2016-03-07 14:23:13 CET

2016-03-07 14:23:13 CET


English Finnish
Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj - Annual Financial Report

Talvivaara Mining Company annual results review for the year ended 31 December 2015

Stock Exchange Release
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
7 March 2016

 Talvivaara Mining Company annual results review for the year ended 31 December

Key events of 2015

  * Talvivaara's Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December
    2015 have not been prepared on a going concern basis. The chosen reporting
    basis results from the existence of material uncertainties that cast
    significant doubt upon the Company's ability to realise its assets and
    discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business and from the lack
    of visibility on the Company's operational environment twelve months beyond
    the date of reporting
  * The draft restructuring programme was supported by approximately 97.5
    percent of the creditors of unsecured debt participating in the voting and
    over 53 percent of creditors whose receivables represent all known debts.
    The requisite support from the creditors set forth in the Restructuring of
    Enterprises Act for the approval of the draft restructuring programme was
    thereby obtained
  * The Annual General Meeting held on 25 June 2015 authorised the Board of
    Directors to resolve on the share issue of up to 4,500,000,000 new shares in
    aggregate in deviation from the pre-emptive subscription rights of the
    shareholders through one or several share issues to conduct the conversion
    of the unsecured restructuring debts. The decision made was one of the
    special conditions set for the confirmation and entry into force of the
    draft restructuring programme
  * The Administration and Laboratory Services Agreement of 19 November 2014 and
    the Agreement on Lease of Lime and Limestone Handling Plant and Reception
    Station of 19 November 2014 were transferred to Terrafame Oy, a 100%
    subsidiary of the state-owned company Terrafame Group Oy on 13 August 2015.
    The transfer of the mining business from the bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara
    Sotkamo Ltd to Terrafame Oy was completed on 14 August 2015
  * Nyrstar Sales & Marketing AG assigned all its rights, title, benefit and
    interest under the Zinc in Concentrate Purchase Agreement and the Loan and
    Streaming Holiday Agreement to Winttal Oy, a company fully owned by
    Terrafame Group Oy, under an assignment deed dated 30 November 2015
  * The suspension of trading of Talvivaara Mining Company Plc's shares
    continues on the date of the Company's annual results announcement 7 March
  * Reported operating loss EUR 0.2 million

Key events of 2016 to date

  * As a result of Terrafame Oy replacing the guarantee insurance of EUR 31.9
    million placed by Talvivaara Sotkamo that covered the environmental bond
    requirement under the current environmental permit with a new environmental
    bond on 21 January 2016, Atradius Credit Insurance NV notified the Company
    that the original guarantee insurance and the corresponding counter-
    indemnity provided by the Company have terminated on 21 January 2016
  * On 27 January 2016, Talvivaara, Terrafame Group Oy, Terrafame Oy and Winttal
    Oy, signed a letter of intent, in which the parties provisionally agreed on
    the essential terms and conditions for the sale of Talvivaara's assets
    related to the Sotkamo mining operations. Assets to be sold would include,
    among others, the lime plant needed in the Sotkamo operations, laboratory
    business, as well as ownership of the geological data associated with the
  * Upon completion of the arrangements under the letter of intent, all main
    assets of Talvivaara currently generating income for the Company would
    transfer to Terrafame Oy, whilst it would enable the completion of
    Talvivaara's corporate restructuring proceedings and the payments to the
    creditors under the restructuring programme, and facilitate the development
    of the Company's existing and potential new business opportunities


Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Tel. +358 20 712 9800
Pekka Perä, CEO
Pekka Erkinheimo, Deputy CEO

Talvivaara's annual results review 2015


Following the bankruptcy of Talvivaara Mining Company Plc's ("Talvivaara" or the
"Company") operating subsidiary Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd ("Talvivaara Sotkamo") on
6 November  2014, trading of Talvivaara's shares  on the Helsinki Stock Exchange
was  suspended. The suspension of trading continues on the date of the Company's
annual results announcement 7 March 2016.

Talvivaara  has been in corporate reorganisation throughout the review period of
1 January   2015 -   31 December   2015. During   the  corporate  reorganisation
proceedings,  all major decisions  and decisions outside  the ordinary course of
business   have   required   consent  of  the  administrator  of  the  corporate
reorganisation proceedings (the "Administrator").

Talvivaara's Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2015
have  not been  prepared on  a going  concern basis.  The chosen reporting basis
results from the existence of material uncertainties that cast significant doubt
upon  the Company's ability to realise  its assets and discharge its liabilities
in  the  normal  course  of  business  and  from  the  lack of visibility on the
Company's  operational environment twelve  months beyond the  date of reporting.
Talvivaara's ability to revise its reporting basis and to regain its status as a
going  concern  is  dependent  on  the  successful  completion  of the Company's
corporate reorganisation proceedings, which in turn requires that the Company is
able  to complete an  arrangement that secures  the necessary cash  flow for the
Company to discharge all of its liabilities and the continuance of the Company's
viable  business. In the  view of the  Company, the transactions contemplated by
the  Letter  of  Intent  signed  by  and between Talvivaara, Terrafame Group Oy,
Terrafame  Oy and Winttal Oy, a subsidiary  of Terrafame Group Oy, on 27 January
2016 would,  when completed, constitute such an arrangement. More information is
available in sections "Reporting basis" and "Events after review period".

Review of Operations

Prior  to the bankruptcy of Talvivaara Sotkamo, the activities of the Talvivaara
group  comprised of the operations at  the Talvivaara mine primarily carried out
by Talvivaara Sotkamo and a broad range of support functions and expert services
provided  by the Company. Throughout its existence, the Company has employed the
majority of the group's managerial resources and technical experts and therefore
provided   the   operating   subsidiary  with  e.g.  administrative,  financial,
communications,  technical,  laboratory,  commercial,  legal  and sustainability
services against agreed fees. In addition, the Company owns a lime and limestone
handling  plant and reception station, which are critical for the production and
water  treatment processes  of the  mine, and  which the  Company has  leased to
Talvivaara Sotkamo since 2009.

Talvivaara  and  the  bankruptcy  estate  of  Talvivaara  Sotkamo entered on 19
November  2014 into the Administration and Laboratory Services Agreement and the
Agreement  on Lease of Lime and  Limestone Handling Plant and Reception Station.
The agreements detailed the Company's personnel resources and equipment that are
available   and   critical  for  the  environmentally  and  occupationally  safe
operations  at the Sotkamo  mine and state  the agreed pricing  for the services
provided.  Invoicing of personnel  resources is based  on hourly rates, expenses
incurred  in the  provision of  the services  are charged  at cost added with an
administrative  margin,  and  for  the  limestone  plant a monthly rent has been
agreed.  The  rights  and  obligations  of  the  bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara
Sotkamo  under the aforementioned agreements were transferred to Terrafame Oy, a
100% subsidiary  of  the  state-owned  company  Terrafame  Group Oy on 13 August
2015. The  transfer  of  the  mining  business  from  the  bankruptcy  estate of
Talvivaara Sotkamo to Terrafame Oy was completed on 14 August 2015.

The  Annual General Meeting of the Company resolved on 25 June 2015 to authorise
the  Board of Directors to resolve on the share issue of up to 4,500,000,000 new
shares in aggregate in deviation from the pre-emptive subscription rights of the
shareholders  through one or  several share issues  to conduct the conversion of
the   unsecured  restructuring  debts  into  new  shares  in  the  Company.  The
subscription  price  of  the  shares  would  be  EUR  0.1144 per  share  and the
subscription  price  shall  be  paid  by  setting off the subscriber's unsecured
restructuring  debt  claim  including  any  possible interest and costs relating
thereto  from  the  Company.  The  share  issue authorisation is valid until 31
December  2017. The decision made was one of  the special conditions set for the
confirmation   and  entry  into  force  of  the  Company's  draft  restructuring

The  liquidation processes of the Company's  subsidiaries were completed and the
subsidiaries  dissolved on 26 June 2015. Talvivaara  continues its business as a
single reporting entity.

