2017-02-01 13:30:01 CET

2017-02-01 13:30:01 CET


English Finnish
Norvestia - Financial Statement Release


Helsinki, Finland, 2017-02-01 13:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 

Norvestia Oyj     Financial Statement Release    1 February 2017 at 14:30


The result of the Group amounted to EUR 18.9 million in 2016 (EUR 25.0 million
in 2015). 
Earnings per share was EUR 1.24 (1.63).
Investment income was EUR 27.2 million (30.3).
Net Asset Value per share was EUR 8.13 at year-end (11.04)
Net Asset Value (dividend-adjusted) increased by 11.8% (17.2%).
The Board proposes that no dividend be distributed for 2016 (EUR 4.14 per share
for 2015). 


2016 was a year of big changes for Norvestia and its shareholders. In November,
Norvestia’s main owner CapMan Plc made a volun­tary exchange offer to
shareholders for Norvestia’s shares. Cap­Man offered to exchange all Norvestia
shares for CapMan shares so that one Norvestia share would entitle shareholders
to six CapMan shares. Norvestia’s shareholders were paid a dividend of EUR 3.35
per share before the completion of the exchange offer. 

A committee comprised of the independent members of Norvestia’s Board of
Directors recommended the acceptance of the exchange offer. Norvestia’s largest
shareholders also committed themselves in advance to accepting the offer. When
the original offer period end­ed 16 December 2016, over 90% of Norvestia’s
shareholders had accepted it. Consequently, a right and obligation arose, as
per the Finnish Companies Act, for CapMan to redeem the rest of the Nor­vestia
shares. CapMan has announced that it will offer EUR 7.14 per share in cash to
Norvestia’s minority shareholders. The final redemp­tion price will be
determined by the Arbitral Tribunal designated by the Redemption Committee of
the Finnish Central Chamber of Com­merce. The redemption is expected to take
place during 2017, and the aim is to remove Norvestia shares from the main list
of the Hel­sinki stock exchange. 


On the capital markets 2016 was a year of big surprises. The year began in very
negative sentiment, with share prices falling during January-February on all
central stock exchanges. On the Helsinki stock exchange some shares lost over
30% of their value during the first weeks of the year, and the decline in share
prices at the begin­ning of the year was indeed one of the worst in the history
of the stock exchange. There was no single factor behind the fall although
concern about economic growth in China and the uncertain situation in the
Eurozone flustered investors and caused a minor panic. 

In February the European Central Bank (ECB) stepped in once again and promised
to increase its monetary easing further by including company loans with certain
conditions in its massive purchasing pro­gram. This calmed the markets and
share prices rallied strongly to­wards March. 

In the early summer, a new surprise shook the capital markets. A consultative
referendum was organized in Great Britain 23 June as to whether or not the
country should leave the EU. Contrary to all the pollsters a majority voted in
favor of the exit. This caused complete panic on the capital markets which
lasted, however, for only one day. Very few analysts predicted that share
prices would quickly rally af­ter the initial panic, and fewer still forecast
that at the end of July share prices would be up on their pre-referendum

It is difficult to explain the reaction on the capital markets to these events
even with the benefit of hindsight. It is undeniable that the growth of the
economies of the EU and Great Britain looks weaker since the referendum. The
best explanation is probably that after the referendum was over, there was a
sense of relief. Fear is the enemy of the capital markets. 

The surprises on the capital markets did not, however, end here. Analysts were
almost certain that Donald Trump’s election as the President of the US would
lead to a meltdown of share prices. Con­trary to almost all forecasts, Trump
was elected President in the elec­tion held in November. The post-election
market reaction was very surprising and interesting. Share prices declined
sharply during the opening of the day and shot right up after that. At the end
of the stock exchange day share prices were a couple of percent up on the day.
Astonishing many, share prices continued to increase strongly in stock
exchanges around the world until the end of the year. 

Now perhaps this share price reaction can be explained and may even have been
foreseeable. In his first speech following his elec­tion Donald Trump promised
something to everybody. He promised to reduce taxation, discontinue the
expensive ObamaCare, increase several industrial support measures and make
America great again. This was all to the stock markets’ liking. 

