2010-03-24 17:15:00 CET

2010-03-24 17:15:01 CET


Finnish English
Salcomp Oyj - Decisions of general meeting


Salcomp Plc		Stock Exchange Release 24 March 2010 at 18:15 Finnish time	        

DECISIONS AT SALCOMP'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2010 	                            

Salcomp Plc's Annual General Meeting was held on 24 March 2010 in Helsinki. The 
AGM approved the 2009 financial statements and discharged the members of the    
Board and the President and CEO from liability for the financial year.          

In accordance with the Board's proposal, the AGM decided that repayment of      
capital of a total of EUR 2,728,263.30 (being EUR 0.07 per share) will be       
distributed to the shareholders from the Company's invested unrestricted equity.
The repayment of capital decided by the AGM will be distributed to those        
shareholders that on the record date, 29 March 2010, are registered in the      
shareholders' register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. The repayment of capital  
will be paid on 7 April 2010.                                                   

In accordance with the Board's proposal, the AGM decided that no dividend for   
2009 will be paid.                                                              

The AGM decided that the number of the members of the Board of Directors remains
at five. The AGM re-elected Mats Heiman, Kari Vuorialho, Carl Engström and Jukka
Rinnevaara as members of the Board of Directors and elected Petri Kähkönen as a 
new Board member until the conclusion of the 2011 Annual General Meeting. The   
AGM appointed Mats Heiman as the Chairman and Kari Vuorialho as Vice Chairman.  
The AGM decided to leave the remuneration for the Board of Directors unchanged: 
the remuneration for a full term will be EUR 40,000 for the Chairman, EUR 32,000
for the Vice Chairman and EUR 25,000 for the members.                           

At its organizing meeting following the AGM, Salcomp's Board of Directors       
concluded due to the Company's size and composition of the Board of Directors,  
that it is not necessary to establish any separate Board committees. The Board  
of Directors further stated that all Board members are independent of the       
Company, and Petri Kähkönen, Jukka Rinnevaara and Kari Vuorialho are also       
independent of the Company's significant shareholders.                          

KPMG Oy Ab, Authorized Public Accounting Firm, continues as the Company auditor 
and Pauli Salminen, APA, as the responsible auditor.                            

In accordance with the Board's proposal, the AGM decided to amend the method and
minimum period for publishing the convening notice to the AGM in the Article 8  
of the Company's Articles of Association, due to the amendment to the Finnish   
Companies Act.                                                                  

The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to decide on issuance of no more than 
11.8 million new shares or own shares held by the Company. Furthermore, the AGM 
decided to authorize the Board of Directors to repurchase no more than 3.8      
million of the Company's own shares using the funds in the Company's invested   
unrestricted equity.                                                            

A total of 10 shareholders were present at the AGM, either in person or         
represented by proxy, representing 35,625,036 shares, or 91.4 per cent of the   
total number of shares in the Company.                                          

SALCOMP PLC                                                                     

Markku Hangasjärvi            
President and CEO                                                               
Tel. +358 40 7310 114                                                           

NASDAQ OMX, Helsinki                                                            
The main media                                                                  