2016-03-14 16:45:00 CET

2016-03-14 16:45:00 CET


Enska Finnska
Ixonos - Notice to general meeting


Helsinki, Finland, 2016-03-14 16:45 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ixonos Plc         
Stock Exchange Release      14 March 2016 at 17:45 


The shareholders of Ixonos Plc are convened to the Annual General Meeting of
the company. The meeting will be held on Thursday 7 April 2016 at 16:00 at the
Opus Business Park 3 in auditorium Aida at address Hitsaajankatu 20, FI-00810,
Helsinki. The reception of participants will begin at 15:00, as will the coffee
service preceding the meeting. 


The following items are on the agenda for the meeting:

1.            Opening the meeting

2.         Calling the meeting to order

3.         Election of persons to scrutinise the minutes and to count votes

4.         Recording the legality of the meeting

5.         Recording of attendance and adoption of the list of votes

6.         Presentation of the 2015 financial statements, including the
consolidated financial statements, the annual report and the auditor’s report,
as well as of the review of the Managing Director 

7.         Adoption of the financial statements

8.         Use of the profit shown on the balance sheet and deciding on
distribution of dividend 

The Board of Directors proposes that distributable assets be left in the equity
and that no dividend for the financial period 2015 be paid to shareholders. 

9.         Discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors
and the Managing Directors 

10.        Determination of the fees of the members of the Board of Directors

The company’s largest shareholder Tremoko Oy Ab, whose total share of the
company’s shares and votes is approximately 82.2 per cent, suggests that fees
paid to the elected members of the Board of Directors remain unchanged, so that
they are as follows: 

•      Chairman of the Board: EUR 40,000/year and EUR 500/meeting

•      Deputy Chairman of the Board: EUR 30,000/year and EUR 250/meeting

•      Members of the Board of Directors: EUR 20,000/year and EUR 250/meeting

•        For the meetings of a Board committee, EUR 500/meeting to the Chairman
and EUR 250/meeting to a member 

It is proposed that travel expenses be reimbursed in accordance with the
company’s regulations concerning travel reimbursements. 

11.        Determining of the number of members of the Board of Directors

Under the Articles of Association, the company’s Board of Directors must have
at least 5 and at most 9 members. 

The company does not have a Nomination Committee, and the company’s largest
shareholder Tremoko Oy Ab, whose total share of the company’s shares and votes
is approximately 82.2 per cent, has stated it will propose the number of Board
members. The company will inform the General Meeting of Tremoko Oy Ab’s
proposal later, after receiving it. 

12.        Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors

The company does not have a Nomination Committee, and the company’s largest
shareholder Tremoko Oy Ab, whose total share of the company’s shares and votes
is approximately 82.2 per cent, has stated it will propose the persons to be
elected as Board members. The company will inform the General Meeting of
Tremoko Oy Ab’s proposal later, after receiving it. 

13.        Determination of the fee of the auditor

Based on the proposal of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors proposes
that the auditor be paid a fee in accordance with a reasonable invoice. 

14.        Appointment of the auditor

Based on the proposal of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors proposes
that KHT audit firm KPMG Oy Ab be reappointed as the company’s auditor. The
principal auditor designated by the audit firm would be Esa Kailiala, KHT
auditor approved by the Finland Chamber of Commerce. 

15.       Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on share issues and on
granting special rights entitling to shares 

The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting authorise the Board to
decide on a paid share issue and on granting option rights and other special
rights entitling to shares that are set out in Chapter 10 Section 1 of the
Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act or on the combination of some of the
aforementioned instruments in one or more tranches on the following terms and

The number of shares to be issued under the authorisation may not exceed
90,000,000, which corresponds to approximately 25 per cent of all company
shares at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting. 

Within the limits of the aforementioned authorisation, the Board of Directors
may decide on all terms and conditions applied to the share issue and to the
special rights entitling to shares, such as that the payment of the
subscription price may take place not only by cash but also by setting off
receivables that the subscriber has from the company. 

The Board of Directors shall be entitled to decide on crediting the
subscription price either to the company’s share capital or, entirely or in
part, to the invested unrestricted equity fund. 

Shares as well as special rights entitling to shares may also be issued in a
way that deviates from the pre-emptive rights of shareholders, if a weighty
financial reason for the company to do this exists as laid out in the Limited
Liability Companies Act. In such a case, the authorisation may be used to
finance corporate acquisitions or other investments related to the operations
of the company as well as to maintain and improve the solvency of the group of
companies and to carry out an incentive scheme. 

The authorisation is proposed to be effective until the Annual General Meeting
held in 2017, yet no further than until 30 June 2015. 

The decision concerning the authorisation requires a qualified majority of at
least two thirds of the votes cast and shares represented at the meeting. 

16.       Authorisation of the Board of Directors to acquire own shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorise the
Board to decide on acquiring or accepting as pledge, using the company’s
non-restricted equity, a maximum of 35,356,488 own shares, which corresponds to
around 10 per cent of the company’s total shares at the time of convening the
meeting. The acquisition may take place in one or more tranches. The
acquisition price will not exceed the highest market price of the share in
public trading at the time of the acquisition. In executing the acquisition of
its own shares, the company may enter into derivative, share lending and other
contracts customary in the capital market, within the limits set out in law and
regulations. The authorisation also entitles the Board to decide on a directed
acquisition, i.e. on acquiring shares in a proportion other than that of the
shares held by the shareholders. 

The company may acquire the shares to execute corporate acquisitions or other
business arrangements related to the company’s operations, to improve its
capital structure, or to otherwise further transfer the shares or cancel them. 

The authorisation is proposed to include the right for the Board of Directors
to decide on all other matters related to the acquisition of shares. The
authorisation is proposed to be effective until the Annual General Meeting held
in 2017, yet no further than until 30 June 2017. 

