2015-03-24 13:00:00 CET

2015-03-24 13:00:02 CET


Finnish English
Lemminkäinen - Company Announcement

Comparative figures for 2014 according to Lemminkäinen’s new business segment division



Lemminkäinen changed its reporting structure on 1 January 2015. The earlier
Infrastructure construction business segment was divided into two. The paving,
mineral aggregates and earthworks businesses were transferred to the new Paving
business segment. Foundation engineering, civil engineering and rock
engineering constitute the new Infra projects business segment. As of 1 January
2015, the reportable business segments are: Paving; Infra projects; Building
Construction, Finland; and Russian operations. The Group parent company, and
other operations and assets unallocated to the segments, such as building
construction in Sweden, an associated company engaged in the real estate rental
business called Finavo Oy as well as companies managing individual plots and
plants mainly outside Finland are reported as part of the Group's other

In addition, Lemminkäinen has changed its accounting principles for segment
reporting as of 1 January 2015. The company will in the future report the
operating capital for the Group and each segment. The operating capital
consists of property, plant and equipment, goodwill, other intangible assets
and net working capital. However, the net working capital allocated to the
segments excludes accrued personnel expenses and accrued interest, accruals
related to derivatives as well as accrued direct and indirect taxes. These
figures are reported separately as items unallocated to segments. 

The tables below present adjusted comparable figures for 2014 according to the
new segment division. The interim report for January-March 2015 will be
published according to the new structure. 

KEY FIGURES, CONTINUING OPERATIONS    1‒12/     1‒9/   1‒6/   1‒3/
EUR million                            2014     2014   2014   2014
Net sales, Group                    2,044.5  1,436.2  789.8  279.2
Paving                                907.5    671.3  303.8   60.0
Infra projects                        286.0    212.6  135.1   59.6
Building construction, Finland        539.0    373.0  251.1  115.9
Russian operations                    196.1    114.1   50.1   16.0
Other operations                      179.2    108.9   76.6   35.5
Group eliminations                    -63.3    -43.7  -27.0   -7.9
Depreciation and impairment, Group     44.4     33.3   17.3    6.0
Paving                                 30.0     22.5   10.8    2.8
Infra projects                          6.3      4.7    3.1    1.5
Building construction, Finland          0.3      0.2    0.1    0.1
Russian operations                      1.9      1.4    0.8    0.3
Other operations                        6.1      4.5    2.6    1.3
Operating profit, Group                36.3     36.2   -2.5  -17.3
Paving                                 32.2     27.0   -5.8  -20.1
Infra projects                          7.2      5.7    1.6    1.9
Building construction, Finland          9.3     12.3   12.0    6.1
Russian operations                     19.7      9.6   -1.0   -1.4
Other operations                      -32.2    -18.3   -9.2   -3.7
Operating margin, Group, %              1.8      2.5   -0.3   -6.2
Paving, %                               3.5      4.0   -1.9  -33.5
Infra projects, %                       2.5      2.7    1.2    3.2
Building construction, Finland, %       1.7      3.3    4.8    5.3
Russian operations, %                  10.1      8.4   -2.0   -8.8

KEY FIGURES, CONTINUING OPERATIONS  10‒12/   7‒9/   4‒6/   1‒3/
EUR million                           2014   2014   2014   2014
Net sales, Group                     608.3  646.4  510.5  279.2
Paving                               236.2  367.4  243.8   60.0
Infra projects                        73.4   77.4   75.5   59.6
Building construction, Finland       165.9  121.9  135.2  115.9
Russian operations                    82.0   64.0   34.1   16.0
Other operations                      70.3   32.3   41.0   35.5
Group eliminations                   -19.6  -16.7  -19.1   -7.9
Depreciation and impairment, Group    11.2   16.0   11.3    6.0
Paving                                 7.5   11.7    8.0    2.8
Infra projects                         1.6    1.6    1.6    1.5
Building construction, Finland         0.1    0.1    0.0    0.1
Russian operations                     0.5    0.6    0.5    0.3
Other operations                       1.6    1.9    1.3    1.3
Operating profit, Group                0.1   38.7   14.8  -17.3
Paving                                 5.2   32.8   14.3  -20.1
Infra projects                         1.5    4.1   -0.3    1.9
Building construction, Finland        -2.9    0.3    5.9    6.1
Russian operations                    10.2   10.6    0.4   -1.4
Other operations                     -13.9   -9.1   -5.5   -3.7
Operating margin, Group, %             0.0    6.0    2.9   -6.2
Paving, %                              2.2    8.9    5.9  -33.5
Infra projects, %                      2.1    5.3   -0.4    3.2
Building construction, Finland, %     -1.8    0.2    4.4    5.3
Russian operations, %                 12.4   16.6    1.2   -8.8

OPERATING CAPITAL                                                               
EUR million                                       12/201  9/2014  6/2014  3/2014
Paving                                             262.1   277.6   307.0   268.7
Infra projects                                      -0.9    22.6    17.6    17.4
Building construction, Finland                     303.7   283.6   297.9   285.7
Russian operations                                  68.4    91.7    93.6    88.0
Other operations                                    35.5    51.2    51.4    56.3
Technical building services, Finland (divested                              37.0
 on 13 June 2014)                                                               
Items unallocated to segments                      -78.4   -98.8   -70.5   -62.0
Group total                                        590.4   627.9   697.0   691.1

ORDER BOOK, CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                    
EUR million                        12/2014   9/2014   6/2014   3/2014
Paving                               334.3    411.7    649.8    527.2
Infra projects                       214.5    263.5    293.0    366.5
Building construction, Finland       687.1    845.9    653.0    556.6
Russian operations                    86.4    213.6    310.8    324.5
Other operations                     133.8    176.2    180.2    126.3
Group total                        1,456.1  1,910.9  2,086.8  1,901.2
- of which unsold                    188.7    307.8    313.1    323.5

PERSONNEL AT THE END OF PERIOD, CONTINUING                                      
Persons                                          12/2014  9/2014  6/2014  3/2014
Paving                                             2,225   3,291   3,385   2,309
Infra projects                                       439     432     477     430
Building construction, Finland                     1,038   1,105   1,236   1,152
Russian operations                                   635     723     812     804
Other operations and parent company                  411     456     578     556
Group total                                        4,748   6,007   6,488   5,251

Corporate Communications

Katri Sundström, Head of Investor Relations
Tel. + 358 2071 54813

Key media

Together with our customers we create conditions that make living, working and
travelling functional, safe and healthy. We operate in Northern Europe and
employ about 5,600 professionals. In 2014, our net sales were about EUR 2.0
billion. Lemminkäinen Corporation's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Nordic
Exchange Helsinki. www.lemminkainen.com