2008-02-05 11:00:00 CET

2008-02-05 11:00:05 CET


Finnish English
UPM-Kymmene - Financial Statement Release

UPM Financial Review 2007

UPM-Kymmene Corporation Annual Financial Statement  February 5, 2008 at 12:00

Earnings per share for 2007 were EUR 0.16 (0.65 for 2006), excluding special 
items EUR 1.00 (EUR 0.80). Operating profit for the year was EUR 483 (EUR 536) 
million, excluding special items EUR 835 (EUR 725) million. Operating profit 
for the fourth quarter was EUR 142 (EUR 247) million, excluding special items 
EUR 194 (EUR 252) million. Full year results were impacted by significantly 
higher than forecast cost of wood and fibrer. As a result of Profitability 
Programme 2006, UPM has reduced over 1.1 million tonnes of paper capacity and 
headcount by 3,200 persons.

Key figures
                        Q4/    Q4/ Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                       2007   2006   2007   2006   2005
Sales, EUR million    2,512  2,583 10,035 10,022  9,348
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  351    467  1,546  1,678  1,428
% of sales             14.0   18.1   15.4   16.7   15.3
Operating profit,       142    247    483    536    318
EUR million
excluding special       194    252    835    725    558
items, EUR million
Profit before tax,       92    203    292    367    257
EUR million
excluding special       144    202    644    550    399
items, EUR million
Net profit for the       29    195     81    338    261
period, EUR million
Earnings per share,    0.06   0.37   0.16   0.65   0.50
excluding special      0.24   0.30   1.00   0.80   0.54
items, EUR
Diluted earnings       0.06   0.38   0.16   0.65   0.50
per share, EUR
Return on equity, %     1.7   10.8    1.2    4.6    3.5
excluding special       7.1    8.7    7.4    5.7    3.8
items, %
Return on capital       5.1    8.8    4.3    4.7    3.4
employed, %
excluding special       6.9    8.7    7.4    6.2    4.5
items, %
Gearing ratio at         59     56     59     56     66
end of period, %
Equity to assets       48.8   50.4   48.8   50.4   47.3
ratio at end of 
period, %
Shareholders'         13.21  13.90  13.21  13.90  14.01
equity per share 
at end of period, EUR
Net                   3,973  4,048  3,973  4,048  4,836
liabilities at end
of period, EUR million
Capital employed at  11,098 11,634 11,098 11,634 12,650
end of period, EUR million
Capital                 173    197    708    699    749
expenditure, EUR million
Personnel at end of  26,352 28,704 26,352 28,704 31,522

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets, excluding the 
share of results of associated companies and joint ventures, and special items.

The market in 2007

Demand for printing and writing papers in Europe remained good, showing an 
increase of over 1% from the previous year. Demand for both coated and uncoated 
magazine papers increased by 4%. The demand for newsprint remained good and 
showed no change from the previous year. The demand for coated fine papers 
increased by 2% but for uncoated fine papers decreased by 1%. In North America, 
demand for printing and writing papers decreased by 5% from the previous year. 
However, demand for both coated and uncoated magazine papers increased by 
almost 5%. In other markets - most notably in Asia - demand for printing and 
writing papers continued to grow rapidly.

Global advertising showed moderate growth in 2007. Print advertising in 
newspapers and magazines grew, albeit at a slower pace. Direct mail, on the 
other hand, continued its steady growth and was not threatened by the 
digitalisation of media. In North America and in Europe, which together account 
for about two thirds of the global advertising volume, growth was clearly 
slower. The fastest growth took place in Russia and Eastern European countries 
at around 15-20%.

Average market prices for magazine papers in Europe were about 3% down from the 
previous year. Newsprint market prices were up 4% and uncoated fine paper reels 
up 7% from last year. Prices for coated fine papers remained about the same as 
last year. In North America, average US dollar prices for magazine papers were 
down about 6%. In Asia, fine paper prices increased from last year.

Demand for self-adhesive labelstock diverged between the main markets: in 
Europe, good demand growth continued in the first half of the year but slowed 
towards the end of the year. In North America, demand growth stalled but showed 
signs of improvement towards the end of the year. In Asia, demand growth 
remained strong. RFID volumes continued to grow strongly.

In Wood Products, birch plywood demand continued to be strong in all markets. 
Spruce plywood markets maintained a good balance. Plywood prices increased in 
comparison to last year. Also, the markets for veneer and further processed 
goods were solid. Redwood and whitewood sawn timber markets improved and prices 
increased during the first half of the year. After summer, the markets slowed 
down first for whitewood and then also for redwood. The supply of logs 
tightened and prices increased markedly.

The euro continued to strengthen against other main trading currencies. This 
has lowered the profitability of exports and attracted new imports especially 
in printing papers.

Changes in reporting classifications

As of the beginning of 2007, the Converting Division consists only of UPM 
Raflatac and the division has been renamed as the Label Division. Walki Wisa, 
which was part of the Converting Division until the end of 2006, was sold in 
the second quarter of 2007. Until the disposal the unit was reported in Other 
Operations. Comparative periods have been regrouped accordingly.


Q4 of 2007 compared with Q4 of 2006

Sales for the fourth quarter of 2007 were EUR 2,512 million, 3% less than 
EUR 2,583 million in the fourth quarter of 2006.

Operating profit was EUR 142 million (EUR 247 million), 5.7% of sales (9.6%). 
Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 194 million, 7.7% of sales 
(EUR 252 million, 9.8% of sales). Operating profit for the fourth quarter 
includes charges net of EUR 52 million (EUR 5 million) as special items. The 
main special items were charges of EUR 100 million related to the closure of 
the Miramichi paper mill, including a EUR 19 million asset impairment and EUR 
81 million other costs, and a non-taxable capital gain of EUR 58 million from 
the sale of the port operators Rauma Stevedoring Ltd and Botnia Shipping Ltd. 
Other special items, net of EUR 10 million, include charges of EUR 12 million 
from settlements of certain class-action lawsuits raised against magazine paper 
and labelstock manufacturers in the United States.

Profitability declined clearly from last year. The strong increase in the cost 
of wood and recycled fibre and the adverse impact of the strengthened euro 
against other main trading currencies more than offset the achieved cost 
savings. Also, the average price for the Group's paper deliveries was lower 
than last year. In Label Materials, the cost of expansion together with the 
lower average price reduced profitability. In Wood Products, profitability 
improved slightly from last year.

The change in the fair value of biological assets, net of wood harvested, was 
EUR 47 million (negative EUR 5 million). The share of results of associated 
companies and joint ventures was EUR 2 million (EUR 9 million).

Profit before tax was EUR 92 million (EUR 203 million) and excluding special 
items EUR 144 million (EUR 202 million). In 2006, a gain of EUR 6 million from 
sale of shares was reported after operating profit as a special item. Interest 
and other finance costs net were EUR 46 million (EUR 46 million). Exchange rate 
and fair value gains and losses resulted in a loss of EUR 4 million (a gain of 
EUR 4 million).

Income taxes were EUR 63 million (EUR 8 million). Fourth quarter income taxes 
include as special items charges of EUR 39 million from the decrease of 
deferred tax assets in Canada, primarily due to the decrease in the tax rate.

Profit for the fourth quarter was EUR 29 million (EUR 195 million) and earnings 
per share were EUR 0.06 (EUR 0.37). Earnings per share excluding special items 
were EUR 0.24 (EUR 0.30).

Return on equity was 1.7% (10.8%) and return on capital employed 5.1% (8.8%). 
Excluding special items, the respective figures were 7.1% (8.7%) and 6.9% 

2007 compared with 2006

Sales for 2007 were EUR 10,035 million and about the same as last year (EUR 
10,022 million).

Operating profit was EUR 483 million (EUR 536 million), 4.8% of sales (5.3%). 
Operating profit excluding special items was EUR 835 million, 8.3% of sales 
(EUR 725 million, 7.2% of sales). Operating profit for 2007 includes as special 
items capital gains of EUR 133 million and charges net of EUR 485 million, 
totaling net charges of EUR 352 million (net charges of EUR 189 million).

In June 2007 UPM decided to close the Miramichi magazine paper mill in Canada 
temporarily for nine to twelve months. However, due to poor financial 
prospects, UPM decided in December 2007 to close the mill permanently. These 
decisions resulted in impairment charges of EUR 41 million and other costs in 
total of EUR 91 million. In June 2007 the goodwill of Magazine Papers was 
tested, resulting in a charge of EUR 350 million. The primary drivers for the 
impairment relate to lower-than-forecast realised magazine paper price and the 
adverse development of exchange rates, especially that of the U.S. dollar.

The main capital gains reported as special items were a capital gain of EUR 42 
million on the sale of the real estate company UPM-Asunnot, a EUR 29 million 
non-taxable capital gain on the sale of Walki Wisa, a producer of wrappings and 
composite materials for industrial applications, and a non-taxable capital gain 
of EUR 58 million from the sale of the port operators Rauma Stevedoring Ltd and 
Botnia Shipping Ltd.

The cost increase was approximately 3% from last year. Cost increases were 
significant in wood and recovered paper and higher than was estimated in the 
beginning of the year. In Finland, wood price increases were triggered by poor 
forest harvesting conditions during the winter and the increase in export 
duties on Russian wood. In Central Europe, alternate uses of wood competed with 
fibre usage for paper making. Other variable and fixed costs remained almost 
unchanged, as actions like the Profitability Programme brought savings and 
increased efficiency of operations.

