2010-02-16 16:43:50 CET

2010-02-16 16:44:50 CET


English Islandic
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

Treasury Note Auctions RIKB 11 0722 and RIKB 25 0612 - Exchange Auction -

On Friday 19 February 2010 at 14:00, an auction will be held by Government Debt

The securities sold in the auction will be Treasury notes in series RIKB 11
0722 and RIKB 25 0612. The total amount of accepted bids will be announced
following the auction. 

Government Debt Management reserves the right, on behalf of the Treasury, to
accept some or all of the bids placed, or to reject all of them. Only primary
dealers in Government securities are authorised to submit bids in this auction;
however, they may also submit bids on behalf of investors. The minimum amountof each bid is 1 m.kr. nominal value. 

The auction will be structured so that all accepted bids will be offered to
primary dealers at the same price. The lowest accepted price (highest yield)
will determine the sale price. In other respects, reference is made to the
Terms of Invitation to Tender, which accompany this press release. 

The payment and settlement date is Wednesday 24 February 2010.


In this auction, the parties have the option of purchasing securities in RIKB
11 0722 and RIKB 25 0612 with the sale of RIKB 10 0317, which matures on 17
March 2010. Government Debt Management will purchase RIKB 10 0317 at a
pre-determined price - that is, at a clean price of 99.92 (106.51726 with
accrued interest) - with settlement on 24 February 2010. This price is
equivalent to 7.88% flat interest. The value of these securities, together with
accrued interest, will constitute payment for the new securities. 

Investors that own RIKB 10 0317 and are interested in reinvesting in other
Treasury notes are particularly encouraged to participate in this auction by
contacting their nearest bank. 

Further information can be obtained from Björgvin Sighvatsson, Government Debt
Management, at tel +354 569 9633.