2010-12-17 08:58:21 CET

2010-12-17 08:59:13 CET


Lithuanian English
Ukio Bankas AB - Total number of voting rights and capital

Regarding registration of non-equity securities of AB Ukio bankas

On 17 December 2010 Central Securities Depository of Lithuania opened general
securities accounts for two fixed interest bond issues of AB Ukio bankas: 

Issue title and number            Fixed interest bond issue LTL No 6/2010
ISIN                              LT0000410300                           
Bonds issued                      110,782                                
Issue currency                    LTL                                    
Nominal value of a bond           100 LTL                                
Total nominal value               11,078,200 LTL                         
Annual interest                   4.90%                                  
Date of bonds coming into effect  17 December 2010                       
Issue duration                    370 days                               
Date of bonds maturity            22 December 2010                       
Interest payment date             22 December 2010                       
Listing                           This issue will not be listed          
Prospectus                        Published                              

Issue title and number            Fixed interest bond issue EUR No 7/2010
ISIN                              LT1000401372                           
Bonds issued                      3,409                                  
Issue currency                    EUR                                    
Nominal value of a bond           100 EUR                                
Total nominal value               340,900 EUR                            
Annual interest                   2.9%                                   
Date of bonds coming into effect  17 December 2010                       
Issue duration                    370 days                               
Date of bonds maturity            22 December 2010                       
Interest payment date             22 December 2010                       
Listing                           This issue will not be listed          
Prospectus                        Published                              

         Marius Arlauskas, Head of Financial Institutions and Fund Raising
Department, +370 37 301 332