The euro strengthened against other major trading currencies, considerably 
reducing the profitability of exports from Europe.

The profitability of Magazine Papers declined. The average paper price was 
clearly lower than last year, the cost of wood fibre increased significantly 
and both the euro and the Canadian dollar strengthened, reducing the 
profitability of exports. Magazine paper deliveries increased slightly from 
last year. The profitability of Newsprint improved. The average paper price 
increased and lower cost of energy mainly compensated increases in other costs 
such as cost of wood and recycled fibre. Newsprint deliveries were about the 
same as last year. Fine and Speciality Papers' profitability declined due to 
higher cost of wood and chemical pulp. The average paper price was slightly 
higher and paper deliveries increased.

The profitability of the Label business declined. The average price was 
slightly lower than last year partly due to a change in product and market mix 
and costs incurred from expansion of operations.

Wood Products' profitability improved. The strong increase in log costs was 
managed to be offset by higher prices and improved production efficiency. 
Plywood production was limited by a shortage of birch logs.

Operating profit of Other Operations was higher than a year ago. The good 
availability of hydropower improved the profitability of energy. The increase 
in the fair value of biological assets, net of wood harvested, was EUR 79 
million (decrease EUR 126 million).

The share of the results of associated companies and joint ventures was EUR 43 
million (EUR 61 million).

Profit before tax was EUR 292 million (EUR 367 million) and excluding special 
items EUR 644 million (EUR 550 million). In 2006, a gain of EUR 6 million from 
the sale of shares was reported after operating profit as a special item. 
Interest and other finance costs were EUR 191 million (EUR 185 million) net. 
The average interest rate on borrowings increased. Exchange rate and fair value 
gains and losses resulted in a loss of EUR 2 million (a gain of EUR 18 

Income taxes were EUR 211 million (EUR 29 million). Taxes include as special 
items a charge of EUR 123 million from a reduction in the deferred tax assets 
of Miramichi due to write-down of tax assets and a decrease in the income tax 
rate in Canada, and as a positive item an income of EUR 25 million from the 
decrease of deferred tax liabilities relating to the impairment of goodwill of 
Magazine Papers. Additionally, special items in taxes include an income of EUR 
27 million mainly relating to reversal of tax provisions.

The effective tax rate was 72.3% (7.8%). Excluding the effect of special items 
and the decrease of tax rate in the U.K. and Germany, the effective tax rate 
was 22% (24.4%).

Profit for the year was EUR 81 million (EUR 338 million) and earnings per share 
were EUR 0.16 (EUR 0.65). Earnings per share excluding special items were EUR 
1.00 (EUR 0.80). Operating cash flow per share was EUR 1.66 (EUR 2.32).

Return on equity was 1.2% (4.6%) and return on capital employed 4.3% (4.7%). 
Excluding special items, the respective figures were 7.4% (5.7%) and 7.4% 


Paper deliveries for the year were 11,389,000 tonnes (10,988,000 tonnes). 
Magazine paper deliveries were 4,848,000 tonnes (4,761,000 tonnes), newsprint 
2,682,000 tonnes (2,677,000 tonnes) and fine and speciality papers 3,859,000 
tonnes (3,550,000 tonnes).

Plywood deliveries were 945,000 cubic metres (931,000 cubic metres) and sawn 
timber deliveries 2,325,000 cubic metres (2,457,000 cubic metres).


Cash flow from operating activities, before capital expenditure and financing, 
was EUR 867 million (EUR 1,215 million). The increase in net working capital 
amounted to EUR 204 million (decrease EUR 21 million), partially due to 
increase of wood raw material inventories. 

The gearing ratio at 31 December was 59% (56% at 31 December 2006). Net 
interest-bearing liabilities at the end of the year came to EUR 3,973 million 
(EUR 4,048 million). The average maturity of borrowings at year end was 6.1 
years (7.1 years).

At the end of the year, the ratings for UPM's rated bonds were BBB of S&P and 
Baa2 of Moody's. During the year, UPM's credit ratings were unchanged but both 
rating agencies added “negative outlook” to their rating.


In 2007, UPM had an average of 28,246 employees (31,039 employees). At the 
beginning of the year the number of employees was 28,704, and at the end of the 
year 26,352 resulting from a decrease of 2,352 persons. Of this, a decrease of 
866 was due to the closures of production lines and rationalisations of 
operations, 975 due to the sale of Walki Wisa and 650 due to the sale of the 
Finnish port operators Rauma Stevedoring Ltd and Botnia Shipping Ltd. In Label 
division, the number of employees increased by 139.

Capital expenditure

In 2007, capital expenditure, excluding acquisitions and share purchases, was 
EUR 683 million, 6.8% of sales (EUR 631 million, 6.3% of sales). Including 
acquisitions and share purchases, capital expenditure was EUR 708 million, 7.1% 
of sales (EUR 699 million, 7.0%).

In April 2007, UPM decided to build a self-adhesive label materials factory in 
Poland. The new production and logistics centre will serve the growing Eastern 
European markets and meet increasing Europe-wide demand for filmic label 
materials. The total investment cost is EUR 90 million and production is 
scheduled for start-up in the 4th quarter of 2008.

In April, UPM decided to modernise and expand the birch plywood production at 
its Otepää plywood mill in Estonia. The investment is worth EUR 10 million and 
it will be completed in autumn 2008.

In April, UPM announced a EUR 11 million investment in the Kajaani mill in 
Finland. The new application of ozone treatment will start in early 2008. The 
facility uses a new method that was developed in-house and uses pine for 
mechanical pulping.

In December, UPM signed a letter of intent with the Russian Sveza Group for a 
50/50 joint venture company. The purpose of the joint venture is to build a 
state-of-the-art forest industry facility in the Vologda region of Northwest 
Russia. The facility would include a pulp mill, a sawmill and an OSB (Oriented 
Strand Board) building panels mill. The total investment is estimated to be in 
excess of one billion euros. The final investment decision is subject to a 
satisfactory outcome of the final feasibility study and the necessary approvals 
from authorities.

The biofuel-fired power plant investment for the Chapelle Darblay mill in 
France was completed in February 2007. The plant combusts energy wood and all 
the sludge produced in the mill's recovered paper recycling process, reducing 
the mill's CO2 emissions by 95%. The amount of the investment was EUR 85 
million. At Jämsänkoski mill, a EUR 45 million investment to convert coated 
magazine paper machine 4 to produce label papers was completed in May. A new 
bleaching line at the Tervasaari mill started up in September. The investment 
amount was EUR 34 million.

Investments in production efficiency and product quality of plywood mills in 
Savonlinna and Jyväskylä were completed during the year. The total investment 
amount was EUR 8 million.

In Uruguay in November, UPM's associated company Metsä-Botnia started up a 
hardwood pulp mill with an annual capacity of 1 million tonnes. The total cost 
of the pulp mill investment was USD 1.2 billion. UPM's direct investment in the 
pulp mill has been EUR 93 million.

The largest ongoing investment is the rebuild of the recovery plant at the Kymi 
pulp mill. The total investment cost is EUR 325 million, and it is planned for 
completion during the second quarter of 2008. A new renewable energy power 
plant is under construction at the Caledonian mill in Irvine, Scotland. The 
investment cost is EUR 84 million and start-up is projected for the third 
quarter of 2009. At the Jämsänkoski mill, a EUR 38 million investment in the 
quality of uncoated magazine paper will be completed early in 2008.

A new self-adhesive label materials factory is under constructions in Dixon, 
Illinois in the United States. The value of this investment is approximately 
USD 100 million and the new factory is slated for completion in the first 
quarter of 2008.

Changes in the Group's structure

In June 2007, UPM sold Walki Wisa to funds managed by CapMan. The sale resulted 
in a capital gain of EUR 29 million. In 2006, Walki Wisa had sales of EUR 287 
million and it employed 950 people. In April, UPM sold the real estate company 
UPM-Asunnot Oy to Waterhouse Real Estate Investment Oy. The sale resulted in a 
capital gain of EUR 42 million. UPM-Asunnot owned around 2,000 rental 
apartments in Finland. In October, UPM sold its Finnish port operators Rauma 
Stevedoring Ltd and Botnia Shipping Ltd to Babcock & Brown Infrastructure. The 
sale resulted in a capital gain of EUR 58 million. The port operators' combined 
sales were EUR 62 million and they employed 660 employees.

Profitability improvement

In March 2006, UPM announced an extensive Profitability Programme for 2006-2008 
to restore its profitability. The programme includes a reduction of 
approximately 3,600 employees over the three-year period and closures of 
uncompetitive paper production capacity. When finalised, the programme is 
estimated to result in annual cost savings of approximately EUR 200 million.

In the first quarter of 2007, UPM stopped the production of coated magazine 
paper in Jämsänkoski paper machine 4, which had an annual capacity of 120,000 
tonnes and converted it to produce label papers. Tervasaari paper machine 6, 
with an annual capacity of 115,000 tonnes of brown sack paper, and the 
semi-alkaline pulp (SAP) line, with an annual capacity of 60,000 tonnes, were 
closed in August. These closures completed the plan to close 520,000 tonnes of 
magazine paper capacity, 150,000 tonnes of fine paper capacity and 115,000 
tonnes of packaging paper capacity.

