2007-11-22 17:30:00 CET

2007-11-22 17:30:00 CET


English Islandic
Seðlabanki Íslands - Company Announcement

- Auction of Tresury Bills RIKV 08 0303

Thursday, November 29th at 11:00, the Central Bank of Iceland will auction
Treasury Bills. 

In this auction the amount offered will be in the range of ISK 2,500 to 5,000
million  nominal value. Only Primary Dealers in Government Securities can
directly submit bids in the auction, but they also offer to submit bids on
behalf of investors. The minimum amount of each bid is ISK 1 million nominal

Settlement date is Monday December 3rd, 2007.

The following series will be auctioned:

RIKV 08 0303

Maturity Date	
March 3rd, 2008

Time to maturity
3 months

The Treasury Bill above will be listed on OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland on 
Tuesday December 4th, 2007, and Market Making will commence on the same day.  

For further information please contact Bjorgvin Sighvatsson tel. +354 569 9633
at the Government Debt Management in the International and Market Operation
Department of the Central Bank of Iceland.