On  7 December 2015, Talvivaara  was informed  by Nyrstar  Sales &  Marketing AG
("Nyrstar")  that  Nyrstar  has  assigned  all  its  rights,  title, benefit and
interest   under   the   Zinc  in  Concentrate  Purchase  Agreement  ("Streaming
Agreement")  and the  Loan and  Streaming Holiday  Agreement ("Streaming Holiday
Agreement") to Winttal Oy, a company fully owned by Terrafame Group Oy, under an
assignment  deed dated 30 November 2015. The liability  of the Company under the
Streaming  Agreement is based on the guarantee issued by the Company for the due
payment  by  its  former  subsidiary  Talvivaara  Sotkamo of the termination sum
amounting  to EUR  203.4 million and  payable upon  premature termination of the
Streaming Agreement. Furthermore, upon the bankruptcy of Talvivaara Sotkamo, the
holder  of the loan receivable has been entitled  to declare that all or part of
the  loans drawn by Talvivaara Sotkamo  from Nyrstar under the Streaming Holiday
Agreement  (in  total  ca.  EUR  12.8 million)  shall  be  payable  on demand by
Talvivaara in its capacity as the guarantor.

To  date,  Talvivaara  continues  to  pursue  its  target of securing sufficient
financing  to participate in the acquisition of the Sotkamo mining operations or
securing a different financial and/or operative arrangement that will secure the
viability  of the Company's  future business operations.  The Company has on 27
January  2016 signed  a  letter  of  intent  with  Terrafame  Group  Oy, and its
subsidiaries  Terrafame Oy  and Winttal  Oy, in  which the parties provisionally
agree  on the essential terms and conditions for the sale of Talvivaara's assets
related to the Sotkamo mining operations against a cash consideration and a full
and   final  discharge  of  the  Company's  secured  debt  and  all  liabilities
transferred from Nyrstar to Winttal Oy (the "Letter of Intent").

Financial review

Financial result
The  operating loss for 2015 was EUR  (0.2) million (2014: EUR (702.6) million).
Revenues of the Company consist mainly of income generated from equipment leases
as  well as laboratory and consultancy  services rendered, whereas the costs are
mainly  personnel and other operating expenses.  The operating loss for 2014 EUR
(702.6)  million  resulted  from  substantial  impairment charges and write-offs
resulting  from the bankruptcy of Talvivaara Sotkamo on 6 November 2014 and from
the application of the non-going concern principle. In addition, a provision for
the  potential  203.4 EUR  million  termination  sum guarantee liability towards
Nyrstar  as well  as the  write-off of  the Company's 24.9 EUR million unsecured
receivable  from Talvivaara Sotkamo were booked  in other operating expenses for

Finance  income  for  2015 was  EUR  0.01 million  (2014:  EUR 37.5 million) and
consisted  mainly of interests on deposits and receivables. Finance costs of EUR
(25.8) million (2014: EUR (109.7) million) resulted mainly from accrued interest
and related financing expenses accrued on borrowings.

The  loss for  2015 amounted to  EUR (26.0)  million (2014: EUR (774.9) million)
mainly  due to accrued finance  costs. Earnings per share  was EUR (0.01) (2014:
EUR (0.41).

As  at 31 December 2015, the Company's cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR
4.7 million (EUR 5.3 million as at 31 December 2014).

To   date,   the   Company  finances  its  day-to-day  operations  by  providing
administrative  and technical services and the  lease of machinery and equipment
to  Terrafame  Oy  (business  previously  operated  by  the bankruptcy estate of
Talvivaara Sotkamo).

During  2015, the Company  has financed  its operations  entirely with operative
cash flow.

Following  Talvivaara Sotkamo's bankruptcy in  2014, the Company wrote off fully
its  receivables from and  the shares held  in Talvivaara Sotkamo.  As a result,
Talvivaara  lost its equity,  which was acknowledged  by the Company's Board and
notified  to  the  trade  register.  Talvivaara  recognised the weakening of its
financial  position already in November 2013 and  took measures to mitigate this
by applying for corporate reorganisation.

Provisions and other items recognised based on restructuring programme
In  the Company's 2014 Financial Statements,  Talvivaara recorded a provision of
EUR  203.4 million for the potential  termination sum guarantee towards Nyrstar.
The  guarantee  concerns  the  consequences  of  a  premature termination of the
Streaming  Agreement between Nyrstar and Talvivaara Sotkamo, which as of 1 April
2014 was  guaranteed by the Company.  The Company provided the  full amount as a
provision in 2014.

The Company decided to leave the provision on the balance sheet in 2015, even if
there  are facts and  circumstances which may  lead to the  unrecognition of the
provision in the future. Reasons for possible unrecognition of the provision are

 1. The provision of EUR 203.4 million would be settled if Talvivaara and
    Terrafame Oy conclude a final contract for selling the Company's assets
    related to the Sotkamo mining operations to Terrafame.

Talvivaara,  Terrafame Group Oy, Terrafame Oy and  Winttal Oy signed a Letter of
Intent on the essential terms and conditions for the sale of Talvivaara's assets
related to the Sotkamo mining operations. By means of the contracts contemplated
by the Letter of Intent, Talvivaara would pay to Winttal Oy EUR 3.8 million as a
full  and final settlement of all Talvivaara's debts and liabilities, which were
transferred  to Winttal  Oy from  Nyrstar in  November 2015. The arrangement is,
however,  among  others,  conditional  on  a  favorable  decision  by  the Vaasa
Administrative  Court  on  the  Nuasjärvi  discharge  pipe  line,  enabling  the
continuance  of  Terrafame's  mining  operations.  The  decision  of  the  Vaasa
Administrative  Court  has  not  been  received  by  the  date  of the Company's
Financial   Statements   7 March   2016. More  information  on  the  transaction
contemplated  by the Letter of Intent is  available in section "Events after the
Review Period".

 2. If the Letter of Intent does not result in a final contract between
    Talvivaara and the Terrafame entities, there will still be uncertainties
    related to the treatment of the Company's guarantee obligation. For example,
    the ranking priority of liabilities may cause that the guarantee obligation
    cannot be paid.

More information on the background of the potential termination sum guarantee is
available in the Company's 2014 Financial Statements.

In  addition, the Company  has issued a  floating charge security  for the loans
drawn  from Finnvera by Talvivaara Sotkamo,  amounting in aggregate to EUR 58.7
million, including accrued interest. The aggregate amount consists of two parts:
EUR 50.7 million the Company has guaranteed as its own debt, and EUR 8.0 million
the Company has secured with a floating charge security issued as a third-party-
security.  In the Administrator's final draft restructuring programme, liability
of the Company under the floating charge security to Finnvera has been valued to
EUR  3.4 million.  This  is  a  liability  referred  to  in  section 3(3) of the
Restructuring  of Enterprises Act,  and it is  subject to the  same rules as the
secured  debt of  the Company.  As Finnvera's  EUR 8.0 million  claim is not the
Company's  own debt, it has  not been taken into  account as restructuring debt.
However,  this liability has been  taken into account in  the calculation of the
amount of secured and business mortgage debt, and payments will be made on it in
the  same manner as  on the Company's  debts secured by  collateral and business
mortgages.  However, due to the applied non-going concern principle, the Company
has  also recognised  the full  EUR 8.0 million  as a  liability on  the balance
sheet.  Upon  completion  of  the  restructuring  proceedings,  the  part of the
Finnvera  loans taken  into account  as secured  debt (EUR 3.4 million) would be
finally  and fully discharged, whilst the  balance would be treated as unsecured
debt  in  the  Company's  restructuring  programme  and  repaid according to the
authorized payment schedule.