The decision concerning the authorisation requires a qualified majority of at
least two thirds of the votes cast and shares represented at the meeting. 

17.       Directing convertible bonds and related option or other special
rights referred to in Chapter 10 Section 1(2) of the Limited Liability
Companies Act to Tremoko Oy Ab for subscription 

The Board proposes that the General Meeting decides on directing a convertible
bond with a capital of EUR 9,200,000.95 (“Loan”) and attached option or other
special rights referred to in Chapter 10 Section 1(2) of the Limited Liability
Companies Act (“Special Rights”) to be subscribed for by Tremoko Oy Ab
(“Tremoko”) in derogation from the pre-emptive subscription right of the
shareholders in accordance with and under the terms and conditions concerning
the Loan and Special Rights (“Terms”), which are appended to the notice of the
General Meeting. The Special Rights entitle Tremoko or the holder of the
Special Rights at the time to subscribe for at most 131,428,585 new Ixonos Plc
shares in accordance with the Terms. 

The Loan and attached Special Rights would be issued in order to strengthen the
Company’s working capital and reorganise the capital structure as well as lower
financing costs. Hence, there are weighty financial reasons for taking the Loan
and granting the Special Rights. The Loan’s issuing price and conversion price
have been defined on market terms. 

The main terms of the Terms of the Loan and the Special Rights are the

·       The amount of the Loan is EUR 9,200,000.95.

·       A annual interest of Euribor 6 months (at least ≥ 0 %) + 4.0 per cent
is paid on the principal of the Loan. 

·       The conversion option attached to the Loan entitles to a maximum amount
131,428,585 of new Company shares. 

·       The rate of conversion is fixed at EUR 0.07, and it shall be revised as
set out in the Terms. 

·         The loan period is 8 April 2016 - 8 April 2020 so that as of 8 April
2016 altogether EUR 1,700,000.05 of the loan will be paid biannually in five
tranches of EUR 340,000.01 and additionally on 8 April 2020, the remaining
loan, altogether EUR 7,500,000.90, will be paid in a one-off payment. 

·       Tremoko may pay the subscribed Loan and attached Special Rights not
only in cash but also by setting off receivables it has from the company. 

If Tremoko subscribed for the maximum amount of 131,428,585 new shares on the
basis of the Loan, Tremoko’s ownership would rise from approximately 82.17 per
cent to approximately 87 per cent after the conversion. 

The decision concerning the Loan and directing the related Special Rights
requires a qualified majority of at least two thirds of the votes cast and
shares represented at the meeting. 

18.       Closing of the meeting


The following documents will be made available to the shareholders in the
“Investors” section of Ixonos Plc’s website at www.ixonos.com no later than 21
days prior to the General Meeting: the aforementioned Board and committee
proposals that are on the agenda for the meeting, the financial statements of
the company, the annual report, the auditor’s report, and this notice. The said
documents will also be available at the General Meeting. In addition, copies of
the said documents and of this notice will be mailed to the shareholders who
request them. Otherwise, no separate notice of the meeting will be sent to the


1.         Right to attend and registration

Shareholders who are on Thursday 24 March 2016 registered on the company’s list
of shareholders, maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy, are entitled to attend the
meeting.  Shareholders whose shares have been entered in their personal
book-entry accounts in Finland are registered on the company’s list of

Shareholders who wish to attend the General Meeting must give advance notice of
their attendance, and the company must receive such notice no later than by
16:00 on Monday, 4 April 2016.  Advance notice of attending may be given: 

a)      using the form located in the “Investors” section of the company’s
website at www.ixonos.com; 

b)      by email to yhtiokokous@ixonos.com;

c)      by mail to Ixonos Plc / General Meeting, Hitsaajankatu 24, FI-00810
Helsinki, Finland; or 

d)      by telephone between 9:00 and 16:00 to Aila Mettälä at +358 40 531 0678
or +358 424 2231. 

When giving advance notice of the attendance, please state the shareholder’s
name, personal identity code, address and telephone number and the name and
personal identity code of any assistant or proxy representative. Personal data
provided to the company by its shareholders is used only in connection with the
General Meeting and with processing the necessary registrations related to the

2.         Proxy representatives and proxy documents

Shareholders may participate in the meeting and exercise their rights at the
meeting by way of proxy representation. The representative must produce a dated
proxy document or other reliable evidence of their right to represent the
shareholder. If several proxies represent the same shareholder based on shares
held in different book-entry accounts, the shares on which each proxy’s
representation is based must be stated when giving advance notice of
participation. Please furnish the company with any proxy documents as an email
attachment (such as in PDF), by fax or by mail, using the above-mentioned
contact information for advance notice, no later than the last date for advance
notices of participation. 

3.         Holders of nominee-registered shares

Holders of nominee-registered shares must contact their asset managers for
information on how to enter the shareholders’ register, on the issuance of
proxies and on submitting their notice of attendance in the General Meeting
well before the meeting.     If the holder of a nominee-registered share wishes
to attend the meeting, the account operator of the asset manager must notify
the shareholder for a temporary entry in the shareholder register no later than
at 10:00 on Monday 4 April 2014. 

4.         Other information

Pursuant to Chapter 5 Section 25 of the Limited Liability Companies Act,
shareholders who are present at the General Meeting are entitled to request
information on matters discussed at the meeting. 

On the day of convening the meeting, Ixonos Plc has altogether 353,564,898
shares and votes registered in the Trade Register. 

In Helsinki on 14 March 2016


Board of Directors

For more information, please contact:

Ixonos Plc, CEO Sami Paihonen,tel. + 358 50 502 1111, sami.paihonen@ixonos.com

Ixonos Plc, CFO Kristiina Simola, tel. + 358 40 756 3132,



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