2015-11-04 16:15:00 CET

2015-11-04 16:15:04 CET


Suomi Englanti
Valoe Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Valoe Corporation                     Interim Report for January - September
2015                4 November 2015 at 17.15 Finnish time 

      4 November 2015 


- The restructuring of Valoe Corporation (“Valoe”) from a company providing
electronics automation solutions to a technology company focusing on clean
energy solutions, particularly on photovoltaic solutions, is completed. Now
Valoe is a technology startup which, however, already has new, competitive and
tested technology in use; operating automated production plant; worldwide
market; as well as experienced personnel with competence in international
technology sales, production and projects. Since Valoe sold 70 percent of its
electronics automation business to FTTK Company Limited (“FTTK”) Valoe reports
of only one continuing business segment i.e. the Clean Energy Segment. The
company aims to close the FTTK transaction in terms of the remaining 30 percent
as soon as possible. However, the parties have not agreed on the closing of the
transaction in terms of the remaining 30 percent of the ownership and the
dispute regarding this issue has been referred to arbitration. 

- The net sales of the continuing operations of Valoe for the reporting period
January - September 2015 were EUR 0.5 million (EUR 0.8 million in 2014). The
operating profit of continuing operations was EUR -1.4 million (EUR -6.6
million), profit for the period EUR -2.0 million (EUR -7.1 million), earnings
per share were EUR -0.002 (-0.009) and EBITDA was EUR -0.8 million (EUR -2.3
million). At the beginning of the corresponding period in 2014 the Beijing
factory had still operations but the figures of the reporting period in 2015
include only the net sales of Valoe. 

- Based on tax indemnity in the share and asset sale agreement between Valoe
and Savcor Group Ltd, an Australian based company, done in 2009 a claim of EUR
0.7 million against Savcor Group Ltd has been booked in the other operating
income in relation to taxation of the Beijing factory in China in the first
quarter of 2015. 

- The Beijing factory has been closed and Valoe Group has no longer any future
expectations or assets relating to the factory in its balance sheet. However,
the group balance sheet includes all of the debts of the Beijing subsidiary
i.e. EUR 3.8 million. Valoe is reviewing options to close the subsidiary in
China. The closing of the subsidiary would have a major impact on the amount of
the debts of the subsidiary despite how the closing is done. 

- The financing situation of Valoe continues to be tight. If the company does
not succeed in securing sufficient long-term financing, the continuity of the
company's operation may be jeopardized. The general meeting authorized the
Board of Directors to issue 900,000,000 new company shares at the most. Since
then the Board of Directors has issued a convertible bond and resolved to start
preparing a share issue. The purpose of these actions is to acquire operating
capital for the company and to secure sufficient equity until the company's
operations turn into profit. The total amount of the convertible bond was EUR
7,700,000 and the convertible bond was fully subscribed. The Board of Directors
of Valoe approved all subscriptions on 9 October 2015. Out of the subscriptions
a total of EUR 5.0 million were paid by setting the subscription price off
against the subscribers' receivables from the company. During the subscription
period of the Convertible Bond new investments paid in cash amounting to ca.
EUR 2.7 million, including the short-term loans taken by Valoe after the
beginning of the subscription period and converted to the Convertible Bond,
were made in the company. 

More information on principle activities and events during and after the
reporting period can be found in the stock exchange releases published on
Valoe's website at www.valoe.com. The Interim Report has been drawn up in
compliance with the IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting standard. In the Interim
Report Valoe has applied the same accounting principles as in its Annual Report
2014. The Interim Report has not been audited. 


Since Valoe transferred its electronics automation business to Cencorp
Automation Oy and sold at first 70 percent and in December 2014 the remaining
30 percent of this company to FTTK Valoe reports of only one business segments,
the Clean Energy segment. In terms of the latter 30 percent the transaction has
not yet been closed and the dispute has been referred to arbitration. The
profit of EUR 0.276 million from the transaction between Valoe and FTTK was
entered in the books in 2014. The figures of Cencorp Automation Oy have not
been consolidated in Valoe's financial reports. In Valoe's financial reports
the profit of discontinued operations (the LAS and LCM Segments that were sold
to FTTK) is reported on a separate line, apart from continuing operations,
thus, the income statement, excluding the discontinued operations item, concern
the company's continuing operations only. The group's segment information is
based on the management's internal reporting and on the organisation structure
of the company. 

On 31 December 2014 Valoe's equity had decreased below half of the share
capital. Thus, the Board of Directors convened a general meeting to consider
measures to remedy the financial position of the company and to reduce the
share capital among other things. The extraordinary general meeting authorized
the Board of Directors to issue 900,000,000 new company shares at the most.
Since then the Board of Directors has issued a convertible bond of EUR
7,700,000 that was fully subscribed and resolved to start preparing a share
issue. Further, the company's share capital has been decreased to EUR 80,000
pursuant to the resolution of the general meeting. Due to the successful
Convertible Bond and decrease in the share capital Valoe's equity ratio
increased to ca. 19 per cent as per 30 September 2015. 

The figures in brackets are comparison figures for the corresponding period in
2014, unless stated otherwise. The figures for Beijing have been reported in
the continuing operations. 

June - September 2015 (continuing operations i.e. the Clean Energy segment)

-   Valoe Group's net sales increased by 27.3 percent to EUR 0.2 million (In
2014: EUR 0.1 million). 

-   EBITDA was EUR -0.5 million (EUR -0.7 million).

-   Operating profit was EUR -0.7 million (EUR -0.9 million).

-   The profit before taxes was EUR -0.9 million (EUR -0.6 million).

-   Profit for the period was EUR -0.9 million (EUR -0.7 million).

January - September 2015 (continuing operations i.e. the Clean Energy segment)

-   Valoe Group's net sales decreased by 32.8 percent to EUR 0.5 million (In
2014: EUR 0.8 million including the component production of the Beijing factory
during the first quarter). 

-   EBITDA was EUR -0.8 million (EUR -2.3 million).

-   Operating profit was EUR -1.4 million (EUR -6.6 million).

-   The profit before taxes was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -7.1 million).

-   Profit for the period was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -7.1 million).

-   Earnings per share were EUR -0.002 (EUR -0.009) and diluted earnings per
share EUR -0.002 (EUR -0.009). 

The profit for the corresponding year 2014 was decreased by write-downs of EUR
3.2 million done in the Beijing factory and its production equipment. 

On the reporting period the operating profit increased due to a claim of EUR
0.7 million against Savcor Group Ltd, an Australia based company,  relating to
the taxation of the Beijing factory in China that was booked in the other
operating income. The claim is based on the tax indemnity in the share and
asset sale agreement between Valoe and Savcor Group Ltd done in 2009. 