Off-balance sheet and contingent liabilities
Talvivaara  Sotkamo covered largely the environmental bond requirement under the
current  environmental  permit  by  a  guarantee  insurance provided by Atradius
Credit  Insurance NV ("Atradius"). As at 31 December 2015, the coverage amounted
to  EUR  31.9 million.  As  a  result  of  Terrafame  Oy replacing the guarantee
insurance  placed by Talvivaara Sotkamo with  a new environmental bond, Atradius
notified the Company that the original guarantee insurance and the corresponding
counter-indemnity  have terminated  on 21 January  2016. More information can be
found in section "Events after the Review Period".

Following  the  authorisation  by  the  Espoo  District  Court  of the Company's
corporate  reorganization  proceedings  in  accordance  with the Administrator's
final  draft restructuring  programme, the  Company will  pay one percent of the
aggregate  amount of the  Company's unsecured restructuring  debts not converted
into  equity, and  a total  of EUR  7.5 million for  the debts  secured with the
business  mortgage issued by the Company. The  exact amount of the total payment
on  the unsecured restructuring  debts will depend  on the extent  to which such
debts have been converted into equity of the Company.

On  the statement of financial position  as at 31 December 2015, property, plant
and  equipment  totalled  EUR  4.7 million  (31 December 2014: EUR 5.0 million).
Intangible assets totalled EUR 0.1 million (31 December 2014: EUR 0.6 million).

Corporate reorganisation

The  Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo applied  for corporate reorganisation on 15
November  2013 by filing related applications with  the District Court of Espoo,
Finland.  The District Court of Espoo took  the decision to commence a corporate
reorganisation  process in  respect of  the Company  on 29 November  2013 and in
respect  of Talvivaara Sotkamo on 17 December  2013. The District Court of Espoo
appointed Mr. Pekka Jaatinen, Attorney-at-Law, from Castrèn & Snellman Attorneys
to  act as the Administrator in respect  of the corporate reorganisation of both
the  Company and Talvivaara  Sotkamo. In reorganisation  proceedings governed by
the  Finnish Restructuring  of Enterprises  Act (47/1993,  as amended), both the
business  operations  and  the  debts  of  a  company  may  be  reorganised  and
restructured.  As a result of such reorganisation, a company can either continue
its operations or, if the reorganisation fails, initiate bankruptcy proceedings.

On   13 March   2015, the  Administrator  of  the  corporate  reorganisation  of
Talvivaara  filed the final draft restructuring  programme to the District Court
of  Espoo. The total amount of the  restructuring debts to be taken into account
in  the restructuring proceedings is approximately EUR 513 million, out of which
approximately EUR 508 million is considered unsecured debt. This amount does not
include  debts with lowest priority. In  addition, the Company has approximately
EUR  8 million  liability  relating  to  a  granted  third-party  security.  The
Administrator  proposed that the  restructuring debts be  cut by 99% which would
leave  1% of  the  amount  of  such  debt  to be repaid. The restructuring debts
secured  by business mortgage will  not be cut and  no payments would be made on
debts  with lowest  priority. The  final draft  restructuring programme does not
include a provision on a duty to make supplementary payments.

The  approval of the draft restructuring  programme required inter alia explicit
support  from the necessary number of creditors. The creditors' voting procedure
was completed on 6 May 2015 and the Administrator submitted the voting report on
the outcome of the creditors' voting procedure to the District Court of Espoo on
25 May  2015. The Administrator's draft restructuring programme was supported by
approximately  97.5 percent of the creditors  of unsecured debt participating in
the  voting. In total, creditors whose  receivables represent over 53 percent of
all  known debts recognized  for the purposes  of the voting  procedure voted in
favour  of the  draft restructuring  programme. The  requisite support  from the
creditors  set forth in the Restructuring of Enterprises Act for the approval of
the draft restructuring programme was thereby obtained.
The  Annual  General  Meeting  held  on  25 June  2015 authorised  the  Board of
Directors  to resolve on  the share issue  of up to  4,500,000,000 new shares in
aggregate   in  deviation  from  the  pre-emptive  subscription  rights  of  the
shareholders  through one or  several share issues  to conduct the conversion of
the  unsecured restructuring  debts. The  decision made  was one  of the special
conditions  set  for  the  confirmation  and  entry  into  force  of  the  draft
restructuring programme.

The confirmation and entry into force of the final draft restructuring programme
is  still subject to a number of  conditions relating to inter alia the business
and financing arrangements of the Company.

Reporting basis

Talvivaara's financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2015
have  not been prepared on  a going concern basis.  The basis for preparation is
that  the operations of  the Company may  end in near  future. This results from
material uncertainties that cast significant doubt upon the Company's ability to
realise  its  assets  and  discharge  its  liabilities  in  the normal course of
business.  There  is  also  lack  of  visibility  on  the  Company's operational
environment twelve months beyond the date of reporting.

Talvivaara's ability to revise its reporting basis and to regain its status as a
going concern is to a paramount extent dependent on the successful completion of
the Company's corporate reorganisation proceedings, which requires that:

  i. Talvivaara succeeds in completing an arrangement that will secure the
     necessary cash flow for the Company to discharge all of its liabilities and
     the continuance of the Company's viable business, and
 ii. the District Court of Espoo authorizes the execution of the Company's debt
     restructuring in accordance with the Administrtor's final draft
     restructuring programme of 13 March 2015.

As  of the date of the Company's annual results announcement 7 March 2016, there
is  no certainty as to whether all  the set requirements can be fulfilled within
the given time frame.

Business development projects

Talvivaara  acquired in  2011-2012 an approximately  60MW capacity share  in the
Fennovoima  nuclear project in  Finland. Due to  the Company's ongoing corporate
reorganisation  proceedings, Talvivaara is  currently not in  a position to make
further  investments into the project and has  therefore not been able to commit
to further funding of the project.

Legal proceedings

Investigation on Talvivaara's disclosure practices
In  April 2015, Talvivaara confirmed that a number of current and former members
of  Talvivaara's management have been heard  in connection with an investigation
relating  to the Company's disclosure practices.  The police ended the pre-trial
investigations  and transferred  the case  for the  consideration of  charges in
February  2016. The Company  has already  in the  past gone  through the applied
disclosure  practices  extensively  and  in  great  detail  with  the  Financial
Supervisory Authority and sees no grounds for any charges being brought.

Alleged misuse of insider information
The  Company  was  notified  on  20 October  2015 that charges have been brought
against  a member of its Executive Committee in the Helsinki District Court on a
case  concerning alleged  misuse of  insider information.  The Company  is not a
party  to the  case. In  the Company's  view, the  charges have no impact on the
Company,  its  financial  position  or  on  the  employment of the member of the
Executive Committee in the Company.

Gypsum pond leakages and discharges into water ways
The  main hearing in the  criminal case relating to  the gypsum pond leakages at
the  Sotkamo mine site and the discharges of the mine into water ways, where the
prosecutor  has brought charges against four members of Talvivaara's management,
including CEO Pekka Perä and former CEO Harri Natunen, ended on 1 October 2015.
The ruling of the district court is expected during the spring of 2016.

Recovery claim from the bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo
The   Company   received  on  21 October  2015 a  recovery  claim  amounting  to
approximately  EUR 700,000 from the bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo. The
claim  concerned  payments  made  to  the  Company  in  early November 2014. The
bankruptcy estate has requested the Company to either pay the required amount or
to  provide  grounds  for  why  the  payments  should  not be recoverable to the
bankruptcy  estate. Although  the Company  contested the  claim, the  matter was
settled amicably between the bankruptcy estate and the Company in December 2015.