The annual cost savings from the programme in 2007 were approximately EUR 110 
million, and the accumulated reduction in the number of employees by the end of 
2007 was 3,200.

On 17 December 2007, UPM decided on further actions to improve its 
profitability. The decision was made to permanently close the Miramichi 450,000 
tonnes magazine paper mill in Canada, reduce 250,000 tonnes of newsprint 
capacity through temporary shutdowns during 2008, reduce label paper capacity 
through temporary shutdowns and rationalise self-adhesive label materials 
operations by closing four old coating lines. In Wood Products, UPM started 
negotiations with employees on the possible closure of the timber components 
and planing mill in Luumäki, Finland. The annualised cost saving of these 
actions is estimated to be in the range of EUR 50 to EUR 70 million.


In 2007, UPM shares worth, in total EUR 16,472 million were traded on the 
Helsinki stock exchange (EUR 12,812 million). The highest quotation was EUR 
20.59 in February and the lowest EUR 13.01 in November.

On 30 October 2007, UPM decided to terminate the listing of its American 
Depositary Shares (ADS) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and seek 
deregistration and termination of its reporting obligations under the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The last day of listing on the NYSE was 5 
December 2007, and starting from 6 December 2007 the Company's ADSs have been 
traded on the US over-the-counter (OTC) market under a Level 1 sponsored 
American Depositary Receipt program.

The Annual General Meeting held on 27 March 2007 approved a proposal by the 
Board of Directors to buy back not more than 52,000,000 own shares. The 
authorisation is valid for 18 months. The meeting authorised the Board to 
decide on the disposal of shares so acquired as well as on a free issue of 
shares to the company itself so that the total number of shares to be issued to 
the company combined with the number of own shares bought back under the 
buy-back authorisation may not exceed 1/10 of the total number of shares of the 

On 20 August 2007, the UPM Board of Directors decided to buy back up to 
16,400,000 own shares representing 3.1% of the total number of shares. The 
share buy-backs were initiated on 29 August and completed on 9 November. Shares 
worth EUR 266.2 million were bought at an average price of EUR 16.23. On 19 
December, the Board of Directors decided to invalidate the acquired 16,400,000 
shares. The invalidating of the shares was registered in the Trade Register on 
21 December.

Additionally, the Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to 
decide to issue shares and special rights entitling to shares of the company. 
The number of new shares to be issued, including shares to be obtained under 
special rights, shall be no more than 250,000,000. Of that amount, the maximum 
number that can be issued to the company's shareholders based on their 
pre-emptive rights is 250,000,000 shares, and the maximum amount that can be 
issued deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights in a directed share 
issue is 100,000,000 shares. The maximum number of new shares to be issued as 
part of the company's incentive programmes is 5,000,000 shares. The 
authorisation is valid for no more than three years from the date of the 
decision. To date, this authorisation has not been used.

The meeting also decided on granting share options in connection with the 
company's share-based incentive plans. In option programmes 2007A, 2007B and 
2007C, the total number of share options is no more than 15,000,000, and they 
will entitle to subscribe for, in total, no more than 15,000,000 new shares of 
the company. To date, this authorisation has not been used.

The meeting decided to decrease the share premium reserve as shown in the 
balance sheet of the parent company as per 31 December 2006 by the amount of 
EUR 776,122,940.18, and the legal reserve as shown in the balance sheet as per 
31 December 2006 by the amount of EUR 187,227,209.68. The changes were executed 
on 1 August. The reserves were transferred to the invested non-restricted 
equity fund.

Apart from the above, the Board of Directors has no current authorisation to 
issue shares, convertible bonds, or share options.

In 2007, 5,709,890 shares were subscribed for through exercising of outstanding 
share options.

The number of shares entered in the Trade Register on 31 December 2007 was 
512,569,320. Through the issuance authorisation and share options, the number 
of shares may increase to a maximum of 794,158,420.

The company has received the following notifications from shareholders: on 13 
September 2007, the Capital Group Companies, Inc. informed that the Finnish 
Financial Supervision Authority has granted exemption to the Capital Group 
Companies, Inc. to report its holdings and those of Capital Group 
International, Inc. separately from those of Capital Research and Management 
Company. Pursuant to this exemption, the aggregate holdings of Capital Group 
Companies, Inc., Capital Group International, Inc. and its subsidiaries have 
fallen below 5% of the shares and voting rights of UPM-Kymmene Corporation. The 
aggregate holdings on 12 September 2007 were 11,388,908 shares, representing 
2.15% of the shares and voting rights. On 12 September 2007, the Capital 
Research and Management Company held a total of 16,035,800 UPM-Kymmene 
Corporation shares, representing 3.03% of the shares and voting rights. On 7 
March 2005, the Franklin Templeton Group and its affiliated investment advisors 
of Franklin Resources held 10.11% of the voting rights of UPM-Kymmene 

The listing of UPM 2005G stock options on OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki 
commenced on 1 October 2007.

Company directors

The Annual General Meeting of 27 March 2007 confirmed that the number of 
members on the Board of Directors is 11.

Mr Veli-Matti Reinikkala, Head of Process Automation Division of ABB, and Mr. 
Jussi Pesonen, President and CEO of UPM, were elected to the Board of Directors 
as new members. In addition, Mr Michael C. Bottenheim, LL.M., MBA; Mr Berndt 
Brunow, member of the Board of Oy Karl Fazer Ab; Mr Karl Grotenfelt, LL.M., 
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Famigro Oy; Dr. Georg Holzhey, former 
Executive Vice President of UPM and Director of G. Haindl'sche Papierfabriken 
KGaA; Ms Wendy E. Lane, Chairman of American investment firm Lane Holdings, 
Inc; Mr Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia Corporation and Royal Dutch Shell plc; 
Ms Ursula Ranin, LL.M., B.Sc. (Econ.); Ms Françoise Sampermans, B.A., Psych., 
Publishing Consultant and Mr Vesa Vainio, LL.M., were re-elected as members of 
the Board of Directors. The term of office of the members of the Board of 
Directors lasts until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.

At the assembly meeting of the Board of Directors, Mr Vesa Vainio was 
re-elected as Chairman, and Mr Jorma Ollila and Mr Berndt Brunow were 
re-elected as Vice Chairmen. In addition, the Board of Directors elected from 
among its members an Audit Committee with Mr Michael C. Bottenheim as Chairman, 
and Ms Wendy E. Lane and Veli-Matti Reinikkala as members. A Human Resources 
Committee was elected with Mr Berndt Brunow as Chairman, and Mr Georg Holzhey, 
Ms Ursula Ranin and Ms Françoise Sampermans as members. Furthermore, a 
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee was elected with Mr Jorma Ollila 
as Chairman, and Mr Karl Grotenfelt and Mr Georg Holzhey as members.


Certain competition authorities are continuing investigations into alleged 
antitrust activities with respect to various products of the company.

The US Department of Justice, the EU authorities and the authorities in several 
EU Member States, Canada and certain other countries have granted UPM 
conditional full immunity with respect to certain conduct disclosed to them. 
The US and Canadian investigations are now closed, and the European Commission 
has tentatively closed its investigation of the European fine paper, newsprint, 
magazine paper, label paper and self-adhesive labelstock markets.

UPM has been named as a defendant in multiple class-action lawsuits against 
labelstock and magazine paper manufacturers in the United States. During 2007, 
UPM agreed to settle the class-action lawsuits raised by direct purchasers of 
labelstock and magazine paper for a total amount of approximately EUR 12 
million. Certain class action lawsuits filed by indirect purchasers of 
labelstock and magazine paper continue to be pending.

The remaining litigation matters may last several years. No material provisions 
have been made in relation to these investigations.

Events after the balance sheet date

The Group's management is not aware of any significant events occurring after 
31 December 2007 that would have an impact on the financial statements.

Risk factors

The announced increases in the export duty on Russian wood will gradually make 
wood imports uneconomical and there is a risk that these imports cannot be 
replaced in a financially sound manner. This could result in reduction of 
production at the Finnish mills already during 2008.

Until the final decisions on the proposed EU Energy Package have been made 
there will be uncertainties on how the proposed policies and measures will 
impact the availability and cost of wood fibre for wood processing industries.

Outlook for 2008

Global demand for printing papers is forecast to grow somewhat from the last 
year. In Europe, good demand is expected to continue especially in Eastern 
Europe. In North America, weakening demand trend is expected to continue. The 
highest growth in demand will be in China.

UPM's deliveries are expected to be about the same as 2007 despite the 
significant capacity closures. Group's average paper price in local currency is 
expected to be higher for the first quarter 2008 than it was at the end of last 

UPM's current order books in printing papers are good. In magazine papers the 
company has agreed price increases in all markets and shortened contract 
validities in Europe. In newsprint contract price negotiations for 2008 in 
Europe are not yet finalized.

Demand for self-adhesive labelstock is forecast to grow in Europe and Asia. 
Self-adhesive labelstock prices are expected to increase first in North America 
and in some Asian markets. Demand for RFID products is expected to grow at a 
healthy rate.

In wood products, strong demand for birch plywood and stable demand for spruce 
plywood is expected to continue. In sawn timber outlook is cautious due to 
existing high inventories and slowing of the building activity in some of the 
main markets.