In 2015 Valoe's most important objective is to successfully conclude the
ongoing sales negotiations for module production lines, to secure long-term
financing facility and to sign the first manufacturing partnership agreements. 

During the third quarter of 2015 the company's net sales remained very low.
Valoe changed its cell supplier, which, among other reasons, slowed down the
company's sales growth and thus Valoe's plant did not operate at full capacity. 

Domestic demand for solar energy systems has grown clearly compared to the
previous year. In its system delivery projects Valoe has gained valuable
knowledge and experience of the module manufacturing recipe, system design and
of equipment manufacturing for module production processes. Valoe finds the
reference projects important while the company is endeavoring to sign larger
agreements on module plant deliveries and manufacturing partnerships with
foreign partners. 

During the reporting period the company made a cell purchase agreement with a
globally remarkable cell and module supplier. Due to the new agreement Valoe
has a better opportunity to optimize the performance of its back contact cells
and their costs together with the cell supplier. Further, the companies have
begun negotiations for the delivery of advanced N-type mono crystalline cells
for Valoe's back contact modules. The new partner has also shown interest in
the cell infrastructure developed by Valoe and Fraunhofer ISE (Fraunhofer
Institut fur Solare Energiesystemen). N-type mono crystalline cells would
provide Valoe with an opportunity to base its next generation modules on the
leading technology also in terms of cells. An N-type cell with Valoe's advanced
back contact technology is expected to achieve or even exceed a module peak
power of more than 290 Wp that Valoe has been targeting. This kind of module
would be competitive compared to any development version of any manufacturer
and remarkably better than commonly used modules in the market. Cooperation
with the new cell supplier has begun well and cells have been delivered as
agreed upon. 

At the end of the second quarter the company signed its first manufacturing
partnership agreement. According to the information available to Valoe the
local financial negotiations of the partner are at the final stage and the
project may commence during the financial year 2015.  However, on the date of
this Interim Report, it is not yet certain that the financing of the project
will be secured and that the project can be launched. 

Valoe has made progress in its other business negotiations too. The company
finds it possible that another plant project still at its financing stage might
commence during the first quarter of 2016. Additionally, Valoe is having other
business negotiations that are at various stages. The company will disclose a
separate announcement if there will be remarkable progress in the negotiations.
The negotiations and their outcome involve financial risks as well as other
normal business risks. The negotiations are going on. 

Valoe has started to look for a suitable manufacturing partner also for the
North American markets. Negotiations with potential partners were commenced
during the second quarter and are now continuing with a selected company. The
negotiation partners seem to be very interested in Valoe's technology and
plans. In North America solar energy is not yet as well established as in
Europe. There is barely any local production for PV modules. However, in the US
the economy is growing fast and there are signs of growing interest in reducing
emission, which creates fruitful base for new solar energy projects.
Additionally the market is expected to grow faster in the US than anywhere else
in the world. 

Valoe strives to develop new pioneering CBS based modules as well as components
and production solutions for modules. If Valoe succeeds in its goal, future
users, component suppliers, manufacturers and developers of CBS based modules
will form their own ecosystem. If the ecosystem is strong enough it is expected
to draw in new manufacturing and other partners who operate in their own local
geographical areas. The partners can speed up commercialization of Valoe's
technology remarkably and enhance establishment of the technology in larger
geographical area compared to Valoe using only its own resources. 


 The net sales of Valoe's Clean Energy segment will be generated by the
following four product concepts: 

1. Photovoltaic modules and systems

Sales of modules and small photovoltaic systems are probably Valoe's most
visible but in terms of revenue potential the smallest product group. All
Valoe's PV modules are manufactured at the company's factory in Mikkeli for the
time being. They are mainly delivered to the company's distributors and future
manufacturing partners. Further, the company provides solar power plants and
systems to its customers in Finland and abroad. Valoe enhances the sale of its
modules and solar systems in Finland by starting to build sales channels

Current capacity of the company's Mikkeli factory is designed to annually
produce PV modules worth max EUR 6 - 8 million at the current market prices.
Thus, the module sales do not form a major part of the sales of the company. 

The first module manufacturing recipes fully developed by Valoe has passed the
demanding test programs of the German Fraunhofer ISE, which enables Valoe's
modules to be certified in all market areas the company is targeting. 

2. Production lines and related components

Typically, manufacturers operating in the developing markets, e.g. in China,
could be interested in investing in new production lines. These Valoe's
potential customers are producing traditional stringed H-pattern modules.
According to the information available to Valoe many manufacturers are going to
start to manufacture next generation modules using the CBS technology. At least
one of the world's biggest manufacturers has already announced in public that
it will start using CBS technology. These kinds of customers usually have their
own module manufacturing recipe and require only production equipment or lines.
According to Valoe's estimation typical price of production equipment or a
production line for solar modules is EUR 4 - 8 million. 

The company is having negotiations with several potential customers interested
in Valoe's production technology for delivering solar module plants, production
lines or parts for the lines worldwide. The value of the contracts Valoe is
negotiating for varies from approximately 2 million Euros to approximately 60
million Euros. 

If Valoe is able to achieve market position it is targeting as a supplier of
CBS production lines expected development in the market facilitates orders for
tens of production lines in the next five years. The company estimates it will
get the first order for this kind of production line in 2015. 

3. Manufacturing partners

For the moment Valoe is negotiating for cooperation agreements with several
potential manufacturing partners who as newcomers in the market would commit
themselves to both Valoe's production technology and module manufacturing
recipe. In these cases Valoe would provide a partner with a turnkey delivery
project and commit to minority shareholding in a manufacturing company if
required. Manufacturing partners operate mainly in developing markets and
produce solar energy modules for local and nearby markets. Value of a typical
turnkey plant delivery is more than ten million euros. Valoe is aiming to sign
at least 10 manufacturing partnership contracts in the next five years. The
first contract is expected to be signed already this year provided local
project financing will be secured. 

4. Special components

Special components are the most important part in Valoe's strategy and most
remarkable in terms of net sales potential. Valoe's first component is
Conductive Back Sheet (CBS) developed by the company. All back contact modules
require conductive back sheet in order to function. One normal size production
line using back contact technology needs approximately 300,000 - 500,000
conductive back sheets in a year when operating at full capacity. Based on
current estimation, considering price level in the near future, each production
line will annually require back sheets worth approximately 5 - 11 million

In the future Valoe is planning to offer its partners other components too.
These components might include e.g. various intelligent components, components
relating to energy storages and special back contact based cell technologies. 

The non-binding objectives of Valoe for both market share and the number of
partners are ambitious and attainment of the objectives involves significant
risks. However, Valoe views it has a technological concept that provides the
company a good position to achieve the objectives. Attainment of the objectives
is subject to sufficient financing among other things. 