Risk management and key risks

Talvivaara's  near-term risk factors include particularly such risks that relate
to its ongoing negotiations with the Terrafame group of companies, the corporate
reorganisation  proceedings,  financing  and  sufficiency  of  funds to meet its
actual and potential liabilities:

If  an adequate overall  financial solution for  the continuance of Talvivaara's
business  operations is not found,  Talvivaara's restructuring programme may not
be authorised and stakeholders could lose their entire investment in the Company
The  authorisation  of  the  proposed  restructuring  programme of Talvivaara is
conditional,  among  other  things,  on  Talvivaara  succeeding in completing an
arrangement  that  will  secure  the  necessary  cash  flow  for  the Company to
discharge  all of its liabilities and restructuring debts and the continuance of
the   Company's   viable  business.  Although  completion  of  the  transactions
contemplated  by the non-binding Letter of Intent  signed by the Company and the
Terrafame  group of companies would secure or significantly facilitate achieving
such  target,  there  is,  as  of  the  date  of  the  Company's  annual results
announcement  7 March  2016 no  certainty  as  to  whether  the  Company and the
Terrafame group can complete the transactions and whether the Company can fulfil
all  the requirements set  for the authorisation  of the restructuring programme
within  the given time frame. If  the restructuring programme is not authorised,
the  Company may have to file for  bankruptcy and, as a result, the shareholders
and creditors of the Company could lose their entire investment in the Company.

Further,  as a result of the completion  of the transactions contemplated in the
Letter  of  Intent,  Talvivaara's  guarantee  liabilities relating to Talvivaara
Sotkamo's  obligations  under  the  Zinc  Streaming  Agreement and the Streaming
Holiday  Agreement would  be fully  and finally  settled. Therefore,  failure to
complete  the transactions contemplated in the  Letter of Intent would cause the
guarantee  liabilities  to  remain  outstanding,  which would have a significant
negative  effect on the  Company's ability to  raise new funds  required for the
succesfull  fulfillment  of  the  conditions  for  the  entry  into force of the
Company's restructuring programme.

A  payment  demand  by  the  holder  of  the  EUR  12.8 million  loan receivable
guaranteed by the Company could result in a bankruptcy of the Company
Talvivaara  Sotkamo has drawn down  EUR 12.8 million (including interest through
October  2014), in  loans  from  Nyrstar  under  the  Loan and Streaming Holiday
Agreement  of 1 April  2014 between Talvivaara,  Talvivaara Sotkamo and Nyrstar.
Upon  the bankruptcy of Talvivaara Sotkamo, Nyrstar has been entitled to declare
that  all or part  of the loans,  together with accrued  interest, be payable on
demand  by Talvivaara, in its  capacity as the guarantor.  If Winttal Oy, as the
current  holder of the receivable, was to  demand immediate repayment of the EUR
12.8 million  loans  guaranteed  by  the  Company,  the  Company  might not have
sufficient  cash reserves or access to additional liquidity to make the required
payment, which could result in the Company having to file for bankruptcy and, as
a  result, the shareholders and creditors  could lose their entire investment in
the Company.

If  the corporate reorganisation  proceedings of Talvivaara  are not successful,
stakeholders could lose their entire investment in the Company
Although  the Board of  Directors believes that  a corporate reorganisation is a
viable  option  for  Talvivaara,  there  can  be  no assurance that the proposed
restructuring  programme  of  the  Company  will  be authorised or be ultimately
successful.  The  corporate  reorganisation  process  can  fail  for a number of
reasons, including due to an insufficiency of funds to implement or complete the
restructuring  programme,  changes  in  circumstances  affecting  the  financial
viability  of Talvivaara, or  insufficient income from  the services provided to
Terrafame  Oy.  If  the  corporate  reorganisation  fails for these or any other
reasons,  it  could  result  in  the  bankruptcy  of  the  Company. As a result,
shareholders and creditors could lose their entire investment in the Company.

The  right  of  conversion  of  debt  into  equity included in the restructuring
programme  of Talvivaara and/or the issuance  of new equity instruments may lead
to a significant dilution of the existing shareholding of the Company
The  right  of  conversion  of  debt  into  equity included in the restructuring
programme  of Talvivaara and/or the issuance  of new equity instruments may lead
to  a  significant  dilution  of  the  existing shareholding of the Company. The
extent  of dilution will eventually be determined by the aggregate amount of the
restructuring  debts to  be converted  into shares  at the determined conversion
rate  of EUR 0.1144 per share as well as  by the subscription price of the newly
issued  shares offered and  the amount of  funds raised in  the potential equity

In case Talvivaara acquires a stake in Terrafame Oy, the Sotkamo mine may not be
able  to  successfully  address  various  operational,  environmental  and other
difficulties facing the mine and shareholders could ultimately lose their entire
investment in the Company
The  Sotkamo mine has faced various  difficulties since the commissioning of the
mine  in 2008 and  2009. These difficulties  include, among  others, operational
difficulties  concerning  the  mine's  production and performance, environmental
issues  as well  as legal  and administrative  proceedings involving the Sotkamo
mine and certain members of Talvivaara's and Terrafame Oy's management. Further,
there  can  be  no  certainty  that  the  financing potentially available to the
Sotkamo  mine would be  sufficient to ramp-up  production or that  it would ever
achieve  profitability.  Accordingly,  even  if  Talvivaara  were able to obtain
sufficient  financing in order to participate  in the acquisition of the Sotkamo
mining  operations  and  the  restructuring  programme  for  Talvivaara would be
authorized,  shareholders  and  creditors  could  ultimately  lose  their entire
investment in the Company, should the Sotkamo mining operations be the only or a
significant part of the Company's business operations going forward.


Headcount and remuneration
Talvivaara's  headcount decreased somewhat from the  previous year and was 39 at
the   end  of  2015 (2014:  53). At  the  end  of  2015, 59 %  (2014:  49 %)  of
Talvivaara's  employees were men  and 41 % (2014:  51 %) were women. The average
age of the Company's employees was 40.2 years (2014 40.5 years).

Talvivaara's personnel comprises an expert organisation, the core competences of
which  include, for example, analytical laboratory services, bioheapleaching and
other  production processes, procurement,  environmental safety, risk management
and  communications. The organisation has in the past provided critical services
to  Talvivaara Sotkamo and it continues to provide similar services to Terrafame
Oy, which currently operates the Sotkamo mine.

The  salaries of  Talvivaara's personnel  are based  on industry-wide collective
agreements.  The  total  compensation  of  the key individuals has traditionally
consisted  of a base salary  and short and long  term incentive schemes based on
annual  bonuses, stock options and other share-based incentive schemes. However,
due  to exceptional circumstances surrounding the Company there are currently no
short term or long term incentive schemes in place.

Management changes
The finance function has been reporting to the Deputy CEO Pekka Erkinheimo since
1 February 2015 following the departure of CFO Saila Miettinen-Lähde.

The  Chief Human Resources Officer Maija Kaski resigned from her position on 17
June  2015 to pursue  her career  outside the  Company. The Chief Sustainability
Officer Eeva Ruokonen resigned from her position on 17 August 2015.

Corporate governance statement

Talvivaara issues its Corporate Governance Statement of 2015 and publishes it on
the Company's website at www.talvivaara.com on the week starting 21 March 2016.
The Corporate Governance Statement does not form part of the Board of Directors'

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

Talvivaara's  Annual General Meeting was held on 25 June 2015 in Espoo, Finland.
All the resolutions proposed, as set out in the notice of the meeting, were duly
passed with the exception of the proposals of the Shareholders' Nomination Panel
regarding  the number of Board  members and the composition  of the Board, which
were  amended to  include Mr.  Kari Järvinen  as a  new member  of the  Board of
Directors. The resolutions of the AGM included:
  * that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2014;
  * that the annual fee payable to the members of the Board for the term until
    the close of the Annual General Meeting in 2016 be as follows: Chairman of
    the Board of Directors EUR 84,000/year and other Non-executive Directors:
    EUR 48,000/year. No separate meeting fees are paid for the Board or the
    Committee work. The remuneration of the Executive Directors is included in
    their base salary, and it is not paid out separately;
  * that the number of Board members be five (5) and that Mr. Tapani Järvinen,
    Mr. Pekka Perä, Mr. Stuart Murray and Ms. Solveig Törnroos-Huhtamäki were
    re-elected. Mr. Kari Järvinen was elected as a new member to the Board;
  * that the auditor be reimbursed according to the approved auditor's invoice
    and authorised public accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be elected as
    the Company's auditor for the financial year 2015;
  * that the Board of Directors be authorised to resolve on the share issue of
    up to 4,500,000,000 new shares in aggregate in deviation from the pre-
    emptive subscription rights of the shareholders through one or several share
    issues to conduct the conversion of the unsecured restructuring debts into
    new shares in the Company. The subscription price of the shares shall be EUR
    0.1144 per share and the subscription price shall be paid by setting off the
    subscriber's unsecured restructuring debt claim including any possible
    interest and costs relating thereto from the Company. The share issue
    authorisation is valid until 31 December 2017.

