2009-05-08 13:29:16 CEST

2009-05-08 13:30:25 CEST


Anglų Islandų
Landsafl hf. - Company Announcement

- Information about Landsafl ehf. financial position

Landsafl ehf. announced on 29 April 2009 that the company will not publish its
annual results for 2008 before the end of April 2009. However, Landsafl ehf. 
would like to inform that the company´s equity is negative according to
preliminary un-audited annual results for 2008. This is mainly due to the
depreciation of the Icelandic Krona as the company is mostly financed with
loans in foreign currencies. Work is being done to restructure the company and
to restore the equity. 

Landsafl ehf. has issued secured bonds under the ticker symbol LAFL 03 1. These
bonds are secured with a pledge in a property and the rent is pledged to pay
the bonds´ interests and amortizations payments. The tenant is the Icelandic
government and the lease agreement is long-term. The bond LAFL 03 1 is not in

For further information please contact:
Vidar Thorkelsson, CEO of Landic Property hf. and chairman of Landsafl ehf.
Tel: +354 575 9000