2008-03-03 21:15:13 CET

2008-03-03 21:16:14 CET


Islandic English
365 hf. - Notice to general meeting

The AGM of 365 hf. will be held on 11 March at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica at 2 p.m.

The Annual General Meeting of 365 hf. will be held on Tuesday 11th of March
2008 at 2.00 p.m. at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, Reykjavík. 


1.	Report of the Board of Directors on the activities of the company in 2007
2.	The accounts of the company and auditors' report submitted for confirmation
3. 	Proposal on payment of dividends
4.	Motions to amend the Company Articles of Association

* Proposal that the Board of Directors will be given further authorisation to
increase its share capital for the payment of liabilities due to concluded
purchase rights agreements with employees. 
* Proposal that the Board of Directors will be given further authorisation to
purchase the company's own shares, cf. Article 55 of the Act on Public Limited
* Proposal that the Board of Directors will be given authorisation to increase
its share capital by up to ISK 1,500,000,000. 
* Proposal that the Articles of Association state that the media should be
formally invited to an AGM. 

5.	Proposal of the Board of Directors on a remuneration policy
6.	Elections to the Board of Directors for the term of one year.
7.	Election of Auditors
8.	Determination of the remuneration of the Board of Directors
9.	Other matters

The agenda, final submissions and the company's financial statements as well as
the auditors' report will be on display at the company's headquartes a week
before the meeting. 

Ballots and other documents will be available at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica at
the beginning of the meeting. 

Proposals according to the Agenda of 365 hf.  Annual General Meeting 11th of
March 2008 

Item 3
The Board of Directors does not propose any payments of dividends for the year
Item 4.

* Proposal that the Board of Directors will be given further authorisation to
increase its share capital for the payment of liabilities due to concluded
purchase rights agreements with employees. 
* Proposal that the Board of Directors will be given further authorisation to
purchase the company's own shares, cf. Article 55 of the Act on Public Limited
* Proposal that the Board of Directors will be given authorisation to increase
its share capital by up to ISK 1,500,000,000. 
* Proposal that the Articles of Association state that the media should be
formally invited to an AGM. 

Item 5 
The Board of Directors proposes no changes in the remuneration policy for the
Item 6
Will be presented by the Chairman of the Meeting. 
Item 7
The Board of Directors proposes KPMG Endurskoðun hf. as the company's Auditors. 
Item 8
The Board of Directors proposes the remuneration of the members of the Board to
remain unchanged. Individual Board Members will receive ISK 100.000 pr month
and the Chairman 200.000 pr. month. Alternative members will receive ISK 50.000
for each meeting attended. The maximun payment of alternative members is ISK