At  its constituent meeting  on 25 June 2015, the  Board of Directors re-elected
Mr. Tapani Järvinen as the chairman of the Board.

Shares and shareholders

On   30 December  2015 the  total  number  of  Talvivaara  shares  increased  by
2,035,396 to  2,098,817,876 as a result of  conversions of the convertible bonds
of  2010 amounting in  aggregate to  EUR 4,600,000. In  addition, by  the end of
2015 Talvivaara   received  conversion  notices  pursuant  to  which  the  bonds
amounting  in aggregate  to EUR  21,100,000 were to  be converted  to a total of
9,336,276 new  Talvivaara shares. These new Talvivaara shares were registered in
the Trade Register on 14 January 2016.

The  number of  shares issued  and outstanding  and registered  on the Euroclear
Shareholder  Register  as  of  31 December 2015 was 2,098,817,876. Including the
effect  of  the  EUR  225 million  convertible  bond  of  16 December  2010, the
authorized full number of shares of the Company amounted to 2,195,543,540.

As at 31 December 2015, the shareholders who held more than 5% of the shares and
votes  of  Talvivaara  were  Solidium  Oy  (15.2%)  and  Mr.  Pekka Perä (5,9%).
Talvivaara  held 9.2% of the shares in the  Company. The shares held in treasury
by the Company do not carry any voting rights.

As at 31 December 2015 the shares held in treasury by the Company amounted to in
aggregate  192,883,000. The figure comprises of 190,615,000 new shares issued to
the  Company without consideration as resolved  by the Annual General Meeting of
shareholders   of   2014 and  2,268,000 shares  previously  held  by  Talvivaara
Management  Oy. The Company dismantled the shareholding scheme organized through
Talvivaara  Management  Oy  in  December  2014 by  acquiring  all  the shares of
Talvivaara  Management Oy  from the  participants for  a nominal purchase price.
Talvivaara  Management Oy was  placed in liquidation  together with Talvivaara's
other  dormant subsidiaries  in December  2014 and Talvivaara  Management Oy was
dissolved in June 2015.

Share based incentive plans

The  subscription periods for 2007A, 2007B and 2007C Stock Options issued to the
Talvivaara group's key personnel expired on 31 March 2012, 31 March 2013 and 31
March  2014, respectively.  As  at  31 December  2015 there are no Stock Options
2007 outstanding.

As  the vesting criteria for Stock  Options 2011A, 2011B and 2011C issued to the
key  employees  and  personnel  of  the  Company  and  its subsidiaries were not
fulfilled  the  options  were  cancelled  at  the  end  of 2012, 2013 and 2014,
respectively.   As   at  31 December  2015 there  are  no  Stock  Options  2011

Events after the review period

Release  of the  counter-indemnity given  for the  guarantee insurance issued by
Talvivaara  Sotkamo covered largely the environmental bond requirement under the
current  environmental permit by a guarantee  insurance provided by Atradius. As
at  31 December 2015, the  coverage amounted  to EUR  31.9 million. In the event
restoration  of the  mine's waste  areas (gypsum  ponds, heap  areas) took place
without  Talvivaara Sotkamo carrying the cost, the expenses would have initially
been  covered by  Atradius and  eventually Atradius  would have claimed the cost
back  from  the  Company,  which  has  given counter-indemnity for such costs to
Atradius. However, as a result of Terrafame Oy replacing the guarantee insurance
placed  by Talvivaara Sotkamo with a new environmental bond on 21 January 2016,
Atradius  notified the  Company that  the original  guarantee insurance  and the
corresponding  counter-indemnity have terminated on 21 January 2016 and that the
beneficiary  Kainuun ELY-keskus  or Atradius  have no  claims against Talvivaara
Sotkamo  or the Company on the basis  of the guarantee insurance or the counter-
indemnity issued by the Company.

Therefore, the full amount of the liability under the counter-indemnity given by
the  Company  will  be  removed  from  the Company's restructuring debts, and no
payment will be made on it under the authorised payment schedule.

Letter of Intent on the sale of the Company's mining assets to Terrafame group
On  27 January  2016, Talvivaara,  Terrafame  Group  Oy  and  its  subsidiaries,
Terrafame  Oy and Winttal  Oy, signed a  Letter of Intent,  in which the parties
provisionally  agreed  on  the  essential  terms  and conditions for the sale of
Talvivaara's  assets related to the Sotkamo mining operations. Assets to be sold
would  include, among others,  the lime plant  needed in the Sotkamo operations,
laboratory business, as well as ownership of the geological data associated with
the mine.

The  transactions  under  the  Letter  of  Intent  would consist of two separate
phases.  In  the  first  phase,  Terrafame  Oy  will buy the laboratory business
required  in the production process, and the geological data associated with the
Sotkamo  mine. The laboratory  personnel will be  transferred to Terrafame Oy as
old  employees.  In  addition,  the  possibility  for Talvivaara's key personnel
working at the mine to transfer to Terrafame Oy's service will be agreed. In the
first  phase of the arrangement,  Terrafame Oy will pay  a purchase price of EUR
3.8 million to Talvivaara.

Upon  completion of the second  phase of the arrangement,  Terrafame Oy will buy
from  Talvivaara the lime plant required in  the production process of the mine.
Terrafame  Oy  shall  pay  to  Talvivaara  a purchase price of EUR 12.5 million.
Simultaneously,  Talvivaara will pay to Winttal Oy EUR 3.8 million as a full and
final  settlement of Talvivaara's debts  and liabilities, which were transferred
to  Winttal  Oy  from  Nyrstar  in  November  2015. These  debts and liabilities
comprise  of Talvivaara's guarantee liability  of approximately EUR 12.8 million
under   the  Streaming  Holiday  Agreement  and  a  guarantee  liability  for  a
termination   sum   of  approximately  EUR  203.4 million  under  the  Streaming
Agreement,  which thereby  shall be  considered fully  and finally  settled upon
completion of the arrangement.

In  addition, as part of the arrangements, Terrafame Group Oy will acquire debts
of  Talvivaara from certain commercial banks and Finnvera Plc. The nominal value
of  these debts is approximately EUR 129.6 million in aggregate. These debts are
considered restructuring debts under Talvivaara's draft restructuring programme,
which  will receive  a payment  of EUR  7.5 million under  the business mortgage
claims,  whilst the unsecured part of the  debts would be paid approximately EUR
1.2 million. Upon completion of the second phase of the arrangements, Talvivaara
shall  pay to  Terrafame Group  Oy for  the debts  transferred by the commercial
banks  and Finnvera Plc  a total sum  of EUR 8.7 million  in accordance with the
final restructuring programme.

The  difference  between  the  total  purchase  price  and  the  sums payable by
Talvivaara  to Terrafame entities on the basis of Talvivaara's debts is thus EUR
3.8 million,  which Terrafame Oy would pay to Talvivaara as a net purchase price
for all assets transferred.

