2015-06-19 15:04:00 CEST

2015-06-19 15:05:01 CEST


Engelska Isländska
Landsbankinn hf. - Company Announcement

Landsbankinn hf.: Landsbankinn works towards affecting a merger with Sparisjóður Norðurlands

Landsbankinn hf.  has today, 19 June 2015, signed an agreement with savings
bank Sparisjóður Norðurlands ses. to begin the process of merging the two
companies. On 9 June 2015, the Board of Directors of the savings bank
approached Landsbankinn to gauge interest in a merger due to uncertainties
regarding the savings bank's future. Negotiations have been under way since

A merger schedule is subject to a legal process which takes four weeks at a
minimum, commencing with a formal advertisement. The merger is subject to
approval by the Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland (FME), and the
Icelandic Competition Authority. 

A merged company would operate under Landsbankinn's name. All assets and
obligations of the savings bank would be consolidated with those of
Landsbankinn and Landsbankinn would take over operation of all of the savings
bank's service points. 

According to the agreement currently in place, guarantee capital holders in the
savings bank would be compensated with shares in Landsbankinn. Such
remuneration would amount to a total of ISK 594 million, subject to the outcome
of due diligence. 

Steinthór Pálsson, CEO of Landsbankinn: "The Board of Directors of Sparisjóður
Norðurlands ses. has sought to merge the company with Landsbankinn as the
savings bank has not met regulatory requirements for a minimum capital adequacy
ratio. Once the relevant supervisory authorities have given their approval, we
expect the merger to proceed smoothly and for Landsbankinn to provide reliable
service to the market previously served by Sparisjóður Norðurlands."

For further information contact:

Kristján Kristjánsson, pr@landsbankinn.is, +354 410 4011/+354 899 9352