2015-12-09 11:16:54 CET

2015-12-09 11:16:54 CET


Engelska Finska
Leverator - Notice to convene extr.general meeting


Leverator Plc     Stock Exchange Release           9 December 2015 at 12.15 pm


The Board of Directors of Leverator Plc (the ”Issuer”) has in its meeting held
on 9 December 2015 resolved to invite the bondholders of its EUR 240 million
8.162 % bonds due 2016 (ISIN: FI0003016022) (the “Bonds”) to a bondholders’
meeting for the purpose of amending certain terms and conditions of the Bonds.
The meeting will be held on 18 January 2016 at the offices of the Agent at
Pohjoisesplanadi 37 A, Helsinki, Finland commencing from 1.00 pm. 

To facilitate this bondholders’ meeting and solicit consents in anticipation of
such meeting, the Issuer has engaged Danske Bank to act as agent (the “Agent”). 

The proposal of the Board of Directors is to extend the maturity date of the
Bonds by 2 years until 21 June 2018. The consent relating to this extension
would become effective on the condition that Leverator Plc (i) makes an
additional redemption (outside Condition 6 (b) of the terms and conditions of
the Bonds) in a total amount of EUR 12.6 million on 15 February 2016 to the
relevant bondholders holding Bonds on such date, and (ii) deposits the Consent
Fee (as defined below) to an escrow account. The coupon of the Bonds and other
terms are expected to remain the same. 

The bondholders’ consent is also sought for the purpose of extending by 2 years
of the final maturity date of the senior facilities agreement between Leverator
Plc and CapMan Mezzanine IV LP. 

In consideration for the requested consents and subject to the aforementioned
proposals of the Board of Directors being approved, the Board of Directors
proposes to pay on 21 June 2016 a consent fee of two per cent (2 %) of the
outstanding principal amount after all redemptions made as at such date (the
“Consent Fee”). The payment will be made to the bondholders holding bonds on
such payment falling due. The Consent Fee shall be deposited on 15 February
2016 by the Issuer at a bank account held with Danske Bank Oyj to which access
by the Issuer has been fully blocked. 

Helsinki 9 December 2015


Board of Directors

Additional information on the bondholders’ meeting is available from the Agent:
Danske Bank Oyj as authorised representative of Leverator Plc, e-mail
debtcapitalmarkets @danskebank.com, tel. +358 (0)10 5138794. 

Principal media

         Olli Liitola, CEO, +358 207 207 506 or +358 400 605 040