The  signed Letter of  Intent is, with  certain limited exceptions, legally non-
binding  and conditional upon the detailed agreements concerning the arrangement
being finalized and accepted by all parties no later than 3 February 2016, or on
another  date agreed  by the  parties, at  which instant  the first phase of the
arrangements  would be completed.  The second phase  of the arrangements is also
conditional  on the approval by Talvivaara's General Meeting of Shareholders and
on  confirmation of  Talvivaara's restructuring  programme with  a targeted dead
line  of 30 April 2016. The whole arrangement under the Letter of Intent is also
conditional  on  a  favorable  decision  by  the  Vaasa  Administrative Court on
Nuasjärvi discharge pipe line, enabling the continuance of Terrafame Oy's mining

Upon  completion of the arrangements under the Letter of Intent, all main assets
of  Talvivaara currently  generating income  for the  Company would  transfer to
Terrafame  Oy.  However,  the  completion  of  the arrangements would enable the
completion  of Talvivaara's corporate restructuring proceedings and the payments
to  the creditors under the restructuring programme, and it would facilitate the
development  of the Company's existing and potential new business opportunities.
In connection with arrangements, Terrafame entities undertake to accept the cuts
proposed  in Talvivaara's  draft restructuring  programme and  not to appeal the
district court decision confirming the restructuring programme.

Extension of the dead line set in the Letter of Intent
Since  the decision of  the Vaasa Administrative  Court was not  received by the
original  dead line of 3 February 2016, the parties agreed on 3 February 2016 to
extend  the  deadline  set  for  the  finalization  and approval of the detailed
agreements  until such time as the decision of the Administrative Court has been

Short-term outlook

The  operational outlook for  Talvivaara is greatly  dependent on the successful
completion of the Company's corporate reorganisation proceedings and the success
to  closing, timing  and extent  of the  requisite transactions  currently under
contemplation.  Whilst the  Administrator's final  draft restructuring programme
gives  the Company reasonably ample time  fulfill the requirements set forth for
the  entry into force of the restructuring programme, there is no certainty that
the Company can fulfil all the requirements within the given time frame.

Board of Directors proposal for profit distribution

The  Board  of  Directors  is  proposing  to  the Annual General Meeting that no
dividend  is  declared  in  respect  of  the  year 2015 and that the loss of the
financial  period  is  entered  into  the  Company's  profit/loss account on the
balance sheet.

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
Board of Directors

                                           Audited         Audited
                                             as at           as at
 (All amounts in EUR)                    31 Dec 15       31 Dec 14

 Non-current assets

 Property, plant and equipment           4,692,782       5,010,758

 Intangible assets                          94,547         554,887

 Other investments                               0               0

 Other receivables                          27,640          31,094
 Total non-current assets                4,814,970       5,596,738

 Current assets

 Trade receivables                          37,850         284,466

 Other receivables                         188,138          35,336

 Cash and cash equivalents               4,662,572       5,346,381
 Total Current assets                    4,888,559       5,666,183

 TOTAL ASSETS                            9,703,529      11,262,921

 Equity attributable to the owners

 Share capital                              80,000          80,000

 Share premium                           8,085,842       8,085,842

 Other reserves                        797,348,200     771,648,200

 Retained deficit                  (1,535,766,741) (1,509,757,176)
 Total equity                        (730,252,700)   (729,943,134)

 Current liabilities

 Provisions                            203,444,456     203,444,456

 Borrowings                            477,845,205     500,720,066

 Trade payables                          2,723,003       2,759,678

 Other payables                         55,943,564      34,281,855
 Total liabilities                     739,956,228     741,206,055

 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES            9,703,529      11,262,921


                                                      Audited       Audited
                                                        as at         as at
 (All amounts in EUR)                               31 Dec 15   31 Dec 2014
 Other operating income                             6,702,480    12,339,864

 Materials and services                             (257,536)     (305,207)

 Personnel expenses                               (3,807,345)   (5,316,937)

 Depreciation and amortisation                      (971,024)     (996,610)

 Impairment charges on investments                    421,333 (470,596,157)

 Other operating expenses                         (2,267,625) (232,984,659)

 Operating profit/loss                              (179,717) (702,649,108)

 Finance income                                        12,841    37,492,941

 Finance cost                                    (25,842,689) (109,742,838)
 Finance cost (net)                              (25,829,848)  (72,249,897)

 Profit/Loss before income tax                   (26,009,565) (774,899,005)

 Income tax                                                 0         (181)
 PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD            (26,009,565) (774,899,185)

 Loss attributable to the owners of the Company,

 (€/share)                                               2015          2014

 Diluted and undiluted                                 (0.01)        (0.41)


                                                          Audited       Audited
                                                            as at         as at
 (all amounts in EUR)                                   31 Dec 15     31 Dec 14
 Cash flows from operating activities

 Profit/Loss for the year                            (26,009,565) (774,899,185)

 Adjustments for

 Tax                                                            0           181

 Depreciation and amortisation                            971,024       996,610

 Other non-cash income and expenses                       215,257   229,395,770

 Impairment charges on property, plant and equipment            0     3,113,402

 Impairment charges on investments                      (421,333)   472,272,157

 Interest income                                         (12,841)  (37,492,941)

 Interest expenses                                     25,842,689   109,742,838
 Cash flow before change in working capital               585,230     3,128,831

 Change in working capital

 Decrease(+)/increase(-) in trade and other
 receivables                                               98,898       344,830

 Decrease(-)/increase(+) in trade and other payables  (1,287,347)       179,970
 Change in working capital                            (1,188,449)       524,801

 Net cash used in operating activities before
 activities and taxes                                   (603,219)     3,653,632

 Interest and other finance cost paid                    (91,801)   (1,078,564)

 Interest and other finance income                         11,211       328,170
 Net cash generated (used) in operating activities      (683,809)     2,903,237

 Cash flows from investing activities

 Purchases of intangible assets                                 0       (9,439)

 Purchases of other shares                                      0     (279,702)

 Investments to subsidiaries                                    0   (1,965,381)
 Net cash generated (used) in investing activities              0   (2,254,522)

 Cash flows from financing activities

 Net cash generated from financing activities                   0             0

 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and bank overdrafts    (683,809)       648,715

 Cash and bank overdrafts at beginning of the year      5,346,381     4,697,666

 Cash and bank overdrafts at end of the year            4,662,572     5,346,381


                Share Share     Share       Other        Retained
 EUR          capital issue   premium    reserves         deficit         Total
 31 Dec 2014   80,000     0 8,085,842 771,648,200 (1,509,757,176) (729,943,134)
 bonds              -     -         -  25,700,000               -    25,700,000

 (loss) for
 the year           -     -         -           -    (26,009,565)  (26,009,565)
 31 Dec 2015   80,000     - 8,085,842 797,348,200 (1,535,766,741) (730,252,700)


1. Basis of presentation and non-going concern

The  2015 Financial Statements  of the  Company are  prepared in accordance with
International  Financial Reporting Standards  (IFRS) as adopted  by the European
Union   taking  into  account  the  corporate  reorganisation  proceedings  that
commenced  in  respect  of  the  Company  on  29 November 2013. In addition, the
Company  has taken into account IAS 1.25 and IAS 1.26 requirements regarding the
disclosure  under the non-going concern basis. Talvivaara's Financial Statements
for  the financial year ended 31 December 2015 have not been prepared on a going
concern  basis. The  basis of  preparation is  that operations  may end  in near

The  chosen reporting basis  results from the  existence of material uncertainty
that  casts significant doubt  upon the Company's  ability to realise its assets
and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business and from the lack
of  visibility on the Company's operational environment twelve months beyond the
date of reporting.

Talvivaara   currently   finances   its   day-to-day   operations  by  providing
administrative  and technical services and the  lease of machinery and equipment
critical to Terrafame Oy. These contractual arrangements have helped the Company
to discharge all of its new liabilities as and when they fell due.

