2013-08-01 10:00:00 CEST

2013-08-01 10:00:06 CEST


Engelska Finska
Affecto Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Affecto Plc's Interim report 1-6/2013

Helsinki, 2013-08-01 10:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AFFECTO PLC  --  INTERIM
REPORT --  1 AUGUST 2013 at 11.00 

Affecto Plc's Interim report 1-6/2013

Group key figures

MEUR                             4-6/13  4-6/12  1-6/13  1-6/12   2012  Last 12m
Net sales                          34.8    33.1    69.2    66.7  133.4     135.9
Operational segment result          2.5     3.2     5.0     5.8   12.5      11.8
% of net sales                      7.1     9.7     7.3     8.6    9.4       8.7
Operating profit                    2.0     2.7     4.0     4.7   10.5       9.7
% of net sales                      5.7     8.2     5.8     7.1    7.8       7.2
Profit before taxes                 1.8     2.6     3.9     4.5   10.0       9.5
Profit for the period               1.2     2.0     2.7     3.5    7.6       6.8
Equity ratio, %                    53.5    50.1    53.5    50.1   50.6         -
Net gearing, %                     21.1    31.6    21.1    31.6   15.8         -
Earnings per share, eur            0.05    0.09    0.13    0.17   0.37      0.33
Earnings per share (diluted),      0.05    0.09    0.13    0.16   0.36      0.33
Equity per share, eur              3.10    3.00    3.10    3.00   3.24         -

CEO Pekka Eloholma comments:

We continued to grow in the second quarter. Net sales grew by 5% to 34.8 MEUR
(33.1 MEUR). Denmark grew by 17% and Norway by 15%, and also Sweden and Finland
achieved growth. Net sales in Baltic decreased by 3% as the local market slowed
down especially in Lithuania. 

Operating profit was 2.0 MEUR (2.7 MEUR) and profitability decreased to 6%
(8%). Profit improved in Denmark and Norway. Profit decreased in Finland, but
was still on a good level. Profitability in Baltic decreased clearly and Sweden
continued at loss. 

Order backlog decreased to 48.8 MEUR (53.8 MEUR), as customers slowed down
their decision making and made investment decisions in smaller lots than
earlier. The development of the order backlog in the second quarter, especially
in June, was a disappointment for us and reflects the weakened general economic

We have decreased our operating profit growth estimate due to the general
economic development, our performance in the first half of 2013 and the
development of our order backlog. 

Net sales are estimated to grow in 2013. Operating profit is estimated to be
near last year's level. 
Earlier guidance was: Operating profit and net sales are estimated to grow in

Additional information:
CEO Pekka Eloholma, +358 205 777 737
CFO Satu Kankare, +358 205 777 202
SVP, M&A, IR, Hannu Nyman, +358 205 777 761

This release is unaudited. The amounts in this report have been rounded from
exact numbers. 


Affecto's net sales in 1-6/2013 were 69.2 MEUR (1-6/2012: 66.7 MEUR). Net sales
in Finland were 27.0 MEUR (27.2 MEUR), in Norway 16.1 MEUR (13.3 MEUR), in
Sweden 12.3 MEUR (12.3 MEUR), in Denmark 8.1 MEUR (7.3 MEUR) and 8.2 MEUR (7.8
MEUR) in Baltic. 

Net sales by reportable segments

Net sales, MEUR  4-6/13  4-6/12  1-6/13  1-6/12   2012  Last 12m
Finland            14.3    13.7    27.0    27.2   52.6      52.4
Norway              7.6     6.6    16.1    13.3   27.2      30.0
Sweden              6.2     5.8    12.3    12.3   24.0      23.9
Denmark             4.3     3.6     8.1     7.3   16.0      16.8
Baltic              3.9     4.0     8.2     7.8   16.7      17.0
Other              -1.4    -0.6    -2.4    -1.3   -3.0      -4.2
Group total        34.8    33.1    69.2    66.7  133.4     135.9

Net sales grew by 5% in the second quarter. Denmark grew by 17% and Norway by
15%, and also Sweden and Finland achieved growth. Net sales in Baltic decreased
by 3% as the local market slowed down especially in Lithuania. Customers'
interest was toward shorter and smaller projects than earlier and the
investment decisions take a long time. Sales of the third-party licenses, sold
with the solutions, somewhat exceeded last year's level. 