Analysts believe that Trump’s reforms will increase US economic growth and
revitalize the world economy. The opinions of econo­mists are clearly divided
however as to how sensible it is to increase public spending and reduce
taxation by increasing debt. In any case the reaction of the capital markets
has been positive at least up un­til now, with the value of the S&P 500 Index,
which describes the US stock market, 10% up on its pre-election levels at the
end of the year. 

All in all, 2016 was a good year on the stock exchange for those in­vestors who
held their nerves throughout the various twists of the markets. During the year
in question share prices rose on the major­ity of the world’s stock exchanges.
The following table illustrates index yields on various exchanges in 2016: 

Finland / OMX Helsinki Index                      3.6%
Finland / OMX Helsinki CAP Yield Index           13.3%
Sweden / OMX Stockholm Index                      5.8%
Norway / OBX Index                               14.6%
Denmark / OMX Copenhagen Index                   -7.9%
USA / Nasdaq Composite Index                      7.5%
USA / S&P 500 Index                           9.5%
Bloomberg European 500 Index                     -2.0%
MSCI World Index                                  5.3%
Japan / Nikkei 225 Index                          0.4%
Norvestia’s share price (dividend-adjusted)      44.6%
Norvestia’s Net Asset Value (dividend-adjusted)  11.8%


Norvestia’s twofold investment strategy consists of market investments and
Growth Equity. Market investments are made primarily in Nordic listed shares,
hedge funds and bonds. Growth Equity investments are made in Nordic unlisted
companies, growth-oriented listed companies and private equity funds. 

Norvestia’s investments excluding cash and other liquid assets were 96% (91%)
of total assets at year-end. The fair value breakdown of the investments was as

                                         2016           2015
                                 MEUR       %   MEUR       %
Listed shares and share funds*   70.1   51.5%   88.7   50.9%
Growth Equity portfolio          45.3   33.3%   34.2   19.7%
Bonds and bond funds             10.5    7.7%   16.1    9.2%
Hedge funds                       5.3    3.9%   18.9   10.8%
Cash and other liquid assets      4.9    3.6%   16.3    9.4%
In total                        136.1  100.0%  174.2  100.0%

* of which share funds EUR 6.6 million (14.0).

At year-end, 85.0% of the Group’s assets were in euros, 7.9% in Swedish krona,
6.9% in US dollars and 0.2% in other currencies. 

The return of the company’s Net Asset Value during the year was, after expenses
and taxes, 11.8% and was achieved with a monthly calculated volatility of 5.5%.
At the same time the OMX Helsinki CAP Yield Index yielded 13.3% with a
volatility of 11.0%. 

Norvestia’s market investments yielded well during 2016. At the be­ginning of
the year, Norvestia focused particularly on Finnish stocks with strong dividend
yields. At the end of the year, investment activi­ties were adjusted in
preparation for the large dividend distribution of over EUR 51 million.
Accordingly, various fund investments, corpo­rate bonds and listed shares were
sold. Growth Equity investments were the only asset class the amount of which
increased during the year. The amounts of all other asset classes decreased.
The great­est relative change took place in hedge funds. The proportion of
these in the portfolio decreased to approximately 4%. Euro-wise the biggest
decline took place in listed shares and funds, the amount of which decreased by
approximately EUR 19 million. 

Norvestia also succeeded in hedging its market investments. Worth a separate
mention are Norvestia’s extensive contingency plans for the possible negative
result of the Brexit vote. The dismantling of this hedge was started at just
the right time on the day after the Brexit vote. The value of Norvestia’s
market portfolio increased by EUR 2 million due to the hedge against Brexit. 


Return on Norvestia’s Growth Equity portfolio was over 44% in 2016. The
highlight of 2016 was the successful exit from Touhula Var­haiskasvatus Oy. The
company was an 80% subsidiary of Coronaria Hoitoketju, and was sold to a Nordic
private equity investor yielding a good return. Due to the exit, Coronaria
distributed an extra divi­dend of EUR 50 million in the spring of 2016,
Norvestia’s share of this extra dividend was nearly EUR 10 million. As part of
the sale of Touhula by Coronaria, Norvestia reinvested in Touhula as a direct
investment. The investment amounted to EUR 2 million, and addi­tionally
Norvestia offered EUR 2 million mezzanine financing for the company. 

