2017-08-24 17:06:20 CEST

2017-08-24 17:06:20 CEST


English Islandic
Orkuveita Reykjavíkur - Financial Statement Release

Solid Results for Reykjavík Energy in Q2 2017

Decreased operation expenses for Orkuveita Reykjavíkur (OR; Reykjavík Energy) while external factors were favorable resulted in considerable profits in the first half of year 2017. According to the interim consolidated financial statements, approved by the Board of Directors today, bottom-line profits through Q2 amounted to ISK 7.3 billion.

Lower operating cost and rising aluminum price

The OR group comprises Veitur Utilities, ON Power and Reykjavík Fibre Network in addition to the parent company. Operation expenditures for the group decreased compared to the first half of year 2016 by ISK 152 million. Despite increased collectively bargained wages, increased power generation at the Hellisheidi Power Plant resulted in decreased need for power-purchasing for resale. The improvement is a result of the connection between the plant and the nearby Hverahlid geothermal field. Also power transmission tariffs decreased.

The group’s revenues increased despite lowering of various utility tariffs at the beginning of the year. Higher aluminum price, which is reflected in power price for smelters, and increased economic activity in Iceland are the principle causes. Additionally, increased aluminum price results in increased value of derivatives in long-term energy contracts. This explains a considerable portion of the period’s profits, or ISK 4.9 billion of 7.3 billion.

Key Financial Figures on the Web

OR has in recent years published Key Financial Figures along with the company’s financial statements. They can now be found on the company’s website at https://www.or.is/english/finance#page-8068. The web also comprises interim and annual financial statements for recent years.


Bjarni Bjarnason, CEO

These results are good for the company, its owners, and customers. Reykjavík Energy’s financial strength continues to improve and the prudence interwoven in our company-culture advances our ability to offer our services at a reasonable price.

However, we are not sailing a smooth sea. A considerable portion of the profits in these financial statements are derived from factors not under our control, namely the price of aluminum. Furthermore, serious damages to a part of the company’s office buildings have materialized, calling for costly measures. In the coming months we will initiate discussions with various stakeholders regarding that issue.

Managers’ Overview

All amounts are in ISK million Q2 2013 Q2 2014 Q2 2015 Q2 2016 Q2 2017
Revenues 20,111  18,234  20,479  20,955  21,612 
Expenses (6,679) (6,379) (7,443) (8,215) (8,063)
   thereof energy purchase and transmission (2,668) (2,530) (3,256) (3,133) (2,898)
EBITDA 13,432  11,855  13,036  12,741  13,549 
Depreciation (4,496) (4,331) (4,799) (5,303) (4,706)
EBIT 8,936  7,524  8,237  7,438  8,842 
Results of the period 3,736  3,831  2,260  5,029  7,311 
Cash flow statement:          
Received interest income 81  359  252  57  124 
Paid interest expense (2,473) (2,560) (2,215) (1,890) (2,013)
Net cash from operating activities 10,059 10,953 11,042 11,774 12,652
Working capital from operation 11,174 9,533 10,501 10,617 11,707 


         Bjarni Bjarnason
         tel. +354 516 6100