Net sales of Information Management Solutions business in 1-6/2013 were 64.7
MEUR (61.2 MEUR) and net sales of Karttakeskus GIS business were 5.7 MEUR (6.1

After rather brisk April and May, the sales performance in June was muted and
as a consequence the order backlog decreased to 48.8 MEUR, below last year
(53.8 MEUR). Normally June is a good sales month and the order backlog grows,
but this year the customers apparently postponed decisions over the summer. 


Affecto's operating profit in 1-6/2013 was 4.0 MEUR (4.7 MEUR) and the
operational segment result was 5.0 MEUR (5.8 MEUR). Operational segment result
was in Finland 3.2 MEUR (4.0 MEUR), in Norway 1.7 MEUR (1.3 MEUR), in Sweden
-0.3 MEUR (-0.3 MEUR), in Denmark 0.8 MEUR (0.5 MEUR) and in Baltic 0.4 MEUR
(0.9 MEUR). 

Operating profit in the second quarter decreased to 6% of net sales (8%).
Profitability improved in Denmark, was stable in Norway, but decreased
elsewhere. The largest negative impact came from Baltic and Finland. On average
the quarter had one more available workday than last year. 

In Baltic especially the Lithuanian market slowed down and a four-day work week
has been partially adopted there. Finland made a good 12% result, but did not
achieve last year's level. Other business areas performed well, but the profit
of the Karttakeskus GIS business decreased clearly. 

Operational segment result by reportable segments

Operational segment         4-6/13  4-6/12  1-6/13  1-6/12  2012  Last 12m
result, MEUR                                                              
Finland                        1.7     2.1     3.2     4.0   7.7       6.9
Norway                         0.8     0.7     1.7     1.3   3.3       3.7
Sweden                        -0.2    -0.1    -0.3    -0.3  -0.9      -1.0
Denmark                        0.5     0.3     0.8     0.5   1.8       2.1
Baltic                         0.1     0.5     0.4     0.9   2.0       1.5
Other                         -0.4    -0.2    -0.7    -0.6  -1.4      -1.4
Operational segment result     2.5     3.2     5.0     5.8  12.5      11.8
IFRS3 Amortization            -0.5    -0.5    -1.0    -1.0  -2.1      -2.1
Operating profit               2.0     2.7     4.0     4.7  10.5       9.7

According to the IFRS3 requirements, 1-6/2013 operating profit includes 1.0
MEUR (1.0 MEUR) of amortization on intangible assets related to acquisitions.
The IFRS3 amortization is estimated to be approx. 2.0 MEUR per year until 2014,
as the other intangible assets impacting in the IFRS3 amortization totaled 2.7
MEUR at the end of the reporting period. 

Taxes corresponding to the profit of the period have been entered as tax
expense. Net profit for the period was 2.7 MEUR, while it was 3.5 MEUR last


At the end of the reporting period Affecto's balance sheet totaled 132.8 MEUR
(12/2012: 147.9 MEUR). Equity ratio was 53.5% (12/2012: 50.6%) and net gearing
was 21.1% (12/2012: 15.8%). 

The financial loans were 28.5 MEUR (12/2012: 30.5 MEUR) at the end of reporting
period. The company's cash and liquid assets were 14.6 MEUR (12/2012: 19.8
MEUR). The interest-bearing net debt was 13.8 MEUR (12/2012: 10.6 MEUR). 

Cash flow from operating activities for the reported period was 1.1 MEUR (-0.2
MEUR) and cash flow from investing activities was -1.1 MEUR (-0.7 MEUR).
Investments in tangible and intangible assets were 1.1 MEUR (0.6 MEUR). 

The Annual General Meeting held in April decided to distribute a dividend of
3.4 MEUR (2.4 MEUR). 


The number of employees was 1082 persons at the end of the reporting period
(1100). 430 employees were based in Finland, 126 in Norway, 140 in Sweden, 67
in Denmark and 319 in the Baltic countries. The average number of employees
during the period was 1082 (1082). 

Hellen Wohlin Lidgard started as the country manager in Sweden in April. Rene
Lykkeskov returned to his role as Affecto's chief strategy officer. 


Uncertainty about the general economic development continued to affect
Affecto's business negatively. Customers' decision-making pace was slower than
normally, which decreased Affecto's growth. Additionally the customers are
ordering shorter projects than earlier, which has decreased the size of the
order backlog in most countries. 

