2008-04-02 10:38:54 CEST

2008-04-02 10:39:54 CEST


English Islandic
Tryggingamiðstöðin hf. - Changes board/management/auditors

- New organisational structure at Tryggingamiðstöðin hf.

The following organisational changes have been made at Tryggingamiðstöðin.  As a
part of these changes the organisational structure has been revised.            

Tryggingamiðstöðin (TM) has put in place a new organisational structure         
effective from 2nd of April 2008.                                               

Key changes                                                                     
Six main divisions will form the organisational structure. Those are:           

VP, Investments & Business Development                                          
Sigurður Viðarsson CEO will also head Investments & Business Development        

VP, Consumer Services                                                           
Ragnheiður Agnarsdóttir, who previously served as Vice President Insurance &
Financial Services will assume the position of Vice President Consumer Services.

VP, Corporate Services                                                          
Hjálmar Sigurþórsson, who previously served as Vice President Claims Services   
will assume the position of Vice President Corporate Services .  Hjálmar will   
also serve as stand-in CEO.                                                     

VP, Claims Services                                                             
Kjartan Vilhjálmsson has been appointed Vice President of Claims Services.      
Kjartan previously served as Head of Injuries-, Vehicle-, Liability- & Travel   

VP, Finance & Operations                                                        
Óskar B. Hauksson who previously served as Vice President of Operations &
Business Development will now take up the position of Vice President Operations & Finance                                                                       

VP, Communications                                                              
Ragnheiður Agnarsdóttir, who also serves as Vice President Consumer Services    
will take up the position of Vice President, Corporate Communications           

About TM                                                                        

TM was founded in 1956 and offers non-life and life insurance as well as        
selected financial services to individuals and companies in Iceland.  TM is one 
of the three largest insurance companies in Iceland with approximately 24%      
market share.  Largest part of TM's operation is coming from Iceland but in     
addition it owns the Norwegian insurance company Nemi Forsikring ASA. TM employs
roughly130 people in Iceland and more than 50 in Norway.