2016-08-16 14:30:30 CEST

2016-08-16 14:30:30 CEST


OP Yrityspankki Oyj - Company Announcement

Correction to a table in the Note to OP Financial Group's Interim Report for 1 January-30 June 2016

OP Financial Group
Stock exchange release
16 August 2016 at 15.30 pm EEST

Correction to a table in the Note to OP Financial Group's Interim Report for 1
January-30 June 2016

Note 12: Receivables from credit institutions and customers, and doubtful
receivables in the Interim Report published by OP Financial Group on 3 August
2016 contained incorrect information. The table of the Note with figures for 30
June 2016 showed incorrectly figures for 31 March 2016. The tables below show
the correct figures.

|30 June 2016,  |Not       |Impaired  |Total |Individual  |Collective |Balance |
|EUR million    |impaired  |(gross)   |      |assessment  |assessment |sheet   |
|               |(gross)   |          |      |of          |of         |value   |
|               |          |          |      |impairment  |impairment |        |
|Receivables    |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|from credit    |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|institutions   |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|and customers  |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Receivables    |430       |          |430   |            |2          |428     |
|from           |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|credit         |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|institutions   |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Receivables    |75,685    |580       |76,265|407         |61         |75,797  |
|from           |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|customers, of  |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|which          |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|  bank         |6         |9         |15    |9           |1          |6       |
|guarantee      |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|  receivables  |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Finance leases |1,181     |          |1,181 |            |           |1,181   |
|Total          |77,296    |580       |77,876|407         |62         |77,406  |
|Receivables    |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|from credit    |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|institutions   |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|and            |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|customers by   |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|sector         |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Non-banking    |26,341    |420       |26,761|323         |32         |26,406  |
|corporate      |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|sector         |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Financial      |1,175     |0         |1,175 |0           |2          |1,173   |
|institutions   |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|and insurance  |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|companies      |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Households     |48,407    |154       |48,561|81          |27         |48,453  |
|Non-profit     |666       |6         |671   |3           |1          |668     |
|organisations  |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Public sector  |707       |          |707   |            |0          |707     |
|entities       |          |          |      |            |           |        |
|Total          |77,296    |580       |77,876|407         |62         |77,406  |

|Doubtful     |Performing  |Non-        |Receivables |Individually|Receivables |
|receivables, |receivables |performing  |from credit |assessed    |from        |
|30 June      |from credit |receivables |institutions|impairment  |credit      |
|2016, EUR    |institutions|from credit |and         |            |institutions|
|million      |and         |institutions|customers,  |            |and         |
|             |customers   |and         |total       |            |customers   |
|             |(gross)     |customers   |(gross)     |            |(net)       |
|             |            |(gross)     |            |            |            |
|More than 90 |            |531         |531         |209         |322         |
|days past due|            |            |            |            |            |
|Unlikely to  |            |467         |467         |151         |316         |
|be paid      |            |            |            |            |            |
|Forborne     |1,591       |268         |1,859       |48          |1,811       |
|receivables  |            |            |            |            |            |
|Total        |1,591       |1,266       |2,857       |407         |2,450       |

|Key ratio, %                                   |30 June 2016|
|Exposures individually assessed for impairment,|14.3%       |
|% of doubtful receivables                      |            |

The corrected full Interim Report is appended to the release. It is also
available at op.fi.

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OP Financial Group is Finland's largest financial services group whose mission
is to create sustainable prosperity, security and wellbeing for its owner-
customers and in its operating region by means of its strong capital base and
efficiency. OP Financial Group consists of about 180 member cooperative banks,
its central cooperative OP Cooperative, and the latter's subsidiaries and
affiliates. The Group has a staff of 12,000 and approximately 1.7 million owner-
customers and 4.3 million customers. www.op.fi
