2008-02-06 10:45:00 CET

2008-02-06 10:45:01 CET


Finnish English
Rautaruukki - Notice to general meeting


Rautaruukki Oyj		Stock Exchange release	6 Feb 2008 


The shareholders of Rautaruukki Corporation are hereby invited to attend the
Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 2 April 2008 at 10am in the
Congress Wing of the Helsinki Fair Centre, Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki. 

Payment of dividend

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that on the basis
of the adopted balance sheet for 2007, a dividend be paid of EUR 1.70 per share
and an extra dividend of EUR 0.30 per share, making a total dividend of EUR
2.00 per share. The dividend will be paid to shareholders entered as a
shareholder in the company's shareholder register maintained by the Finnish
Central Securities Depository Ltd at the record date. In accordance with the
Board of Directors' decision, the record date is 7 April 2008. The Board of
Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the dividend be paid on
16 April 2008. 

Business to be transacted at the meeting:

1. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting in accordance
with Article 12 of the company's Articles of Association and Chapter 5, Section
3 of the Limited Liability Companies Act 

2. Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board to acquire the company's
own shares 

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorises the
Board to resolve to acquire a maximum of 12,000,000 of the company's own
shares, by directed acquisition using the company's unrestricted equity, at the
prevailing market price on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki. The shares are to
be acquired for the purpose of developing the company's capital structure
and/or for use as consideration in potential acquisitions or in other business
arrangements of the company, to finance capital expenditure or to execute the
company's share-based incentive schemes. The company may retain, cancel or
transfer shares acquired for these purposes. The Board of Directors proposes
that the proposed authorisation replace the authorisation to acquire 12,000,000
shares granted by the Annual General Meeting of 20 March 2007 and which now
expires. The authorisation is valid for 18 months from the date of the decision
of Annual General Meeting. 

3. Proposal by shareholder Mr George Jauhiainen to abolish the Supervisory Board

4. Proposal by the Ownership Steering Department of the Prime Minister's Office
to establish a shareholders' Nomination Committee 

The Ownership Steering Department, representing the Finnish State as
shareholder, proposes that the Annual General Meeting establish a Nomination
Committee to prepare proposals for the following Annual General Meeting
regarding the composition of the Board of Directors and directors'
remuneration. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is elected to the
Committee as an expert member together with a representative from each of the
three largest shareholders. The right to appoint members to the Nomination
Committee to represent shareholders is vested in the three shareholders having
the largest share of votes of the votes afforded by all the company's shares as
at 3 November preceding the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee
will present its proposal to the company's Board of Directors by no later than
2 February preceding the Annual General Meeting. 

5. Composition of the Board of Directors

The shareholders' Nomination Committee of Rautaruukki proposes to the Annual
General Meeting that six members be elected to the Board of Directors in
addition to its chairman and deputy chairman. The Committee proposes that Jukka
Viinanen, Reino Hanhinen, Maarit Aarni-Sirviö, Jukka Härmälä, Christer
Granskog, Pirkko Juntti, Kalle J. Korhonen and Liisa Leino all be re-elected
for a further term of office lasting one year from the 2008 Annual General
Meeting to the close of the 2009 Annual General Meeting. The Nomination
Committee further proposes that Mr Jukka Viinanen and Mr Reino Hanhinen be
re-elected as chairman and deputy chairman of the Board of Directors
respectively. The Committee proposes that the chairman of the Board of
Directors be paid a monthly fee of EUR 5,600, the deputy chairman a monthly fee
of EUR 3,500 and members a monthly fee of EUR 2,700, together with an
attendance fee of EUR 600 for Board of Directors' meetings and Board of
Directors' committee meetings. 

6. Election of the auditor

Based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors
proposes that the audit firm of KPMG Oy Ab, with KHT Pekka Pajamo as the
principal auditor, be elected as the company's auditor for a term of office
lasting until the close of the 2009 Annual General Meeting. 

