2008-03-07 14:42:06 CET

2008-03-07 14:43:06 CET


Englanti Liettua
Vilniaus Degtine AB - Notification on material event

Draft Resolution of the General Shareholder Meeting of Vilniaus degtinė AB

Draft Resolutions of the General Shareholder Meeting of Vilniaus degtinė AB to  
be held on 20.03.2008                                                           

Issue in the Agenda: Auditor's opinion on the company's financial statements and
on the company's yearly report.                                                 
 Draft resolution.                                                              
Approve Auditor's opinion.                                                      
Issue in the Agenda: Approval of the Company's Annual Performance Statement 2007
 Draft resolution.                                                              
Approve the Annual Performance Statement 2007 of Vilniaus degtinė AB.           
Issue in the Agenda: Approval of the Company's Annual Financial Statements 2007 
Draft resolution.                                                               
Approve the Annual Financial Statements 2007 of Vilniaus degtinė AB, according  
to which the Company's assets as of the 31st December 2007 were LTL 88,133,638  
(EUR 25,525,266)  owner's equity - LTL 37,247,428 (EUR 10,787,601), and net     
profit of the economic year - LTL 1,681,915 (EUR 487,116).                      
Issue in the Agenda: Allocation of the Company's profit of the year 2007 in the 
year 2008                                                                       
Draft resolution:                                                               
Results of the year 2007:                                                       
1. Retained profit (loss) of previous financial year-                           
   at the beginning of the year under report LTL 8,716,239 (EUR 2,524,397)      
2. Net profit (loss) of the year under report LTL 1,681,915 (EUR 487,116)       
3. Profit (loss) of the financial year under report                             
not recognised on the Profit & Loss Statement - absent                          
4. Transfers from reserves - absent                                             
5. Shareholder contributions to cover the Company's losses - absent             
6. Allocated profit (loss), total LTL 10,398,154 (EUR 3,011,513)                
7. Share of profit allocated to the statutory reserve - absent                  
8. Share of profit allocated to the reserve for purchase of own shares - absent 
9. Share of profit allocated to other reserves - absent                         
10. Share of profit allocated to payment of dividends - absent                  
11. Share of profit allocated to annual allowances (bonuses)                    
to members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Observers,                
to employee bonuses and other purposes - absent                                 
12. Retained profit (loss) at the end of the year                               
under report, moved forward to the following year LTL 10,398,154 (EUR 3,011,513)

Issue in the Agenda: Change of a member of the Board of Observers               
Draft resolution.                                                               
Elect Dariusz Wladislaw Jamiola, Tomasz Andrzej Kowalski, Ilona Šerlatienė to   
the position of a member of new Board of Observers.                             
Issue in the Agenda: Alteration of the Articles of Association of the Company   
Draft resolution                                                                
To approve the new wording of Company‘s Articles. To authorize Company's        
director general, Mr Danas Kerbelis, to sign the new-worded Articles of the     
Company and perform all other acts related to registration of Company's         
Articles, to empower Mr Danas Kerbelis to re-authorize another person to conduct
the indicated acts and to sign related legal documents.                         
Issue in the Agenda: Desition to pledge to AS “UniCredit Bank” immovable and    
movable property as well as rights in property.                                 
Draft resolution                                                                
Approve the decision to pledge immovable and movable property as well as rights 
in property, as a guarantee of repayment of the credit granted to third person. 
To authorize Company's  director general, Mr Danas Kerbelis, to sign all        
documents related with the pledge.                                              
Issue in the Agenda: Election of the audit company and determination of the     
terms of payment for audit services                                             
Draft resolution.                                                               
‘1. Elect audit company KPMG Baltics UAB to the position of the auditors of     
Vilniaus degtinė AB.                                                            
2. Authorise the Company's Managing Director (CEO) to sign service provision    
agreement with the Company's auditor KPMG Baltics UAB with regard to execution  
of the audit of Annual Financial Statements 2008, paying for the services the   
price agreed by the parties.'                                                   

Audra Jauniškienė                                                               
Finance and Administration Director                                             
(+370 5) 213 3152