2010-03-24 15:30:00 CET

2010-03-24 15:30:02 CET


Finska Engelska
Panostaja Oyj - Major shareholder announcements

Notification of change in holdings

Panostaja Oyj 	Stock Exchange Bulletin, 24th March 2010, 04:30 p.m.             

Notification of change in holdings                                              

Panostaja Oyj has today gained knowledge of the following notification under    
Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Finnish Securities Market Act regarding a change of 
holdings in the company, according to which the potential future holding of     
Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company in Panostaja Oyj is, as a result of the  
subscription of convertible bonds made on 15 January 2007, in                   
total 6,250,000 shares and votes if Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company would
exercise its conversion rights relating to Panostaja Oyj's Exchangeable capital 
loan 2006 in full. The holding corresponds to 11.98 percent of all the shares   
and votes in Panostaja Oyj after the conversion taking into account the number  
of shares issued by the date of this release.                                   

Notification by Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company under Chapter 2, Section 
9 of the Finnish Securities Market Act:                                         

1. Issuer of shares                                                             
Panostaja Oyj, Business ID: 0585148-8                                           

2. Shareholder under obligation to notify                                       
Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company
Identification information:                                                     
Business ID: 0117086-1                                                          
Address: Palkkatilanportti 1, 00240 Helsinki                                    

3. Grounds for the notification                                                 
Agreement / other arrangement which, when effected, will result in acquisition  
of shares or votes.                                                             

4. Threshold for notification which will be exceeded in the event the agreement 
/ arrangement is effected                                                       
The portion of shares and votes of Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company       
exceeds 10 percent.                                                             

5. Information to be notified                                                   

5.A. The current portion of shares and votes of Etera Mutual Pension Insurance  
1,500,000 shares and votes(ISIN code FI0009800379) in Panostaja Oyj, i.e. the   
portion of Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company is 3.16 percent of the number 
of shares and votes.                                                            

5.B. Agreement or other arrangement                                             
Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company has on 15 January 2007 subscribed for    
Panostaja Oyj's Exchangeable capital loan 2006. The right to convert the bonds  
into shares ends 31 January 2012.                                               

The number of shares and votes that Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company can  
receive by using its conversion right: 4,750,000 shares and votes, i.e. 9.11    
percent of the number of shares and votes. The portions have been calculated in 
relation to the number of shares and votes in the company that would exist      
provided that Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company would exercise its         
conversion rights relating to the exchangeable capital loan 2006 in full, i.e.  
in relation to the following number of shares and votes: 52,153,110.            

5.C. The aggregate current and potential future holding of Etera Mutual Pension 
Insurance Company (5.A + 5.B)                                                   
The number of shares and votes 6,250,000, i.e. 11.98 percent of the number of   
shares and votes. The portions have been calculated in relation to the number   
of shares and votes in the company that would exist provided that Etera Mutual  
Pension Insurance Company would exercise its conversion rights relating to the  
exchangeable capital loan 2006 in full, i.e. in relation to the following number
of shares and votes: 52,153,110.                                                

PANOSTAJA OYJ                                                                   

Juha Sarsama                                                                    

For further information, please contact Juha Sarsama +358 40 774 2099