Valoe operates in industries applying clean energy technology. Valoe's
operating environment is global. The company's customers operating in the clean
energy business are companies that provide products and services locally and/or

Valoe's key products and services have been designed for the photovoltaic
market. Modern next generation conductive back sheet based solar modules can be
manufactured with Valoe's own module manufacturing recipe and automated

In the market, general attitude to the solar energy investments improved
clearly already at the end of 2013. The same trend continued the whole year
2014 and still during 2015. Many solar module manufacturers with solid market
position have started to plan investing in capacity, partly to increase the
amount of their production capacity and partly to replace production capacity
for old H-pattern solar modules. 

Valoe has previously informed that it views the focus of its future business
will be in the developing countries.  This view has further strengthened in
2015. Many of the mega trends such as national climate protection objectives;
increasing industrialisation in the developing countries and increasing energy
self-sufficiency, favour local manufacturing of solar modules. For the moment
major part of the world's solar module manufacturing is concentrated in China.
Modules are manufactured in large labour-intensive units and are delivered from
there to the world market to be installed. 

In the developed countries solar electricity is mainly produced in large solar
power plants located in open landscape feeding electricity to main grid. In
this kind of power plants logistics costs, among others, can be optimized and
such parameters as module's capacity per square meter have not had major
importance. In the developing countries logistics costs, in particular, are
significant and demand is focused on so called mini grid systems where solar
power plants have been decentralized and new local grid is built around them. 
Grids are connected to each other and to new small power plants as electricity
consumption, distribution and production increases steadily. Electricity
production is decentralized and electricity is distributed through a new type
of grid infrastructure. Small power plants are often so called hybrids where
solar power plants are operated together with diesel, water and wind power
plants in same grid and where various energy storages can be integrated. 

In an environment described above a local producer has much better
possibilities to control logistics costs and adopt legislation favouring local
production. Many of the partners Valoe is negotiating with have noticed that
local production costs are clearly lower than prices of modules imported from
China. When modules are produced locally possibilities to control the quality
increase, too. In Valoe's view CBS based modules have typically solid quality
which improves module capacity in most of the cases. 


Demand for high capacity modules has increased in the EU, US and Japanese
markets as well in the last six months. Valoe is having negotiations on
delivering solar modules developed by the company to these markets. According
to Valoe's plans major part of Valoe's modules to be sold by module
distributors in the future will be manufactured by Valoe's manufacturing

As announced on 21 August 2012 Valoe has decided not to give any financial
guidance for the time being. Though the company's transition to a company
providing solely clean energy solutions, especially PV solutions, is completed,
the company cannot yet give any financial guidance for 2015 as the guidance
would be fully depended on execution of the first manufacturing partnership
agreements that are not yet secured. 


Based on Valoe's experience in the clean energy business so far and knowledge
of technological development in the industry as well as the company's
evaluation of market development the Board of Directors of the company has set
the long-term financial objectives for Managing on 12 November 2014. The
objectives have been disclosed in the Interim Report for the third quarter of
2014. As a part of preparation of this Interim Report the Board of Directors
has resolved to review the objectives set for the Managing Director at the
beginning of December 2015. The time of the review is connected to the schedule
of the local financing negotiations relating to the first manufacturing
partnership agreement.  The company has previously estimated that the result of
the negotiations will be known by the end of November 2015. 

The long-term objectives set for Managing Director and realization of the
company's business model involve significant risks and the objectives set for
Managing Director should not be considered as the company's financial guidance.
The long-term objectives set for Managing Director and their attainment fully
depend on sufficiency of the company's financing. On the reporting period Valoe
succeeded in rearranging its loans. Many of Valoe's financers subscribed for
the convertible bond I/2015 too. Also new investors subscribed for the
convertible bond I/2015 with subscription period ended on 9 October 2015, which
improved the company's financial position and equity ratio remarkably. 


Cash flow from business operations before investments in January - September
was EUR -1.6 million (EUR -3.4 million). Trade receivables at the end of the
reporting period were EUR 0.4 million (EUR 0.9 million). Net financial items
amounted to EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.5 million). 

At the end of September the equity ratio of Valoe Group was -151.2 percent
(-37.6 %) and equity per share was EUR -0.012 (EUR -0.005). The equity ratio
including capital loans was -78.7 percent (-12.6 %). At the end of the
reporting period, the Group's liquid assets totaled EUR 1.0 million (EUR 0.9
million) and unused export credit limits and bank guarantee limits amounted to
EUR 0.0 million (EUR 0.0 million). The equity ratio is decreased by the losses
and write-downs of Valoe Corporation's closed subsidiary in Beijing. 

The financing situation of Valoe has improved remarkably due to the successful
Convertible Bond I/2015, however, it continues to be tight until the company's
cash flow has turned positive. The company is planning to get long-term
financing that according to the company's current plans will be done by
arranging a share issue to investors in Finland and abroad. The schedule of a
possible share issue is not yet certain and it will unlikely be started during
2015. In terms of the short-term financing of the company, Valoe's preliminary
object is to turn the cash flow before investments with the company's current
cost structure into profit as soon as possible. 

Should there be delays in getting new orders or should the market conditions
weaken compared to the company's current view, changing orders into sales may
slow down and have a major impact in the schedule in which the cash flow of the
business operations turns positive. In such case the financing situation of the
company would tighten and might jeopardize the company's current operation. 

As the company has previously informed negotiations for deliveries of
production technology have made progress. However, Valoe's financing situation
continues to be tight. The sufficiency of the company's financing for the next
twelve months involves very significant risks. Valoe believes it will start the
first deliveries to its manufacturing partners yet during the year 2015. If the
payment terms Valoe has quoted will be accepted as such and the company is able
to arrange financing for the delivery time, it would lead the cash flow from
operations to turn positive and thus no other financing would be needed.
Neither it is certain that deliveries will commence and the payment terms will
be accepted nor the company has sufficient cash flow to cover its costs at the
moment. A delay in terms of delivery contracts for production technology could
tighten the company's cash situation fast as the company has committed to repay
a remarkable part of its loans by the end of March 2016. 

During the reporting period Valoe has agreed with Danske Bank Plc on extending
the overdraft facility of EUR 0.95 million available to the company until 31
March 2016. Further, Valoe has agreed with Danske Bank Plc that the export
credit limit of EUR 0.65 million will be repaid in installments by 31 March
2016.  Valoe has agreed with Savcor Group Oy on extending the loan period of a
convertible bond of ca. EUR 0.364 million until 31 March 2016. Out of Savcor
Invest B.V.'s loan of EUR 1 million a total of ca. EUR 0.876, including
interests, was converted to Valoe's Convertible Bond I/2015 and the rest of the
loan i.e. ca. EUR 0.324 million has been extended until 31 March 2016. SCI
Invest Oy's convertible bond of ca. EUR 0.841 million, including interests, has
been converted to loan shares of Valoe's Convertible Bond I/2015. 