In general, there has been no significant negative change in the market
situation regarding our core markets. The demand for EIM solutions, including
Business Intelligence (BI) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM), is
estimated to continue growing more rapidly than the general IT services. The
analyst forecasts for the average annual growth of BI and analytics software
license markets are approx. 6-8% in the next few years. The Nordic EIM services
markets are estimated to grow annually by 6-8% on average. However, market
growth estimates for 2013 are smaller. 


The group's business is managed through five country units. Finland, Norway,
Sweden, Denmark and Baltic are also the reportable segments. 

In 4-6/2013 the net sales in Finland grew by 4% to 14.3 MEUR (13.7 MEUR).
Operational segment result was 1.7 MEUR (2.1 MEUR). Profitability was 12%. The
business development was rather stable, but customers were cautious with their
orders. Despite that, the order backlog is at last year's level. 

In 4-6/2013 the net sales of Karttakeskus GIS business, reported as part of
Finland, decreased by 9% to 3.0 MEUR (3.2 MEUR) and its profitability was lower
than last year. Largest deals in the period were made with the Finnish Agency
for Rural Affairs and the Finnish Transport Authority. 

In 4-6/2013 the net sales in Norway were 7.6 MEUR (6.6 MEUR) and operational
segment result was 0.8 MEUR (0.7 MEUR). Net sales grew by 15% and profitability
was 10%. Business development was mainly good, but customers prefer shorter and
smaller projects than earlier, which has decreased the order backlog. 

In 4-6/2013 the net sales in Sweden were 6.2 MEUR (5.8 MEUR) and operational
segment result -0.2 MEUR (-0.1 MEUR). The net sales grew by 8%. There was still
loss and the development actions taken contributed to that. The new country
manager Hellen Wohlin Lidgard started in late April. Development actions
continue and the goal is to achieve normal profitability, but structural and
operational changes for the business will take some time. The share of
employees doing billable work is being increased. Order backlog grew during the
quarter, but is below last year's level. Largest deal in the period was the
agreement with the Länsförsäkringar Bank. 

In 4-6/2013 the net sales in Denmark were 4.3 MEUR (3.6 MEUR) and operational
segment result was 0.5 MEUR (0.3 MEUR). Net sales grew by 17% and profitability
grew to 11%. Generally the business developed well. Sales performed well and
the order backlog exceeds last year's level. 

In 4-6/2013 the net sales in Baltic (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, South
Africa) were 3.9 MEUR (4.0 MEUR). Operational segment result was 0.1 MEUR (0.5
MEUR). Net sales decreased by 3% and profitability decreased to 2%. The sales
mix of consultant work was less profitable than last year. Especially in
Lithuania the market has slowed down and public sector customers' launch new
projects very slowly. In order to improve profitability the Lithuanian
organization has partially adopted a 4-day work week. 


The Annual General Meeting of Affecto Plc, held on 9 April 2013, adopted the
financial statements for 1.1.-31.12.2012 and discharged the members of the
Board of Directors and the CEO from liability. Approximately 35 percent of
Affecto's shares and votes were represented at the Meeting. The Annual General
Meeting decided on a dividend distribution of EUR 0.16 per share for the year

Aaro Cantell, Magdalena Persson, Jukka Ruuska, Olof Sand, Tuija Soanjärvi and
Lars Wahlström were elected as members of the Board of Directors. The
organization meeting of the Board of Directors re-elected Aaro Cantell as
Chairman and Jukka Ruuska as Vice-Chairman. KPMG Oy Ab was elected as the
auditor of the company. 

The Meeting approved the Board's proposal for appointing a Nomination Committee
to prepare proposals concerning members of the Board of Directors and their
remunerations for the following Annual General Meeting. The Nomination
Committee will consist of the representatives of the three largest shareholders
and the Chairman of the Board of Directors, acting as an expert member, if
he/she is not appointed representative of a shareholder. The members
representing the shareholders will be appointed by the three shareholders whose
share of ownership of the shares of the company is largest on 31 October
preceding the Annual General Meeting. 

The Meeting approved the Board's proposal for issuing stock options 2013. The
maximum total number of stock options issued will be 400 000 and they will be
issued gratuitously or for consideration determined by the Board of Directors. 

According to the Articles of Association, the General Meeting of Shareholders
annually elects the Board of Directors by a majority decision. The term of
office of the board members expires at the end of the next Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders following their election. The Board appoints the CEO.
The Articles of Association do not contain any special rules for changing the
Articles of Association or for issuing new shares. 


The Board has not used in the review period the authorizations given by the
Annual General Meeting in 2012, which authorizations expired on 9 April 2013. 

