2007-04-16 13:40:00 CEST

2007-04-16 13:40:00 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Benefon Oyj - Decisions of general meeting


The following resolutions were made by the Annual General Meeting of Benefon Oyj
of April 16th 2007:                                                             

1. Confirming the annual accounts and deciding on handling the loss for the     
period according to the confirmed balance sheet                                 

The Annual General Meeting of Benefon Oyj confirmed the income statement and the
balance sheet of the company from the financial period from January 1st to      
December 31st 2006. The General Meeting resolved that the loss from the period  
shall be booked on the previous years' profit/loss account and that no dividend 
is paid.                                                                        

2.  Discharge the members of the Boards and CEO from liability                  

The Annual General Meeting resolved to discharge from liability the members of  
the Board and the CEO.                                                          

3. Election of Board members and auditors                                       

The Annual General Meeting resolved that the number of Board members is six and 
elected the following persons to the Board: Peter Bamford, Brian Katzen, Jeffrey
Crevoiserat, Juha Kiikeri, Simon Wilkinson and Dan Harple. It was also resolved 
that the Chairman of the Board is paid an annual fee of 35,000 GBP corresponding
approximately EUR 51,000. No fees are paid to other Board members. The Board    
convened immediately after the Annual General Meeting and appointed Mr. Peter   
Bamford to the Chairman of the Board. As a part of his appointment to Chairman  
Mr. Bamford shall be proposed to be granted option rights up to amount of       
7,500,000 at share subscription price EUR 0.15.                                 

The General Meeting resolved to keep the number of ordinary auditors in one and 
re-elected Ernst & Young Oy, CPA Mr. Erkka Talvinko acting as its responsible   
auditor, to its auditor, and CPA Mr. Veikko Soinio to deputy auditor.           

4. Accepting the purchase of GeoSolutions B.V. and authorization of the Board of
Directors' to decide on increasing the share capital and issuing new shares,    
option rights and specific rights.                                              

The Annual General Meeting accepted the purchase of the entire share capital of 
GeoSolutions B.V. through a share exchange in accordance with the proposal of   
the Board. The Board was also authorized to decide on increasing the share      
capital and issuing new shares, option rights and specific rights such that the 
maximum amount of share capital increase is EUR 1,902,500 and number of issued  
new investment series shares 190,250,000. The share capital can be increased by 
means of using the premium fund or invested unrestricted equity fund for the    
increase. The authorization entitles the Board to deviate from the pre-emptive  
right of shareholders and also accept set-off or other consideration in kind as 
a payment for the shares, option rights or specific rights. The shares can also 
be issued without payment provided that there is an especially weighty financial
reason for this as required by the Companies Act. The Board has the right to    
decide the terms of any issue by virtue of the authorization for all other      

The authorization is valid for two years from the date of the Annual General    
Meeting. At the same the new authorization cancels the previous authorization   
granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of February 1, 2007 for the unused 

5. Amendment of the management agreement with Octagon Consulting Limited        

The Annual General Meeting accepted the amendment of the management agreement   
entered between the company and Octagon Consulting Limited in accordance with   
the proposal of the Board to include also special projects such as mergers,     
acquisitions and divisions.                                                     

Salo April 16, 2007                                                             

BENEFON OYJ                                                                     
Board of Directors                                                              

Tomi Raita                                                                      

For more information, please contact:                                           
Tomi Raita, CEO, tel. +358-2-77400                                              

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