In order to strengthen Valoe's capital structure the company resolved to issue
a Convertible Bond of EUR 5,000,000 at the most at the end of May. Due to
oversubscription the maximum amount of the Convertible Bond was increased to
EUR 7,700,000. The Convertible Bond was fully subscribed and the Board of
Directors of Valoe approved all subscriptions on 9 October 2015. One loan share
of EUR 0.01 pursuant to the Promissory Note entitles the Promissory Note Holder
to subscribe for one new share. Based on the subscriptions made pursuant to the
loan shares Valoe shall issue a maximum amount of 770,000,000 new Valoe shares.
The loan period and the conversion period expire on 1 August 2018. 


The knowledge and competence Valoe has gained so far and technological success
of the company's products have based on significant investments in the research
and development. The module developed by Valoe and its production technology
have already proven to be well functional and the targets set for the research
and development have been exceeded. In the future, commercial success will
highly depend on how well the research and development will succeed. 

Valoe's strategically important products have already been tested and are
functional. Additionally, international evaluations and the markets have proved
Valoe's ability to gain competitive edge in technologies used for cells and
modules. If Valoe's research and development succeeds in utilizing the
technological advantages it will further improve the company's commercial
opportunities. The company continues to make significant investments in
research and development and will utilize both national and European research
funding to finance that. 

The Group's research and development costs during the January - September
period amounted to EUR 0.9 million (EUR 1.3 million) or 158.1 (22.5) percent of
net sales. The research and development costs of the Group's continuing
operations during the January - September period totaled EUR 0.9 million (EUR
0.8 million) or 181.1 (103.7) percent of net sales. 


Gross investments in the continuing operations during January - September
period amounted to EUR 0.3 million (EUR 0.1 million). The most part of the
investments on the reporting period and almost all of the investments on the
corresponding period were in development costs. 


At the end of September the Group employed 20 (26) people, out of which 19
persons worked in Finland and 1 person in the USA. During the reporting period
the Group's salaries and fees totaled EUR 1.1 million (EUR 2.7 million). 


Valoe's share capital amounted to EUR 80,000.00 at the end of the reporting
period. The number of shares was 862,472,136. The company has one series of
shares, which confer equal rights in the company. Valoe did not own any of its
own shares at the end of the reporting period. 

The company had a total of 6,154 shareholders at the end of September 2015, and
20.4 percent of the shares were owned by foreigners. The ten largest
shareholders held 79.8 percent of the company's shares and voting rights on 30
September 2015. 

The largest shareholders on 30 September 2015

                                               shares  percent
 1  SAVCOR GROUP OY                       328 451 387    38,08
 2  SAVCOR GROUP LIMITED                  133 333 333    15,46
 3  GASELLI CAPITAL OY                     95 000 000    11,01
 5  SAVCOR INVEST B.V.                     39 374 994     4,57
 6  FRATELLI OY                             9 223 250     1,07
 7  SCI INVEST OY                           6 870 645     0,80
 8  NORDEA PANKKI SUOMI OYJ                 4 479 655     0,52
 9  HUHTALA KAI                             3 960 248     0,46
10  VUORENMAA TIMO ANTERO                   3 959 860     0,46
    OTHERS                                174 144 904    20,19
    TOTAL                                 862 472 136   100,00

The list of the largest shareholders does not include the changes in ownership
that would realize if subscriptions of the Convertible Bond I/2015 approved on
9 October 2015 would be converted to shares at a price of EUR 0.01 in the
future.  Subscriptions for a total of EUR 7,700,000 were made which equals to
max. 770,000,000 new shares in Valoe. 

The members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO, either
directly or through companies under their control, held a total of 377,195,785
shares in the company on 30 September 2015, representing about 43.7 percent of
the company's shares and voting rights. Iikka Savisalo, Valoe's Managing
Director, either directly or through companies under his control, held a total
of 374,697,026 shares in the company and 15,852,856 options connected to bond

The price of Valoe's share varied between EUR 0.007 and 0.02 during the January
- September period. The average price was EUR 0.012 and the closing price at
the end of September EUR 0.014. A total of 77.2 million Valoe shares were
traded at a value of EUR 0.9 million during the January - September period. The
company's market capitalization at the end of September stood at EUR 12.1

During the reporting period the Board of Directors of Valoe resolved the terms
and conditions of a stock option scheme. The maximum total number of stock
options issued is 130,000,000 and they entitle their owners to subscribe for a
maximum total of 130,000,000 new shares in the company.  The stock options will
be issued for free. The Board of Directors shall annually decide upon the
distribution of the stock options to the key employees of the Group. Of the
stock options, 50,000,000 are marked with the symbol 2015A, 40,000,000 are
marked with the symbol 2015B and 40,000,000 are marked with the symbol 2015C. 

Ingman Finance Oy converted during the reporting period and Keskinäinen
Vakuutusyhtiö Etera immediately after the reporting period the loan capital and
interests of the Convertible Bond I/2013 to loan shares in the Convertible Bond

Options connected to bond I/2012 are held by SCI Invest Oy and Savcor Group Oy.


There is no share issue authorizations in force as the Convertible Bond I/2015
has been fully subscribed and the company has resolved on the stock option
scheme during the reporting period. 


Valoe's Board of Directors is responsible for the control of the company's
accounts and finances. The Board is responsible for internal control, while the
President and CEO handles the practical arrangement and monitors the efficiency
of internal control. Business management and control are taken care of using a
Group-wide reporting and forecasting system. 

The purpose of risk management is to ensure that any significant business risks
are identified and monitored appropriately. The company's business and
financial risks are managed centrally by the Group's financial department, and
reports on risks are presented to the Board of Directors as necessary. 

Due to the small size of the company and its business operations, Valoe does
not have an internal auditing organization or an audit committee. 

Valoe's objective is to achieve a strong market position as a provider of, in
various geographical areas, locally produced high-quality photovoltaic modules.
Achievement of the objectives as well as realization of the transformation
involves risks. Even though Valoe's strategy and objectives are based on market
knowledge and technical surveys, the risks are significant and it is not
certain if the company reaches all or part of the targets set for it. Valoe's
future outlook will be highly dependent on the company's ability to reach the
targeted market position in the global photovoltaic module market as well as on
the company's financing. 