The complete contents of the new authorizations given by the Annual General
Meeting held on 9 April 2013 have been published in the stock exchange release
regarding the Meetings' decisions. Key facts about the authorizations: 

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board of Directors to
decide to acquire the company's own shares with distributable funds. A maximum
of 2 100 000 shares may be acquired. The authorization shall be in force until
the next Annual General Meeting. 

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board of Directors to
decide to issue new shares and to convey the company's own shares held by the
company in one or more tranches. The share issue may be carried out as a share
issue against consideration or without consideration on terms to be determined
by the Board of Directors and in relation to a share issue against
consideration at a price to be determined by the Board of Directors. A maximum
of 4 200 000 new shares may be issued. A maximum of 2 100 000 own shares held
by the company may be conveyed. In addition, the authorization includes the
right to decide on a share issue without consideration to the company itself so
that the amount of own shares held by the company after the share issue is a
maximum of one-tenth (1/10) of all shares in the company. The authorization
shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting. 


During the review period a total of 349 667 new shares have been subscribed
with the 2008B and 2008C options. 

The company has only one share series and all shares have similar rights. At
the end of the review period Affecto Plc's share capital consisted of 21 892
735 shares. The company owned 78 427 treasury shares and Affecto Management Oy
owned 823 000 shares. 

In 1-6/2013 the highest share price was 4.55 euro, the lowest price 2.98 euro,
the average price 3.77 euro and the closing price 3.92 euro. The trading volume
was 2.6 million shares, corresponding to 24% of the number of shares at the end
of the period. The market value of shares was 85.5 MEUR at the end of the
period including the shares owned by Affecto Management Oy but excluding the
treasury shares. 

2008C options have been listed on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki since 2 April 2013. 2008B
options expired in May. 


The company had a total of 2708 owners on 30 June 2013 and the foreign
ownership was 13%. The list of the largest owners can be found in the company's
web site. Information about the ownership structure and option programs is
included as a separate section in the financial statements. The ownership of
the board members, CEO and their controlled corporations totaled approx. 14.3%. 


The changes in the general economic conditions and the operating environment of
customers have direct impact in Affecto's markets. The uncertain economy may
affect Affecto's customers negatively, and their slower investment decision
making, postponing or cancellation of IT investments may have negative impact
on Affecto. Slower decision making by customers may decrease the predictability
of the business and may decrease the utilisation rate of resources. 

Affecto's order backlog has traditionally been only for a few months, which
decreases the reliability of longer-term forecasts. Affecto sells third party
software licenses as part of its solutions. Typically the license sales have
most impact on the last month of each quarter and especially in the fourth
quarter. This increases the fluctuation in net sales between quarters and
increases the difficulty of accurately forecasting the quarters. Affecto had
license sales of approx. 10 MEUR in 2012. 

Affecto's balance sheet includes a material amount of goodwill. Goodwill has
been allocated to cash generating units. Cash generating units, to which
goodwill has been allocated, are tested for impairment both annually and
whenever there is an indication that the unit may be impaired. Potential
impairment losses may have material effect on reported profit and value of
assets. The greatest uncertainty is related to Sweden. 

Approximately a half of Affecto's business is in Sweden, Norway and Denmark,
thus the development of the currencies of these countries (SEK, NOK and DKK)
may have impact on Affecto's profitability. The main part of the companies'
income and costs are within the same currency, which decreases the risks. 

Affecto's success depends also on good customer relationships. Affecto has a
well-diversified customer base. Although none of the customers is critically
large for the whole group, there are large customers in various countries who
are significant for local business in the country. 

Affecto's bank loan has covenants, the breach of which may lead to higher
financing costs or even the termination of the loan. The covenants are based on
total net debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization and total net debt to total equity. 

Affecto's continued success is very much dependent on its management team and
personnel. The loss of the services of any member of its senior management or
other key employee could have a negative impact on Affecto's business and the
ability of the company to implement its strategy. In addition, Affecto's
success depends on its ability to hire, develop, train, motivate and retain
skilled professionals on its staff. 


Net sales are estimated to grow in 2013. Operating profit is estimated to be
near last year's level. Earlier guidance was: Operating profit and net sales
are estimated to grow in 2013. 

As a normal seasonality effect, the summer vacations will weaken the third

The company does not provide exact guidance for net sales or EBIT development,
as single projects and timing of license sales may have large impact on
quarterly sales and profit. 