Wood and recycled fibre costs for 2008 are forecast to be higher than full year 
2007. An increase in the company's overall costs is expected to be about 2 %. 
This includes cost savings from the ongoing profitability programme.

Capital expenditure is forecast to be about EUR 500 million, clearly below the 

For the full year 2008, the Group expects its operative profitability to be 
about the same as in 2007. However, the first quarter is expected to be below 
the same period last year. The Group continues to seek new ways to improve its 

Dividend for 2007

The distributable funds of the company are EUR 3.2 billion. The Board of 
Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 26 March 
2008 that a dividend of EUR 0.75 per share be paid in respect of the 2007 
financial year (EUR 0.75 for 2006). It is proposed that the dividend be paid on 
10 April 2008.

Financial information in 2008

The Annual Report for 2007 will be published on the company's website, (main 
page address: www.upm-kymmene.com) on 29 February 2008. The printed Annual 
Report will be available in the week beginning 17 March 2008.

Publication schedule of interim reports:

Interim Report January-March 2008: 24 April 2008
Interim Report January-June 2008: 24 July 2008
Interim Report January-September 2008: 28 October 2008

Divisional reviews

Magazine Papers
                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                      2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006  
Sales, EUR million     811   847   798   793   905   861   817   771 
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  98   116   114   113   157   155   145   113   
% of sales            12.1  13.7  14.3  14.2  17.3  18.0  17.7  14.7  
Depreciation,          -83   -82  -443   -86   -88  -209  -210   -97  
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,      -62    34  -339    27    75   -62   -85    16  
EUR million
% of sales            -7.6   4.0 -42.5   3.4   8.3  -7.2 -10.4   2.1 
Special items, EUR     -77     -  -371     -     6  -126  -133     -  
million 2)
Operating profit        15    34    32    27    69    64    48    16   
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales             1.8   4.0   4.0   3.4   7.6   7.4   5.9   2.1   
Deliveries, 1,000t   1,238 1,266 1,189 1,155 1,288 1,227 1,148 1,098 

                       Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                        2007    2006   2005
Sales, EUR million     3,249    3,354   3,094
EBITDA, EUR million 1)   441      570     507
% of sales              13.6     17.0    16.4
Depreciation,           -694     -604    -566
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,       -340      -56     -76
EUR million
% of sales             -10.5     -1.7    -2.5
Special items, EUR      -448     -253    -173
million 2)
Operating profit         108      197      97
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales               3.3      5.9     3.1
Deliveries, 1,000t     4,848    4,761   4,486
Capital employed       3,403    4,010   4,397
(average), EUR million                                              
ROCE (excl. special      3.2      4.9     2.2
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges and excluding special items.
2) Special items in the second quarter of 2007 include a goodwill impairment 
charge of EUR 350 million, an impairment charge of EUR 22 million and personnel 
costs of EUR 10 million related to the Miramichi paper mill, and an income of 
EUR 11 million related to impairment reversals. In the fourth quarter, special 
items include personnel charges of EUR 44 million and other costs of EUR 36 
million related to the Miramichi paper mill, and an income of EUR 3 million 
related to other restructuring measures. Special items in the second quarter of 
2006 include personnel charges of EUR 20 million related to the profitability 
programme, and impairment charges of EUR 113 million related to the closure of 
the Voikkaa paper mill. In the third quarter, special items include personnel 
charges of EUR 8 million and impairment charges of EUR 3 million of Voikkaa, 
and impairment charges of EUR 115 million of Miramichi. In the fourth quarter, 
special items relate primarily to the capital gain on the sale of the Rauma 
power plant.

Q4 of 2007 compared with Q4 of 2006

The operating profit, excluding special items, for Magazine Papers was EUR 15 
million, EUR 54 million lower than a year ago (EUR 69 million). Sales were EUR 
811 million (EUR 905 million). Paper deliveries decreased by 4% to 1,238,000 
(1,288,000) tonnes.

Profitability weakened compared with the same period last year. The main 
reasons for the decline were lower paper prices and markedly increased fibre 
costs. The euro strengthened against USD and GBP, further reducing 
profitability of exports. The average price for all magazine paper deliveries 
when translated into euros was over 6% lower than a year ago.

2007 compared with 2006

The operating profit, excluding special items, for Magazine Papers was EUR 108 
million, EUR 89 million lower than in the previous year (EUR 197 million). 
Sales decreased slightly to EUR 3,249 million (EUR 3,354 million). Paper 
deliveries increased by 2% to 4,848,000 (4,761,000) tonnes.

Profitability decreased from the year 2006, due to lower paper prices, a 
stronger euro and Canadian dollar against USD and higher raw material costs. 
When translated into euros, the average price for all magazine paper deliveries 
was approximately 5% lower than a year ago. The cost of fibre, i.e. wood, 
chemical pulp and recycled paper, increased clearly from last year. On the 
other hand, the efficiency of operations improved as the division maintained 
delivery volumes despite significant capacity closures.

The Miramichi coated magazine paper mill in Canada, with a capacity of 450,000 
t/a, was shut down permanently in December. The mill was idled in August on a 
temporary basis. Closure costs reported as special items were EUR 91 million. 
In June, the value of the asset of the mill, EUR 22 million, was written off as
special item. Additionally, the division recorded a EUR 350 million impairment 
charge of the division's goodwill as a special item.

Market review

During 2007, good growth in magazine paper demand in Europe continued, partly 
driven by a strong increase in demand in Eastern Europe. Demand for coated and 
uncoated magazine paper increased by about 4% from that of 2006. Export of 
magazine paper from Europe declined from the previous year by about 11%. The 
average market price for magazine papers in Europe decreased and was 3% down 
from last year's figure. In North America, demand for magazine paper increased 
by approximately 5%. In North America, average USD prices for magazine papers 
were about 6% lower, although they started to recover after the summer.

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                      2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006  
Sales, EUR million     378   365   379   348   380   360   351   345 
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  79    91   100    92    89    98    86    72   
% of sales            20.9  24.9  26.4  26.4  23.4  27.2  24.5  20.9  
Depreciation,          -48   -47   -47   -48   -48   -48   -47   -47  
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,       36    44    53    44    39    50    34    25   
EUR million
% of sales             9.5  12.1  14.0  12.6  10.3  13.9   9.7   7.2  
Special items, EUR       5     -     -     -    -2     -    -5     -     
million 2)
Operating profit        31    44    53    44    41    50    39    25   
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales             8.2  12.1  14.0  12.6  10.8  13.9  11.1   7.2  
Deliveries, 1,000t     702   667   683   630   697   666   660   654 

                         Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/
                           2007     2006    2005
Sales, EUR million        1,470    1,436   1,308
EBITDA, EUR million 1)      362      345     275
% of sales                 24.6     24.0    21.0
Depreciation,              -190     -190    -198
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,           177      148      77
EUR million
% of sales                 12.0     10.3     5.9
Special items, EUR            5       -7      -5
million 2)
Operating profit            172      155      82
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales                 11.7     10.8     6.3
Deliveries, 1,000t        2,682    2,677   2,592
Capital employed          1,872    1,921   1,900
(average), EUR million                                              
ROCE (excl. special         9.2      8.1     4.3
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges and excluding special items.
2) Special items in the fourth quarter of 2007 include an income of EUR 5 
million related mainly to other restructuring measures. Special items booked
for 2006 relate mainly to the profitability programme.

Q4 of 2007 compared with Q4 of 2006

For Newsprint, operating profit, excluding special items, decreased to EUR 31 
million (EUR 41 million). Sales were EUR 378 million (EUR 380 million). Paper 
deliveries amounted to 702,000 tonnes (697,000 tonnes).

Profitability decreased from the previous year. This was due to higher 
deliveries to overseas markets and a stronger euro against USD and GBP. The 
average price for all newsprint deliveries, when translated into euros, was 
slightly down on the corresponding quarter in 2006. Costs remained about the 
same as the cost increase of wood and recycled paper was offset mainly by lower 
energy costs.

2007 compared with 2006

Operating profit, excluding special items, for Newsprint was EUR 172 million, 
EUR 17 million higher than a year ago (EUR 155 million). Sales were EUR 1,470 
million (EUR 1,436 million). Paper deliveries were about the same as last year 
at 2,682,000 tonnes (2,677,000 tonnes).

The main contributor to the improved profitability was the higher price of 
newsprint. The average price for all newsprint deliveries when translated into 
euros was over 2% higher than a year ago. The contract prices in Europe 
increased by 4-5%, but overseas prices declined. Recycled paper and wood costs 
increased clearly but were mainly offset by cost savings from energy 

In December, UPM announced a plan for production curtailments of 250,000 tonnes 
by closing temporarily PM4 in Kajaani, Finland and PM4 in Steyrermühl, Austria 
during 2008.

Market review

The demand for standard and improved newsprint was flat in Europe when compared 
with last year. Partly due to the strong euro, the prices in Europe compared to 
overseas deliveries were higher. Consequently imports to Europe increased and 
exports from Europe decreased. The average market price for standard newsprint 
was about 5% higher in Europe than a year ago.

As a response to weaker market balance, capacity closures and production 
curtailments were announced.