The Convertible Bond I/2015 enabled the company to stabilize its short-term
financing remarkably. Also negotiations for deliveries of production technology
have made good progress. However, the financing situation of Valoe continues to
be tight. The sufficiency of the company's financing and working capital for
the next twelve months involve very significant risks. According to the current
view of Valoe's management the company continues to need financing until the
cash flow from the business operations has turned positive or a long-term
financing arrangement has been secured with the planned share issue. The
company will have a significant deficit in its working capital until the first
delivery of production technology for solar modules will start to generate
positive cash flow. If the company does not succeed to secure sufficient
financing, the continuity of the company's operation may be jeopardized. If the
company does not receive new orders as fast as it expects or if the market
situation gets worse it may take longer time to turn orders into revenue. This
would affect significantly the schedule in which cash flow before investments
would turn positive. In such a case the company's financing situation would
further tighten. 

In the Auditor's Report in the Annual Report 2014 the company's auditor drew
attention to the financial risk management with a so called Emphasis of Matter
as follows: “Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to the basis of
preparation of the financial statements and to the note 29. Financial risk
management. The financial statements have been prepared under the going concern
assumption. The continuity of operations requires the company to be able to
obtain supplementary funding and to negotiate changes to the terms of payment
during 2015. The company continues negotiating with its major financers and
shareholders on measures to strengthen the financing situation until the
company's cash flow is expected to turn positive. The sufficiency of the
company's financing and working capital for the next twelve months involve very
significant risks. According to the current view of Valoe's management the
company needs to obtain a bridging loan until long-term financing arrangement
has been secured and the cash flow of the business operations of the company
has turned positive.  Negotiations on bridging financing are going on. The
company will have a significant deficit in its working capital until the first
delivery of production technology for solar modules will start to generate
positive cash flow. If the company does not succeed in securing sufficient
short-term and long-term financing, the continuity of the company's operation
may be jeopardized. The valuation of the assets is based on the going concern
assumption. If the estimates are not achieved the assets may become impaired.” 

Attainment of local project financing for the first manufacturing partnership
agreement involves risks. It is not certain that a local project financing
facility for building a module plant pursuant to the first manufacturing
partnership agreement will be secured. If local project financing is not
available the manufacturing partnership agreement in question and a relating
potential order will not materialize. 

In terms of profitability, the most essential risks are related to the
achievement of a sufficient invoicing volume in the Clean Energy business

The execution of the non-binding cooperation agreement signed between Valoe and
Vikram Solar involves typical business risks. Arrangements pursuant to the
non-binding cooperation agreement are subject to several terms and conditions,
especially to Valoe's financing. 

The execution of the non-binding Memorandum of Understanding signed with a
Chinese photovoltaic module manufacturer involves significant risks. The final
terms of an agreement are still under negotiations, thus execution of the
agreement is not yet guaranteed. Additionally, the agreement is subject to
Valoe's financing. 

The long-term objectives set for the Managing Director involves also
significant risks and the long-term objective should not be considered as the
company's financial guidance. Even though the objectives are based on market
knowledge and technical surveys, the risks are significant and it is not
certain if the Managing Director reaches all or part of the targets set for him
within estimated timetable. The company will review the long-term objectives
set for the Managing Director at the beginning of December 2015 as noted
earlier in this Interim Report. 

The non-binding objectives of Valoe for both market share and the number of
partners are ambitious and attainment of the objectives involves significant
risks. However, Valoe views it has a technological concept that provides the
company a good position to achieve the objectives. Attainment of the objectives
is subject to sufficient financing. 

Relating to taxation of the Beijing factory in China a claim of EUR 0.7 million
against Savcor Group Ltd was booked in the other operating income of the
company's continuing operations in the first quarter of 2015. The outcome of
the claim involves risks. 

The closing of the latter part (30 %) of the transaction between Valoe and FTTK
Company Limited involves risks. In terms of the latter part of the transaction
the deal was supposed to be closed by 1 March 2015, however, the closing of the
transaction has been postponed. The postponement relates to a dispute between
the parties relating to division of costs of unfinished customer projects. The
dispute has been referred to arbitration on 24 June 2015. 

Other risks connected to Valoe have been presented in more detail in the Annual
Report for 2014. 

In Mikkeli, 4 September 2015

Valoe Corporation


For more information please contact:

Valoe: Iikka Savisalo, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 521 6082,

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income                                  
           1 000 EUR  7-9/2015           7-9/2014  1-9/2015  1-9/2014  1-12/2014
Net sales                           163       128       523       778        841
Cost of sales                      -240      -230      -674    -5 074     -8 398
Gross profit                        -77      -102      -151    -4 296     -7 557
Other operating                       1        18       872        27         23
Product development                -307      -348      -947      -807     -1 109
Sales and marketing                -144      -152      -484      -564       -840
Administrative                     -168      -226      -724      -837     -1 146
Other operating                     -10       -66       -12      -133       -256
Operating profit                   -704      -876    -1 447    -6 609    -10 885
Financial income                    104       485       215       812        903
Financial expenses                 -277      -244      -802    -1 309     -1 707
Profit before taxes                -877      -636    -2 035    -7 106    -11 689
 from continuing                                                                
Income taxes                          0       -21         1       -24         -4
Profit/loss for the                -877      -657    -2 034    -7 130    -11 693
 period from                                                                    
Profit/loss after                    12        70      -111      -477       -712
 tax for the period                                                             
 from discontinued                                                              
Profit/loss for the                -866      -586    -2 145    -7 607    -12 405
 attributable to:  
Shareholders of the                -866      -586    -2 145    -7 607    -12 405
 parent company                                                                 
Earnings/share                   -0,001   -0,0007    -0,002    -0,009     -0,015
 (diluted), eur                                                                 
Earnings/share                   -0,001   -0,0007    -0,002    -0,009     -0,015
 (basic), eur                                                                   
Earnings/share                   -0,001   -0,0008    -0,002    -0,009     -0,014
 (diluted), eur                                                                 
Earnings/share                   -0,001   -0,0008    -0,002    -0,009     -0,014
 (basic), eur                                                                   
Profit/loss for the                -866      -586    -2 145    -7 607    -12 405
Other comprehensive                                                             
Translation                         -28      -533      -362      -654     -1 114
Net other comprehensive income to be                                            
 reclassified to                                                                
profit or loss in                   -28      -533      -362      -654     -1 114
 subsequent periods                                                             
Total comprehensive                -894    -1 119    -2 507    -8 261    -13 519
 income for the                                                                 
Total comprehensive                                                             
 income attributable                                                            
Shareholders of the                -894    -1 119    -2 507    -8 261    -13 519
 parent company                                                                 