Affecto Plc
Board of Directors

You can order Affecto's stock exchange releases to be delivered automatically
by e-mail. 
Please visit the Investors section of the company website: www.affecto.com

A briefing for analysts and media will be arranged at 12.30 at Restaurant
Savoy, Eteläesplanadi 14, Helsinki. 



Financial information:

1. Consolidated income statement, consolidated comprehensive income statement,
balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity 
2. Notes
3. Key figures

1. Consolidated income statement, consolidated comprehensive income statement,
balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity 


(1 000 EUR)                   4-6/201  4-6/201  1-6/201  1-6/201    2012    Last
                                    3        2        3        2             12m
Net sales                      34 810   33 138   69 203   66 678     133     135
                                                                     400     925
Other operating income              6       13        7       18     221     210
Changes in inventories of         -79      -44      358       -1     -94     265
goods and work in progress                                                      
Materials and services         -7 357   -6 149  -15 201  -12 209     -27     -30
                                                                     072     063
Personnel expenses            -19 992  -19 177  -39 774  -39 421     -75     -75
                                                                     542     895
Other operating expenses       -4 587   -4 244   -8 936   -8 662     -17     -17
                                                                     106     380
Other depreciation and           -314     -325     -608     -648  -1 290  -1 250
IFRS3 amortisation               -517     -510   -1 040   -1 021  -2 067  -2 086
Operating profit                1 971    2 702    4 008    4 733  10 451   9 726
Financial income and             -150     -112     -123     -264    -408    -267
Profit before income tax        1 821    2 590    3 885    4 469  10 042   9 459
Income tax                       -616     -574   -1 143     -996  -2 467  -2 614
Profit for the period           1 205    2 016    2 742    3 473   7 575   6 844
Profit for the period                                                           
attributable to:                                                                
Owners of the parent company    1 113    1 950    2 660    3 430   7 552   6 782
Non-controlling interest           92       66       82       43      23      63
Earnings per share                                                              
(EUR per share):                                                                
Basic                            0.05     0.09     0.13     0.17    0.37    0.33
Diluted                          0.05     0.09     0.13     0.16    0.36    0.33
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF                                                       
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                                            
(1 000 EUR)                   4-6/201  4-6/201  1-6/201  1-6/201    2012    Last
                                    3        2        3        2             12m
Profit for the period           1 205    2 016    2 742    3 473   7 575   6 844
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Items that may be                                                               
 reclassified subsequently                                                      
 to the statement of income:                                                    
Translation difference         -1 961      362   -1 817      870   1 723    -964
Total Comprehensive income       -756    2 378      926    4 343   9 298   5 880
for the period                                                                  
Total Comprehensive income                                                      
attributable to:                                                                
Owners of the parent company     -849    2 312      843    4 300   9 275   5 818
Non-controlling interest           92       66       82       43      23      63


(1 000 EUR)                           6/2013   6/2012  12/2012
Non-current assets                                            
Property, plant and equipment          2 037    1 986    1 711
Goodwill                              73 157   73 850   74 651
Other intangible assets                3 091    5 100    4 098
Available-for-sale financial assets        -       41        -
Deferred tax assets                    1 500    1 615    1 506
Trade and other receivables                7       11       11
                                      79 792   82 604   81 977
Current assets                                                
Inventories                              677      429      317
Trade and other receivables           37 193   39 333   45 529
Current income tax receivables           579      794      325
Cash and cash equivalents             14 566   12 651   19 767
                                      53 015   53 207   65 937
Total assets                         132 807  135 811  147 914
Equity attributable to owners                                 
of the parent Company                                         
Share capital                          5 105    5 105    5 105
Reserve of invested non-restricted    47 300   46 611   46 643
Other reserves                           718      651      693
Treasury shares                       -2 202   -2 262   -2 202
Translation differences                 -871       93      946
Retained earnings                     14 996   11 711   15 781
                                      65 046   61 909   66 965
Non-controlling interest                 394      420      311
Total equity                          65 439   62 329   67 277
Non-current liabilities                                       
Loans and borrowings                  24 403   28 371   26 387
Deferred tax liabilities                 707    1 297      987
                                      25 110   29 668   27 374
Current liabilities                                           
Loans and borrowings                   4 000    4 000    4 000
Derivative financial instruments           -      260        -
Trade and other payables              35 940   36 899   46 745
Current income tax liabilities         2 068    2 027    2 159
Provisions                               249      629      359
                                      42 257   43 814   53 263
Total liabilities                     67 367   73 482   80 638
Equity and liabilities               132 807  135 811  147 914


