2011-05-03 10:32:23 CEST

2011-05-03 10:33:20 CEST


Agrowill Group AB - Notification on material event

The extraordinary shareholders meeting „Agrowill Group“ AB

The extraordinary General Meeting of Agrowill Group AB shareholders (company
code 126264360, registered address: Smolensko st. 10, Vilnius) will take place
on May 24, 2011 at 9 a.m. on the initiative and decision of the Board. 

The meeting will be held at the hotel „Europa City Vilnius“, conference room,
Jasinskio st. 14, Vilnius. 

The registration begins at 8.30 a.m.

The General Meeting of Shareholders' accounting day is 17 May, 2011.

The shareholders' property rights accounting day is 31 May 2011.

Agenda of the Meeting:

1. Approval of Company‘s (standalone) annual financial statement for the years

  Draft decision:

- To approve Company‘s (standalone) annual financial statements for the years

 Note : Company‘s (standalone)  financial statement for the year 2008-2010 will
be disclosed not later than May 20, 2011 on the Company's website. 

 Shareholders of the Company have a right to participate and vote at the
General Meeting of Shareholders personally or by proxy, or represented by the
person with whom an agreement on the transfer of voting rights is concluded. 

 A person attending the General Meeting of Shareholders and having a voting
right must bring with him/her a person's identification document. A person who
is not a shareholder must additionally produce a document confirming his/her
right to vote at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. 

Each shareholder shall have a right, in the manner established by the Law, to
authorise another (natural or legal) person on his/her behalf to attend and
vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders. At the General Meeting of
Shareholders, an authorised person shall have the same rights as would be held
by the shareholder represented by him/her, unless the authorized person's
rights are limited by the power of attorney or by the Law. The authorized
person must provide a power of attorney certified in the manner established by
the Law. A power of attorney issued in a foreign state must be translated into
Lithuanian and legalised in the manner established by the Law. The Company does
not establish special form of power of attorney. 

 A shareholder or a person authorised by him/her shall have a right to vote in
writing in advance by filling in the General Voting Ballot. Upon a
shareholder's request, the Company, not later than 10 days before the General
Meeting, shall send the General Voting Ballot by registered mail free of
charge. The General Voting Ballot is also provided on the Company's website at
www.agrowill.lt. The filled in General Voting Ballot and the document
confirming the voting right (if any) must be submitted to the Company in
writing not later than on the last business day before the General Meeting of
Shareholders by sending it by registered mail to Agrowill Group AB, registered
address: Smolensko st. 10, Vilnius. 

The Company is not providing the possibility to attend and vote at the General
Meeting of Shareholders through electronic means of communication. 

Each shareholder holding shares that grant at least 1/20 of all votes shall
have the right of proposing to supplement the agenda of the General Meeting of
Shareholders. Draft decisions on the proposed issues shall be submitted
together with the proposal or, if the decisions do not need to be approved,
explanations on each proposed issue of the General Meeting of Shareholders
shall be presented. Proposal to supplement the agenda must be presented in
writing by sending it by registered mail to Agrowill Group AB, registered
address: Smolensko st. 10, Vilnius. The agenda will be supplemented if the
proposal is received not later than 14 days before the General Meeting of

Each shareholder holding shares that grant at least 1/20 of all votes shall
have the right of proposing draft resolutions on the issues already included or
to be included in the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders, to
nominate additional candidates to the Board, the audit company. The proposed
draft decisions must be presented in writing by sending them by registered mail
or delivering directly to Agrowill Group AB, registered address: Smolensko st.
10, Vilnius. The shareholders shall also be entitled to propose draft
resolutions on the agenda issues of the General Meeting of Shareholders in
writing during the Meeting. 

 The shareholders shall have the right to present questions related to the
agenda issues of the General Meeting of Shareholders to the Company in advance
in writing, by providing the shareholder's personal identification number and
consent to process personal data -- personal identification number, in the
letter and by sending it by registered mail. The Company undertakes to respond
if the questions are received not later than 3 business days before the General
Meeting of Shareholders. Responses of a general character shall be posted on
the Company's website www.agrowill.lt . The Company will not respond personally
to the shareholder if the respective information is posted on the Company's

 The shareholders could get familiarised with the documents possessed by the
Company related to the agenda of the Meeting, including draft resolutions, and
other documents to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders as well
as to get information regarding execution of the shareholders' rights at the
headquarters Agrowill Group AB Smolensko st. 10, Vilnius, or on the Company's
website at www.agrowill.lt 

 Vladas Bagavičius

Chairman of the Board;

8 5 233 53 40