Consolidated statement of financial position                                    
                                   1 000 EUR   30.9.2015   30.9.2014  31.12.2014
Non-current assets                                                              
Property, plant and equipment                         52       3 182          44
Consolidated goodwill                                441         441         441
Other intangible assets                            3 682       4 042       4 092
Available-for-sale investment                          9           9           9
Deferred tax assets                                    0           5           0
Total non-current assets                           4 185       8 820       4 586
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                          117         359          67
Trade and other non-interest-bearing               1 799       2 197       2 013
Cash and cash equivalents                            976         212         161
Total current assets                               2 891       2 768       2 240
Assets classified as held for sale                    27         128         733
Total assets                                       7 103      11 715       7 560
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Equity attributable to shareholders of the                                      
 parent company                                                                 
Share capital                                         80       3 425       3 425
Other reserves                                         0      49 460      49 460
Translation difference                              -644         178        -281
Retained earnings                                -10 170     -57 702     -62 500
                                                 -10 735      -4 639      -9 897
Non-controlling interests                              9           0           8
Total equity                                     -10 726      -4 639      -9 888
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Non-current loans                                  5 035       1 547       1 571
Deferred tax liabilities                              -1          25           0
Total non-current liabilities                      5 034       1 572       1 571
Current liabilities                                                             
Current interest-bearing liabilities               5 397       7 448       7 357
Trande and other payables                          6 799       7 906       6 693
Current provisions                                     0         128           0
Total current liabilities                         12 195      15 482      14 050
Liabilities directly associated with assets          600           0       1 828
 classified as held for sale                                                    
Total liabilities                                 17 829      17 054      17 449
Equity and liabilities total                       7 103      12 415       7 560

Consolidated statement of cash flows                                            
1 000 EUR                                                1-9/20  1-9/20  1-12/20
                                                         15      14      14     
Cash flow from operating activities                                             
Income statement profit/loss from continuing             -2 035  -7 106  -11 689
 operations before taxes                                                        
Income statement profit/loss from discontinued             -111    -477     -712
 operations before taxes                                                        
Income statement profit/loss before taxes                -2 145  -7 583  -12 401
Non-monetary items adjusted on income statement                                 
                        Depreciation and            +       662   4 571    7 844
                        Gains/losses on disposals   +/-       0    -319     -298
                         of non-current assets                                  
                        Unrealized exchange rate    +/-    -230    -648     -256
                         gains (-) and losses (+)                               
                        Other non-cash              +/-    -746      89       87
                        Financial income and        +       817   1 145    1 060
Total cash flow before change in working capital         -1 642  -2 746   -3 964
Change in working capital                                                       
                        Increase (-) / decrease             -22      85      179
                         (+) in inventories                                     
                        Increase (-) / decrease           1 598     349      289
                         (+) in trade and other                                 
                        Increase (+) / decrease          -1 225    -595     -516
                         (-) in trade and other                                 
                        Change in provisions                -89     -21       -5
Change in working capital                                   262    -182      -53
Adjustment of financial items and taxes to cash-based          
                        Interest paid                 -     194     241      308
                        Interest received           +         1       2        3
                        Other financial items         -      60     217     -304
                        Taxes paid                    -       0      16       17
Financial items and taxes                                  -253    -472      -17
NET CASH FLOW FROM BUSINESS OPERATIONS                   -1 633  -3 399   -4 034
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                             
Investments in tangible and intangible assets         -     289     849    1 084
Proceeds on disposal of tangible and intangible     +        34      24       29
Loans granted                                         -     160       0        0
Loans granted to associated companies                 -       0     103      103
Repayment of loan receivables                       +       263       0        0
Acquisition of subsidiaries and other business        -       0       1        1
Disposal of                                         +         0   2 648    3 048
 subsidiaries and                                                               
 other business units                                                           
NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENTS                             -152   1 720    1 890
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                             
Proceeds from share issue                           +         0   2 400    2 400
Proceeds from  non-current borrowings               +     3 258     256      256
Repayment of non-current borrowings                   -       8       7        7
Proceeds from current borrowings                    +        44   3 738    3 737
Repayment of current borrowings                       -     695   3 693    3 878
NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                   2 599   2 694    2 509
INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) IN CASH FLOW                   813   1 015      364

Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                     
 1 000 EUR  Share   Other   Transl  Distribut  Retaine  Total    Non-co  Total  
             capit   reser  ation   able       d                 ntroll   equity
            al      ves      diffe   non-rest   earnin           ing            
                            rence   ricted     gs                 inter         
                                     equity                      ests           
31.12.2014   3 425   4 908    -281     44 552  -62 500   -9 897       8   -9 888
own equity       -       -       -          -    1 670    1 670       -    1 670
 of the                                                                         
le bond                                                                         
Transfer         -       -       -       -520      520        0       -        0
Reduction   -3 345  -4 908       -    -44 032   52 285        0       -        0
 of the                                                                         
Translatio       -       -    -362          -        -     -362       -     -362
Profit/los       -       -       -          -   -2 145   -2 145       -   -2 145
s for the                                                                       
 30.9.2015      80       0    -644          0  -10 170  -10 735       9  -10 726
The presentation of the own equity component of the convertible bond is defined 
 during Q3 2015, they are transfered from distributable non-restricted equity   
 fund to retained eranings. After the transfer the value of the distributable   
 non-restricted equity fund is zero also in consolidated accounts.              
 1 000 EUR  Share   Other   Transl  Distribut  Retaine  Total    Non-co  Total  
             capit   reser  ation   able       d                 ntroll   equity
            al      ves      diffe   non-rest   earnin           ing            
                            rence   ricted     gs                 inter         
                                     equity                      ests           
31.12.2013   3 425   4 908     833     39 661  -50 095   -1 269       0   -1 269
Directed share                            204                                   
Share            -       -       -      4 882        -    4 882       -    4 882
Share            -       -       -       -194              -194       -     -194
Translatio       -       -    -654                         -654       -     -654
Profit/los       -       -       -          -   -7 607   -7 607       -   -7 607
s for the                                                                       
 30.9.2014   3 425   4 908     178     44 552  -57 702   -4 639       0   -4 639

