2015-06-24 17:58:22 CEST

2015-06-24 17:59:22 CEST


Liettua Englanti
Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

AB Klaipedos nafta has signed the new contract on reloading of not less than 1 mln. tons of oil products

AB  Klaipedos nafta (hereinafter - the Company) and BNK (UK) Limited which is
an affiliate of the leading exporter of Belarusian oil products - ZAT
“Belaruskaja  neftenaja kampanija”, has signed a long term contract on
provision of oil products reloading services in AB Klaipedos nafta terminal
(hereinafter - the Contract) . 

The term of the Contract is until 31 October 2016 (with option to extend it for
one more year). Not less than 1 million tons of heavy fuel oil shall be
reloaded through the Company's terminal during the period up to 31 October

The conclusion of the Contract is approved by the Board of the Company as
provided for in the Articles of Association of AB Klaipedos nafta. 

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of Finance and Administration
Department, tel. 8 46 391763