2010-07-09 10:25:00 CEST

2010-07-09 10:25:02 CEST


Stockmann - Company Announcement


STOCKMANN plc                                                                   
Company Announcement                                                            
9.7.2010 at 11.25                                                               

STOCKMANN GROUP'S REVENUE IN JUNE 2010                                          

In June, the Stockman group´s revenue (exclusive of VAT) exclusive of Hobby     
Hall´s discontinued operations abroad amounted to EUR 137.4 million, up 5.2 per 

Since the beginning of 2010, Hobby Hall has been a part of the Department       
Store Division. The Department Store Division's revenue includes Hobby          
Hall's figures, and the comparison figures have been adjusted accordingly. The  
Department Store Division´s revenue increased by 1.5 per cent, up 1.8 per cent  
in Finland and 0.4 per cent abroad. Revenue declined in the Baltic department   
stores but increased by 9 per cent in Russia.                                   

Lindex´s revenue increased by 11.4 per cent, down 5.1 per cent in Finland and up
14.0 per cent abroad. The development in the new markets in Russia and Czech    
Republic was particularly strong.                                               

Seppälä´s revenue increased by 2.7 per cent. Revenue was on a par with the      
previous year in Finland and in the Baltic markets and increased by 22 per cent 
in Russia.                                                                      

Thanks to healthy stock levels in all divisions summer sale campaigns were      
smaller and were started later than in 2009. On the other hand, later school    
year ending boosted the revenues during the first week of June.                 

Revenue (exclusive of VAT) in June                                              

|                |         June         |       January-June        | January- |
|                |                      |                           | December |
|                | 2010 |  2009 | chang |   2010 |    2009 | change |     2009 |
|                |  EUR |   EUR |     e |    EUR |     EUR |  perc. |      EUR |
|                | mill | mill. | perc. | mill.  | mill.   |  10/09 |     mill |
|                |  .   |       | 10/09 |        |         |        |        . |
| Department     | 56.3 |  55.4 |   1.8 |  375.2 |   362.8 |    3.4 |    785.8 |
| Store          |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Division,      |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Finland        |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Department     | 15.7 |  15.6 |   0.4 |  116.3 |   110.9 |    4.9 |    235.8 |
| Store          |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Division,      |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| international  |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| operations     |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Department     | 72.1 |  71.0 |   1.5 |  491.5 |   473.7 |    3.8 |  1 021.5 |
| Store          |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Division,      |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| total          |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Lindex,        |  6.0 |   6.4 |  -5.1 |   30.9 |    29.9 |    3.1 |     65.8 |
| Finland        |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Lindex,        | 46.2 |  40.6 |  14.0 |  232.8 |   205.1 |   13.5 |    461.3 |
| international  |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| operations     |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Lindex, total  | 52.3 |  46.9 |  11.4 |  263.7 |   235.1 |   12.2 |    527.0 |
| Seppälä,       |  8.7 |   8.8 |  -1.6 |   45.0 |    43.5 |    3.5 |     94.3 |
| Finland        |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Seppälä,       |  4.3 |   3.8 |  12.7 |   23.5 |    20.9 |   12.4 |     45.2 |
| international  |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| operations     |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Seppälä, total | 13.0 |  12.7 |   2.7 |   68.5 |    64.4 |    6.4 |    139.5 |
| Real estate +  |  0.0 |   0.0 |       |    0.3 |     0.3 |        |      0.6 |
| others         |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Operations in  | 71.1 |  70.6 |   0.7 |  451.3 |   436.5 |    3.4 |    946.4 |
| Finland, total |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| International  | 66.3 |  60.0 |  10.4 |  372.7 |   336.9 |   10.6 |    742.2 |
| operations,    |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| total          |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Stockmann      | 137. | 130.7 |   5.2 |  824.0 |   773.5 |    6.5 |  1 688.6 |
| total,         |    4 |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| continuing     |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| operations     |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Closed         |  0.0 |   1.4 |       |    0.0 |     9.4 |        |      9.9 |
| operations:    |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Hobby Hall,    |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| international  |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| operations     |      |       |       |        |         |        |          |
| Stockmann      | 137. | 132.1 |   4.1 |  824.0 |   782.9 |    5.2 |  1 698.5 |
| total          |    4 |       |       |        |         |        |          |

STOCKMANN plc                                                                   

Hannu Penttilä                                                                  

NASDAQ OMX                                                                      
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