From 1 January 2013 Valoe reported of three business segments to comply with the
 company's Cleantech strategy. The segments were Laser and Automation           
 Applications (LAS), Life Cycle Management (LCM) and Clean Energy (CCE). 17     
 September Valoe announced that it has transfered the company's electronics     
 automation business into Cencorp Automation Oy, a fully-owned subsidiary of    
 Valow. Further, in accordance to the agreement signed earlier, FTTK Company    
 Limited has purchased 70 percent of the shares in Cencorp Automation Oy.       
 Further FTTK has used its option to purchase the remaining 30 percent of the   
 shares in Cencorp Automation Oy and the parties have signed an agreement on    
 exercising the option in December 2014.  In consequence of the sale of the     
 shares Valoe reports the financial figures relating to the electronics         
 automation business, i.e. LAS and LCM segments, as discontinued operations from
 Q3/2014 and segment information is divided into continuing and discontinued    
 operations.  Segment information is not available after operating profit in    
 profit and loss statement. Financial income and expenses or balance sheet items
 are not booked to segments. Valoe's new segment information is based on the    
 management's internal reporting and on the organisation structure. During the  
 year 2015 the discontinued operations include the finishing up of few remaining
 projects of the electronics automation business sold to FTTK and finalising the
 sale of the shares.                                                            
1 000 EUR        7-9/2015     7-9/2014     1-9/2015     1-9/2014     1-12/2014  
Net sales                                                                       
      Cencorp            163          128          523          778          841
      Discontin           18        1 207           76        5 204        5 665
      Total              181        1 335          599        5 982        6 506
      Cencorp           -704         -876       -1 447       -6 609      -10 885
      Discontin           12           70         -111         -476         -712
      Total             -693         -805       -1 558       -7 086      -11 597
      Cencorp           -486         -650         -785       -2 336       -3 342
      Discontin           12          136         -111         -179         -411
      Total             -474         -513         -896       -2 515       -3 753
      Cencorp            219          226          662        1 073        1 318
      Discontin            0           66            0          298          301
      Total              219          292          662        1 371        1 619
      Cencorp              0            0            0        3 200        6 225
      Discontin            0            0            0            0            0
      Total                0            0            0        3 200        6 225

Discontinued operations                                                         
17 September Valoe announced that it has transfered the company's electronics   
 automation business into Cencorp Automation Oy, a fully-owned subsidiary of    
 Valoe. Further, in accordance to the agreement signed earlier, FTTK Company    
 Limited has purchased 70 percent of the shares in Cencorp Automation Oy.       
 Further FTTK has used its option to purchase the remaining 30 percent of the   
 shares in Cencorp Automation Oy and the parties have signed an agreement on    
 exercising the option in December 2014. In consequence of the sale of the      
 shares Valoe reports the financial figures relating to the electronics         
 automation business as discontinued operations from Q3/2014.                   
The results and major classes of assets and liabilities of Cencorp's electronics
 automation business are as follows:                                            
1 000 EUR                1-9/2015           1-9/2014           1-12/2014        
Revenue                                 76              5 204              5 665
Expenses                              -187             -6 098             -6 824
Other opeating income                    0                114                171
Impairment                               0                  0                  0
Operating profit/loss                 -111               -780               -988
 from discontinued                                                              
Gain on discontinued                     -                304                276
Property, plant and                      0                  0                  0
Other intangible assets                  0                  0                  0
Inventories                              0                128                 28
Trade and other                         27                  0                705
Cash and cash                            0                  0                  0
Assets classified as                    27                128                733
 held for sale                                                                  
Trande and other                       544                  0              1 683
Provisions                              56                  0                145
Liabilities directly                   600                  0              1 828
 associated with assets                                                         
 classified as held for                                                         
Net assets directly                   -573                128             -1 094
 associated with                                                                
 disposal group                                                                 
Cumulative translation                                                          
Net cash flow of                                                                
 Cencorp's electronics                                                          
 automation business:                                                           
1 000 EUR                1-9/2015           1-9/2014           1-12/2014        
Operating                             -445  n/a                           -1 858
Investing                               96  n/a                            2 701
             (includes the return on sales                                      
              of discontinued operations                                        
              in 2014)                                                          
Earnings/share (basic),            -0,0001             -0,001             -0,001
 from discontinued                                                              
Earnings/share                     -0,0001             -0,001             -0,001
 (diluted) from                                                                 

Key figures                                                                     
           1 000 EUR  7-9/2015                 7-9/201  1-9/20  1-9/20  1-12/201
                                               4        15      14      4       
Net sales                                 163      128     523     778       841
Operating profit                         -704     -876  -1 447  -6 609   -10 885
% of net sales                         -432,2   -686,2  -276,8  -849,6  -1 294,2
EBITDA                                   -486     -650    -785  -2 336    -3 342
% of net sales                         -297,9   -509,4  -150,2  -300,3    -397,4
Profit before taxes                      -877     -636  -2 035  -7 106   -11 689
% of net sales                         -538,2   -497,8  -389,1  -913,5  -1 389,8
Balance Sheet value                     7 103   12 415   7 103  12 415     7 560
Equity ratio, %                        -151,2    -37,6  -151,2   -37,6    -130,8
Net gearing, %        neg.                     neg.     neg.    neg.    neg.    
Gross investments                         104        8     296     146       377
% of net sales                           63,7      5,9    56,5    18,8      44,9
Research and                              307      348     947     807     1 109
 development costs                                                              
 (continuing oper.)                                                             
% of net sales                          188,2    272,9   181,1   103,7     131,8
Order book                                  9      414       9     414       314
Personnel on average                       21       55      23      90        74
Personnel at the end                       20       26      20      26        26
 of the period                                                                  
Non-interest-bearing                    6 799    7 906   6 799   7 906     8 376
Interest-bearing                       10 431    8 994  10 431   8 994     8 928
Share key indicators                                                            
Earnings/share                         -0,001  -0,0007  -0,002  -0,009    -0,015
Earnings/share                         -0,001  -0,0007  -0,002  -0,009    -0,015
Earnings/share                         -0,001  -0,0008  -0,002  -0,009    -0,014
 (basic), from                                                                  
Earnings/share                         -0,001  -0,0008  -0,002  -0,009    -0,014
 (diluted) from                                                                 
Equity/share                           -0,012   -0,005  -0,012  -0,005    -0,011
P/E ratio                              -13,95   -14,29   -5,63   -1,10     -0,61
Highest price                           0,016     0,02   0,020    0,04      0,04
Lowest price                            0,012     0,01   0,007    0,01      0,01
Average price                           0,014     0,02   0,012    0,02      0,02
Closing price                           0,014     0,01   0,014    0,01      0,01
Market                                   12,1     12,1    12,1    12,1       7,8
 capitalisation, at                                                             
 the end of the                                                                 
 period, MEUR                                                                   
Calculation of Key                                                              
EBITDA, %:            Operating profit +                                        
                       depreciation +                                           
                     -------------------------         -------------------------
                      Net sales                                                 
Equity ratio, %:      Total equity x 100                      
                     -------------------------         -------------------------
                      Total assets - advances                                   
Net gearing, %:       Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents  
                      and marketable                                            
                       securities x 100                                         
                     -------------------------         -------------------------
                      Shareholders' equity +                                    
                       minority interest                                        
Earnings/share        Profit/loss for the                                       
 (EPS):                period to the owner of                                   
                       the parent company                                       
                     -------------------------         -------------------------
                      Average number of                                         
                       shares adjusted for                                      
                       share issue                                              
                      at the end of the financial year                          
Equity/share:         Equity attributable to                                    
                       shareholders of the                                                         parent company                                           
                     -------------------------         -------------------------
                      Undiluted number of                                       
                       shares on the balance                                    
                       sheet date                                               
P/E ratio:            Price on the balance                                      
                       sheet date                                               
                     -------------------------         -------------------------
                      Earnings per share                                        