(1 000 EUR)                                         1-6/2013  1-6/2012    2012
Cash flows from operating activities                                          
Profit for the period                                  2 742     3 473   7 575
Adjustments to profit for the period                   3 100     3 053   6 449
                                                       5 842     6 526  14 024
Change in working capital                             -2 904    -4 762  -1 340
Interest and other financial cost paid                  -289      -612  -1 207
Interest and other financial income received             100        75     165
Income taxes paid                                     -1 660    -1 434  -2 525
Net cash from operating activities                     1 089      -207   9 117
Cash flows from investing activities                                          
Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets         -1 063      -648  -1 008
Acquisition of available-for-sale financial assets         -       -35       -
Proceeds from sale of tangible and                         1         8      49
intangible assets                                                             
Net cash used in investing activities                 -1 061      -675    -959
Cash flows from financing activities                                          
Repayments of non-current borrowings                  -2 000    -2 000  -4 000
Acquisition of treasury shares                             -      -266    -266
Proceeds from share options exercised                    657        20      49
Acquisition of non-controlling interest                    -         -    -134
Dividends paid to the owners                          -3 444    -2 367  -2 367
of the parent company                                                         
Net cash from financing activities                    -4 788    -4 614  -6 718
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents      -4 760    -5 495   1 440
Cash and cash equivalents                             19 767    17 964  17 964
at the beginning of the period                                                
Foreign exchange effect on cash                         -440       182     363
Cash and cash equivalents                             14 566    12 651  19 767
at the end of the period                                                      


          Equity attributable to owners of the parent                           
(1 000     Share   Reserve of   Other  Treasu    Trans    Ret.  Non-cont   Total
 EUR)     capita     invested  reserv      ry     lat.  earnin   rolling  equity
               l  non-restric      es  shares    diff.      gs  interest        
                   ted equity                                                   
Equity     5 105       46 643     693  -2 202      946  15 781       311  67 277
 at 1                                                                           
Profit                                                   2 660        82   2 742
Translat                                        -1 817                    -1 817
Total                                          - 1 817   2 660        82     926
Share-ba                           25                                         25
Exercise                  657                                                657
Dividend                                                -3 444            -3 444
s paid                                                                          
Equity     5 105       47 300     718  -2 202     -871  14 996       394  65 439
 at 30                                                                          

           Equity attributable to owners of the parent                          
(1 000      Share    Reserve of   Other  Treasu   Trans    Ret.  Non-con   Total
 EUR)      capita      invested  reserv      ry    lat.  earnin  trollin  equity
                l  non-restrict      es  shares   diff.      gs        g        
                      ed equity                                  interes        
Equity at   5 105        46 591     593  -1 996    -777  10 642      376  60 535
Profit                                                    3 430       43   3 473
Translati                                           870                      870
Total                                               870   3 430       43   4 343
Share-bas                            58                                       58
Exercise                     20                                               20
 of share                                                                       
Acquisiti                                  -266                             -266
on of                                                                           
Other                                                         6                6
Dividends                                                -2 367           -2 367
Equity at   5 105        46 611     651  -2 262      93  11 711      420  62 329
 30 June                                                                        

2. Notes

2.1. Basis of preparation

This condensed interim financial information has been prepared in accordance
with IAS 34, Interim Financial reporting. The condensed interim financial
report should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2012. The same accounting policies have been applied
as in the annual consolidated financial statements with the exception of the
amendments to the IFRS standards that have entered into force and have been
applied on 1 January 2013, which amendments have been presented in the previous
annual financial statements. These amendments had no material impact on this
interim report. 

The non-controlling interest has been presented separately after net profit for
the period and in total equity. 

2.2. Segment information

Affecto's reporting segments are based on geographical locations and are
Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Baltic. 