In July Norvestia committed itself to investing approximately EUR 5 million
(USD 5.5 million) in Hamilton Lane PE IX Fund, which focuses on US and European
small- and medium-sized companies. After the year under review, in January,
Norvestia invested EUR 1.6 million in the Finnish Digital Workforce Services Oy
which offers robotic pro­cess automation services. 

Investments in unlisted companies belong to Norvestia’s Growth Eq­uity
portfolio, which is administered by Norvestia’s subsidiary Nor­vestia
Industries Oy. The aim of Norvestia’s Growth Equity invest­ment activities is
to find interesting companies with strong growth potential, the long-term and
active development of which can yield significant increases in value and
thereby return to Norvestia’s shareholders. In accordance with the investment
strategy, Norvestia aims to find target companies that operate in sufficiently
large mar­kets and have the opportunity to take advantage of their service and
solution innovations both in Finland and internationally. 

Norvestia invests in minority shares or can be in the majority togeth­er with
another investor. At the end of 2016, the Growth Equity port­folio consisted of
six unlisted companies: Aste Helsinki which offers media production and
consulting, Coronaria Hoitoketju which offers health care services, Fluido
which offers cloud services consulting, Idean Enterprises which offers customer
experience design services, Polystar Instruments which develops
telecommunications business intelligence software solutions, and Touhula
Varhaiskasvatus which offers early childhood and preschool education. The total
fair value of the interests in these companies amounted to EUR 34.8 million. 

Growth Equity also includes investments in private equity funds. Nor­vestia has
committed itself to investing EUR 2.0 million in the Aman­da V East private
equity fund, of which EUR 1.4 million is now invest­ed; approximately EUR 5
million (USD 5.5 million) in Hamilton Lane PE Fund IX, of which EUR 1.2 million
is now invested; EUR 2.0 million in Lifeline Ventures Fund I, of which EUR 1.7
million is now invested; EUR 5.0 million in Lifeline Ventures Fund III, of
which EUR 0.5 million is now invested; and EUR 3.0 million in Open Ocean Fund
2015, of which EUR 0.4 million is now invested. In addition, Norvestia has
in­vested EUR 0.1 million in Lifeline Ventures Fund III AB. 


In April 2016 Norvestia’s Board decided to apply the venture capital
organization exemption of the IAS 28 standard and to value associ­ates and
joint ventures at fair value through profit or loss in Norves­tia’s
consolidated IFRS financial statements according to the IAS 39 standard from 1
January 2016. As a result, all Norvestia’s investments will be valued at fair
value through profit or loss. Norvestia considers the valuation of investments
at fair value to give more meaningful in­formation about the real value of
investments and to better describe the company’s business, the company’s way of
reviewing its invest­ments and making decisions relating to them. 

Similarly, investments in unlisted private equity funds previously booked as
available-for-sale financial assets will be reclassified as fi­nancial assets
at fair value through profit or loss. Thus, in future any change in value will
be recognized directly in profit or loss, and not in the statement of
comprehensive income. Norvestia believes that classifying investments as assets
at fair value through profit or loss better describes their nature and the
accumulation of returns taking into account the company’s business. 

The change in question is a voluntary change in accounting principle according
to the IAS 28 standard which requires that comparative figures be presented
retrospectively according to the new account­ing principles, including the
balance sheet at thebeginning of the first comparative period. Norvestia
published 14 April 2016 a sepa­rate stock exchange release in which
thecomparative periods have been adjusted. 


31 December 2016, Norvestia’s Net Asset Value stood at EUR 124.6 million or EUR
8.13 per share (EUR 169.1 million or EUR 11.04 per share at the end of 2015).
Taking into account the dividend of EUR 0.79, which was distributed in March
2016 and the extra dividend of EUR 3.35, which was distributed in December, the
company’s Net Asset Value increased by EUR 1.24 per share (1.63) in the year
under review, equal to a 11.8% increase (17.2%) from the beginning of the year.
In the last quarter, the increase in Net Asset Value amounted to EUR 0.40 per
share (0.98). 

