2008-08-14 12:05:00 CEST

2008-08-14 12:05:00 CEST


Suomių Anglų
Suomen Terveystalo Oyj - Notice to convene extr.general meeting

Invitation to Suomen Terveystalo Oyj's Extraordinary General Meeting

August 14, 2008 at 1.05 p.m. 


The shareholders of Suomen Terveystalo Oyj are invited to an Extraordinary      
General Meeting, held on Monday, 1 September 2008, at 10 a.m., at Radisson SAS  
Royal Hotel Helsinki, Runeberginkatu 2.                                         

Listing of the enrolled persons and distributing the voting ballots will begin  
at 9.00 a.m.                                                                    


The Board of Directors proposes that the Board will be authorized to decide on a
new issue and the right to grant options and other special rights as defined in 
chapter 10, clause 1 of the Company Act, under the following conditions:        

- The number of new shares issued based on authorization can at most be         
30,000,000 (thirty million) shares, which corresponds with approximately 44     
percent of all company shares at the time of calling the Extraordinary General  

- The Board of Directors is granted the right to decide within the scope of the 
above mentioned authorization on all the terms and conditions of the possible   
issue and special rights entitling to shares.                 

- The Board of Directors is authorized to decide on registering the subscription
price either as an increase in the share capital or in full or partly into the  
unrestricted equity reserve.                                                    

- The share issue and granting of special rights entitling to shares can also,  
deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right, be directed    
towards the company's current shareholders and new investors in order to expand 
the company's ownership base, financing investments and maintaining and         
increasing the company's capital adequacy, based on which deviation from the    
pre-emptive subscription right is seen to have a weighty financial reason from  
the company's viewpoint.                                                        

- The authorizations granted by the General Meeting to the Board of Directors on
May 28, 2008, will remain valid if not used. According to the authorizations,   
the Board of Directors is authorized to decide on a share issue and granting of 
special rights entitling to shares.                                             

- The authorization is valid until the Annual General Meeting of 2009.          

- The decision regarding the authorization must be made as a qualified majority 
decision, which has been supported by at least 2/3 of given voted and shares    
represented in the meeting.                                                     

RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AND ENROLLMENT                                             

All shareholders registered not later than August 22, 2008 as shareholders in   
the company's list of shareholders, maintained by the Finnish Central Securities
Depository Ltd, have the right to participate in the Extraordinary General      

In order to be entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting,            
shareholders must, in addition to the above mentioned, enroll on August 22, 
2008, by 4 p.m., at the latest, either in writing to the address, Suomen        
Terveystalo Oyj, Ratapihantie 11, 2nd floor, 00520 Helsinki; by e-mail to       
leena.tekkanat@terveystalo.com; by fax to +358 30 633 1632; or by phone at +358 
30 633 1685. Enrollments must be received before the enrollment deadline. Please
deliver possible proxies to the above mentioned address before the enrollment   

Nominee registry shareholders                                                   

Nominee-registered shareholders are entitled to attend the Extraordinary General
meeting if they have, not later than ten days in advance, been temporarily      
registered in the company's register of shareholders. In order to enroll in the 
Meeting, the holder of a nominee-registered share must contact his or her       
trustee well in advance of the above-mentioned deadline.                        

GENERAL MEETING DOCUMENTS                                                       

The 2007 annual report and the interim report for January 1-June 30, 2008, can  
be viewed on the Internet at www.terveystalo.com.                               

The documents referred to in Chapter 5, Clause 21 of the Companies Act, can be  
viewed by shareholders one week before the extraordinary general meeting at     
Suomen Terveystalo, Ratapihankatu 11, 2nd floor, 00520 Helsinki. By shareholder 
request, the company will deliver the shareholder copies of said documents.     

Helsinki, August 14, 2008                                                       

SUOMEN TERVEYSTALO OYJ                                                          
Board of Directors                                                              

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT:                                     
Managing Director Martti Kiuru, tel. 030 633 1629, martti.kiuru@terveystalo.com 

This release is available at http://www.terveystalo.com                         Terveystalo:                                                                    
Terveystalo is Finland's leading healthcare service company,                    
offering versatile healthcare, occupational healthcare, diagnostics and hospital
services. The company has more than 100 units around the country. Terveystalo,  
which was founded in 2001, has grown strongly. The company share is listed on   
the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki under the code SUT1V.                          

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
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