Fine and Speciality Papers
                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                      2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006  
Sales, EUR million     718   694   686   699   667   626   627   640 
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  66    82    92    85   104   106    76    82   
% of sales             9.2  11.8  13.4  12.2  15.6  16.9  12.1  12.8  
Depreciation,          -54   -53   -53   -53   -56   -55   -71   -55  
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,       12    29    39    32    44    50   -13    27   
EUR million
% of sales             1.7   4.2   5.7   4.6   6.6   8.0  -2.1   4.2   
Special items, EUR       -     -     -     -    -3    -2   -36     -     
million 2)
Operating profit        12    29    39    32    47    52    23    27   
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales             1.7   4.2   5.7   4.6   7.0   8.3   3.7   4.2   
Deliveries, 1,000t     977   954   960   968   907   878   884   881 

                      Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/
                        2007     2006     2005
Sales, EUR million     2,797    2,560    2,234
EBITDA, EUR million 1)   325      368      309
% of sales              11.6     14.4     13.8
Depreciation,           -213     -237     -224
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,        112      108       85
EUR million
% of sales               4.0      4.2      3.8
Special items, EUR         -      -41       -8
million 2)
Operating profit         112      149       93
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales               4.0      5.8      4.2
Deliveries, 1,000t     3,859    3,550    3,060
Capital employed       2,821    2,760    2,843
(average), EUR million                                              
ROCE (excl. special      4.0      5.4      3.3
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges and excluding special items.
2) In 2006, special items include personnel and impairment charges related to 
the profitability programme.

Q4 of 2007 compared with Q4 of 2006

The operating profit, excluding special items, for Fine and Speciality Papers 
came to EUR 12 million, which is EUR 35 million less than last year (EUR 47 
million). Sales increased from EUR 667 million to EUR 718 million. Paper 
deliveries increased by 8% to 977,000 (907,000) tonnes.

The profitability of the division weakened mainly as a result of higher wood 
and pulp costs. The average price for all fine and speciality paper deliveries 
when translated into euros was about 1% higher than a year ago. The increase in 
deliveries resulted from the improved operational efficiency.

2007 compared with 2006

The operating profit, excluding special items, for Fine and Speciality Papers 
was EUR 112 million, EUR 37 million lower than last year (EUR 149 million). 
Sales increased from EUR 2,560 million to EUR 2,797 million. Paper deliveries 
increased to 3,859,000 tonnes, 9% higher than a year ago (3,550,000 tonnes).

Profitability decreased mainly as a result of higher fibre costs. The average 
price increase for all deliveries when translated into euros was about 1% up. A 
stronger euro compared to USD affected mainly label papers, where the prices in 
USD were unchanged. Deliveries increased as a result of efficiency 
improvements, even though substantial closures of capacity took place during 
2006 and 2007.

To curtail production, UPM decided in December 2007 to close temporarily two 
label paper machines for 3 months in Finland, one in Tervasaari (PM5) and the 
other in Jämsänkoski (PM4).

Market review

When compared to the corresponding period last year, the demand in Europe for 
coated fine paper increased by about 2% while that for uncoated fine paper 
remained the same. Imports of fine papers to Europe increased markedly. The 
average market price for coated fine paper in Europe was flat and started to 
decrease towards the end of the year. The average price for uncoated fine paper 
reels was about 7% higher than last year after the steady increase during 2007. 
In Asia, demand and prices for fine paper increased from last year. The good 
demand for packaging papers continued. Growth in demand for label papers slowed 
down from the previous year.

Label Materials

                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                      2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006  
Sales, EUR million     249   252   260   261   251   240   245   251 
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  15    18    21    26    25    20    24    24    
% of sales             6.0   7.1   8.1  10.0  10.0   8.3   9.8   9.6   
Depreciation,           -9    -8    -8    -8    -8    -9    -8    -7   
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,       10    10    13    18    17    11    16    17    
EUR million
% of sales             4.0   4.0   5.0   6.9   6.8   4.6   6.5   6.8   
Special items, EUR       4     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     
Operating profit         6    10    13    18    17    11    16    17    
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales             2.4   4.0   5.0   6.9   6.8   4.6   6.5   6.8   

                       Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/
                         2007     2006     2005
Sales, EUR million      1,022      987      859
EBITDA, EUR million 1)     80       93       71
% of sales                7.8      9.4      8.3
Depreciation,             -33      -32      -30
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,          51       61       41
EUR million
% of sales                5.0      6.2      4.8
Special items, EUR          4        -        -
Operating profit           47       61       41
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales                4.6      6.2      4.8
Capital employed          439      388      368
(average), EUR million 
ROCE (excl. special      10.8     15.7     11.1
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges and excluding special items.
2) Special items in the fourth quarter of 2007 include an income of EUR 4 
million related to other restructuring measures.

Q4 of 2007 compared with Q4 of 2006

The operating profit, excluding special items, for Label Materials was EUR 6 
million (EUR 17 million). Sales were EUR 249 million (EUR 251 million).

The division's profitability was clearly lower than last year due to slightly 
lower average prices, the stronger euro against USD and expansion costs. 
Delivery volumes of self-adhesive label materials grew in the European and 
North American markets. In Asia, volumes increased due to the start-up of the 
new factory in China at the end of 2006 and the opening of new distribution 
terminals in the region. For RFID, the sales growth continued to be strong.

2007 compared with 2006

Label Materials' operating profit, excluding special items, was EUR 47 million 
(EUR 61 million). Sales increased to EUR 1,022 million (EUR 987 million).

The profitability of the division decreased from the previous year. Sales 
growth was impacted by the strengthening of the euro, slightly lower prices and 
a change in the product and market mix. The cost of raw materials was stable 
but operating costs increased as a result of rapid expansion. In the RFID 
business, strong growth in volumes continued.

In April, UPM announced that a new self-adhesive label materials factory will 
be built in Wroclaw-Kobierzyce, Poland. In December, an announcement was made 
on the closure of three label lines in Tampere, Finland, and of one in 
Melbourne, Australia.

Market review

In Europe, the good demand continued in the first half of the year, but the 
first signs of a slowdown were visible during the second half. In North 
America, demand for self-adhesive label materials was unchanged in the first 
half of the year but improved slightly during the second half. In the 
Asia-Pacific region, demand continued to grow at a healthy rate. For RFID, the 
retail, logistics and mass transit markets were the strongest in Europe, while 
the media management, especially the library sector, showed the strongest 
growth in the USA.

Wood Products
                       Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                      2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006  
Sales, EUR million     297   262   326   314   287   310   378   346 
EBITDA, EUR million 1)  26     8    51    42    24    22    33    25   
% of sales             8.8   3.1  15.6  13.4   8.4   7.1   8.7   7.2  
Depreciation,          -11   -10   -11   -10   -10   -11   -11   -11   
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,       21    -2    41    32    14   104    22     4    
EUR million
% of sales             7.1  -0.8  12.6  10.2   4.9  33.5   5.8   1.2   
Special items, EUR       6     -     -     -     -    93     -   -10     
million 2)
Operating profit        15    -2    41    32    14    11    22    14    
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales             5.1  -0.8  12.6  10.2   4.9   3.5   5.8   4.0   
Deliveries, plywood    239   204   247   255   243   205   232   251   
1,000 m3
Deliveries, sawn       520   480   637   587   598   517   622   580 
timber 1,000 m3

                       Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/
                         2007     2006     2005
Sales, EUR million      1,199    1,321    1,290
EBITDA, EUR million 1)    127      104       86
% of sales               10.6      7.9      6.7
Depreciation,             -42      -43      -75
amortisation and 
impairment charges, EUR million
Operating profit,          92      144        6
EUR million
% of sales                7.7     10.9      0.5
Special items, EUR          6       83      -32
million 2)
Operating profit           86       61       38
excl. special 
items, EUR million
% of sales                7.2      4.6      2.9
Deliveries, plywood       945      931      827
1,000 m3
Deliveries, sawn        2,224    2,317    1,883
timber 1,000 m3
Capital employed          577      616      660
(average), EUR million 
ROCE (excl. special      15.0      9.9      5.8
items), %

1) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges and excluding special items.
2) Special items in the fourth quarter of 2007 include a gain of EUR 6 million 
on sale of estate assets. Special items in the first quarter of 2006 include a 
loss of EUR 10 million from the sale of the Loulay plywood mill, and in the 
third quarter, a capital gain of EUR 93 million on the sale of Puukeskus.

Q4 of 2007 compared with Q4 of 2006

The operating profit, excluding special items, for Wood Products was EUR 15 
million (EUR 14 million). Sales increased to EUR 297 million (EUR 287 million). 
Plywood deliveries were 239,000 (243,000) cubic metres in volume and sawn 
timber deliveries 520,000 (598,000) cubic metres.

The profitability of Wood Products improved. Higher prices more than offset the 
strong increase in the cost of wood. The profitability of plywood was better 
than the previous year. Availability of birch logs was tight, causing less 
optimal use of production capacity. Sawmilling profitability weakened clearly 
from last year. The market balance for sawn timber weakened, causing a decline 
in timber prices.