Amended Net Asset Value will no longer be published, as after the change in the
accounting principle, which came into force 1 January 2016, it corresponds to
Norvestia’s Net Asset Value and the Group’s shareholders’ equity. The
comparative figures in the previous para­graph have been adjusted to correspond
with the change in the ac­counting principle. 

The dividend-adjusted price of Norvestia’s share rose by 44.6% (12.0%) during
the year. The price of the share stood at EUR 7.41 (7.99) 31 December 2016,
corresponding to a discount in Net Asset Value of 8.9% (27.6%). The market
capitalization of the shares 31 De­cember 2016 was EUR 113.5 million (122.4). 


The result of the Group in 2016 amounted to EUR 18.9 million (25.0/2015;
6.2/2014), and operating expenses to EUR 4.5 million (2.7/2015; 2.0/2014).
Operating expenses were 3.6% (1.6%/2015; 1.3%/2014) of Net Asset Value. In 2016
the Group had non-recurring expenses related to the exchange offer amounting to
EUR 1.6 mil­lion. The result for the last quarter was EUR 6.1 million
(15.0/2015; 1.1/2014). The return on equity was 12.9% (15.8%) and the return on
in­vestment 14.9% (17.1%). 


Norvestia Group’s cash and cash equivalents totalled EUR 4.9 million at
year-end (15.3/2015; 14.1/2014). The equity ratio stood at 88.6% (96.6%/2015;
98.8%/2014). The Group’s shareholders’ equity totalled EUR 124.6 million
(169.0/2015; 148.6/2014). 


In 2016, Norvestia Group employed an average of 7 (7/2015, 6/2014) people.
Personnel expenses were EUR 2.0 million (1.7/2015; 1.1/2014). 


Norvestia Oyj is the parent company of Norvestia Industries Oy and Norventures
Oy. Norvestia Industries Oy was established in Sep­tember 2007 in order to
realize the Group’s Growth Equity strategy. Norvestia Oyj became CapMan Group’s
subsidiary on 19 December 2017. 


Norvestia Oyj’s share capital is divided into 15,316,560 shares with one vote
each. All shares have an equal right to dividend and the assets of the company.
Norvestia Oyj’s share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. 


At the end of 2016, Norvestia Oyj had 1,679 shareholders (5,226). 0.4% (8.8%)
of the shares were in foreign ownership and 0.4% (8.4%) were

Norvestia’s largest shareholder is CapMan Plc with a holding of 90.7% (28.7) of
shares and votes at year-end. The ten major share­holders held a total of 93.2%
(53.6%) of shares and votes. 


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) held 15 March 2016 decided to distribute EUR
0.79 per share as dividend for 2015. The dividend was paid out 24 March 2016. 

The following persons were re-elected to the Board:
Heikki Westerlund, Chairman
Hannu Syrjänen, Vice Chairman
Georg Ehrnrooth, member
Niko Haavisto, member
Arja Talma, member.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy was re-elected as auditor, with APA Lauri Kallaskari
as main responsible auditor and APA Mikko Nieminen as deputy auditor. The AGM
unanimously decided to dis­charge the Board of Directors and the Managing
Director from liabil­ity for 2015. 

The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to decide on a repur­chase of own
shares, publicly on the Helsinki stock exchange. The authorization gives the
right to acquire up to 1,531,656 shares by 31 May 2017. No acquisitions were
made in 2016. The Board of Direc­tors was also authorized to decide upon a
share issue and on an is­sue of special rights entitling to shares. The maximum
amount that may be issued is 1,531,656 shares. The authorization is effective
until 31 May 2017. 


The Extraordinary General Meeting held 8 December 2016 resolved to distribute a
dividend of EUR 3.35 per share on the condition that all conditions of CapMan’s
voluntary exchange offer, published 3 No­vember 2016, concerning Norvestia’s
shares are fulfilled or their ful­filment has been waived. 

CapMan announced 19 December 2016 that it will complete the ex­change offer,
whereafter Norvestia’s Board of Directors decided on the extra dividend
payment. The dividend was paid 29 December 2016. 


