2008-03-07 07:15:00 CET

2008-03-07 07:15:00 CET


English Finnish
PKC Group Oyj - Notice to general meeting


PKC Group Oyj's shareholders are invited to the Annual General Meeting that will
be held on Thursday 27 March 2008 at 4.00 p.m. at company's premises at Vihikari
10, FI-90440 Kempele.                                                           

At the meeting will be handled the issues belonging to the Annual General       
Meeting according to Article 10 of the Articles of Association.                 

DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION                                                           

The Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of EUR 0.45 per share will be   
paid for 2007. Dividends will be paid to shareholders who are registered on the 
record day on 1 April 2008 as shareholders in the company's shareholder register
held by Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd. The dividends will be paid on
8 April 2008.                                                                   

BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITOR                                                  

The Board of Directors proposes that Ernst & Young Oy, authorised public        
accounting firm, with Rauno Sipilä, authorised public accountant, as responsible
accountant, shall be selected as auditor.                                       

Shareholders who represent more than 15 percent of the company's voting rights  
have proposed that the number of Board members shall be 7. It has been proposed 
that following persons be selected as Board members: Matti Eestilä, Jaakko      
Niemelä, Endel Palla, Olli Pohjanvirta, Matti Ruotsala, Harri Suutari and Jyrki 


Invitation to the shareholders' meeting, financial statements bulletin as well  
as Board's and shareholders' proposals to the Annual General Meeting are        
available on the company's website at www.pkcgroup.com. Copies of the documents 
shall be sent to the shareholders upon request. The documents shall be available
also at the meeting.                                                            

The Annual Report will be published in week 11.                                 

PARTICIPATION RIGHT AND PRIOR NOTICE                                            

All shareholders who are registered as shareholders in the company's shareholder
register held by Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on 17 March 2008 are 
entitled to participate the Annual General Meeting.                             

Shareholders wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting must notify the       
company thereof no later than by 4.00 p.m. on 19 March 2008 either by writing to
PKC Group Oyj, Sanna Raatikainen, P.O. Box 174, FI-90401 OULU, by telephone +358
20 175 2111 (during office hours from Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.    
Finnish time), by fax +358 20 175 2214 or by e-mail                             
sanna.raatikainen@pkcgroup.com. Any powers of attorney should also be received  
before the deadline.                                                            

PKC Group Oyj                                                                   
Board of Directors                                                              

Mika Kari                                                                       
President & CEO                                                                 

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Main media                                                                      