2009-04-30 14:05:21 CEST

2009-04-30 14:06:30 CEST


VST AB - Notification on material event

Preliminary pre-audit Q1 2009 activity result of VST AB

Preliminary pre-audit Q1 2009 activity result of VST AB is LTL 10.3 million
(EUR 3.0 million) net profit. Company sales revenue amounted for LTL 328
million (EUR 95 million) for the first three months of this year. During the
first three months of 2009 1.04 billion kWh of electricity were sold to
customers. Electricity consumption in distribution network owned by the company
during Q1 2009 declined by 5,3 percent, compared to Q1 2008. 

Such 1st quarter activity result was due to several main reasons:
-	In Q1 2009 actual electricity purchase (production) expenditures were less
than average annual electricity purchase (production) price set for whole 2009
-	Due to the new electricity sales tariffs that came into the force on 2009,
part of the customers declared greater electricity consumption data than
actually consumed; these revenues were accounted in Q1 2009. 
-	Due to later than expected confirmation of electricity sales prices company
delayed implementation of planed repair and reconstruction works till the
middle of the year. 

Aidas Ignatavičius
Chief Executive Officer 

Person for contacts:
Lina Minderienė
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: +370 5 2781200