2007 compared with 2006

The operating profit, excluding special items, for Wood Products was EUR 86 
million, EUR 25 million higher than last year (EUR 61 million). Sales were EUR 
1,199 million (EUR 1,321 million). Excluding Puukeskus Oy, which was sold in 
August 2006, sales increased from last year. Plywood deliveries were 945,000 
(931,000) cubic metres and sawn timber deliveries 2,224,000 (2,317,000) cubic 

The profitability of both plywood and sawn timber improved as the prices were 
higher and efficiency improved. Wood costs started to increase rapidly in the 
spring, which together with the deteriorating market balance weakened the 
profitability of sawmilling in the second half of the year.

As a result of the weakening raw material supply situation, UPM decided on 17 
October to close down the Keuruu Veneer mill in Finland. The operations will 
cease in spring 2008. On 17 December, UPM announced that it will start 
negotiations with employees on the possible closure of the timber components 
and planing mill in Luumäki, Finland.

Market review

During 2007, birch plywood demand continued to be strong and prices increased. 
Demand for spruce plywood and veneers remained solid and prices increased 
slightly. In the first half of the year, redwood and whitewood sawn timber 
demand was strong and prices increased. After summer, the markets slowed down 
first for whitewood - partly due to the new capacity - and then during the last 
quarter also for redwood. Sawn timber inventories increased in the main 
markets. In the beginning of the year, the supply of logs was tight but the 
situation normalised for all wood species except birch. The prices of logs were 
considerably higher than a year ago.

Other Operations

EUR million             Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                       2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006  
Sales 1)               188   173   214   234   224   206   189   204   
EBITDA 2)               67    51    32    60    69    27    33    70   
Depreciation,          -31    -6    -5   -10    -8    -9    -9    -6   
amortisation and 
impairment charges
Operating profit                                                          
Forestry 3)             61    43    34    28    23    20   -82    20   
Energy Department,      42    23    19    28    36     -    18    40   
Other and               20     -    59    -9   -10   -18    28    -5    
Operating profit,      123    66   112    47    49     2   -36    55   
Special items 4)        10     -    71     -    -6    -1    41    -5    
Operating profit,      113    66    41    47    55     3   -77    60   
excluding special items

EUR million            Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/
                         2007    2006     2005
Sales 1)                 809      823      970
EBITDA 2)                210      199      178
Depreciation,            -52      -32      -37
amortisation and 
impairment charges
Operating profit                
Forestry 3)              166      -19       64
Energy Department,       112       94      135
Other and                 70       -5      -55
Operating profit,        348       70      144
Special items 4)          81       29      -31
Operating profit,        267       41      175
excluding special items
Capital employed       3,220    3,395    3,484
at the end of period 
(including associated companies)                                                

1) Includes sales outside the Group.
2) EBITDA is operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment 
charges, excluding the change in value of biological assets and special items.
3) The fourth quarter of 2007 includes an increase of EUR 47 million in the 
fair value of biological assets and wood harvested. The second quarter of 2006 
includes a change of EUR 102 million of the decrease in the fair value of 
biological assets and wood harvested.
4) Special items in the second quarter of 2007 include capital gains of EUR 42 
million related to the sale of UPM-Asunnot and EUR 29 million related to the 
sale of Walki Wisa. In the fourth quarter, special items include a capital gain 
of EUR 58 million on the sale of port operators Rauma Stevedoring and Botnia 
Shipping, compensation charge of EUR 12 million related to class-action 
lawsuits in US, impairment charges of EUR 31 million related mainly to 
Miramichi's forestry and sawmilling operations, and other restructuring costs 
of EUR 5 million. Special items in 2006 include in the first quarter the 
donation of EUR 5 million to UPM-Kymmene Cultural Foundation, and in the second 
quarter the capital gain of EUR 41 million for the sale of the Group head 
office real estate.

Q4 of 2007 compared with Q4 of 2006

Excluding special items, the operating profit for Other Operations was EUR 113 
million (EUR 55 million). Sales amounted to EUR 188 million (EUR 224 million).

The operating profit of forestry was EUR 61 million (EUR 23 million). The 
price of wood increased significantly. The cost of wood raw material 
harvested from the Group's forests was EUR 27 million (EUR 27 million) and 
the increase in the fair value of biological assets (growing trees) was 
EUR 74 million (EUR 22 million).

The operating profit of the Energy Department in Finland was EUR 42 million 
(EUR 36 million). Availability of hydropower was very good and on a higher 
level than the previous year. The price of electricity in Nord Pool was lower 
than last year.

2007 compared with 2006

Excluding special items, the operating profit of Other Operations was EUR 267 
million (EUR 41 million). Sales were EUR 809 million (EUR 823 million).

The operating profit of forestry was EUR 166 million (EUR -19 million). The 
cost of wood raw material harvested from the Group's forests was EUR 116 
million (EUR 107 million). The increase in the fair value of biological 
assets (growing trees) was EUR 195 million (decrease of EUR 19 million).

The price of wood increased markedly. The availability of wood was weak at the 
beginning of the year due to unusually warm and rainy weather in Finland and 
Russia, which made it more difficult to reach the felling sites. The 
authorities in Russia increased the export duties for round wood in July to 
EUR 10 per m3 from EUR 4. Fellings from own forests remained on a high level.

The operating profit of the Energy Department in Finland was EUR 112 million 
(EUR 94 million). The good availability of hydropower and the decrease in 
emission right prices reduced the costs of electricity generation. On the 
other hand, electricity prices in Nord Pool were significantly lower than in 
the previous year.

The sale of the real estate company UPM-Asunnot was concluded in April.

The sale of WalkiWisa was concluded in June.

In October, UPM sold port operators Rauma Stevedoring Ltd and Botnia Shipping 
Ltd to Babcock & Brown Infrastructure (BBI) for approximately EUR 90 million.

Associated companies and joint ventures

EUR million             Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/   Q4/   Q3/   Q2/   Q1/
                       2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006  
Share of result after tax
Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab       6    19    12    21    18    24    13    14    
Pohjolan Voima Oy       -4    -5    -5     -    -9    -7    -5     7   
Other                    -     -    -1     -     -     1     -     5    
Total                    2    14     6    21     9    18     8    26    

EUR million         Q1-Q4/   Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/
                      2007     2006    2005                              
Share of result after tax
Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab      58       69      36
Pohjolan Voima Oy      -14      -14       -
Other                   -1        6       5
Total                   43       61      41

                        Q4/    Q3/    Q2/    Q1/    Q4/    Q3/    Q2/    Q1/
                       2007   2007   2007   2007   2006   2006   2006   2006
Magazine papers,      1,238  1,266  1,189  1,155  1,288  1,227  1,148  1,098
1,000 t
Newsprint, 1,000 t      702    667    683    630    697    666    660    654
Fine and speciality     977    954    960    968    907    878    884    881
papers, 1,000 t
Converting papers, 1,000 t
Paper deliveries      2,917  2,887  2,832  2,753  2,892  2,771  2,692  2,633
Wood products deliveries
Plywood, 1,000 m3       239    204    247    255    243    205    232    251
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3   537    505    666    617    621    557    663    616

                     Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/
                       2007   2006   2005
Magazine papers,      4,848  4,761  4,486
1,000 t
Newsprint, 1,000 t    2,682  2,677  2,592
Fine and speciality   3,859  3,550  3,060
papers, 1,000 t
Converting papers,                     34
1,000 t
Paper deliveries     11,389 10,988 10,172
Wood products deliveries
Plywood, 1,000 m3       945    931    827
Sawn timber, 1,000 m3 2,325  2,457  2,016

Helsinki, 5 February 2008
UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Board of Directors

Financial information

This financial review is unaudited

Consolidated income statement

EUR million             Q4/    Q4/ Q1-Q4/ Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/
                       2007   2006   2007   2006    2005
Sales                 2,512  2,583 10,035 10,022   9,348
Other operating          87     20    200    231     117
Costs and expenses   -2,270 -2,141 -8,650 -8,514  -8,092
Change in fair           47     -5     79   -126      34
value of biological assets
and wood harvested
Share of results of       2      9     43     61      41
associated companies 
and joint ventures
Depreciation,          -236   -219 -1,224 -1,138  -1,130
amortisation and 
impairment charges
Operating profit        142    247    483    536     318
Gains on                  -     -2      2     -2      90
investments, net
Exchange rate and        -4      4     -2     18      -4
fair value gains and losses
Interest and other      -46    -46   -191   -185    -147
finance costs, net
Profit before tax        92    203    292    367     257
Income taxes            -63     -8   -211    -29       4
Profit for the period    29    195     81    338     261
Attributable to:                                       
Equity holders of        32    196     85    340     263
the parent company
Minority interest        -3     -1     -4     -2      -2
                         29    195     81    338     261
Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders of
the parent company
Basic earnings per     0.06   0.37   0.16   0.65    0.50
share, EUR
Diluted earnings       0.06   0.38   0.16   0.65    0.50
per share, EUR

Consolidated balance sheet
EUR million                     31.12.2007 31.12.2006 
Non-current assets                                   
Goodwill                             1,163      1,514
Other intangible assets                392        461
Property, plant and  equipment       6,179      6,500
Investment property                     14         30
Biological assets                    1,095      1,037
Investments in associated            1,193      1,177
companies and joint ventures
Available-for-sale investments         116        127
Non-current financial assets            82         74
Deferred tax  assets                   284        362
Other non-current  assets              121         73