In addition to pursuing steady asset growth, one of the guiding prin­ciples of
Norvestia’s investment activities is to diversify investments and thereby
reduce overall risks. From time to time a significant pro­portion of
investments may be focused on certain types of invest­ments and securities, the
possible negative development of which may substantially decrease Norvestia’s
result. Norvestia occasionally hedges its investments with options and futures,
although there may be situations where such hedges are not effective. 

Norvestia’s five largest investments as of 31 December 2016, con­sisted of the
Lifeline Ventures Fund III Ky and RAM One funds, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust share
index, and the growth investments in Coro­naria Hoitoketju Oy and Idean
Enterprises Oy. 

Norvestia’s result is greatly affected by economic developments and changes in
share prices both in Finland and abroad. Changes in ex­change rates also impact
the company’s result. General uncertainty on the capital markets increases the
volatility of Norvestia’s invest­ments and therefore also increases their


More information about the company’s principles of internal supervi­sion and
risk management can be found in Norvestia Group’s sepa­rate corporate
governance statement. 


Norvestia aims to distribute an annual dividend in excess of the Finn­ish stock
market average. The long-term objective is to distribute on average
approximately 60% of earnings per share as dividends. 


Due to the extra dividend paid in 2016, the Board of Directors proposes that no
dividend be distributed for 2016. 


The situation on the capital markets remains difficult to assess. The surest
forecast is that the low interest level of those euro countries considered
risk-free will remain extremely low during 2017. The larg­er unknowns, the
significance of which is difficult to forecast for now, will be the various
elections in Europe, and the development in the US during the era of the new

Norvestia’s market portfolio will be managed according to previous principles.
The aim is to achieve the best possible risk-adjusted re­turn. The expectations
of the Growth Equity portfolio for the current year look good. 

Norvestia’s prospects for 2017 will be governed by the ongoing re­demption
proceedings for Norvestia shares by CapMan Plc. CapMan currently owns 92.5% of
the shares and has the right and obligation to redeem the rest of the shares.
This is expected to happen some­time during 2017. The redemption schedule is
bound to the resolu­tion of the Arbitral Tribunal. After the redemption CapMan
will own 100% of Norvestia shares. According to the plan, Norvestia’s Board of
Directors will apply for a delisting of the Norvestia share from the Helsinki
stock exchange during the spring. Until the delisting all the obligations and
responsibilities of a listed company will apply to Norvestia. After the
delisting Norvestia’s journey as an independent stock-listed company will end,
and from then on Norvestia’s future will be bound to CapMan’s policies and

The Board of Directors of Norvestia wants to thank Norvestia’s shareholders for
the trust they have placed in the Board. The Board also wants to thank
Norvestia’s personnel and management for the professional and excellent work
done over the years. 


                                     1/1-31/12/  1/1-31/12/
                                           2016        2015
Earnings per share, EUR                    1.24        1.63
                                     31/12/2016  31/12/2015
Equity ratio                              88.6%       96.6%
Shareholders’ equity per share, EUR        8.13       11.04
Net Asset Value per share, EUR             8.13       11.04
Net Asset Value, EUR million              124.6       169.0
Share price, EUR                           7.41        7.99
Number of shares                     15,316,560  15,316,560


EUR 1,000                             1/10-31/1  1/10-31/1  1/1-31/12  1/1-31/12
                                             2/         2/          /          /
                                           2016       2015       2016       2015
Realized gains and losses from             -124     -1,740       -351        824
Fair value movements of investments,      9,326     18,852     12,004     23,682
Dividends                                   252         96     14,584      4,907
Interest income                             241        203        978        843
Total investment income                   9,695     17,411     27,215     30,256
Personnel expenses                         -495       -589     -1,977     -1,689
Depreciation and impairment charges          -2         -3         -7         -9
Other operating expenses                 -1,777       -397     -2,554     -1,041
OPERATING PROFIT                          7,421     16,422     22,677     27,517
Financial income and expenses               111         47         -9        157
RESULT BEFORE TAXES                       7,532     16,469     22,668     27,674
Income taxes*                            -1,467     -1,487     -3,736     -2,638
RESULT FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD           6,065     14,982     18,932     25,036
* Based on the result for the period                                            
Earnings per share, EUR                    0.40       0.98       1.24       1.63


