2014-02-06 10:00:51 CET

2014-02-06 10:01:52 CET

Tämä tiedote on korjattu Klikkaa nähdäksesi korjattu tiedote

Englanti Liettua
SEB Bankas AB - Prospectus

Final Terms No. 20131015/006 of Base prospectus approved by the Bank of Lithuania on Oct 15, 2013

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014-02-06 10:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- February 13-March
17, 2014 SEB Bank will have subscription of reference item linked notes. These
notes will be issued under Base prospectus which was approved by the Bank of
Lithuania on October 15, 2013, and the Final terms No 20131015/006. The
offering will be public and will take place in Lithuania and Latvia. 

         Rolandas Sungaila
         Head of Markets Department
         (8 5) 268 2436