2017-11-28 10:21:24 CET

2017-11-28 10:22:25 CET


English Islandic
Arion Bank hf. - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Arion Bank hf. covered bond offering on 6 December cancelled

The final covered bond offering of 2017, scheduled for 6 December, has been cancelled. In the updated issuance schedule for 2017, published at the end of August, Arion Bank intended to issue a total of between ISK 25 and 30 billion in covered bonds in 2017. The Bank has reached its target for the year, having already issued ISK 29.9 billion in covered bonds in 2017.

Link to the debt issuance schedule:



For further information please contact Eiríkur Magnús Jensson, Head of Arion Bank's Funding division at eirikur.jensson@arionbanki.is, or tel. +354 444 7468.