                                    10,639     11,355
Current assets                                       
Inventories                          1,342      1,255
Trade and other receivables          1,717      1,657
Income tax receivables                  18          3
Cash and cash  equivalents             237        199
                                     3,314      3,114
Total assets                        13,953     14,469
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital                          890        890
Share premium reserve                    -        826
Translation differences               -158        -89
Fair value and other reserves          193        278
Reserve for invested                 1,067          -
non-restricted equity
Retained earnings                    4,778      5,366
                                     6,770      7,271
Minority interest                       13         18
Total equity                         6,783      7,289

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities               745        790
Retirement benefit obligations         441        427
Provisions                             171        187
Interest-bearing liabilities         3,384      3,353
Other liabilities                       12         13
                                     4,753      4,770
Current liabilities
Current interest-bearing               931        992
Trade and other payables             1,443      1,399
Income tax payables                     43         19
                                     2,417      2,410
Total liabilities                    7,170      7,180
Total equity and liabilities        13,953     14,469

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

EUR million              Attributable to equity holders of the parent
                          Share      Share   Treasury    Transl-       Fair
                        capital    premium     shares      ation  value and
                                   reserve           differences      other
Balance at 1                890        826         -3        -34        233
January 2006
Translation differences       -          -          -        -63          -
Other items                   -          -          -          -         -2
Net investment hedge,         -          -          -          8          -
net of tax
Cash flow hedges                                                           
fair value  gains/losses,     -          -          -          -         45
net of tax
transfers from equity,        -          -          -          -         -5
net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value gains/losses,      -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
transfers to income           -          -          -          -          -
statement, net of tax
Profit of the period          -          -          -          -          -
Total recognised income       -          -          -        -55         38
and expence for the period
Reissuance of treasury        -          -          3          -          -
Share-based compensation      -          -          -          -          7
Dividend paid                 -          -          -          -          -
Business combinations         -          -          -          -          -
Total of other changes        -          -          3          -          7
in equity
Balance at 31               890        826          -        -89        278
December 2006
Translation differences       -          -          -        -69          -
Net investment hedge,         -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
Cash flow hedges                                                           
fair value gains/losses,      -          -          -          -         68
net of tax
transfers from equity,        -          -          -          -        -41
net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value gains/losses,      -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
transfers to income           -          -          -          -         -1
statement, net of tax
Profit of the period          -          -          -          -          -
Total recognised income       -          -          -        -69         26
and expence for the period
Share options exercised       -          -          -          -          -
Acquisition of                -          -       -266          -          -
treasury shares
Cancellation of               -          -        266          -          -
treasury shares
Share-based compensation,     -          -          -          -         13
net of tax
Dividend paid                 -          -          -          -          -
Business combinations         -          -          -          -          -
Transfers and others          -       -826          -          -       -124
Total of other                -       -826          -          -       -111
changes in equity
Balance at 31               890          -          -       -158        193
December 2007

EUR million          Attributable to equity holders 
                               of the parent
                        Reserve   Retained      Total   Minority      Total
                   for invested   earnings              interest     equity
                 non-restricted         1)
Balance at 1                         5,415      7,327         21      7,348
January 2006
Translation differences       -          -        -63          -        -63
Other items                   -          2          -          -          -
Net investment hedge,         -          -          8          -          8
net of tax
Cash flow hedges                                                           
fair value gains/losses,      -          -         45          -         45
net of tax
transfers from equity,        -          -         -5          -         -5
net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value gains/losses,      -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
transfers to income           -          -          -          -          -
statement, net of tax
Profit of the period          -        340        340         -2        338
Total recognised income       -        342        325         -2        323
and expence for the period 
Reissuance of treasury        -          1          4          -          4
Share-based compensation      -          -          7          -          7
Dividend paid                 -       -392       -392          -       -392
Business compensations        -          -          -         -1         -1
Total of other changes        -       -391       -381         -1       -382
in equity
Balance at 31                 -      5,366      7,271         18      7,289
December 2006
Translation differences       -          -        -69          -        -69
Net investment hedge,         -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
Cash flow hedges                                                           
fair value gains/losses,      -          -         68          -         68
net of tax
transfers from equity,        -          -        -41          -        -41
net of tax
Available-for-sale investments
fair value gains/losses,      -          -          -          -          -
net of tax
transfers to income           -          -         -1          -         -1
statement, net of tax
Profit of the period          -         85         85         -4         81
Total recognised income       -         85         42         -4         38
and expence for the period 
Share options exercised      104          -        104          -        104
Acquisition of                -          -       -266          -       -266
treasury shares
Cancellation of               -       -266          -          -          -
treasury shares
Share-based  compensation,    -          -         13          -         13
net of tax
Dividend paid                 -       -392       -392          -       -392
Business compensations        -          -          -         -1         -1
Transfers and others        963        -15         -2          -         -2
Total of other            1,067       -673       -543         -1       -544
changes in equity
Balance at 31             1,067      4,778      6,770         13      6,783
December 2007

Cash flow statement
1.1. - 31.12.           
EUR million                           2007       2006       2005
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit for the period                   81        338        261
Adjustments to profit for the        1,390      1,195      1,125
period 1)
Interest received                        4          9         15
Interest paid                         -191       -187       -156
Dividends received                      23         16         21
Other financial items, net             -72        -18        -86
Income taxes paid                     -164       -159        -93
Change in working capital 2)          -204         21       -234
Net cash provided                      867      1,215        853
by operating activities
Cash flow from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiary shares,        -          -         -6
net of cash
Acquisition of shares in               -25        -68         -5
associated companies
Acquisition of available-for-sale        -          -        -22
Capital expenditure                   -673       -635       -690
Proceeds from disposal of              205        203        200
subsidiary shares,net of cash
Proceeds from disposal of shares         2         52         16
in associated companies
Proceeds from disposal of                3          3        284
available-for-sale investments
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets      71        108         47
Proceeds from long-term receivables      1         23         25
Increase in long-term receivables       -9          -         -7
Net cash used in investing activities -425       -314       -158
Cash flow from financing activities
Proceeds from long-term liabilities    965        415        178
Payments of long-term liabilities     -879       -574       -641
Proceeds from (payment of)              66       -398        262
short-term borrowings, net
Share options exercised                104          -         78
Dividends paid                        -392       -392       -388
Purchase of own shares                -266          -       -151
Other financing cash flow                -         -2         74
Net cash used in                      -402       -951       -588
financing activities
Change in cash and cash                 40        -50        107
Cash and cash equivalents at the       199        251        142
beginning of year
Foreign exchange effect on cash         -2         -2          2
Change in cash and cash equivalents     40        -50        107
Cash and cash equivalents              237        199        251
at year-end
Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement
1) Adjustments to net profit
Taxes                                  211         29         -4
Depreciation, amortisation and       1,224      1,138      1,130
impairment charges
Share of results in associated         -43        -61        -41
companies and joint ventures
Profits and losses on sale of         -157       -157        -48
fixed assets and investments
Gains on available-for-sale             -2          2        -90
investments, net
Finance costs, net                     193        167        151
Rosenlew cartel fine                     -        -57          -
Other adjustments                      -36        134         27
                                     1,390      1,195      1,125

2) Change in working capital
Inventories                           -152        -60       -124
Current receivables                   -129        -69       -130
Current non-interest bearing            77        150         20
                                      -204         21       -234

Quarterly information
EUR million               Q4/07      Q3/07      Q2/07      Q1/07      Q4/06 
Sales by segment 1)
Magazine Papers             811        847        798        793        905
Newsprint                   378        365        379        348        380
Fine and Speciality Papers  718        694        686        699        667
Label Materials             249        252        260        261        251
Wood Products               297        262        326        314        287
Other Operations            188        173        214        234        224
Internal sales             -129       -126       -126       -130       -131
Sales, total              2,512      2,467      2,537      2,519      2,583
Operating profit by segment 1)
Magazine Papers             -62         34       -339         27         75
Newsprint                    36         44         53         44         39
Fine and Speciality Papers   12         29         39         32         44
Label Materials              10         10         13         18         17
Wood Products                21         -2         41         32         14
Other Operations            123         66        112         47         49
Share of results of           2         14          6         21          9
associated companies and joint ventures
Operating profit            142        195        -75        221        247
(loss), total
% of sales                  5.7        7.9       -3.0        8.8        9.6
Gains on available-for-sale   -          -          -          2         -2
investments, net
Exchange rate and            -4         -9          8          3          4
fair value gains and losses
Interest and other          -46        -42        -54        -49        -46
finance costs, net
Profit (loss) before tax     92        144       -121        177        203
Income taxes                -63        -25        -77        -46         -8
Profit (loss) for the period 29        119       -198        131        195
Basic earnings per         0.06       0.23      -0.38       0.25       0.37
share, EUR
Diluted earnings           0.06       0.23      -0.38       0.25       0.38
per share, EUR
Average number of       514,085    527,012    527,111    523,261    523,258
shares basic (1,000)
Average number of       515,322    529,530    530,980    527,086    526,416
shares diluted (1,000)
Special items in operating profit 
Special items in operating profit are specified in the divisionalreviews on 
pages 7-12.
Magazine Papers             -77          -       -371          -          6
Newsprint                     5          -          -          -         -2
Fine and Speciality Papers    -          -          -          -         -3
Label Materials               4          -          -          -          -
Wood Products                 6          -          -          -          -
Other Operations             10          -         71          -         -6
Share of results of           -          -          -          -          -
associated companies and joint ventures
Special items in            -52          -       -300          -         -5
operating profit, total
Special items reported        -          -          -          -          6
after operating profit
Special items               -39          -        -32          -         35
reported in taxes
Special items, total        -91          -       -332          -         36

Operating profit,           194        195        225        221        252
excl. special items
% of sales                  7.7        7.9        8.9        8.8        9.8
Profit before tax,          144        144        179        177        202
excl. special items
% of sales                  5.7        5.8        7.1        7.0        7.8
Earnings per share,        0.24       0.23       0.28       0.25       0.30
excl. special items, EUR
Return on equity,           7.1        6.9        8.5        7.3        8.7
excl. special items, %
Return on capital           6.9        6.8        8.3        7.9        8.7
employed, excl. special items, %

1) Segment classification has been changed, see page 2.