The  requisite adjustments resulting from the chosen reporting basis have, where
applicable,  been made in the 2015 financial  statements to the carrying amounts
of  the Company's assets  and liabilities, but  no reserve has  been made in the
Company's  balance  sheet  for  the  costs  relating  to  winding  down  of  the

Talvivaara's ability to revise its reporting basis and to regain its status as a
going  concern is dependent, among other things, on the successful completion of
the Company's corporate reorganisation proceedings, which requires that

  i. Talvivaara succeeds in completing an arrangement that will secure the
     necessary cash flow for the Company to discharge all of its liabilities and
     the continuance of the Company's viable business, and
 ii. the District Court of Espoo authorizes the execution of the Company's debt
     restructuring in accordance with the Administrator's final draft
     restructuring programme of 13 March 2015.

As  of the date of the Company's annual results announcement 7 March 2016, there
is  no certainty as to  whether the Company can  fulfil all the set requirements
within  the given time frame. More information  can be found in Note 2 below and
in the Company's 2014 Financial Statements.

 2.  Illustrative balance sheet after execution of the Letter of Intent and
    Restructuring Programme

Should  the  draft  restructuring  programme  be  approved  as  proposed  by the
Administrator,  the  following  illustrative  calculations  presented  on equity
position  can be  drawn. The  calculation does  not take  into account potential
revaluation of the Company's remaining assets resulting from regaining the going
concern reporting status.

It  should be noted that this calculation  is illustrative and aims to give only
an  indication of  the balance  sheet following  execution of  the Restructuring
Programme  as proposed by the Administrator and the transactions contemplated by
the  Letter of Intent. All the numbers  presented in the calculation are subject
to change.

A. Closing non-going concern IFRS balance sheet as at 31 Dec 2015
B. Debts under the restructuring programme recognised on the Balance sheet
(including all accrued interest)
C. Illustrative Balance sheet after the approval of the restructuring programme
D. Execution of Letter of Intent, settlement of Nyrstar's and restructuring
E. Illustrative Balance sheet as at 31 Dec 2015 after execution of the Letter of
Intent and Restructuring Programme
F. Add-back if all restructuring debt convert to shares
G. Illustrative Balance sheet as at 31 Dec 2015 if all debts are converted to

 (All amounts in
 EUR '000)                A.        B.       C.        D.       E    F.      G.


 Property, plant
 and equipment         4,693         0    4,693   (4,672)      21     0      21

 Intangible assets        95         0       95         0      95     0      95

 Other receivables        28         0       28         0      28     0      28

 Current assets                      0                  0             0

 Trade receivables        38         0       38         0      38     0      38

 Other receivables       188         0      188         0     188     0     188

 Cash and cash
 equivalent            4,663         0    4,663      (87)   4,576 3,866   8,442
 TOTAL ASSETS          9,704         0    9,704   (4,759)   4,945 3,866   8,811


 Share capital            80         0       80         0      80     0      80

 Share premium         8,086         0    8,086         0   8,086     0   8,086

 Retained deficit
 other reserves    (738,419)   500,510 -237,908   232,394 (5,514) 3,866 (1,648)

 Total equity      (730,253)   500,510 -229,743   232,394   2,652 3,866   6,518



 Provisions          203,444         0  203,444 (203,444)       0     0       0

 Borrowings          477,845 (444,246)   33,599  (33,599)       0     0       0

 Trade payables        2,723   (2,052)      671         0     671     0     671

 Other payables       55,944  (54,212)    1,731     (109)   1,622     0   1,622
 TOTAL LIABILITIES   739,956 (500,510)  239,446 (237,152)   2,293     0   2,293
 AND LIABILITIES       9,704         0    9,704   (4,759)   4,945 3,866   8,811

 3. Property, plant and equipment

                                              Machinery Construction
                                                    and      in
 (All amounts in EUR)              Buildings  equipment   progress        Total
 Gross carrying amount at 1 Jan
 14                               11,899,045 19,837,595            - 31,736,640
 Gross carrying amount at 31 Dec
 14                               11,899,045 19,837,595            0 31,736,640
 Accumulated depreciation and
 impairment losses

 at 1 Jan 14                       8,521,159 14,265,990            - 22,787,149

 Depreciation for the year           292,173    560,847            -    853,020

 Impairment losses                 3,085,712          -            -  3,085,712
 Accumulated depreciation and
 impairment losses at 31 Dec 14   11,899,045 14,826,837            - 26,725,882
 Carrying amoung at 1 Jan 14       3,377,885  5,571,605            0  8,949,490
 Carrying amount at 31 Dec 14              0  5,010,758            0  5,010,758
 Gross carrying amount at 1 Jan
 15                               11,899,045 19,837,595            - 31,736,640

 Additions                                 -    266,843            -    266,843

 Deductions                                -     -3,463            -     -3,463
 Gross carrying amount at 31 Dec
 15                               11,899,045 20,100,975            0 32,000,020
 Accumulated depreciation and
 impairment loss at 1 Jan 15      11,899,045 14,826,837            - 26,725,882

 Depreciation for the year                 -    581,356            -    581,356

 Accumulated depreciation and
 impairment losses at 31 Dec 15   11,899,045 15,408,193            - 27,307,238
 Carrying amoung at 1 Jan 15               0  5,010,758            0  5,010,758
 Carrying amount at 31 Dec 15              0  4,692,782            0  4,692,782

 4. Borrowings and capital loans

 EUR                                                  2015        2014
 Restructuring loan capital                    427,500,000 453,754,499

 Restructuring loan interest                    16,510,880  18,567,844

 Accrued interest on restructuring loans after
 commencement of restructuring proceedings      12,822,068   7,465,075

 Other borrowings during procedure              21,012,257  20,932,648
                                               477,845,205 500,720,066

As  at  31 December  2015, the  Company  had  borrowings amounting to EUR 477.8
million with contractual maturities of the facilities ranging from 2014 to 2018
(2014:  EUR  500.7 million).   Following  the  breach  of covenants or events of
default  stemming  from  the  Company  applying for corporate restructuring, the
Company has reclassified all of its long-term borrowings as current.

Due  to the restructuring programme, the  interest expense recognised is subject
to  significant  changes,  should  the  restructuring programme be approved. The
Company has accrued the interest on the balance sheet for all borrowings despite
the  fact  that  the  all  interests  on  restructuring  debts  stopped when the
restructuring proceedings commenced.

Other  borrowings  include  Winttal  Oy  loan  facility  of EUR 12.8 million and
Finnvera loan facility of EUR 8.2 million.

The  Company has assessed the carrying value and  fair value to be equal for all
borrowings and capital loans. The Company's borrowings are denominated in euros.

Of  the above tabled  borrowings and capital  loans, all except other borrowings
during  the procedure are reorganisation debts  that may be restructured as part
of  the  corporate  reorganisation  programme.  The  secured  borrowings,  which
comprise  Revolving Credit Facility and the Investment and Working Capital Loan,
may  only be reduced if and to the  extent the security pledged to them does not
cover their nominal amount.

All  amounts of reorganisation debts remain subject to change at the time of the
Company's  financial  statements  and  may  only  be  finalised  as the eventual
reorganisation   programmes   are   authorised.  Total  borrowings  include  the

Senior unsecured convertible bonds due 2015
In  December  2010 the  Company  completed  an  offering of EUR 225.0 million of
senior  unsecured  convertible  bonds  due  2015. The bonds are convertible into
98,617,935 million  fully paid ordinary shares of the Company. The interest rate
applied  to  the  convertible  bond  is  4.00% and the yield to maturity 6.50%,
reflecting  a redemption price of 114.5% at  maturity. The bonds are convertible
into  Talvivaara's ordinary shares following the resolution by the Extraordinary
General  Meeting of the Company's shareholders  in January 2011 to issue special
rights in relation to the Bonds. To the extent the bonds have not been converted
into  shares  by  10 December  2015, Talvivaara  shall  repay  the  debt  in one
instalment  on maturity date 16 December 2015. The value of the equity component
for  the  senior  unsecured  convertible  bonds  due  2015 was  determined after
resolution of the EGM and it is recognised in equity.