Inspection of documents

Copies of the financial statements and the proposals by the Board of Directors
and shareholders will be available for inspection from Thursday 20 March 2008
at Rautaruukki Corporation's headquarters at Suolakivenkatu 1, 00810 Helsinki.
The annual report and other documents referred to may also be viewed on
Rautaruukki's website at www.ruukki.com. Copies of the documents will be sent
to shareholders on request and are also available at the Annual General

Right to attend and vote at the meeting

To attend the meeting, a shareholder must
1. be entered in the company's shareholder register maintained by the Finnish
Central Securities Depository Ltd by Thursday 20 March 2008, and 
2. have notified of his or her intention to attend the meeting by 4pm Finnish
time on Thursday 27 March 2008. 

A shareholder in whose name the shares are held is automatically on the
company's shareholder register. Nominee-registered shareholders can be
temporarily entered on the company's shareholder register, provided they do so
by 20 March 2008. 

Notification to attend the meeting

Shareholders can notify of their intention to attend the meeting either 
- online at www.ruukki.com,
- by email to yhtiokokous@ruukki.com,
- by letter to Rautaruukki Oyj, Osakerekisteri, PO Box 138, FI-00811 Helsinki
- by fax to +358 20 592 9104 or 
- by telephoning +358 10 804 430 between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. 
Notification online, by mail, telefax or email must be received by 4pm Finnish
time on Thursday 27 March 2008. 

Letters of proxy

Any letters of proxy to exercise a shareholders right to vote at the meeting
are requested to be sent to the company's shareholder register before the close
of the notification deadline. 

Instructions to shareholders attending the meeting

The reception for shareholders attending the meeting starts at 9.30am. 

Helsinki, 5 February 2008

Board of Directors 



The Board of Directors is to propose to Rautaruukki Corporation's Annual
General Meeting convening on 2 April 2008, that the Board be authorised to
resolve to acquire the company's own shares (”Acquisition Authority”) subject
to the following terms and conditions: 

Maximum number of shares to be acquired

The authorisation entitles the Board of Directors to resolve to acquire a
maximum of 12,000,000 of the company's own shares. 

Under an earlier authorisation, the company holds 1,476,937 shares. These,
together with the number of shares to be acquired pursuant to the proposed
Acquisition Authority, would result in the company holding 9.6 per cent of the
shares issued. 

Directed acquisition and consideration to be paid for the shares

The own shares shall be acquired, using the company's unrestricted equity, at
the market price at the time of purchase in public trading on the OMX Nordic
Exchange (Helsinki) in a ratio not corresponding to the shareholders' holdings. 

The own shares shall be acquired and paid for in compliance with the valid
rules of the OMX Nordic Exchange (Helsinki) and the Finnish Central Securities

Reason for acquisition

The shares are to be acquired for the purpose of developing the company's
capital structure and/or for use as consideration in potential acquisitions or
in other business arrangements of the company, to finance capital expenditure
or to execute the company's share-based incentive schemes. The company may
retain, cancel or transfer shares acquired for these purposes. 

Other terms and conditions and validity

The Board of Directors proposes that the proposed authorisation replace the
authorisation to acquire 12,000,000 shares granted by the Annual General
Meeting of 20 March 2007 and which now expires. 

The Board of Directors decides on other matters relating to the acquisition of
own shares. 

The Acquisition Authority is valid for 18 months from the date of the decision
of Annual General Meeting. 

Helsinki, 5 February 2008

Board of Directors

Rautaruukki Corporation

Anne Pirilä 
SVP, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations 

Rautaruukki supplies metal-based components, systems and integrated systems to
the construction and mechanical engineering industries. The company has a wide
selection of metal products and services. Rautaruukki has operations in 24
countries and employs 14,600 people. Net sales in 2007 totalled EUR 3.9
billion. The company's share is quoted on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
(Rautaruukki Oyj: RTRKS). The Corporation has used the marketing name Ruukki
since 2004. 


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