EUR million            Q3/06   Q2/06   Q1/06  Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/    
                                                  07      06      05
Sales by segment 1)
Magazine Papers          861     817     771   3,249   3,354   3,094
Newsprint                360     351     345   1,470   1,436   1,308
Fine and Speciality      626     627     640   2,797   2,560   2,234
Label Materials          240     245     251   1,022     987     859
Wood Products            310     378     346   1,199   1,321   1,290
Other Operations         206     189     204     809     823     970
Internal sales          -108    -123     -97    -511    -459    -407
Sales, total           2,495   2,484   2,460  10,035  10,022   9,348
Operating profit by segment 1)
Magazine Papers          -62     -85      16    -340     -56     -76
Newsprint                 50      34      25     177     148      77
Fine and Speciality       50     -13      27     112     108      85
Label Materials           11      16      17      51      61      41
Wood Products            104      22       4      92     144       6
Other Operations           2     -36      55     348      70     144
Share of results of       18       8      26      43      61      41
associated companies and joint ventures
Operating profit         173     -54     170     483     536     318
(loss), total
% of sales               6.9    -2.2     6.9     4.8     5.3     3.4
Gains on available-for-    -       -       -       2      -2      90
sale investments, net
Exchange rate and         -3       5      12      -2      18      -4
fair value gains and losses
Interest and other       -41     -52     -46    -191    -185    -147
finance costs, net
Profit (loss)            129    -101     136     292     367     257
before tax
Income taxes              18      -2     -37    -211     -29       4
Profit (loss) for        147    -103      99      81     338     261
the period
Basic earnings per      0.29   -0.20    0.19    0.16    0.65    0.50
share, EUR
Diluted earnings        0.28   -0.20    0.19    0.16    0.65    0.50
per share, EUR
Average number of    523,256 523,256 523,108 522,867 523,220 522,029
shares basic (1,000)
Average number of    525,938 525,874 525,936 525,729 526,041 523,652
shares diluted (1,000)
Special items in operating profit
Special items in operating profit are specified in the divisional reviews 
on pages 7-12.
Magazine Papers         -126    -133       -    -448    -253    -173
Newsprint                  -      -5       -       5      -7      -5
Fine and Speciality       -2     -36       -       -     -41      -8
Label Materials            -       -       -       4       -       -
Wood Products             93       -     -10       6      83     -32
Other Operations          -1      41      -5      81      29     -31
Share of results of        -       -       -       -       -       9
associated companies and joint ventures
Special items in         -36    -133     -15    -352    -189    -240
operating profit, total
Special items reported     -       -       -       -       6      98
after operating profit
Special items             20     -29       -     -71      26      42
reported in taxes
Special items, total     -16    -162     -15    -423    -157    -100
Operating profit,        209      79     185     835     725     558
excl. special items
% of sales               8.4     3.2     7.5     8.3     7.2     6.0
Profit before tax,       165      32     151     644     550     399
excl. special items
% of sales               6.6     1.3     6.1     6.4     5.5     4.3
Earnings per share,     0.25    0.04    0.21    1.00    0.80    0.54
excl. special items, EUR
Return on equity,        7.2     1.1     6.1     7.4     5.7     3.8
excl. special items, %
Return on capital        7.1     2.7     6.4     7.4     6.2     4.5
employed, excl. special items, %

1) Segment classification has been changed, see page 2.

Changes in property, plant and equipment
EUR million         Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/
                      2007    2006

Book value at        6,500   7,316
beginning of period
Capital expenditure    644     604
Decreases              -96    -325
Depreciation          -752    -804
Impairment charges     -42    -243
Impairment reversal     12       -
Translation            -87     -48
difference and other changes
Book value at end    6,179   6,500
of period

Commitments and contingencies
EUR million            31.12.07   31.12.06
Own commitments                           
Mortgages                    90         92
On behalf of associated 
companies and joint ventures
Guarantees for loans         10         12
On behalf of others
Guarantees for loans          -          1
Other guarantees              3          5
Other own commitments
Leasing commitments          21         23
for the next 12 months
Leasing commitments          99         94
for subsequent periods
Other commitments            70         69

Capital commitments
EUR million          Completion Total cost  By 31.12.    Q1-Q4/ After31.12.
                                                 2006      2007       2007
Pulp mill rebuild,    June 2008        325         25       201         99
New Bioboiler,         Sep 2009         84          -        11         73
New Poland mill,       Nov 2008         90          -        23         67
UPM Raflatac
PM5 quality            May 2008         38          -        14         24
upgrade, Jämsänkoski
New USA mill, UPM    March 2008         75          8        51         16
Raflatac, Dixon

Notional amounts of derivative financial instruments
EUR million          31.12.2007 31.12.2006
Currency derivatives
Forward contracts         4,369      4,293
Options, bought              50         20
Options, written             60         10
Swaps                       529        570
Interest rate derivatives
Forward contracts         3,642      2,500
Swaps                     2,383      2,566
Other derivatives                         
Forward contracts            12         13
Swaps                         3         16

Related party (associated companies and joint ventures) transactions and 
EUR million          Q1-Q4/  Q1-Q4/
                       2007    2006
Sales to associated    130     136
Purchases from         500     448
associated companies
Non-current              -       -
receivables at end 
of period
Trade and other         29      20
receivables at end 
of period
Trade and other         42      23
payables at end of period

Key exchange rates for the euro at end of period
                     31.12.2007  30.9.2007  30.6.2007  31.3.2007 31.12.2006
USD                      1.4721     1.4179     1.3505     1.3318     1.3170
CAD                      1.4449     1.4122     1.4245     1.5366     1.5281
JPY                      164.93     163.55     166.63     157.32     156.93
GBP                      0.7334     0.6968     0.6740     0.6798     0.6715
SEK                      9.4415     9.2147     9.2525     9.3462     9.0404

                      30.9.2006  30.6.2006  31.3.2006
USD                      1.2660     1.2713     1.2104
CAD                      1.4136     1.4132     1.4084
JPY                      149.34     145.75     142.42
GBP                      0.6777     0.6921     0.6964
SEK                      9.2797     9.2385     9.4315

Basis of preparation

This unaudited financial report has been prepared in accordance with the 
accounting policies set out in International Accounting Standard 34 on Interim 
Financial Reporting and in the Group's Consolidated Financial Statements for 

The Group has adopted the following standard:

IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures, and a complementary amendment to IAS 
1 Presentation of Financial Statements - Capital Disclosures, effective for 
annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2007. IFRS 7 introduces new 
disclosures to improve the information about financial instruments. The 
amendment to IAS 1 introduces disclosures about how an entity manages its 
capital. Adoption of IFRS 7 and the amendment to IAS 1 will expand disclosures 
presented in the annual financial statements.

Calculation of key indicators

Return on equity, %:
Profit before tax - income taxes divided by Shareholders' equity (average)
x 100

Return on capital employed, %:
Profit before tax + interest expenses and other financial expenses 
divided by
Balance sheet total - non-interest-bearing liabilities (average)
x 100

Earnings per share:
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of parent company
divided by
Adjusted average number of shares during the period excluding own shares

It should be noted that certain statements herein, which are not historical 
facts, including, without limitation, those regarding expectations for market 
growth and developments; expectations for growth and profitability; and 
statements preceded by “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “foresees”, or 
similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. Since these statements are 
based on current plans, estimates and projections, they involve risks and 
uncertainties which may cause actual results to materially differ from those 
expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not 
limited to: (1) operating factors such as continued success of manufacturing 
activities and the achievement of efficiencies therein including the 
availability and cost of production inputs, continued success of product 
development, acceptance of new products or services by the Group's targeted 
customers, success of the existing and future collaboration arrangements, 
changes in business strategy or development plans or targets, changes in the 
degree of protection created by the Group's patents and other intellectual 
property rights, the availability of capital on acceptable terms; (2) industry 
conditions, such as strength of product demand, intensity of competition, 
prevailing and future global market prices for the Group's products and the 
pricing pressures thereto, financial condition of the customers and the 
competitors of the Group, the potential introduction of competing products and 
technologies by competitors; and (3) general economic conditions, such as 
rates of economic growth in the Group's principal geographic markets or 
fluctuations in exchange and interest rates. For more detailed information 
about risk factors, see pages 15-17 of the company's Annual Report 2006.

UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Pirkko Harrela
Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
Main media