2015-11-24 10:25:16 CET

2015-11-24 10:25:16 CET


English Islandic
Arion Bank hf. - Company Announcement

Arion Bank issues bonds in Norwegian kroner

Arion Bank completed a bond offering in Norwegian kroner on Monday 23 November.
Bonds with a nominal value of NOK 300 million were issued, maturing in 2020. 
This latest issue is in addition to the one held in June this year. The bonds,
which bear NIBOR + 2.95%, were sold at terms corresponding to NIBOR + 2.80%.
The issue was oversubscribed and the bonds were sold to investors in Norway,
Sweden, Finland and continental Europe. The sale was managed by Pareto

At the same time, Arion Bank has also bought back NOK 75 million bonds from an
issue held in 2013. Arion Bank had previously bought NOK 319 million and has
now bought back NOK 394 million of a NOK 500 million issue from 2013. 

For further information please contact Haraldur Gudni Eidsson of Arion Bank's
Communications division at haraldur.eidsson@arionbanki.is, or tel. +354 444