2016-10-03 19:06:35 CEST

2016-10-03 19:06:35 CEST


Islandic English
Orkuveita Reykjavíkur - Company Announcement

Strengthened Finances, Increased Investments and Decreased Tariffs

OR's Board of Directors Passes Financial Forecasts for 2017 and 2018-2022

Reykjavík, 2016-10-03 19:05 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Orkuveita Reykjavíkur’s
(OR; Reykjavík Energy) finances will continue to improve in the next years
despite considerable investments and lowering of tariffs January 1st 2017. 

This is the result of financial forecasts for years 2017 through 2022 which the
company’s Board of Directors passed today. Net debt will decrease by one-third
during the period. The forecasts are consolidated for OR and its subsidiaries,
the most significant of which are Veitur Utilities, ON Power and Reykjavik
Fibre Network. 

Lower Tariffs

The Plan which OR has operated by since 2011, expires at year-end 2016. The
prudence in operations The Plan has instilled, has become intrinsic to managers
and staff and a part of a new company-culture within the group. Customers will
benefit directly from this and from the beginning of year 2017 tariffs for
electricity distribution and potable water will be lowered. Cost-cutting in
these operations has improved the rate of return to the limit set by law. New
rates will be published in December. Veitur Utilities’ electric grid extends to
about one-half of the Icelandic population and its water works to about 40% of
Icelanders. Extensive investments in heating systems and sewerages don’t allow
reducing those tariffs. 

Dividends Forecast

As a part of The Plan, OR’s owners – The City of Reykjavík, The Township of
Akranes and the Municipality of Borgarbyggd – have not received dividends. In
the attached forecasts, dividend payments are foreseen in the year 2018. Before
dividends are paid, it has to be affirmed that OR’s finances meet the financial
conditions for payment of dividends that the owners unanimously agreed upon in
year 2015. Such payments also have to pass a stress-test. Finally, it is in the
hands of the owners at a general meeting to decide upon this. The forecasts
anticipate that dividends will gradually increase during the period as
servicing of loans decreases. 

Considerable investments

The renewal of mains in all utilities will be continued. Among them are
hot-water mains in the Capital Area, West-Iceland and South Iceland. Also,
important coupling points in the electric grid will be renewed, i.e.
sub-stations. The construction of new sewage systems in West-Iceland will, for
the most part, be concluded by year-end 2016 and investment in those systems
decrease. The fibre optic network will gradually be extended to remaining homes
in the Capital Area during the period of the forecasts. Urban areas of
Kópavogur will be fully connected by year-end 2017 and Hafnarfjördur and
Gardabær a year later, allowing every household to get a 1.000 MB/sec.
connection speed. 

Pressure drops in the geothermal reservoirs for Hellisheidarvirkjun call for
increased drilling during the forecasted period. Drilling investments are
estimated at ISK 20 billion for the next 6 years and additional ISK billion for
re-injection wells. The pipeline connecting the Hverahlid geothermal field to
the plant, commissioned in January 2016, now delivers the equivalent of 50MW of

Debt Decrease

Annual payments of debt and interests will amount from ISK 15 to 20 billion for
years 2017 through 2022. The investments forecast will be by majority financed
from cash-flow but also with new borrowing. The forecasts suppose that OR’s net
debt will decrease by over ISK 40 billion for the period or 32%. 

The net-debt/EBITDA ratio was 18 at year-end 2009, is forecast at 5.3 at
year-end 2016 and 2.7 at year-end 2022, according to the forecasts. 

OR’s Financial Forecast for year 2017 and long-term forecast for 2018-2022 are
now under consideration by the Reykjavík City Council as a part of the City’s
consolidated budget. 

Beyond Budgeting

In preparing this forecast, the companies within the OR group took further
steps towards strategic forecasting through the Beyond Budgeting method. That
involves simplifying traditional budget work, forecasts are more frequent
resulting in adjustments to existing budget. The method involves an increased
number of managers and other employees in the financial work, who base their
decisions on documented policies and clear goals. Accordingly, the attached
document is named OR Financial Forecast instead of OR Budget as in previous

         Mr. Bjarni Bjarnason
         Tel: +354 516 6100