2008-05-16 09:25:00 CEST

2008-05-16 09:25:00 CEST


Finnish English
Sampo - Major shareholder announcements


SAMPO PLC              STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    16 May 2008 at 10.25 am        


Sampo plc (business code 01422113-3) has yesterday received the following       
disclosure in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act  
regarding Sampo plc's shares. According to the disclosure Exista hf. and        
companies controlled by Exista hf. hold shares in Sampo plc below of the        
flagging threshold of 20 per cent of the number of shares as set forth in       
Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Market Act.                             

According to the disclosure Exista Trading ehf. has also cancelled the equity   
swap agreement regarding 100,000 A shares in Sampo plc referred to in Exista    
hf.'s flagging notification of 11 February 2008.                                

According to the disclosure Exista hf. and its group companies hold 19.98 per   
cent of the total number of shares and 19.82 per cent of the voting rights in   
the Sampo plc.                                                                  

SAMPO PLC                                                                       

Essi Nikitin                                                                    
IR Manager                                                                      
tel. +358 10 516 0066                                                           

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
The principal media                                                             
Financial Supervision                                                           
Insurance Supervisory Authority                                                 


Finnish Financial Supervision Authority                 15 May 2008             
Snellmaninkatu 6                                                                
P.O. Box 159                                                                    
FI-00101 Helsinki                                                               
to be delivered by e-mail to:                                                   

Sampo Plc.                                                                      
Fabianinkatu 27                                                                 
FI-00100 Helsinki                                                               
Fax: + 358 10 516 0016                                                          
to be delivered by e-mail to:                                                   

MARKETS ACT ON A CHANGE IN HOLDINGS                                             

This is a notification about Exista's divest of shares in Sampo in order to     
maintain Exista's 19.98 per cent shareholding unchanged, following decided      
cancellation of shares in Sampo Plc.                                            

As a result of transactions entered into by Exista hf.'s group companies and the
cancellation of Sampo Plc.'s trasury shares, Exista hf.'s combined current and  
future holdings in Sampo Plc. fall below 20 per cent of the shares of Sampo Plc.
but the current holdings remain at the previous level of 19.98 per cent of the  
total number of shares and 19.82 per cent. of the voting rights. These          
transactions have been carried out to maintain the holdings at the level        
authorised by the relevant regulatory authorities, including the Finnish        
Insurance Supervision Authority.                                                

Under Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Markets Act, we herby notify the   
Financial Supervision Authority and Sampo Plc. of the following:                

1. Identity of the issuer                                                       

Sampo Plc. (Sampo Oyj)                                                          

2. Reason for the notification                                                  

This notification is made because:                                              

- Sampo Plc. has on 7 May 2008 decided to cancel a total of 6,715,000 of its    
treasury A shares, but the cancellation has not been registered at the date of  
this notification;                                                              

- Exista B.V., Exista Trading ehf. and Vátryggingafélag Íslands hf.  have       
divested a total of 1,350,000 A shares in Sampo Plc.; and                       

- Exista Trading ehf. has cancelled the equity swap agreement regarding 100,000 
A shares in Sampo Plc referred to in Exista hf.'s flagging notification of 11   
February 2008.                                                                  

Therefore, the combined current and future holdings of Exista hf.'s group       
companies fall below 20 per cent of the shares of Sampo Plc., but the current   
holdings remain at 19.98 per cent of the total number of shares and 19.82 per   
cent of the voting rights in the Sampo Plc, which is the previous level of      
holdings approved by the relevant regulatory authorities, including the Finnish 
Insurance Supervision Authority.                                                

3. Date of the transactions                                                     

15 May 2008                                                                     

4. Exact proportion of voting rights and shares in Sampo Plc., broken down by   
the share class                                                                 

Subsequent to registration of the cancellation of Sampo Plc.'s treasury shares  
the total holdings of Exista hf.'s group in Sampo Plc. will be as follows:      

| Share class      | No. of shares     | % of all shares   | % of all voting   |
|                  |                   |                   | rights            |
| A-shares         | 114,257,867       | 19.98%            | 19.82%            |
| B-shares         | -                 | -                 | -                 |
| Total            | 114,257,867       | 19.98%            | 19.82%            |

After registration of the cancellation of the treasury shares, the share capital
of Sampo Plc. will comprise a total of 571,815,890 shares (570,615,890 class A  
shares and 1,200,000 class B shares), said shares entitling to a total of       
576,615,890 votes.                                                              

5. Shareholder's full name and trade register number                            

Full name: Exista hf.                                                           

Exista hf. is registered with the Register of Enterprises of Iceland under the  
registration number 610601-2350.                                                

Exista hf.'s address is Ármúli 3, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland.                       

The shares issued by Exista hf. have been admitted to public trading on the main
list of the OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland.                                        

Contact person:                                                                 

Sigurdur Nordal                                                                 
Managing Director                                                               
Group Communications                                                            
Exista hf.                                                                      
Ármúli 3, IS-108 Reykjavík       
Telephone:  +354 550 8620                                                       
Fax:  +354 550 8699                                                             
E-mail:  ir@exista.com                                                          

6. Full names and trade register numbers of the subsidiaries through which the  
shares are held as well as grounds for including such shares in the holdings of 
the shareholder                                                                 

Exista hf. holds the shares in Sampo Plc. through its subsidiaries. These       
subsidiaries are controlled by Exista hf. within the meaning of Chapter 1,      
section 5 of the Securities Markets Act.                                        

The full names and trade register numbers of the subsidiaries are as follows:   

| Name                                 | Trade register number                 |
| Exafin B.V.                          | 34229055, Trade register maintained   |
|                                      | by the Chambers of Commerce for       |
|                                      | Amsterdam                             |
| Exista B.V.                          | 34221959, Trade register maintained   |
|                                      | by the Chambers of Commerce for       |
|                                      | Amsterdam                             |

7. Allocation of holdings between Exista hf. and the subsidiaries               

Exista B.V., Exista Trading ehf. and Vátryggingafélag Íslands hf.  have divested
divested an aggregate of 1,350,000 A shares in Sampo Plc., and Exista Trading   
ehf. has cancelled the equity swap agreement relating to 100,000 A shares in    
Sampo Plc. referred to in Exista hf.'s flagging notification of 11 Feburary     
2008. Consequently, after registration of the cancellation of Sampo Plc.'s      
treasury shares, the holdings of Exista hf.'s group companies in Sampo Plc. will
be as follows:                                                                  

|                | Share class | No. of shares | % of all       | % of all     |
|                |             |               | shares         | voting       |
|                |             |               |                | rights       |
| Exafin B.V.    |             |               |                |              |
|                | A shares    | 90,074,668    | 15.75%         | 15.62%       |
|                | B shares    | -             | -              | -            |
|                | Total       | 90,074,668    | 15.75%         | 15.62%       |
| Exista B.V.    |             |               |                |              |
|                | A shares    | 24,183,199    | 4.23%          | 4.19%        |
|                | B shares    | -             | -              | -            |
|                | Total       | 24,183,199    | 4.23%          | 4.19%        |

8. The chain of controlled companies through which the shares and votes in Sampo
Plc. are held                                                                   

Exafin B.V. is a 100 per cent directly-owned subsidiary of Exista hf.           

Exista hf. owns 100 per cent of the shares in Exista Holdings B.V., which in    
turn owns 100 per cent of the shares in Exista B.V.                             

Pekka Jaatinen, Attorney-at-Law                                                 
For and on behalf of Exista hf.