The  Company's  application  for  corporate  reorganisation on 15 November 2013
constituted  an event of  default under the  convertible bonds. Therefore, as at
31 December  2014 and  2015 the  convertible  bonds  have  been  reclassified as
current  borrowings and any  unamortised costs have  been expensed to the income
statement  accreting the loan carrying amount to  the redemption value as at 31
December  2014 and 2015. The  repayment schedule  and amount  of the convertible
bonds  will  be  decided  and  authorized  as part of the Company's contemplated
reorganisation programme.

Senior unsecured bonds due 2017
In March 2012, Talvivaara issued a EUR 110 million senior unsecured bond. The 5-
year  bond has an  issue price of  100%, pays a coupon  of 9.75% and is callable
after  3 years.  The  bond  issue  was  sold  to  both Finnish and international
institutional and selected private investors. The bond was settled and the notes
were  listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in April 2012. The Company's application for
corporate  reorganisation on  15 November 2013 constituted  an event  of default
under the senior unsecured bonds. Therefore, as at 31 December 2014 and 2015 the
bonds   have  been  reclassified  as  current  borrowings  and  any  unamortised
transaction  costs have been expensed to the income statement accreting the loan
carrying amount to the nominal value.

The  repayment schedule and amount of the senior unsecured bonds will be decided
and authorized as part of the Company's contemplated reorganisation programme.

Revolving credit facility
On 30 September 2013, Talvivaara had an outstanding revolving credit facility of
EUR  100 million with a carrying amount of EUR 70 million (the "Revolving Credit
Facility").  With a waiver and amendment letter dated 30 October 2013, the terms
of  the facility  were amended  such that  the maximum  margin was  increased to
4.50% from  the  previous  range  of  1.75-3.00%, the  undrawn amount of EUR 30
million was cancelled, and the liquidity covenant levels were adjusted to levels
relevant  at the time. Despite these amendments, an event of default occurred in
November  2013 as  the  Company  and  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  applied for corporate
reorganisation.  As a result, and due to the original maturity of the loan being
October  2014, the  loan  has  been  reclassified  as current borrowings and any
unamortized  transaction  costs  have  been  expensed  to  the  income statement
accreting  the loan carrying amount to the nominal value. The repayment schedule
and  amount of the revolving  credit facility will be  decided and authorized as
part  of the Company's contemplated  reorganisation programme. As at 31 December
2014 and 2015, the outstanding loan amount was EUR 70 million.

5. Contingencies and commitments

 Counter indemnity given as a guarantee for the guarantee
 provided by Atradius Credit Insurance N.V to Kainuu ELY

 EUR                                                       31 Dec 15  31 Dec 14
 Counter indemnity given as a guarantee                   31,940,000 31,940,000
                                                          31,940,000 31,940,000

Talvivaara  Sotkamo  has  covered  the  environmental bond requirement under the
current  environmental  permit  by  a  guarantee  insurance provided by Atradius
Credit  Insurance NV ("Atradius").  The coverage currently  amounts to EUR 31.9
million.  According  to  the  environmental  permit,  the required bond is to be
placed  to cover the cost of the  restoration of waste areas (gypsum ponds, heap
areas),  which is anticipated to take place  partly during the life of the mine,
as  waste areas are  filled to their  maximum levels, and  partly as part of the
eventual  closure of  the mine.  In the  event such  restoration activities took
place without Talvivaara Sotkamo carrying the cost, the expenses would initially
be  covered by Atradius. However, eventually  Atradius would claim the cost back
from  the Company, which has given counter-indemnity for such costs to Atradius.
The  guaranteed liability  is part  of the  Company's restructuring debt and any
payments  that  fall  due  under  the  guarantee  are  finally determined in the
Company's restructuring programme and repaid according to the authorized payment
schedule.  Hence, the  counter-indemnity has  been recognized  as an off-balance
sheet liability.

As  at 31 December 2015, the coverage amounted  to EUR 31.9 million. As a result
of  Terrafame Oy replacing the guarantee  insurance placed by Talvivaara Sotkamo
with  a new environmental bond, Atradius  notified the Company that the original
guarantee  insurance and the corresponding  counter-indemnity have terminated on
21 January 2016.

 The future aggregate minimum lease payments
 under non-cancellable operating leases

 EUR                                          31 Dec 15 31 Dec 14
 No later than 1 year                            93,497    97,637

 Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years    41,000     4,672

                                                134,497   102,309

The  Company has not terminated  lease agreements on the  basis of section 27 of
the Restructuring of Enterprises Act.

Securities  given  by  the  Company  under  the Multicurrency Revolving Facility
Agreement and the Finnvera Financing Agreements

The  securities given under the  Multicurrency Revolving Facility Agreement (EUR
70 million)  and the Finnvera  Financing Agreements (EUR  50 million and EUR 10
million) include:

  * Pledge of all shares owned by the Company in Talvivaara Sotkamo
  * Pledge of floating charge notes registered over assets of the Company in the
    amount of EUR 300 million
  * Pledge of intra-group receivables of the Company from Talvivaara Sotkamo
  * Pledge of insurance receivables

In  addition, the Company  has guaranteed the  obligations of Talvivaara Sotkamo
under the Finnvera Promissary Note in the amount of EUR 60 million by a specific
Surety Obligation.

 Talvivaara Mining Company Plc

 Key financial figures

                                                Twelve      Twelve
                                             months to   months to
                                             31 Dec 15   31 Dec 14
 Other operating income           EUR '000       6,702      12,340

 Operating profit/loss            EUR '000       (180)   (702.649)

 Operating profit/loss percentage              (2.7 %) (5,694.1 %)

 Profit/loss before tax           EUR '000    (26,010)   (774,899)

 Profit/loss for the period       EUR '000    (26,010)   (774,899)

 Return on equity                                  n/a         n/a

 Equity-to-assets ratio                    (7,525.6 %)  (6480.9 %)

 Net interest-bearing debt        EUR '000     473,183     495.374

 Debt-to-equity ratio                          (64.8%)    (67.9 %)

 Return on investment                              n/a   (558.1 %)

 Capital expenditure              EUR '000         284       2,717

 Property, plant and equipment    EUR '000       4,693       5,011

 Borrowings                       EUR '000     477,845     500.720

 Cash and cash equivalents        EUR '000       4,663       5,346

 Share-related key figures

                              Twelve    Twelve
                           months to months to
                           31 Dec 15 31 Dec 14
 Earnings per share EUR       (0.01) (0.41)

 Equity per share   EUR       (0.35) (0.38)

 Employee-related key figures

                                                          Twelve        Twelve
                                                       months to     months to
                                                       31 Dec 15     31 Dec 14
                                                      -----------   ----------
 Salaries                                     EUR '000     3,206         4,436

 Average number of employees                                  50            56

 Number of employees at the end of the period                 39            53

 Key financial figures of the Company

 Return on equity          Loss for the period
                           (Total equity at the beginning of period + Total
                           equity at the end of period)/2

 Equity-to-assets ratio    Total equity
                           Total assets

 Net interest-bearing debt Interest-bearing debt - Cash and cash equivalent

 Debt-to-equity ratio      Net interest-bearing debt
                           Total equity

 Return on investment      Loss for the period + Finance cost
                           (Total equity at the beginning of period + Total
                           equity at the end of period)/2 + (Borrowings at the
                           beginning of period + Borrowings at the end of

 Share-related key figures

 Earnings per share        Loss attributable to equity holders of the Company
                           Adjusted average number of shares

 Equity per share          Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company
                           Adjusted average number of shares