Segment net sales and result

(1 000 EUR)                  4-6/201  4-6/201  1-6/201  1-6/20     2012     Last
                                   3        2        3      12               12m
Total net sales                                                                 
Finland                       14 253   13 729   27 034  27 181   52 570   52 423
Norway                         7 609    6 607   16 074  13 255   27 161   29 980
Sweden                         6 206    5 772   12 273  12 343   23 984   23 914
Denmark                        4 263    3 634    8 097   7 339   16 038   16 795
Baltic                         3 912    4 045    8 166   7 818   16 684   17 032
Other                         -1 433     -649   -2 441  -1 257   -3 036   -4 220
Group total                   34 810   33 138   69 203  66 678  133 400  135 925
Operational segment result                                                      
Finland                        1 747    2 134    3 164   3 962    7 747    6 948
Norway                           766      654    1 710   1 317    3 317    3 710
Sweden                          -187     -101     -330    -297     -945     -978
Denmark                          471      269      781     524    1 800    2 057
Baltic                            74      495      388     853    1 981    1 516
Other                           -384     -239     -664    -604   -1 382   -1 441
Total operational segment      2 488    3 212    5 048   5 754   12 518   11 812
IFRS3 amortisation              -517     -510   -1 040  -1 021   -2 067   -2 086
Operating profit               1 971    2 702    4 008   4 733   10 451    9 726

Net sales by business lines

(1 000 EUR)                  4-6/201  4-6/201  1-6/201  1-6/20     2012     Last
                                   3        2        3      12               12m
Information Management        32 575   30 209   64 740  61 203  122 892  126 429
Karttakeskus GIS business      2 964    3 241    5 732   6 106   11 884   11 510
Other                           -728     -313   -1 269    -630   -1 376   -2 014
Group total                   34 810   33 138   69 203  66 678  133 400  135 925

2.3. Changes in intangible and tangible assets

(1 000 EUR)                                   1-6/2013  1-6/2012  1-12/2012                          ------------------------------
Carrying amount at the beginning of period      80 460    81 127     81 127
Additions                                        1 063       648      1 008
Disposals                                           -1        -3        -30
Depreciation and amortization for the period   - 1 648   - 1 699    - 3 357
Exchange rate differences                       -1 588       833      1 711
Carrying amount at the end of period            78 285    80 936     80 460

2.4. Share capital, reserve of invested non-restricted equity and treasury

(1 000 EUR)              Number of     Share      Reserve of invested   Treasury
                            shares   capital    non-restricted equity     shares
         1.1.2012       20 693 468     5 105                   46 591     -1 996
Exercise of share           10 500         -                       20          -
Acquisition of            -100 000         -                        -       -266
 treasury shares                                                                
        30.6.2012       20 603 968     5 105                   46 611     -2 262
         1.1.2013       20 641 641     5 105                   46 643     -2 202
Exercise of share          349 667         -                      657          -
        30.6.2013       20 991 308     5 105                   47 300     -2 202

At the end of reporting period Affecto Plc owned 78 427 treasury shares. In
addition to that Affecto Management Oy, included in consolidated accounts,
owned 823 000 shares in Affecto Plc. In total these 901 427 shares correspond
to 4.1% of the total amount of the shares. The amount of registered shares was
21 892 735 shares. 

2.5. Interest-bearing liabilities

(1 000 EUR)                               30.6.2013  31.12.2012
Interest-bearing non-current liabilities                       
Loans from financial institutions,           24 403      26 387
non-current portion                                            
Loans from financial institutions,            4 000       4 000
current portion                                                
                                             28 403      30 387

Affecto's loan facility agreement includes financial covenants, breach of which
might lead to an increase in cost of debt or cancellation of the facility
agreement. The covenants are based on total net debt to earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization and total net debt to total
equity. The covenants will be measured quarterly, and these terms and
conditions of covenants were met at the end of the reporting period. 

2.6. Contingencies and commitments

The future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating

(1 000 EUR)                        30.6.2013  31.12.2012
Not later than one (1) year            3 734       3 966
Later than one (1) year,               4 859       6 594
but not later than five (5) years                       
Later than five (5) years                  -           -
Total                                  8 593      10 561

Guarantees given:

(1 000 EUR)                        30.6.2013  31.12.2012
Liabilities secured by a mortgage                       
Financial loans                       28 500      30 500

The above-mentioned liabilities are secured by bearer bonds with a nominal
value of 52.5 million euro. The bonds are held by Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj and
secured by a mortgage on company assets of the group companies. In addition,
the shares in Affecto Finland Oy and Affecto Norway AS have been pledged to
secure the financial liabilities above. 

Other securities given on own behalf:

(1 000 EUR)       30.6.2013  31.12.2012
Pledges                   8           6
Other guarantees      2 946       3 559

Other guarantees are mostly securities issued for customer projects. These
guarantees include both bank guarantees secured by parent company of the group
and guarantees issued by the parent company and subsidiaries. 