EUR 1,000                                        31/12/2016  31/12/2015
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                     
Intangible assets                                         4           2
Tangible assets                                          14          17
Investment portfolio                                                   
Growth Equity investments                            34,751      28,379
Investments in private equity funds                   6,989       4,217
Loan receivables from Growth Equity investments       3,104       1,660
NON-CURRENT ASSETS IN TOTAL                          44,862      34,275
CURRENT ASSETS                                                         
Financial assets held for trading                                      
Investments in listed shares                         63,552      74,762
Investments in funds                                 11,839      32,876
Investments in interest-bearing securities           10,516      17,111
Receivables                                           4,908         657
Cash and cash equivalents                             4,886      15,263
CURRENT ASSETS IN TOTAL                              95,701     140,669
ASSETS IN TOTAL                                     140,563     174,944
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                   
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                   
Share capital                                        53,608      53,608
Share premium                                         6,896       6,896
Retained earnings                                    45,121      83,495
Result for the period                                18,932      25,036
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY  IN TOTAL                      124,557     169,035
Current liabilities                                   8,226       1,842
Net deferred tax liabilities                          7,780       4,067
LIABILITIES IN TOTAL                                 16,006       5,909


EUR 1,000                                   1/10-31/  1/10-31/  1/1-31/  1/1-31/
                                                 12/       12/      12/      12/
                                                2016      2015     2016     2015
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                             
Result before taxes                            7,532    16,469   22,668   27,674
Unrealized gains and losses                     -458   -17,501    3,068  -23,180
Other operations which do not include cash         2         3        7       45
Interest income                                 -241      -215     -978     -855
Dividend income                                 -252       -96  -14,584   -4,907
                                               6,583    -1,340   10,181   -1,223
Changes in working capital                                                      
Change in shares and other investments        33,060    -8,116   30,842    1,092
Change in receivables                         -4,052       269   -4,250    2,214
Change in current liabilities                     90      -723      158    1,472
                                              29,098    -8,570   26,750    4,778
Dividends received                               252        96   14,584    4,907
Interest received                                241       215      978      855
Received and paid taxes                           -6        -6      -23       83
                                                 487       305   15,539    5,845
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES           36,168    -9,605   52,470    9,400
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                             
Acquisitions of Growth Equity investments       -698      -125   -4,635   -3,859
 and private equity funds                                                       
Sales of Growth Equity investments and            66         7      425       21
 private equity funds                                                           
Loan receivables from Growth Equity                -         -   -1,444      215
Investments in intangible and tangible             -        -1       -6       -8
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES             -632      -119   -5,660   -3,631
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                             
Proceeds from loans                           -5,000         -   10,000        -
Repayments of loans                                -         -  -10,000        -
Dividends paid                               -45,087         -  -57,187   -4,595
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES          -50,087         -  -57,187   -4,595
CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS          -14,551    -9,724  -10,377    1,174
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning    19,437    24,987   15,263   14,089
 of the period                                                                  
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of        4,886    15,263    4,886   15,263
 the period                                                                     


                                   Share    Share  Retained  for the         
EUR 1,000                        capital  premium  earnings   period    Total
Shareholders’ equity 1.1.2015     53,608    6,896    81,904    6,186  148,594
Allocations                                           6,186   -6,186        0
Dividends                                            -4,595            -4,595
Result for the period                                         25,036   25,036
Shareholders’ equity 31.12.2015   53,608    6,896    83,495   25,036  169,035
Shareholders’ equity 1.1.2016     53,608    6,896    83,495   25,036  169,035
Allocations                                          25,036  -25,036        0
Dividends                                           -63,410           -63,410
Result for the period                                         18,932   18,932
Shareholders’ equity 31.12.2016   53,608    6,896    45,121   18,932  124,557



The Group’s financial statement release has been prepared in accordance with
the IAS 34 Interim Report standard adopted by the EU. The same accounting
principles have been used in the financial statement release as in the 2016
consolidated financial statements. Formulas for calculating key figures remain
the same as in the financial statements and annual report 2016. The diluted
earnings per share is not shown, as the company has issued no instruments with
a diluting effect. 

New and revised IFRS standards and interpretations effective from 1 January
2016 did not have a material effect on Norvestia’s financial statement release
for 2016. 


