2010-05-10 16:08:48 CEST

2010-05-10 16:09:43 CEST


Suomi Englanti
Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement


The Board of Directors of Finnair Plc has approved the terms and conditions of
a long-term incentive scheme for the Finnair Group's key individuals. 

The purpose of the scheme is to commit key individuals to the Finnair Group and
to offer them a competitive incentive based on share ownership. The rewards of
the scheme are based on Finnair Plc's financial and/or operational success as
well as on a rise in the value of the company. 

The scheme also encourages key individuals to purchase Finnair Plc shares,
which will contribute to harmonising the objectives of key individuals, the
company and shareholders. 

Under the scheme, key individuals have the possibility of receiving a share
bonus payable as shares and cash as well as a purchase incentive bonus payable
in cash. The bonuses have the same performance criteria. 

Share bonus

The performance period for share bonuses payable as shares and cash is
2010-2012. The Board of Directors of Finnair Plc decides annually on the
individuals belonging to the system and their maximum bonuses. Possible earned
bonuses will be paid in spring 2013 as Finnair Plc shares and cash. The cash
proportion will correspond in most cases to taxes and tax-related payments
arising to key individuals from the receipt of their bonus. Key individuals
cannot surrender shares they receive as bonus before three years have passed
from the date of their receipt. 

Incentive bonus based on the purchase of shares

If key individuals belonging to the share bonus scheme purchase Finnair Plc
shares during 2010-2012, they will be paid a cash incentive bonus in the spring
of the year following the acquisitions. The incentive bonus will equal the
proportion of the value of the shares, acquired by the key individual,
corresponding to the percentage fulfilment of set targets. This bonus will be
supplemented by a cash sum, which in most cases will correspond to taxes and
tax-related payments arising to key individuals from the receipt of their

Other information
The targets for the scheme for 2010 have been linked to return on capital
employed (ROCE) and operating profit excluding depreciation, aircraft leasing
payments and capital gains (EBITDAR). 
The amount of benefits possibly payable to key individuals under the scheme in
the earnings period cannot exceed the total amount of basic salaries earned by
them in the service of the Finnair Group during this period. 
A total of 75 individuals currently belong to the scheme and the maximum amount
of bonuses payable as shares to them for 2010 is approximately 670,000 shares. 