2.7. Related party transactions

Key management compensation and remunerations to the board of directors:

(1 000 EUR)                                      1-6/2013  1-6/2012  1-12/2012
Salaries and other short-term employee benefits     1 061     1 157      2 184
Post-employment benefits                              152       170        279
Termination benefits                                    6         -        245
Share-based payments                                    2         8         13
Total                                               1 221     1 334      2 721

Loans to related party:

(1 000 EUR)                           30.6.2013  30.6.2012  31.12.2012
Loans to key management of the group      1 600      1 600       1 624

Purchases from related party:

(1 000 EUR)                                               1-6/20  1-6/20  1-12/2
                                                              13      12     012
Purchases from the entity that are controlled by key           5       -       -
 management personnel of the group                                              

3. Key figures

                            4-6/201  4-6/201  1-6/201  1-6/201     2012     Last
                                  3        2        3        2               12m
Net sales, 1 000 eur         34 810   33 138   69 203   66 678  133 400  135 925
EBITDA, 1 000 eur             2 802    3 537    5 657    6 403   13 808   13 062
Operational segment           2 488    3 212    5 048    5 754   12 518   11 812
1 000 eur                                                                       
Operating result, 1 000       1 971    2 702    4 008    4 733   10 451    9 726
Result before taxes, 1 000    1 821    2 590    3 885    4 469   10 042    9 459
Profit attributable to the    1 113    1 950    2 660    3 430    7 552    6 782
of the parent company, 1                                                        
 000 eur                                                                        
EBITDA, %                     8.1 %   10.7 %    8.2 %    9.6 %   10.4 %    9.6 %
Operational segment           7.1 %    9.7 %    7.3 %    8.6 %    9.4 %    8.7 %
 result, %                                            
Operating result, %           5.7 %    8.2 %    5.8 %    7.1 %    7.8 %    7.2 %
Result before taxes, %        5.2 %    7.8 %    5.6 %    6.7 %    7.5 %    7.0 %
Net income for equity         3.2 %    5.9 %    3.8 %    5.1 %    5.7 %    5.0 %
of the parent company, %                                                        
Equity ratio, %              53.5 %   50.1 %   53.5 %   50.1 %   50.6 %         
Net gearing, %               21.1 %   31.6 %   21.1 %   31.6 %   15.8 %         
Interest-bearing net debt,   13 837   19 720   13 837   19 720   10 621         
1 000 eur                                                                       
Gross investment in             568      239    1 063      648    1 008         
assets (excl.                                                                   
1 000 eur                                                                       
Gross investments, % of       1.6 %    0.8 %    1.5 %    1.0 %    0.8 %         
 net sales                                                                      
Order backlog, 1 000 eur     48 824   53 842   48 824   53 842   61 359         
Average number of             1 081    1 088    1 082    1 082    1 089         
Earnings per share, eur        0.05     0.09     0.13     0.17     0.37     0.33
Earnings per share             0.05     0.09     0.13     0.16     0.36     0.33
Equity per share, eur          3.10     3.00     3.10     3.00     3.24         
Average number of shares,    20 768   20 655   20 706   20 674   20 642   20 629
1 000 shares                                                                    
Number of shares at the      20 991   20 604   20 991   20 604   20 642   20 991
 end of                                                                         
period, 1 000 shares                                                            

Calculation of key figures
EBITDA                      =  Earnings before interest, taxes,                 
                               depreciation, amortization and impairment losses 
Operational segment result  =  Operating profit before amortizations on         
                               fair value adjustments due to business           
                               combinations (IFRS3) and goodwill                
Equity ratio, %             =  Total equity                             *100    
                               Total assets - advance payments                  
Gearing, %                  =  Interest-bearing liabilities - cash      *100    
                               and cash equivalents                             
                               Total equity                                     
Interest-bearing net debt   =  Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and          
                               cash equivalents                                 
Earnings per share (EPS)    =  Profit attributable to owners of the parent      
                               Weighted average number of ordinary shares in    
                                issue during the period                         
Equity per share            =  Total equity                                     
                               Adjusted number of shares at the end of          
                               the period                                       
Market capitalization       =  Number of shares at the end of period            
                               (excluding company's own shares held by          
                               the company) x share price at closing date       


         CEO Pekka Eloholma, +358 205 777 737
         CFO Satu Kankare, +358 205 777 202
         SVP, M&A, IR, Hannu Nyman, +358 205 777 761