Securities given as collateral for derivatives trades                           
                                                          31.12.2016  31.12.2015
Carrying amount of pledged securities                          9,580       4,910
FUND COMMITMENTS                                                                
Commitment to invest in Amanda V East Ky                         584         868
Commitment to invest in Hamilton Lane European Partners        3,971           -
 SICAV-SIF - PEF IX                                                             
Commitment to invest in Lifeline Ventures Fund I Ky              275         473
Commitment to invest in Lifeline Ventures Fund III Ky          4,506       5,000
Commitment to invest in Open Ocean Fund 2015 Ky                2,553       2,968
In total                                                      11,889       9,309
DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS                                                            
Norvestia uses standardized derivative contracts to make the portfolio          
 management more effective. The fair values of the derivative contracts as well 
 as the underlying values are given in the table below. The fair values are     
 adjusted for the corresponding share's dividend income. Derivative contracts   
 are recognized at fair value on the date on which the derivative contract is   
 entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. The fair value of  
 futures corresponds to the futures' gain or loss. The maturity of the          
 derivative contracts does not exceed 3 months. Hedge accounting is not used.   
                                                          31.12.2016  31.12.2015
Equity derivatives, EUR 1,000                                                   
Sold put options, open positions                                                
Underlying value                                                   -         172
Fair value                                                         -          -5
Sold call options, open positions                                               
Underlying value                                                   -        -111
Fair value                                                         -          -3
Index derivatives, EUR 1,000                                                    
Bought put options, open positions                                              
Underlying value                                               5,024       1,765
Fair value                                                       109          28
Sold futures, open positions                                                    
Underlying value                                             -19,440     -32,740
Fair value                                                      -275         -80
Foreign exchange derivatives, EUR 1,000                                         
Sold futures, open positions                                                    
Underlying value                                                   -     -10,523
Fair value                                                         -         -66
RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                      
The following transactions were carried out with related parties:               
                                                          31.12.2016  31.12.2015
Related party, EUR 1,000                                                        
Aste Holding Oy                                                                 
Interest income                                                   43         102
Coronaria Hoitoketju Oy                                                         
Interest income                                                   26          85
Idean Enterprises Oy                                                            
Purchases                                                          -           6
Purchases from related parties were made at normal market prices. During 12 May 
 2015 to 31 December 2016 Norvestia had no related party transactions with      
 CapMan Group.                                                                  
Loans to related parties                                                        
The Group has granted the key personnel of a growth company a loan or EUR 0.5   
 million (-) to an interest rate of 3%. The loan has been granted in December   
 2016 and expires latest in December 2018. The Group has received company's     
 shares as a pledge for the loan.                                               


