Group has
applied certain new or revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations as
described in the Consolidated Financial Statements 2011. The implementation of
these new and revised requirements have not materially impacted the reported
figures. For all other parts, the accounting and valuation principles are the
same as they were in the 2011 financial statements. 

When preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is required to
make estimates and assumptions regarding the future and to consider the
appropriate application of accounting principles, which means that actual
results may differ from those estimated. 

All amounts presented in this interim report are consolidated figures, unless
otherwise noted. 

The amounts presented in the report are rounded, so the sum of individual
figures may differ from the sum reported. This interim report is unaudited. 

GROUP COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                    
(EUR 1,000)                                  Sept 30,      Dec 31,      Sept 30,
                                                 2012         2011          2011
Business mortgage                               1,337        1,337         1,337
Current lease liabilities                                                       
Liabilities maturing during one year              176          231           334
Liabilities maturing 2-5 years                     43           77            71
Lease liabilities total                           219          308           405
Total commitments and contingent                1,556        1,645         1,742

GROUP INTANGIBLE AND TANGIBLE ASSETS                                 
Increases in intangible assets                                       
(EUR 1,000)                     Sept 30, 2012  Dec 31,  Sept 30, 2011
Acquisition cost Jan 1                  4,839    3,608          3,608
Increase                                  336    1,396          1,231
Increases in tangible assets                                         
(EUR 1,000)                     Sept 30, 2012  Dec 31,  Sept 30, 2011
Acquisition cost Jan 1                  1,158    1,021          1,021
Increase                                   62      137             56
CHANGE IN GROUP INTEREST-BEARING LOANS                               
(EUR 1,000)                     Sept 30, 2012  Dec 31,  Sept 30, 2011
Interest-bearing loans Jan 1              566      792            792
Repayments                               -226     -226           -226
Interest-bearing loans                    340      566            566
Sept 30/Dec 31                                                       

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT BY QUARTER                                        
(EUR 1,000)      July -    April-     Jan -  Oct -    July -   April -     Jan -
                  Sept,     June,    March,   Dec,     Sept,     June,    March,
                   2012      2012      2012   2011      2011      2011      2011
Net sales         2,011     2,404     2,212  2,215     1,772     1,784     1,768
Other                18        21        15     29        12        17        21
Materials and       100       115        87     66        78        72        34
Employee          1,211     1,360     1,294  1,361     1,058     1,053     1,122
Other               379       552       480    400       339       363       346
EBITDA              339       398       366    417       309       313       287
Depreciation        174       168       167    151       157       134       130
Operating           165       230       199    267       152       179       157
Financial             4       -34        -2    -24        -2        -8       -16
 income and                                                                     
Profit before       169       196       197    243       150       171       141
Income taxes        -17       -72       -48    -82       -36       -24       -41
Profit for          152       124       149    161       113       147       100
 the period                                                                     

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             
(1,000 EUR)               July -      July -       Jan -       Jan -  Jan - Dec,
                      Sept, 2012  Sept, 2011  Sept, 2012  Sept, 2011        2011
Net sales                                                                       
   Software Sales            804         845       2,778       2,761       3,836
   Business                1,207         927       3,850       2,563       3,703
Total net sales            2,011       1,772       6,628       5,324       7,539
   Software Sales            174         139         532         514         764
   Business                  250         265         859         661         925
   Not allocated             -85         -95        -287        -266        -363
Total EBITDA                 339         309       1,104         909       1,326
Operating profit                                                                
   Software Sales            103          67         324         309         472
   Business                  147         180         557         445         646
   Not allocated             -85         -95        -287        -266        -363
Total operating              165         152         594         488         755
Financial income and           4          -2         -32         -26         -50
Income taxes                 -17         -36        -137        -102        -184
Profit for the               152         113         425         360         521
Other information                                                               
Depreciation and amortization                                                   
   Software Sales             71          72         208         205         292
   Business                  103          85         302         216         280
Total depreciation           174         157         510         421         572
 and amortization                                                               

GROUP KEY FIGURES                                                               
EUR (1,000)                          Jan - Sept,     Jan - Sept,      Jan - Dec,
                                            2012            2011            2011
Net sales                                  6,628           5,324           7,539
Net sales growth, %                         24.5             6.1             8.7
Operating profit                             594             488             755
% of net sales                               9.0             9.2            10.0
Profit before tax                            562             462             705
% of net sales                               8.5             8.7             9.4
Profit for the period                        425             360             521
% of net sales                               6.4             6.8             6.9
Return on equity, %                         19.5            17.5            18.4
Return on investment ,%                     23.5            19.0            21.5
Interest-bearing liabilities                 340             566             566
Cash and cash equivalents                  1,797             913           1,020
Free cash flow                             1,464            -124             570
Net liabilities                           -1,457            -347            -454
Equity                                     2,854           2,793           2,973
Gearing, %                                 -51.2           -12.4           -15.3
Equity ratio, %                             53.9            52.7            44.2
Total balance sheet                        6,940           6,596           7,761
Investments in non-current                   398           1,324           1,478
% of net sales                               6.0            24.9            19.6
Product development expenses               1,217           1,011           1,313
% of net sales                              18.4            19.0            17.4
Average number of personnel                   78              71              72
Personnel at the beginning of                 73              65              65
Personnel at the end of period                80              78              73
Earnings per share, €                       0.03            0.03            0.04
Earnings per share (diluted), €             0.03            0.03            0.04
Equity per share, €                         0.23            0.22            0.24
Definitions of key figures are presented on page 45 in the Annual Report 2011.