2008-01-21 14:03:16 CET

2008-01-21 14:03:16 CET


English Islandic
Glitnir banki hf. - Financial Statement Release

- Presentation of Glitnir Bank's Full-Year Results will be held 29 January 2008

Glitnir will host the following presentations and webcasts in connection with
the publication of the Group's results for the full-year of 2007. An English
version of the presentation will be available on www.glitnirbank.com as of its
publication early morning on 29 January. 

Presentation in Reykjavík, Iceland

Lárus Welding, CEO, and Alexander K. Guðmundsson, CFO, will present Glitnir's
full-year results for 2007 to shareholders and market participants on Tuesday,
29 January, at 12.15 p.m. at Nordica Hotel, rooms F and G, in Reykjavík. 

Presentation and web cast in London, UK

Lárus Welding, CEO, and Alexander K. Guðmundsson, CFO, will present Glitnir's
full-year results for 2007 to shareholders and market participants on
Wednesday, 30 January, at 12 p.m. (12 p.m. GMT) at Crowne Plaza London
Shoreditch, 100 Shoreditch High Street, E1 6JQl, London. 

If you plan to attend, please inform Vala Pálsdóttir, Head of Investor
Relations, by e-mail at ir@glitnir.is or by calling +354 440 4989. 

A live broadcast of the meeting can be accessed on Glitnir's corporate website,
www.glitnirbank.com, where questions can be sent to the meeting via webcast. 

Booking media interviews

To book media interviews, please contact Bjørn Richard Johansen, Managing
Director, Corporate Communication, by e-mail to brj@glitnir.no or mobile +47 47
800 100.