Related party                                                                   
The Group has sold and purchased goods and services from companies in which the 
 majority holding and/or power of decision granting control of the company is   
 held by members of the Group's related parties. Sales of goods and services    
 carried out with related parties are based on market prices. Valoe Corporation 
 has also sold and purchased goods and services from its associated company,    
 Cencorp Automation Oy. Sales of goods and services carried out with the        
 associated company are based on the costs, according to the agreement. Cencorp 
 Automation Oy is not regarded as a related party in 2015.                      
The Group entered into the following                                            
 transactions with related parties:                                             
          1 000 EUR  1-9/2015            1-9/2014            1-12/2014          
Sales of goods and                                                              
Savcor companies                     68                  39                   67
Cencorp Automation                    0                   0                   19
Savcor Face Ltd                      36                   0                   20
Others                                0                   0                    0
Total                               104                  39                  106
Purchases of goods                                                              
 and services                                                                   
Savcor companies                    144                 146                  196
Savcor Face Ltd                      43                  24                   36
SCI-Finance Oy                       66                   0                   14
Others                               22                   7                    0
Total                               275                 177                  246
Interest income                                                                 
Savcor companies                      1                   2                    3
Interest expenses                                                               
 and other                                                                      
 financial expenses                                                             
Savcor companies                    111                 149                  213
SCI Invest Oy                        45                  45                   60
Muut                                 36                   0                    0
Total                               193                 194                  273
Sales of goods and                                                              
Cencorp Automation                    0                   0                   87
Purchases of goods                                                              
 and services                                                                   
Savcor companies                      7                 187                  194
Savcor Face Ltd                       0                  40                   46
Cencorp Automation                    0                 130                  395
SCI-Finance Oy                        8                   0                   30
Others                                1                   0                    0
Total                                16                 357                  665
Non-current                       1 696                   0                    0
 subordinated loan                                                              
 from related                                                                   
Interest payable to                 282                 350                  416
 related parties                                                                
Other current                     1 270               1 769                1 769
 liabilities to                                                                 
 related parties                                                                
Current convertible                 364               1 122                1 159
 subordinated loan                                                              
 from related                                                                   
Trade payables and                                                              
ng liabilities to                                                               
related parties                     545                 805                1 363
Trade and other                      94                 233                  371
 receivables from                                                               
 related parties                                                                
From the beginnin of 2015 Savcor Group Limited in Australia is no longer part of
 Savcor Group, and liabilities to the company are not included in related party 
SCI Invest Oy is a company under control of Iikka Savisalo, Cencorp's CEO.      
          1 000 EUR  1-9/2015            1-9/2014            1-12/2014          
Wages and                                                                       
Salaries of the                     491                 692                  867
 management and                                                                 

Fair values                                                                     
                                                      Carrying        Fair value                               amount                   
                                           1 000 EUR       30.9.2015   30.9.2015
Financial assets                                                                
Available-for-sale investments                                     9           9
Trade and other receivables                                    1 826       1 826
Cash and cash equivalents                                        976         976
The fair value of trade and other receivables is expected to correspond to the  
 carrying amount due to their short maturity.                                   
Financial liabilities                                                           
R&D loan, non-current                                          1 754       1 754
Other liabilities, non-current                                 3 281           0
Loans from financial institutions, current                     1 598       1 598
Other liabilities, current                                     1 935       1 935
Trade payables and other non-interest-bearing                  5 133       5 133
The fair value of non-current liabilities is expected to correspond to the      
 carrying amount and recognized to their fair value when recorded. There has    
 been no significant change in common interest rate after the withdrawal of the 
EUR 6.0 million out of trade payables and other current liabilites was overdue  
 at the end of the reporting period. That included EUR 3.4 million of Savcor    
 Face Bejing's overdue liabilities. During 2015 there was an increase of 0.2    
 million in Savcor Face Beijing's overdue liabilities, which was mainly caused  
 by exchange rate difference. In addition, an interest-bearing loan of EUR 0,5  
 million to Savcor Group Limited / The Savcor Creditors' Trust and an export    
 credit limit of EUR 0,6 million to Danske Bank were overdue.                   

Change in intangible and tangible assets                                        
                                     1 000 EUR  30.9.2015  30.9.2014  31.12.2014
Includes tangible assets, consolidated                                          
 goodwill and other intangible assets                                           
Carrying amount, beginning of period                4 577     13 654      13 654
Depreciation and impairment                          -662     -5 949      -6 905
Additions                                             295        420         659
Disposals                                             -34       -142        -142
Discontinued operations                                 0       -857      -2 955
Exchange rate difference                                0        537         265
Carrying amount, end of period                      4 176      7 664       4 577

                               1 000 EUR  7-9/20  7-9/20  1-9/20  1-9/20  1-12/2
                                          15      14      15      14      014   
Impairment losses and reversals of                                              
 impairment losses for inventories                                              
 booked in Income Statement                                                     
Continuing operations                                                           
Impairment loss                                0      90       0     719     939
Reversal of impairment loss                    0       0       0       0       0
Discontinued operations                                                         
Impairment loss                                0       0       0       0       0
Reversal of impairment loss                    0       0       0       0       0

Commitments and contingent liabilities                                         
                                    1 000 EUR  30.9.2015  30.9.2014  31.12.2014
Loans from financial institutions                    950        950         948
Promissory notes secured by pledge                12 691     12 691      12 691
Factoring loan and export credit limit               648      1 487       1 307
Trade receivables                                      0        373          91
Deposits                                             100          0           0
Promissory notes secured by pledge                12 691     12 691      12 691
Collaterals given from other short-term loans                                  
Deposits                                             505          0         477
Operating leases - continuing operations                                       
Payable within one year                                0          0           0
Payable over one year                                  0          0           0
Commitments - continuing operations   
Payable within one year                               63        844          58
Payable over one year                                  0        810           0
Commitments - discontinued operations                                          
Payable within one year                                0         33           0
Payable over one year                                  0          0           0