2016-06-20 18:00:35 CEST

2016-06-20 18:00:35 CEST


Finnish English
Okmetic Oyj - Major shareholder announcements

Okmetic Oyj: Disclosure under chapter 9, section 5 of the Finnish Securities Market Act



Okmetic Oyj (Nasdaq Helsinki OKM1V) ("Okmetic") has received a notification in
accordance with Chapter 9, Section 5 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act from
NSIG Finland S.à r.l. and National Silicon Industry Group.

According to the notification received from NSIG Finland S.à r.l. and National
Silicon Industry Group ("NSIG"), the total holdings of NSIG and its controlled
undertakings in Okmetic have today exceeded 90 percent. According to the
notification, NSIG Finland S.à r.l. now holds 16,169,894 shares in Okmetic,
which corresponds to 93.54 percent of all the shares and votes in the company,
as well as 601,000 option rights of Okmetic entitling to subscribe for 601,000
shares in Okmetic, which corresponds to 3.48 percent of all the shares and votes
in the company.

According to the notification received from NSIG Finland S.à r.l. and NSIG:

Total positions of person(s) subject to the notification obligation:

|                          |               |% of shares and voting  |         |
|                          |% of shares and|rights through financial|         |
|                          |voting rights  |instruments             |% total  |
|Resulting situation on the|               |                        |         |
|date on which threshold   |               |                        |         |
|was crossed or reached    |93.54          |3.48                    |97.01    |
Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold
was crossed or reached:
A: Shares and voting rights:
|Class/type of shares  |Number of shares and voting|                           |
|ISIN code (if         |rights                     |% of shares and voting     |
|possible)             |                           |rights                     |
|                      |          |Indirect        |         |                 |
|                      |Direct    |(SMA 9:6 and    |Direct   |Indirect         |
|                      |(SMA 9:5) |9:7)            |(SMA 9:5)|(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)|
|FI0009009054          |16 169 894|0               |93.54    |0                |
|SUBTOTAL A            |16 169 894                 |93.54                      |

B: Financial instruments according to SMA 9:6a:
|              |              |              |            |Number of |% of     |
|Type of       |              |Exercise/     |Physical or |shares and|shares   |
|financial     |Expiration    |Conversion    |cash        |voting    |and      |
|instrument    |date          |Period        |settlement  |rights    |voting   |
|              |              |              |            |          |rights   |
|              |              |Depending on  |            |          |         |
|              |              |the           |            |          |         |
|              |              |option series |            |          |         |
|2013 option   |              |Feb           |            |          |         |
|rights        |              |5, 2016 -     |Physical    |          |         |
|entitling to  |March 31, 2018|March         |settlement  |601 000   |3.48     |
|subscribe     |              |31, 2018; Feb |            |          |         |
|for shares    |              |1,            |            |          |         |
|              |              |2017 - March  |            |          |         |
|              |              |31,           |            |          |         |
|              |              |2018          |            |          |         |
|              |              |              |SUBTOTAL B  |601 000   |3.48     |

Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate
controlling natural person or legal entity:
|                     |               |% of shares and voting  |             |
|                     |% of shares and|rights through financial|             |
|Name                 |voting rights  |instruments             |Total of both|
|National Silicon     |               |                        |             |
|Industry Group       |0              |0                       |0            |
|Shanghai Si-Euro     |               |                        |             |
|Investment Co., Ltd. |0              |0                       |0            |
|NSIG Finland S.à r.l.|93.54          |3.48                    |97.01        |

According to the notification received from NSIG Finland S.à r.l. and NSIG:

  * The completion trades for the shares and option rights tendered into NSIG
    Finland S.à r.l.'s ("NSIG Finland") public tender offer for all the shares
    and option rights in Okmetic Oyj have been executed on 20 June 2016. All the
    completion trades will be settled on or about 22 June 2016, whereby the
    title to the shares and option rights tendered into the tender offer will
    pass to NSIG Finland.

  * The option rights tendered into the tender offer entitle their holders to
    subscribe either existing treasure shares held by Okmetic or new shares
    issued by Okmetic. Based on the information published by Okmetic, Okmetic
    currently holds 406,129 treasury shares.

  * In accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act and the guidelines
    issued by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, the ownership
    percentages notified in the notification have been calculated against the
    current total number of shares and votes published by Okmetic (including the
    treasury shares held by Okmetic, i.e. 406,129 shares and votes in total),
    and not taking into account the fact that also new shares could be issued
    based on the option rights.

The total number of shares in Okmetic is 17,287,500. Each share entitles its
holder to one vote.


Juha Jaatinen
Senior Vice President, Finance, IT and Communications

For further information, please contact:

Senior Vice President, Finance, IT and Communications Juha Jaatinen
tel. +358 9 5028 0286, email: juha.jaatinen@okmetic.com

Okmetic supplies tailored, high value-added silicon wafers to be used in the
manufacture of sensors as well as discrete semiconductors and analog circuits.
Okmetic's strategic objective is profitable growth driven by a product portfolio
designed to meet customers' current and future technology needs. The core of the
company's operations is being genuinely close to the customers and understanding
their needs and processes.

Okmetic's global sales network, extensive portfolio of high value-added
products, in-depth knowledge of crystal growing, long-term product development
projects, as well as efficient and flexible production create prerequisites for
achieving the strategic targets. The company's headquarters is located in
Finland, where the majority of the company's silicon wafers is manufactured. In
addition to in-house manufacture, Okmetic has contract manufacturing in Japan
and China. Okmetic's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. under the code
OKM1V. For more information on the company, please visit our website at
