2014-01-03 10:18:31 CET

2014-01-03 10:19:30 CET


Klaipedos Baldai AB - Notification on material event

Convening the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AB Klaipėdos Baldai

Following the decision of the board of 2014-01-03 of AB Klaipėdos Baldai (legal
entity code 140656052, registered address Klaipėda city municipality, Klaipėda
city, Joniškės g. 21, registered in the Register of Legal Entities (hereinafter
referred to as the Company), the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
is being convened. 

The date, time and place of the extraordinary meeting of the Company's
shareholders: 30 January 2014 (date) at 11.00am (time) in the Company's
headquarters at Joniškės g. 21, Klaipėda. Registration of shareholders starts
at 10.00am (time). 

Only the persons who are the shareholders of the Company at the end of the
accounting date of the extraordinary general meeting of the Company's
shareholders on 23 January 2014 (date) shall have the right to attend the
extraordinary general meeting of the Company's shareholders. 

Agenda of the Meeting:

1. Regarding the Company's stock delisting from the supplementary list of AB
NASDAQ OMX Vilnius stock exchange and suspension of public offer of  the
Company's shares. 

2. Regarding the person submitting the mandatory official offer.

The Company does not offer the shareholders to attend the meeting by electronic
means of communication. 

The agenda of the meeting may be amended by the supervisory board, the board or
by the shareholders who hold at least 1/20 of votes carried by shares. Along
with the offer, the shareholders are required submit to the Company draft
resolutions on the proposed issues of their gender or, when it is not mandatory
to adopt resolutions, explanatory notes on each proposed issue of the agenda of
the general meeting of shareholders. The proposal to amend the agenda of the
meeting must be submitted in writing by registered mail to the Company's
registered address. The agenda of the meeting shall be supplemented where the
proposal is received no later than 14 days before the date of the general
meeting of shareholders. 

The shareholders holding the shares to at least 1/20 of all votes have the
right to propose new draft decisions on the issues included to the agenda of
the meeting, to propose additional candidates to the members of the management
bodies of the Company, and the audit firm. The proposed draft decisions must be
made ​​in writing by sending them by registered mail at the above mentioned
Company's address. 

The shareholders also have the right to propose draft resolutions on the issues
of the agenda of the meeting during the meeting. 

The shareholders have the right to submit questions to the Company related to
the agenda items, in writing, stating in the letter the shareholder's personal
ID number and sending these questions by registered mail. The Company
undertakes to answer if the questions are received no later than 3 working days
before the general meeting of shareholders. 

The shareholder or a person authorised to participate in the meeting and
entitled to vote in it, is required to furnish the ID document. 

Each shareholder to have the right according to the laws to authorize another
person (natural or legal person) to attend the meeting and vote on behalf of
that shareholder. 

At the meeting, the representative shall have the same rights as the
shareholder represented, unless the representative is issued a power of
attorney or where the law limits the mandate rights. The authorized person must
provide the power of attorney confirmed according to the laws. A power of
attorney issued abroad must be translated into Lithuanian and legalized in the
manner prescribed by law. 

A shareholder or his authorised person may vote in advance in writing by
filling in a general ballot paper. If a shareholder wishes, the Company no
later than in 10 days before the meeting, shall send the ballot paper by
registered mail free of charge. The completed ballot paper and the document
confirming the right to vote must be submitted to the Company in writing, no
later than on the last working day before the meeting, by sending them at the
above mentioned Company's address by registered mail. 

The shareholders may be given access to the documents regarding the convening
of the meeting and its agenda, draft decisions of each item of the agenda, the
documents to be submitted to the meeting, the voting ballot form and other
information related to the implementation of the shareholder's rights, at the
headquarters of AB Klaipėdos Baldai at Joniškės g. 21, Klaipėda and partially
on the Company's web page at http://www.klaipedosbaldai.lt. Information by
telephone: 370 46 313935. 

AB Klaipėdos Baldai


Vidas Mišeikis

For supplementary information contact:

Public Relations agency „KPMS ir partneriai“ partner

Frederikas Jansonas