2013-07-05 17:35:00 CEST

2013-07-05 17:36:00 CEST


Englanti Islanti
Icelandair Group hf. - Company Announcement

Traffic Data June 2013

The Company carried around 269 thousand passengers on international flights in
June.  The number of passengers was up by 10% as compared to June last year. 
The capacity increase totalled 12% between years. The passenger load factor was
82.2% compared to 82.6% at the same time last year. The number of passengers on
the Trans-Atlantic market increased the most or by 15%.  Passengers on this
market were 51% of total passengers carried on our international flights. 

Passengers on regional flights and Greenland flights were 28 thousand in June,
which is a 15% decrease from June last year.  The capacity was decreased by 20%
compared to June 2012.  The load factor was 71.1%, increasing by 2.0 percentage
points from last year.  Sold block hours in charter flights decreased by 22%
between years.  Cargo transport increased by 10% year-on-year. The room
utilization at our hotels was 73.6%, compared to 75.3% in June last year. 

INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS            JUN 13   CHG (%)     YTD 13   CHG (%)
Number of Passengers            268,617       10%    967,172       14%
Load Factor                       82.2%  -0.5 ppt      77.5%  -2.1 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000)     963,771       12%  3,614,305       20%
Number of Passengers             28,216      -15%    149,585      -10%
Load Factor                       71.1%   2.0 ppt      70.6%   2.3 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000)      14,932      -20%     69,889      -14%
CAPACITY                         JUN 13   CHG (%)     YTD 13   CHG (%)
Fleet Utilization                100.0%   0.0 ppt      89.0%  -1.7 ppt
Sold Block Hours                  2,157      -22%     14,166      -11%
CARGO                            JUN 13   CHG (%)     YTD 13   CHG (%)
Available Tonne KM (ATK´000)     19,897       10%     91,122        9%
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000)        7,860       10%     46,926        4%
HOTELS                           JUN 13   CHG (%)     YTD 13   CHG (%)
Available Hotel Room Nights      35,514        2%    147,578       14%
Sold Hotel Room Nights           26,150        0%     99,664       13%
Utilization of Hotel Rooms        73.6%  -1.7 ppt      67.5%  -0.2 ppt

For further detailed information please contact:

Bogi Nils Bogason, CFO, Icelandair Group tel: + 354 665-8801
Íris Hulda Þórisdóttir, Director Investor Relations, Icelandair Group tel: +
354 840-7010