                                        Number  Acquisition     Fair    Share of
                                    of shares/        price    value       total
                                         units          EUR      EUR  investment
                                                      1,000    1,000            
MARKET INVESTMENTS                                                              
LISTED SHARES                                                                   
Amer Sports Corporation                 55,105          923    1,393        1.1%
Apetit Plc                              74,294          914      964        0.7%
Atria Plc                              125,672        1,322    1,444        1.1%
Caverion Corporation                    93,034          362      737        0.6%
Elisa Corporation                       93,450        1,897    2,890        2.2%
Finnair Plc                            353,408        1,334    1,424        1.1%
Fortum Corporation                     220,271        2,979    3,209        2.4%
HKScan Corporation A share              83,875          541      268        0.2%
Honkarakenne Oyj B share               451,739        1,669      745        0.6%
Huhtamäki Oyj                           66,774          402    2,356        1.8%
Kemira Oyj                             110,214        1,314    1,337        1.0%
Kesko Corporation B share               68,323        1,804    3,244        2.5%
Konecranes Plc                          38,531          928    1,302        1.0%
Metso Corporation                       58,753        1,482    1,592        1.2%
Metsä Board Corporation B share        281,666          373    1,914        1.5%
Neste Corporation                       27,367          832      999        0.8%
Nokia Corporation                      735,937        2,687    3,376        2.6%
Nokian Tyres plc                        17,392          536      616        0.5%
Oriola-KD Corporation B share          109,320          184      471        0.4%
Orion Corporation B share               36,354          852    1,537        1.2%
Outotec Oyj                            285,000        1,388    1,423        1.1%
Raisio plc V share                     163,400          243      583        0.4%
Ramirent Plc                            72,897          260      539        0.4%
Rapala VMC Corporation                 125,700          761      519        0.4%
Sampo plc A share                       72,044        3,108    3,068        2.3%
Sanoma Corporation                     112,633          968      929        0.7%
Sponda Plc                             798,196        2,900    3,493        2.7%
Stockmann plc B share                   62,918          706      444        0.3%
Stora Enso Oyj R share                 330,533        2,349    3,375        2.6%
Tikkurila Oyj                           41,311          652      777        0.6%
UPM-Kymmene Corporation                102,211        1,552    2,386        1.8%
Valmet Corporation                      57,753          387      807        0.6%
YIT Corporation                        113,053          604      858        0.7%
Nordea Bank AB FDR                     265,342        2,336    2,813        2.1%
Powershares QQQ                         31,100        2,016    3,496        2.7%
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust              21,885        3,393    4,641        3.5%
Telia Company AB                       385,000        1,887    1,474        1.1%
                                                     48,845   63,443       48.5%
DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS                                                            
Euro Stoxx call options                    500           86      109        0.1%
Didner & Gerge Aktiefond            13,699        1,141    3,636        2.9%
Fourton Hannibal A                      14,482        1,000    2,148        1.6%
RAM ONE                                 27,521        2,397    3,983        3.0%
Russian Prosperity Fund Euro A           8,000          721      808        0.6%
VISIO Allocator                          7,520        1,127    1,264        1.0%
                                                      6,386   11,839        9.1%
BONDS                            nominal value                                  
Finnair, expires 13/10/2020              1,500        1,500    1,671        1.3%
Outokumpu, expires 30/9/2019             1,750        1,746    1,840        1.4%
Outotec, expires 24/3/2021               1,000        1,018    1,076        0.8%
SRV, expires 22/3/2020                   1,000        1,000    1,064        0.8%
Stockmann, expires 31/1/2020             1,000        1,014    1,030        0.8%
eQ Euro Investment Grade 1 K             8,628        1,803    1,888        1.4%
eQ High Yield Bond 1 K                   7,388        1,746    1,947        1.5%
                                                      9,827   10,516        8.0%
NORVESTIA OYJ IN TOTAL                               65,144   85,907       65.7%
GROWTH EQUITY                                                                   
UNLISTED GROWTH COMPANIES*                                                      
Aste Holding Oy                          4,000          800                     
Coronaria Hoitoketju Oy                 35,307        3,112                     
Fluido Oy                               44,870        2,494                     
Idean Enterprises Oy                   354,920        3,299                     
Polystar Instruments AB                266,000        1,717                     
Touhula Varhaiskasvatus Oy              20,000        2,000                     
Loans to growth companies                             3,104                     
                                                     16,526   37,855       29.0%
PRIVATE EQUITY FUNDS                                                            
Amanda V East Ky                                      1,275    1,092        0.8%
Hamilton Lane European Partners SICAV-SIF -           1,149    1,193        0.9%
 PEF IX                                                                         
Lifeline Ventures Fund I Ky                           1,529    3,779        2.9%
Lifeline Ventures Fund III Ky                           494      428        0.3%
Lifeline Ventures Fund III AB                            72      117        0.1%
Open Ocean Fund 2015 Ky                                 447      380        0.3%
                                                      4,966    6,989        5.3%
GROWTH EQUITY IN TOTAL                               21,492   44,844       34.3%
NORVESTIA GROUP IN TOTAL                             86,636  130,751      100.0%

The table does not include cash and cash equivalents of the Group.

* The fair value of unlisted Growth Equity investments is presented as the
total fair value of the Growth Equity portfolio, not as fair value of
individual investments. 

The financial statement release is based on the audited financial statements
2016. The 2016 annual report will be published during week 7. 

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend
be distributed. 

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 March 2017 at 11:00.

Helsinki 1 February 2017

Board of Directors

Additional information: Juha Kasanen, Managing Director, tel. +358 9 6226 380

Nasdaq Helsinki
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