2010-04-19 08:06:55 CEST

2010-04-19 08:09:11 CEST


English Lithuanian
Zemaitijos Pienas AB - Annual information

The decision adopted during the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB “Žemaitijos pienas”

1.1. The Annual Report of the Company was heard (attached hereto).
1.2. Auditor's report on Company's financial statements was heard (attached
1.3. Audited Company's financial statements for 2009 were approved (attached
1.4. The appropriation of Company's profit/loss for 2009 was approved:

		LTL thousand	EUR thousand
1.	the unappropriated profit/loss at the beginning of the financial
year	38,002	11,006 
2.	the net profit/loss of the financial year	12,333	3,572
3.	the transfers from the reserves	0	0
4.	the shareholders contributions to cover the losses of the Company (if
shareholders decided to cover all or some part of losses)	0	0 
5.	total profit/loss available for appropriation	50,335	14,578
6.	the share of profit allocated to the legal reserve	0	
7.	the share of profit of a public limited liability company allocated to the
reserve for  the acquisition of own shares	10,000	2,896 
8.	the share of profit allocated to other reserves 	0	0
9.	the share of profit for the payment of dividends	0	0
10.	the share of profit for the payment of annual bonuses to the members of the
Board and Supervisory Board 	3,000	869 
11.	the unappropriated profit/loss at the end of the financial year transferred
to the next financial year	37,335	10,813 

	1.6. The conditions for the acquisition of own shares were established:
1)	the purpose for the acquisition of shares - to maintain and increase the
price of Company's shares; 
2)	the number of Company's ordinary nominal shares to be purchased is up to 10
percent of Company's statutory capital, i.e., up to 4,837,500 units; 
3)	the time limit within which the Company may purchase own shares - up to 18
months as from the day of the adoption of decision; 
4)	the maximum price for one own share to be purchased shall be LTL 3, whereas
the minimum price for one share shall be equal for the nominal value of one
share, i.e. LTL 1; 
5)	pursuant to the conditions established by this decision and the requirements
set forth in the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, the Company's
Board shall be granted with a right to establish a more detailed procedure for
the purchase/acquisition of own shares as well as the conditions subject to the
criteria set forth in the decision of Company's shareholders as well as based
on other conditions. This decision shall also authorize the Company's board to
perform other actions as far as they are related to the acquisition of
Company's own shares. 

Gintaras Keliauskas
+370 444 74897