2010-05-14 08:01:53 CEST

2010-05-14 08:03:26 CEST


Lithuanian English
Kauno Energija AB - Notification on material event

The Decisions of the Reconvening General meeting shareholders meeting of JSC “Kauno Energija”

In the repeated general shareholders meeting of JSC “Kauno Energija” on 13th
May, 2010, the following decisions were taken: 
1. Debriefed the conclusion of the consolidated and company‘s financial
statements of the year 2009 prepared by independent auditor (JSC
2. To confirm audited consolidated and company‘s financial statements of the
year 2009, prepared according to the International financial reporting
standards, accepted to use in the European Union (attached). 
3. To distribute company‘s profit (loss) for the year 2009 according to the
profit (loss) allocation project provided to the general shareholder: 
1. Profit (loss) to be carried forward from the previous financial year - LTL
(2,882,957) (EUR 834,962). 
2. Net profit (loss) for the reporting financial year - LTL 6,928,096 (EUR
3. Profit (loss) of the financial year not recognized in the Income Statement -
LTL 0 (EUR 0). 
4. Transfers from reserves - LTL 0 (EUR 0).
5. Shareholders contribution for covering the losses (if full or partial losses
are decided to be covered by shareholders) - LTL 0 (EUR 0). 
6. Total profit (loss) to be appropriated - LTL 4,045,139 (EUR 1,171,553).
7. Profit to be appropriated to legal reserves - LTL 448,033 (EUR 129,759).
8. Profit to be appropriated to reserves for investment into own shares - LTL 0
(EUR 0). 
9. Profit to be appropriated to other reserves - LTL 0 (EUR 0).
10. Profit to be appropriated for dividends (or LTL 0.084 (EUR 0.024 dividend
per share) - LTL 3,589,486 (EUR 1,039,587). 
11. Profit to be appropriated for annual disbursements (tantiemes) to the
members of the Board and Supervisory Council, employee's bonuses and for other
purposes - LTL 7,620 (EUR 2,207). 
12. Profit (loss) to be carried forward at the end of the financial year to the
next financial year - LTL 0 (EUR 0). 
4. To select JSC “Deloitte Lietuva” Ltd. to do the audit of joint stock
company's “Kauno Energija” and consolidated (group companies) of the financial
statements for the financial year 2010-2012, as well as determine that payment
for audit services for the financial year 2010 - LTL 48,421.00 (EUR 14,024),
financial year 2011 - LTL 48,421.00 (EUR 14,024), financial year 2012 -        
LTL 48,421.00 (EUR 14,024). The payment should be done in 30 days after
signing the service acceptance-transfer certificate. 

The Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania provides that dividends shall
be paid to the shareholders who at the end of the tenth business day following
the Annual General Meeting that adopts a decision on dividend payment (rights
accounting day) will be on the Shareholder's List of the Company, i.e. will be
shareholders of JSC “Kauno Energija” on 27 May 2010. 

Pursuant to Art.60.4 of Law on Companies, the dividends will be paid out within
one month of the date of taking the decision to pay out the dividends.
Dividends will be paid to the shareholders as follows: 
1. upon receipt of the applications of SC “Kauno Energija” regarding the
payment of depending dividends, which must be paid into shareholder‘s bank
account. Applications can be submitted by e-mail info@kaunoenergija.lt , 
2. at the cash desk of the company, Raudondvario pl. 84, Kaunas, 3 rd floor.

Following Lithuanian laws dividends for the year 2009 paid to natural
persons-residents of the Republic of Lithuania and natural persons-residents of
foreign countries are subject to withholding Personal income tax of 20 percent.
Dividends paid to legal entities of the Republic of Lithuania and legal
entities-residents of foreign countries are subject to withholding Corporate
income tax of 15 per cent, unless otherwise provided for by the laws. 

Residents of the foreign countries, which have concluded agreements on
Avoidance of Double Taxation with the Republic of Lithuania, could take
advantage of reduced tariffs provided by such agreements by submitting Claim
for Reduction or Exemption from the Anticipatory Tax Withheld at Source, form
FR0021 (DAS-1). 

Jovita Sereikienė
Head of Asset Management Department
+370 37 305664